Republicans: This Obama mess is YOUR fault; It is because of YOU this happened.


I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.



So oh great sage let us pick one race and you tell me why he lost. Scott Brown lost to the native American wannabe Elizabeth Warren. Hell half the time I couldn't remember he was a Republican.

I can answer that.

Here are the top three reasons why:

1. The difference in voter turnout/enthusiam between the special election and the most recent general election.

^This is far and away the number one reason. Anybody who bothered to look at past Senate elections in this state should have known instantly that Brown had basically no chance to begin with in a Presidential election year.

2. The Brown campaign and his supporters focusing on the things like the "fake Indian" issue and beating them to death and beyond.

^i.e. Republicans being unable to help be who they really are: Douchebags

3. The Warren campaign effectively articulating that a Brown win could help usher in a GOP majority in the Senate.
Republicans dragged people kicking and screaming to the polls to vote for obama.

If democrats knew how bad obama was, they didn't have to vote for him. Blaming republicans at this late date for the second coming is downright silly.

I still stand by my position.

Obama is a mediocre president.

Romney would have been a horrible one.

if he ran the country the way he ran AmPad, Massachusetts or his campaign, we'd be totally screwed.
Maybe a few years of experiencing democrat induced pain will change things.

How soon we forget the pain of a 5000+ marked drop and loosing hundreds of thousand of joba a month.......

The job losses and stock market corrected, yet we still have 5 consecutive years of 8% Unemployment and annual trillion deficits.

That the party of "No" wanted the President, and thereby the country, to fail.
How soon we forget the pain of a 5000+ marked drop and loosing hundreds of thousand of joba a month.......

The job losses and stock market corrected, yet we still have 5 consecutive years of 8% Unemployment and annual trillion deficits.

That the party of "No" wanted the President, and thereby the country, to fail.

Yeah - it's one giant conspiracy and we're all in on it! You should see, all 180,000,000 of us meet every Tuesday night in Roswell, NM. Our leader (Sarah Palin) uses a bullhorn - but with so many people, those in the back never get the plan for the week. Hence the reason we've been unable to stop Barack.. :cuckoo:

We also have a really cool gang sign we flash with our hands... :lmao:
I'm sick of listening to whiners from the right wing. Yep, Obama has made some bad decisions, and we're gonna suffer some for it. Maybe a lot. And whose fault is it? It is YOUR fault Republicans. It is because of most of YOU that his happened. We knew and know who Obama is and what he is about. That has never changed. Its like when an aggressive dog is let out of the house and bites a kid. You blaming the dog? Nope, the dog is who he is. Blame the dog owner for allowing it to happen. This is YOUR fault GOP:

YOUR party alientated masses of sub-groups with your bitter, dismissive attitudes.

YOUR party nominated goofballs with Romney and Ryan, you really thought that is what the voters wanted?

YOU people took an honest and modest movement call the Tea Party, that simply wanted to slow government growth, and you went KOO-KOO FOR COCO PUFFS and got bizarre and starting going all bullshit Atlas Shrugged on us.

YOU people stubbornly stuck us in those God awful wars over there, that our military fought bravely and dominated the combat aspect, but YOUR party felt the need to occupy afterwards and rake billions into the defense contract industry.

YOUR party, at the local and state level, aliented through vicious public attacks millions of middle class, conservative people who work as cops, firemen, teachers, along with their families, and you forgot that politics is a team sport, than when local "Republicans" do stupid shit, that it turns people against that PARTY, not that PERSON. Your party STILL doesnt grasp that concept for your own side.

YOU did this Republicans. YOUR party allowed this to happen. I was once a fierce right winger, and still to this day am bitter that the people on that side went goofy on us. HOW in the f**k did an ideology that was so solid on ideals and consistency turn so whacko?

No, the time for blaming Obama and liberals is over. They are who they are, and in fact, they are adjusting their tune and drawing more people to them. Your side is just trying to push more people away.

Try Vaseline, your head has been lodged up your ass way too long, your brain is fermenting in your own feces...

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