Republicans: This Obama mess is YOUR fault; It is because of YOU this happened.


I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.



Well, Americans certainly have become more and more of leeches in the last couple decades, but I think a lot of people are going to have a subconscious tendancy to take money for nothing because when faced with 2 choices, human nature is to choose the easier one.

And this is definitely something that needs to be combated by the GOP for election purposes...but ridiculing these people as "the 47%", guilt tripping, and any other types of calling out and putting on the spot, isn't going to win them over. These people need to be empowered, not ridiculed.

I say leave that kind of rhetoric out of the campaign. Independent voters seem to have compassion for welfare in one way or another. You're not going to win them over by kicking welfare recipients in the balls every election cycle.

If Americans have become more leeches it is, in my opinion, because they have no other alternative with the economic mess created by 6 years of democrat federal majority. I don't blame the people what else are they going to do? Clinton made sure their jobs went overseas and now Obama is importing Mexicans to pick up the rest of the work. Yeah they could flip burgers for minimum wage.
We'll risk it kid...what do you need us to buy you now?

The difference, fools, is that Pub dupes believe a pile of crap propaganda. See my sig pp3 for a short list, and pp1 for what you're not told. You're also disappearing- join the real world.

What doesn't the greedy, idiot dumbocrats want us to buy them? They are so fucking lazy, they refuse to work for anything. More glaring evidence that Atlas Shrugged has come to fruition.
We'll risk it kid...what do you need us to buy you now?

The difference, fools, is that Pub dupes believe a pile of crap propaganda. See my sig pp3 for a short list, and pp1 for what you're not told. You're also disappearing- join the real world.

What doesn't the greedy, idiot dumbocrats want us to buy them? They are so fucking lazy, they refuse to work for anything. More glaring evidence that Atlas Shrugged has come to fruition.

so you claim over half the nation is not employed?
When the unsustainable gravy train of entitlement spending ends, we'll see who gets the blame. We were all told how only the rich one percent were going to see an increase in Taxes, and we all know that turned out. Democrats will say, it was because Bush Tax cuts expired... But we all know what ridiculous logic that is.

I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.



So oh great sage let us pick one race and you tell me why he lost. Scott Brown lost to the native American wannabe Elizabeth Warren. Hell half the time I couldn't remember he was a Republican.

I'm sure you have it all figured out. Maybe Grover Norquist can run there next time, I'm sure he'd do great.

If you actually want my opinion, I think close races were lost because the GOP brand is so soiled right now.


I really believe that I think more of the American people then you and the OP. I don't for a minute believe that they didn't vote for Scott because of some "brand" being soiled. People who vote usually think about their vote and I think those who are informed, which rules out the liberals I know, make an informed decision. In the case of Warren during the run up I thought Scott would have problems. She was a nice looking middle aged woman who talked like your grandma. Doesn't matter what she said she just "seemed" nice. So her little problem with her heritage never really mattered. That and riding Obama's coat tails she won in a state that she should have won. Truth is it was amazing that Scott won in the first place. So no, I didn't see the last election as being a disaster for the GOP except we now have to endure four more years of malaise leadership.
You know why it got crazy?

because your party non stop pandered to these fools because they could not win elections with ideas.

they then began cheating voters and courting the insane

Exactly right. BTW, its no longer "my party", I left those idiots last year.

But you're right. They began to pander to the most vocal, the ones who show up religiously to town hall meetings and scream and yell. They forgot that most people who vote dont attend those things, but they do watch TV.

The right pushed many of us away. Not sure there will ever be a time to go back either.

oh cry us a river..just enjoy your new fit better there anyway

Very good, Steph!!! It is people like you that are sending the Republicans down the drain. Keep it up and thank you!!!

I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.



Well, Americans certainly have become more and more of leeches in the last couple decades, but I think a lot of people are going to have a subconscious tendancy to take money for nothing because when faced with 2 choices, human nature is to choose the easier one.

And this is definitely something that needs to be combated by the GOP for election purposes...but ridiculing these people as "the 47%", guilt tripping, and any other types of calling out and putting on the spot, isn't going to win them over. These people need to be empowered, not ridiculed.

