Republicans: Party First

Republicans: Party First

In the context of their delusion, of course, republicans believe that by placing party first they’re placing ‘country first.’

In addition to being wrong this is also an example of conservative arrogance, a consequence of their blind adherence to rightist dogma.

Any reasonable person knows a pragmatic approach is best, with policies predicated on fact, not partisan doctrine.

Any reasonable person would know that the overall interest of the public is best served by not passing any new laws unless the greater majority of the senators believe it to be in the public interest.

Whatever the law is, we have gotten along without it for well over two hundred years, and most probably do not need it. Is that pragmatic enough for you?
A Huffington Post blogger, that's a credible source. Well, I'm sold. :lol::lol::lol:

Are you denying the Republicans filibustered all those measures? Because the filibusters are true whether it's in a blog or news.

Have you read them and know for sure the content of the bills are actually reflected in their names? If the answer is no the you don't know if the filibusterer was justified or not. They have a bad habit of tagging a bunch of unrelated crap to a bill and many need to be killed. So get back to me when you can speak for a position of true authority, till then I'll trust my reps.
H.R. 12 - Paycheck Fairness Act
H.R. 448 -- Elder Abuse Victims Act
H.R. 466 - Wounded Veteran Job Security Act
H.R. 515 - Radioactive Import Deterrence Act
H.R. 549 -- National Bombing Prevention Act
H.R. 577 - Vision Care for Kids Act
H.R. 626 - Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act
H.R. 1029 - Alien Smuggling and Terrorism Prevention Act
H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act
H.R. 1171 - Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization
H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act
H.R. 1429 -- Stop AIDS in Prison Act
H.R.5281 -- DREAM Act
S.3985 -- Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act
S.3816 -- Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act
S.3369 -- A bill to provide for additional disclosure requirements for corporations, labor organizations, Super PACs and other entities
S.2237 -- Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act
S.2343 -- Stop the Student Loan Interest Rate Hike Act
S.1660 -- American Jobs Act of 2011
S.3457 -- Veterans Jobs Corps Act
James Zadroga 9/11 Health Bill -- seeks to provide free medical coverage for responders and survivors who were exposed to toxins after the attacks - this one passed in the House but could not get brought up in the Senata.
On the House side, every single Republican, including Paul Ryan, voted against the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act, which forces Congress to pay for new legislation through either budget cuts or revenue increases.
You obviously don't know what a filibuster is.

You obviously have your head up your ass.

You can claim a silent filibuster isn't a real filibuster all you want. Doesn't change the fact that the GOP has stalled the Senate for years now.
A Huffington Post blogger, that's a credible source. Well, I'm sold. :lol::lol::lol:

Are you denying the Republicans filibustered all those measures? Because the filibusters are true whether it's in a blog or news.

Have you read them and know for sure the content of the bills are actually reflected in their names? If the answer is no the you don't know if the filibusterer was justified or not. They have a bad habit of tagging a bunch of unrelated crap to a bill and many need to be killed. So get back to me when you can speak for a position of true authority, till then I'll trust my reps.

Some of the bills even had Republicans support but not enough to avoid the 60 vote. I hope it's your Senators you're trusting here since your reps are in the House and don't filibuster.
Be a little more specific about your question? Keep in mind though since I don't give a crap about what you think in general, I sure as shit don't care what you think about my credibility.
Yeah, so how about answering the question? What filibusters are you talking about?

Really. You're going to deny that the Senate is stalled because of filibustering?
I'll ask this one time.

IN the list of bills the OP showed, how many have you read?

You people scream often about "poison pills" when we talk about not passing a budget in the Senate for nearly 5 years. Yet, remain strangely silent about them when Republicans vote them down too.

So how about it sport. You read those bills and know them all by heart?

Or are you just basing your position on the title of the bill and not the content?
Are you denying the Republicans filibustered all those measures? Because the filibusters are true whether it's in a blog or news.

Have you read them and know for sure the content of the bills are actually reflected in their names? If the answer is no the you don't know if the filibusterer was justified or not. They have a bad habit of tagging a bunch of unrelated crap to a bill and many need to be killed. So get back to me when you can speak for a position of true authority, till then I'll trust my reps.

