Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

And look at those goalposts go flying down the field!

It's a good thing that every conservative has their goalposts mounted on wheels and motorized, given how often they move them.


The fact is .. Biden nominated Richard Trumka Jr. .. the commissioner that interviewed and suggested taking drastic measures with gas stoves as an option.. Trumka is Biden's boy and represents woke ideas. No goal posts, only gaslighting and dramatic effects from the left ... now go cry your river somewhere else. Cheers!!
The fact is .. Biden nominated Richard Trumka Jr. .. the commissioner that interviewed and suggested taking drastic measures with gas stoves as an option.. Trumka is Biden's boy and represents woke ideas. No goal posts, only gaslighting and dramatic effects from the left ... now go cry your river somewhere else. Cheers!!

Now now don't confuse him with facts. He has enough problems trying to appear sane

I'm quoting Excalibur's post (#14) because it's link has what the actual quote was...............

In an interview with Bloomberg News Monday, Richard Trumka Jr. said all options would be on the table to regulate the appliances, which have been shown to be harmful to both human health and the environment, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

"Products that can’t be made safe can be banned,” Trumka said, adding the commission could also consider imposing new emissions standards on the appliances. Trumka is one of several commissioners on the CPSC.

Trumka was talking about the potential hazards of gas stoves, and that they needed to be made safe. He then said that IF THEY COULDN'T BE MADE SAFE, THEN THEY COULD BE BANNED.

Anyone with a decent comprehension of the English language would know that he's saying to use all options to make them safe, but, if those options to make them safe weren't able to work THEN they could be banned.

Republicans just heard "ban gas stoves", and went full nutbar on it, because they were thinking the government was coming for their stoves. No. The government wants to see if there are hazards. If there are hazards, then look for ways to make them safer so the hazards are very low or no longer exist. If there is no way to make gas stoves safe any longer, THEN ban the gas stoves from being produced.

And............sorry................but with the way technology keeps coming up with new stuff to make our lives safer and better, I'm guessing that there will be things in the future that will make them safe, so, seeing gas stoves banned isn't going to happen any time soon.
The fact is .. Biden nominated Richard Trumka Jr. .. the commissioner that interviewed and suggested taking drastic measures
Can you describe for us these "drastic measures"?

I'll do it for you. They consisted of ... changing building codes so that gas stoves couldn't be used in new construction.

Trumka confirmed to CNN that “everything’s on the table” when it comes to gas stoves, but stressed that any ban would apply only to new gas stoves, not existing ones.

“We are not looking to go into anyone’s homes and take away items that are already there. We don’t do that,” Trumka said. “If and when we get to regulation on the topic, it’s always forward looking. You know, it applies to new products. Consumers always have the choice of what to keep in their homes and we want to make sure they do that with full information.”

That is, nobody proposed grabbing gas stoves.

Your side made stupid shit up, and you fell for it.
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Can you describe for us these "drastic measures"?

I'll do it for you. They consisted of ... changing building codes so that gas stoves couldn't be used in new construction.

That is, nobody grabbing gas stoves.

Your side made stupid shit up, and you fell for it.

Earliest I've heard of that happening is in 2030, which is 7 years from now. Currently, CA has changed the codes to make sure they INCLUDE sufficient electric inputs for stoves, but haven't yet stopped anyone from putting in gas lines, just in addition, you have to have the infrastructure for electric. You can still put gas lines into a new home.
Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?

He was asking if there was anything injectable that had the same disinfecting action as UV disinfectants.

Kind of a silly question, asked in a pretty unclear way, yet that's what he meant.
He was kind of spitballing a very general question. He ain’t a doctor. But the question itself wasn’t nearly as dumb as the lying libtards like to pretend it was.
Can you describe for us these "drastic measures"?

I'll do it for you. They consisted of ... changing building codes so that gas stoves couldn't be used in new construction.

That is, nobody grabbing gas stoves.

Your side made stupid shit up, and you fell for it.
The Consumer Protection Safety Commission does not confiscate products ... although they can certainly ban them, and there is a clear pattern of history when you hear Democrats say, "we won't be taking your [insert item here]" The media fell for it and consumers and business owners responded to the stupid idea.

(and by the way, you're wrong with it applying to building codes only). Cheers!
Child sex ring in the basement of a pizza place that didn't have a basement? That's just nuts. You idiots should have at least found out if there was a basement before you claimed that's where all the child abuse occurred.
Lying faggot traitors lie non stop.
The Consumer Protection Safety Commission does not confiscate products ... although they can certainly ban them, and there is a clear pattern of history when you hear Democrats say, "we won't be taking your [insert item here]" The media fell for it and consumers and business owners responded to the stupid idea.

(and by the way, you're wrong with it applying to building codes only). Cheers!

I'm interested. What else other than building codes does this apply to, and do you have links for these claims?
Traitor says what? Interested in mens privates?
I have crossed verbal swords periodically with Abikersailer. But in fairness, I’d never say he is a traitor. And I believe we can disagree about many things without any of us being traitors.

A biker sailer served. I never did. I give him props. And I’m content to just argue with him about the stuff on which we disagree.
I'm interested. What else other than building codes does this apply to, and do you have links for these claims?
CNN reported on it here from the interview with the CPSC Commissioner


New YorkCNN —
A federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves, a source of indoor pollution linked to childhood asthma.

Richard Trumka Jr., a US Consumer Product Safety commissioner, set off a firestorm this week by saying in an interview with Bloomberg that gas stoves posed a “hidden hazard” and suggested the agency could ban them.

Trumka confirmed to CNN that “everything’s on the table” when it comes to gas stoves, but stressed that any ban would apply only to new gas stoves, not existing ones.
Lying faggot traitors lie non stop.

What lies? The post you responded to was about "Pizzagate", wherein the Comet Ping Pong pizza shop was accused of running a child pedo ring out of it's basement. Only problem is, there was no basement in the building, and the child sex ring being ran out of the basement was pure fabrication. Unless, of course, you can provide some kind of proof that it actually happened, please provide it.

I know y'all..................I shouldn't be feeding the poor excuse for a troll known as MikeTX, but I felt sorry for the little bugger. He keeps crying out for attention, so, yeah.............guilty as charged of feeding a poor excuse for a troll.

Hey Mike.................Your Troll-Fu still sucks ass dude.
CNN reported on it here from the interview with the CPSC Commissioner


Post 103 has his quote. He said that they could be made safer, but if they couldn't be made safer, they could be banned.

That means that they want to see if they can make them safer FIRST. If they can't make them safer, then the last resort is to ban them. No. They aren't coming for your gas stoves. And, like I've said earlier, those regulations won't take effect for another 7 years (in 2030), and with the tech that keeps coming out every day for other stuff, I'm pretty sure they will come up with a solution to make gas stoves safe.

For some strange reason, all the fear mongers heard was "ban gas stoves", not that they wanted to try to make them safer first, and ban them only after making them safer failed.

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