Republicans approaching civil war


Aug 20, 2013
McConnell shoves back | Fox News

It’s on now - Both McConnell and Minority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, both publicly rejected the Cruz-backed strategy and are encouraging colleagues not to block the House bill. A source close to Cruz told Fox News that the junior senator from Texas was “caught off guard” and “very upset” when he got wind of what was going on, adding he felt like he was “stabbed in the back.”

Over to you, Senator Paul - Both McConnell and Cruz want to defund ObamaCare, but McConnell and others in leadership aren’t willing to risk a government shutdown to try to do so. Conservative lawmakers who have kept mum on the tactical dispute will start to make their positions known today. The stakes are huge. Perhaps the most important voice on the topic will be McConnell’s home-state Senate colleague, Rand Paul of Kentucky. Paul stands with Cruz on the strategy, but will he join conservative groups in condemning those who fail to filibuster the House-passed plan?

Tea Baggers in the Senate actually want to prevent the Senate from voting on the House budget continuation bill that defunds ObamaCare.

so what the hell do they want to vote on? nothing????????

these guys are losing their minds.
Really? Civil war? How about liberal fear mongering?

You are approaching the apex of stupidity.
McConnell is being warned that if Obama-care gets through, this is his last term by people from across the country and he doesn't like it.
And? You're the one saying "civil war" not the article. Do you expect me to automatically believe you just because it's a Fox News article?

You idiot.

Does a GOP civil war over ObamaCare help Obama? | Interviews | On the Record

Does a GOP civil war over ObamaCare help Obama?

Miller Time: Civil war in the Republican Party?

nope, its Fox News saying it.


.....and the Christian Science Monitor

Government shutdown: how the GOP descended into civil war

....and Business Insider

The GOP Civil War Just Exploded Messily Into The Public
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And? You're the one saying "civil war" not the article. Do you expect me to automatically believe you just because it's a Fox News article?

You idiot.

Does a GOP civil war over ObamaCare help Obama? | Interviews | On the Record

Does a GOP civil war over ObamaCare help Obama?

nope, its Fox News saying it.


At any rate, you think Fox News is the only thing conservatives pay attention to. That's pretty stereotypical. In fact, you want to endear the idea that the Republican party is weak and divided. That's you spinning it. I hate to break it to you, your party is just the same. It's being fractionated by this debate as well.

If you didn't notice, the AFL-CIO turned it's nose up at it, they were one of the bill's major backers. Obama himself knows the infeasibility of this law and is doing everything to keep it alive knowing it's fatal flaws.
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At any rate, you think Fox News is the only thing conservatives pay attention to. That's pretty stereotypical. In fact, you want to endear the idea that the Republican party is weak and divided. That's you spinning it. I hate to break it to you, your party is just the same. It's being fractionated by this debate as well.

If you didn't notice, the AFL-CIO turned it's nose up at it, they were one of the bill's major backers.


Fox News.

Business Insider

Christian Science Monitor.

all say there is a GOP civil war.

Lots of American citizens debate, gather facts, consider all alternatives, take positions, argue---some Republications even do this.

Democrats wait on talking points to ape from Bolsheviks in Chicago and the White House.
You lost your credibility by assuming Fox News would draw all the conservatives to this thread. Doesn't matter now that you quote Politico.

you lost credibility when you falsely assumed that I simply made the claim up.

..and when you got up from bed this morning.
You lost your credibility by assuming Fox News would draw all the conservatives to this thread. Doesn't matter now that you quote Politico.

you lost credibility when you falsely assumed that I simply made the claim up.

..and when you got up from bed this morning.

Sure, but you're the one working on the assumption that all republicans get their news from Fox. That is pretty underhanded, Hoffstra.
yep. Sen. Cornyn(R), not exactly a moderate Repub, said it was a futile strategy. Must be a fund-raising gimmick for Rafael & a few other senate rep[ubs.
Watching Cruz's temper tantrum starting today - all the Rs walked out. Except Sessions.

Civil war is an accurate description and its been brewing for a long time. The last general election was a total disaster. It was like no one had a frikken clue what they were doing.

Keep up the good work, Rs. :)
The GOP has reached civil war and its fun to watch.

I expect it will get worse.

The GOP has reached civil war and its fun to watch.

I expect it will get worse.


What will be fun to watch, Hoffstra is whether Obama wants to keep the government running, or his monstrous healthcare plan running. Oooohhh the suspense!
Civil War? You mean in fighting in the GOP? It's business as usual as long as the conservatives battle the moderates. Why is there never any in-fighting in the democrat party? Joe Lieberman will tell you. They kick their asses out.

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