Some of the bills even had Republicans support but not enough to avoid the 60 vote. I hope it's your Senators you're trusting here since your reps are in the House and don't filibuster.
Answer the fucking question. Have you read them?
H.R. 12 - Paycheck Fairness Act
H.R. 448 -- Elder Abuse Victims Act
H.R. 466 - Wounded Veteran Job Security Act
H.R. 515 - Radioactive Import Deterrence Act
H.R. 549 -- National Bombing Prevention Act
H.R. 577 - Vision Care for Kids Act
H.R. 626 - Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act
H.R. 1029 - Alien Smuggling and Terrorism Prevention Act
H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act
H.R. 1171 - Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization
H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act
H.R. 1429 -- Stop AIDS in Prison Act
H.R.5281 -- DREAM Act
S.3985 -- Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act
S.3816 -- Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act
S.3369 -- A bill to provide for additional disclosure requirements for corporations, labor organizations, Super PACs and other entities
S.2237 -- Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act
S.2343 -- Stop the Student Loan Interest Rate Hike Act
S.1660 -- American Jobs Act of 2011
S.3457 -- Veterans Jobs Corps Act
James Zadroga 9/11 Health Bill -- seeks to provide free medical coverage for responders and survivors who were exposed to toxins after the attacks - this one passed in the House but could not get brought up in the Senata.
On the House side, every single Republican, including Paul Ryan, voted against the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act, which forces Congress to pay for new legislation through either budget cuts or revenue increases.
You obviously don't know what a filibuster is.

You obviously have your head up your ass.

You can claim a silent filibuster isn't a real filibuster all you want. Doesn't change the fact that the GOP has stalled the Senate for years now.
Dumbass, the Dems have controlled the Senate for 6 years now. If it's stalled, it's stalled by THEM.
Have you read them and know for sure the content of the bills are actually reflected in their names? If the answer is no the you don't know if the filibusterer was justified or not. They have a bad habit of tagging a bunch of unrelated crap to a bill and many need to be killed. So get back to me when you can speak for a position of true authority, till then I'll trust my reps.

Some of the bills even had Republicans support but not enough to avoid the 60 vote. I hope it's your Senators you're trusting here since your reps are in the House and don't filibuster.
Answer the fucking question. Have you read them?


Gettin' angry, huh bitch?

Some of the bills even had Republicans support but not enough to avoid the 60 vote. I hope it's your Senators you're trusting here since your reps are in the House and don't filibuster.
Answer the fucking question. Have you read them?


Gettin' angry, huh bitch?

Not at all. Using the only tactic that will get the attention of a little pussy avoiding a question.

I see you don't want to answer.....

That's okay. You were headed for the ignore list anyway......I just like to add people I've bested. It gives it a special kind of taste...

A Huffington Post blogger, that's a credible source. Well, I'm sold. :lol::lol::lol:

Post PROOF to the contrary.

I'm sick of rw's being so damn dishonest. Disagree if you want but if you can't back up your opinion, you've got nuthin and posting nuthin makes you look like an idiot rw.

I'd really like to see a list of JOBS bills introduced or voted on my Repubs.

How about bills in favor of economic recovery?

Please post them.
The best "jobs bill" is for the government to stay the fuck out of the way. Everything government does costs money, which increases the debt, which causes economic uncertaintly, which results in businesses being reluctant to hire, which causes unemployment to rise, you fucking simpleton.

You're right..................everything the government does costs money. Does it increase the debt? Maybe, but the debt that is incurred is offset by the amount of money it generates.

If you give a tax deduction to the rich? It increases the economy by 1.00 to 1.03., which means if you give a dollar to the rich it generates about 3 cents for the economy.

If you do the same thing to the middle class or the poor? They spend the money on things they actually need which means for every dollar spent, it generates 1.63, which means it creates about 60 cents more for the economy.

Tax the rich. They don't do as much for the overall economy. I much food can you eat, how many clothes can you wear, how many cars can you drive, and does your one person crusade to make as much cash as you can really contribute to the economy overall?

I'm guessing (and backed up by statistics and facts) it doesn't.
Post PROOF to the contrary.

I'm sick of rw's being so damn dishonest. Disagree if you want but if you can't back up your opinion, you've got nuthin and posting nuthin makes you look like an idiot rw.

I'd really like to see a list of JOBS bills introduced or voted on my Repubs.

How about bills in favor of economic recovery?