I say leave that kind of rhetoric out of the campaign. Independent voters seem to have compassion for welfare in one way or another. You're not going to win them over by kicking welfare recipients in the balls every election cycle.


Hearts and minds have to be changed, and that's not done with insults.


Of course, it does.

Calling Republicans, knuckle draggers, neanderthals, Bible thumpers, rednecks, misogynists, homophobes, racists, uneducated grade school dropouts, rich bastards, assholes, just to name of a few loving and tolerant efforts by Democrats to win hearts and minds did its expected job in the inner cities, boosting the blind vote to 95% for Obama, in the gay circles and among women who can't afford to spend $9.00 a month to counter act their unbridled sexuality.

Of course when aimed at Republicans they are not considered to be insults. Do you see the hypocrisy here?
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It's amusing to watch democrats blame republicans for what they did to themselves.

1- Once again, Im not a Democrat. Im a former Republican. Big difference.

2- Politics right now is like two warships side by side firing cannons. If one ship is pissed at some crewmen and kicks them overboard, well, are they gonna drown or seek refuge on the other ship?

Right wingers simply dont get it. Plain and simple, and no length of explanation will change that. Its gonna be a long, hard journey for the Republican Party to get "back", and honestly, I doubt they ever will. Rather than humility and self-examination, they are digging in and getting more radical.

So, since you jumped overboard what in the f... do you care where the ship goes? Go crawl on board the other ship it is apparent that you have swallowed enough of their sea water to be one of them. Just re-posting liberal lying story lines ain't gonna fix the mess that 6 years of democrat dominance has created.

WTF would you have us do to win an election that obviously couldn't be won? Become democrats, no way.

There was nothing really wrong with Romney but there is plenty wrong with Obama and the democrat party. If the electorate is so stupid as to say four more years can't be that bad then there really is no education that will reverse that amount of denial.

Sorry sir if you want to be like a democrat then be like a democrat but don't lecture me that there is something wrong with me when it has been the democrats in full control for 6 disastrous years. Maybe Republicans will never win another federal election, although they are kicking ass in state elections, I wonder why? Better to lose as a Republican then live as a Democrat.

Governorships by state:


Wow!!! The message went right over your fat head!!!
Republicans cannot overcome the democrat message of paying people not to work. They should give it up in favor of a campaign to undermine and subvert the democrats instead. Let the democrats do whatever they want, and subvert the efforts.

Paying people not to work?? What are you talking about?? Explain yourself, for once. What EXACTLY does that mean??

Wow!!! The message went right over your fat head!!!

I got his message and reject it along with yours. If liberals spent half the time they spend in insult on trying to right the mess they made we would be in a lot better shape. 6 years of democrat majority and the democrats blame everyone but themselves and now they are going to offer the minority party help? Right, stick your help. There was no power shift last election and if all politics are local then Republican rule.
Careful, it swears when it gets angry.


Wow!!! The message went right over your fat head!!!

I got his message and reject it along with yours. If liberals spent half the time they spend in insult on trying to right the mess they made we would be in a lot better shape. 6 years of democrat majority and the democrats blame everyone but themselves and now they are going to offer the minority party help? Right, stick your help. There was no power shift last election and if all politics are local then Republican rule.

Wow!!! The message went right over your fat head!!!

I got his message and reject it along with yours. If liberals spent half the time they spend in insult on trying to right the mess they made we would be in a lot better shape. 6 years of democrat majority and the democrats blame everyone but themselves and now they are going to offer the minority party help? Right, stick your help. There was no power shift last election and if all politics are local then Republican rule.

You don't even realize that you have just said absolutely nothing.
This OP is so funny. ROFLMAO. So, it's the Republicans fault that all of those dumb asses voted for Owe Bama. I do believe I've heard it all now.
This OP is so funny. ROFLMAO. So, it's the Republicans fault that all of those dumb asses voted for Owe Bama. I do believe I've heard it all now.

He's one of those idiot "libertarian" (ie Sovereign Citizen) Ron Paul supporters who are still crying like little bitches that Ron Paul lost.

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