Republicans: This Obama mess is YOUR fault; It is because of YOU this happened.

The liberal lock step mentality is exactly how hitler almost conquered the world and killed 6 million Jews.
your leaders have failed at everything they tried.

Its becasue the republican ideas are historically failed ideas.

Try getting some new ideas that may actaully work.

Is that why the big stimulus plan, the boastful pride and joy idea of many liberals, failed to generate that strong and booming economy they had hoped?

Is that why big government spending to choose where to invest, like the Chevy Volt, failed to generate consumer demand and resulted in nothing less than wasted government spending?

Is that why we have a government healthcare plan that accrues additional national debt without the QUALITY of health care many hope to find? (See Massachusetts health care debt problems and lack of quality service as an example). Republicans wanted jobs, not another big government takeover catastrophe like social security and Medicare (each with their share of government funding issues)

Is that why Obama invested millions into green energy projects that were later discovered to have financial issues of their own,and later turning up bankrupt? Solyndra, Nevada Geothermal Power, Beacon Power Corporation, Brightsource Energy (solar power provider), First Solar, Lightsquared (George Soros hedge fund), Next Era Energy, are just a small list of wasted tax dollars to special interest groups that provided no additional jobs..... just more Big Government favors.

The Republicans didn't agree to this waste of Federal Givernment spending, yet $5 TRILLION dollars later Democrats don't want to acknowledge (let alone admit) this administration has a spending problem. Republicans can't even get this administration to pass a simple budget in the senate (BY LAW), yet Obama "thinks" he may have a clue as to where all this debt is coming from. Hard to sit there and talk seriously about a growing debt problem when you don't have a clue as to where its all going so fast. This president is just like an alcoholic - who won't acknowledge that he has a drinking problem, because he refuses to be "confined" to any set of restrictions emposed by his AA accountability rep.

No ..... Republicans didn't set out on a government spending binge and then WHINE that we have the nerve to impose a government debt ceiling (just simply hand that authority over to Barrack "Hey Big Spender" Obama to spend as he wills). No the Democrats just took a bad economy with all its debt, and made it a hell of a lot worse.
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There is no difference between republican and democratic ideas. They quibble about issues of little importance and continue to serve the oligarchy.

What a joke.
Bush and the "no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME) deserve all the blame.
:eusa_drool:Do you need a tissue TM. Hurts doesn't it.


Of all the amazing things I'm seeing the hardcore righties do, this post-election taunting about Obama has to take the cake.

It's a like a boxer, laying flat on his back, making fun of the guy who just knocked him out.


The difference, fools, is that Pub dupes believe a pile of crap propaganda. See my sig pp3 for a short list, and pp1 for what you're not told. You're also disappearing- join the real world.
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Whether you agree with the OP even somewhat, or not at all, it's still ridiculous that most of you can't even bring yourselves to take some kind of inventory on the party and figure out some things to change in the approach.

Start with dumping the gay and abortion cards. Especially the gay card. The majority of the country accepts gay people, just deal with it and get over it. Abortion can possibly be taken on at a later time after you've gotten back in power and regained public support by fixing the economy. But it's not working right now for election purposes. Only the bible thumpers care.

And lastly, for the love of god, lighten up on the military empire. It's fucking ridiculous at this point.

I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.


Republicans dragged people kicking and screaming to the polls to vote for obama.

If democrats knew how bad obama was, they didn't have to vote for him. Blaming republicans at this late date for the second coming is downright silly.

You may as well have. Every time you use a BAD argument against Obama, two more people out there will find it to be a GOOD argument FOR Obama.

I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.



So oh great sage let us pick one race and you tell me why he lost. Scott Brown lost to the native American wannabe Elizabeth Warren. Hell half the time I couldn't remember he was a Republican.
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Poor TM, willing and wantingly stupid.

Reagan ballooned the deficit

Clinton balenced the budget

Bush crashed the economy and put two wars on the credit card one of which he lied us into.

Your too stupid to access the true facts

Reagan ballooned the deficit, are you seriously saying that after what BO has done? Whow.

Clinton rode the largest economic expansion in history that REAGAN started. Plus he had actual help from the Republican congress. Clinton destroyed the middle class with his "free" trade agreements which only helped the fat cats.

Where is all the money we should be seeing since the Iraq war ended in victory?

The Afghan war was Obama's war. He had the surge, during his watch more Americans were killed in 4 years then Bush's 8 and yet he admits he failed. Not much bang for our buck. At least Bush said if we established democracy in Iraq it would move to neighboring countries. And as we see it has, well done volunteer army, well done President Bush.

your party also crashed the entire world economy in sept 08 for the second time in one lifetime.

That was alot of fixing to do
We'll risk it kid...what do you need us to buy you now?

The difference, fools, is that Pub dupes believe a pile of crap propaganda. See my sig pp3 for a short list, and pp1 for what you're not told. You're also disappearing- join the real world.
I think you are missing the point of this thread, we are not to disagree with anything the left has to say. We can't be angry we have to show love for the O. I mean, if we do then we will win elections and after all that is all that is important.

