Republicans have lost the black vote forever?



Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?
If I were black, the knowledge that my race voted in lock-step would both depress and frighten me. It's quite a litmus test in sociology and psychology.
Republicans haven't had the black vote since the 60s. It's not like they miss it. As a percentage, the black vote gets smaller and smaller every year.
I think posters should be penalized or banned for repetitive lying. Take the OP. There are so many lies in it it's not worth the time or effort to refute these lies.

And those posters who continually put up the "republicans are racist and have poopy pants and have cooties threads" freaking know that they continually spew lies.

This type of constant bullshit is really dumbing down this board.
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Democrats have lost their mind forever...oh wait. Hard to lose something never obtained.
Republicans in this thread be like:

Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."
Republicans got 7% of the black vote in 2012. They also got roughly 27% of the Hispanic and Asian vote

What have they done since that time to improve their appeal with minorities?

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