Please post them.
The best "jobs bill" is for the government to stay the fuck out of the way. Everything government does costs money, which increases the debt, which causes economic uncertaintly, which results in businesses being reluctant to hire, which causes unemployment to rise, you fucking simpleton.

You're right..................everything the government does costs money. Does it increase the debt? Maybe, but the debt that is incurred is offset by the amount of money it generates.

If you give a tax deduction to the rich? It increases the economy by 1.00 to 1.03., which means if you give a dollar to the rich it generates about 3 cents for the economy.

If you do the same thing to the middle class or the poor? They spend the money on things they actually need which means for every dollar spent, it generates 1.63, which means it creates about 60 cents more for the economy.

Tax the rich. They don't do as much for the overall economy. I much food can you eat, how many clothes can you wear, how many cars can you drive, and does your one person crusade to make as much cash as you can really contribute to the economy overall?

I'm guessing (and backed up by statistics and facts) it doesn't.
Most of the tax money is already paid by the rich, and poor people don't start businesses or create jobs. You're only referring to the rich ones who DON'T create jobs (the ones who got rich by some other means). If you want to tax the rich and not kill jobs, go after Hollywood. I'm sure Bill Maher, David Letterman, Alec Baldwin, and other wealthy entertainers who don't create jobs would be happy to dig a little deeper. Let's increase their taxes to 90%, since they don't contribute anything anyway, other than demonize rich people who came by their money honestly and create jobs.
And usually the name of the bills fail to mention all the BS spending that has nothing to do with the bill, that is added, of course, liberals don't like to look deep into bills, they just want to feel good and see what's in the bill after it is passed.

So tells us oh wise ones, what is in each of those bills which you oppose?

See ya, it's time for you [and those who thanked you: Claudette (03-20-2013), S.J. (03-20-2013), Two Thumbs (03-20-2013)] to use the time honored Republican response and run away.
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You obviously don't know what a filibuster is.

You obviously have your head up your ass.

You can claim a silent filibuster isn't a real filibuster all you want. Doesn't change the fact that the GOP has stalled the Senate for years now.
Dumbass, the Dems have controlled the Senate for 6 years now. If it's stalled, it's stalled by THEM.

Wow, you are as dumb as I thought. One Senator has the power to table a bill.
You obviously have your head up your ass.

You can claim a silent filibuster isn't a real filibuster all you want. Doesn't change the fact that the GOP has stalled the Senate for years now.
Dumbass, the Dems have controlled the Senate for 6 years now. If it's stalled, it's stalled by THEM.

Wow, you are as dumb as I thought. One Senator has the power to table a bill.
How about a list of bills that were tabled by one Republican, dumb shit.
You obviously don't know what a filibuster is.

You obviously have your head up your ass.

You can claim a silent filibuster isn't a real filibuster all you want. Doesn't change the fact that the GOP has stalled the Senate for years now.
Dumbass, the Dems have controlled the Senate for 6 years now. If it's stalled, it's stalled by THEM.

The minority party had made it a standard practice to use the cloture rule on every bill. Thus requiring a 60 vote minimum for any bill to pass.

Obstruction by any name is still obstruction. It's Reids fault this session anyway, he should have done away with it in January. What a fucking pusscake.
Are you denying the Republicans filibustered all those measures? Because the filibusters are true whether it's in a blog or news.

Have you read them and know for sure the content of the bills are actually reflected in their names? If the answer is no the you don't know if the filibusterer was justified or not. They have a bad habit of tagging a bunch of unrelated crap to a bill and many need to be killed. So get back to me when you can speak for a position of true authority, till then I'll trust my reps.

Some of the bills even had Republicans support but not enough to avoid the 60 vote. I hope it's your Senators you're trusting here since your reps are in the House and don't filibuster.

News flash, people in the House of Representateves and Senators are elected representatives, so it's equally proper to call either Congressmen or representatives as both are members of Congress. But I bet you already knew that, didn't you?
The Huffington Post? Really? Wake me whan you have a legitimate news source.

Why should Reid do away with the 80 vote filibuster, when the Pub House will stop everything anyway.

With the "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME), you need 60 votes in the Senate and a majority in the House to pass anything. Which the Dems had for 6 months... (or including Kennedy being sick and vacations, THIRTEEN days LOL)...

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