Poor TM, willing and wantingly stupid.

Reagan ballooned the deficit, are you seriously saying that after what BO has done? Whow.

Clinton rode the largest economic expansion in history that REAGAN started. Plus he had actual help from the Republican congress. Clinton destroyed the middle class with his "free" trade agreements which only helped the fat cats.

Where is all the money we should be seeing since the Iraq war ended in victory?

The Afghan war was Obama's war. He had the surge, during his watch more Americans were killed in 4 years then Bush's 8 and yet he admits he failed. Not much bang for our buck. At least Bush said if we established democracy in Iraq it would move to neighboring countries. And as we see it has, well done volunteer army, well done President Bush.

your party also crashed the entire world economy in sept 08 for the second time in one lifetime.

That was alot of fixing to do

I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.



Well, Americans certainly have become more and more of leeches in the last couple decades, but I think a lot of people are going to have a subconscious tendancy to take money for nothing because when faced with 2 choices, human nature is to choose the easier one.

And this is definitely something that needs to be combated by the GOP for election purposes...but ridiculing these people as "the 47%", guilt tripping, and any other types of calling out and putting on the spot, isn't going to win them over. These people need to be empowered, not ridiculed.

I say leave that kind of rhetoric out of the campaign. Independent voters seem to have compassion for welfare in one way or another. You're not going to win them over by kicking welfare recipients in the balls every election cycle.
Hmmmm, ok.
Really though, I am not angry in the least....amused is a better word.
The last time I pissed off TM she started writing silly things on my profile page...she apparently is a drive by Lib Terrorist.

I think you are missing the point of this thread, we are not to disagree with anything the left has to say. We can't be angry we have to show love for the O. I mean, if we do then we will win elections and after all that is all that is important.

Poor TM, willing and wantingly stupid.

your party also crashed the entire world economy in sept 08 for the second time in one lifetime.

That was alot of fixing to do

I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.



Well, Americans certainly have become more and more of leeches in the last couple decades, but I think a lot of people are going to have a subconscious tendancy to take money for nothing because when faced with 2 choices, human nature is to choose the easier one.

And this is definitely something that needs to be combated by the GOP for election purposes...but ridiculing these people as "the 47%", guilt tripping, and any other types of calling out and putting on the spot, isn't going to win them over. These people need to be empowered, not ridiculed.

I say leave that kind of rhetoric out of the campaign. Independent voters seem to have compassion for welfare in one way or another. You're not going to win them over by kicking welfare recipients in the balls every election cycle.


Hearts and minds have to be changed, and that's not done with insults.

YOUR party alientated masses of sub-groups with your bitter, dismissive attitudes.

It's easy to make absurd statements. It's much harder to back them up with facts. I'd love to see a few examples of "bitter" attitudes. I'd also love to see a few of "dismissive" attitudes.

YOUR party nominated goofballs with Romney and Ryan, you really thought that is what the voters wanted?

"Goofballs"? They were a dream team. They literally had everything a party could want in a presidential ticket. First of all, they had the highest level of integrity - neither have had so much as a hint of a scandal in their history. Ryan is the ultimate policy wonk and the most fiscally conservative representative Washington has ever seen. Romney is a shrewd business man who knows how to create economic success. Both men were exceptional communicators. Hell, they both even looked presidential. Again, we see you making baseless accusations with no facts to back it up. Who did you want? Based on your butt-hurt bitching, it's obvious you're one of those supporter is the ultimate kook quack-job Ron Paul :lmao:

YOU people took an honest and modest movement call the Tea Party, that simply wanted to slow government growth, and you went KOO-KOO FOR COCO PUFFS and got bizarre and starting going all bullshit Atlas Shrugged on us.

What exactly is "bullshit" about Atlas Shrugged? Considering it has come to fruition just as predicted, the only one looking "koo-koo for Coco Puffs" right now is the ranting, crying poster who is yet to back up one single accusation - you.

YOU people stubbornly stuck us in those God awful wars over there, that our military fought bravely and dominated the combat aspect, but YOUR party felt the need to occupy afterwards and rake billions into the defense contract industry.

Just as I suspected - a genuine Ron Paul supporter who can't stop crying about Paul getting his ass whipped in a fair election.

By the way, Al Qaeda (and by extension - Bill Clinton for supporting them) got us into those wars over there when they attacked us on 9/11, took down 2 buildings, and killed 3,000 Americans. How quickly you forget that. And how quickly you forget that you and every idiot asshole dumbocrat were frothing at the mouth to head over seas and start killing. Now that it's politically advantageous, all of you assholes pretend like you were against it from the beginning. How sad. And how disingenuous.

YOUR party, at the local and state level, aliented through vicious public attacks millions of middle class, conservative people who work as cops, firemen, teachers, along with their families, and you forgot that politics is a team sport, than when local "Republicans" do stupid shit, that it turns people against that PARTY, not that PERSON. Your party STILL doesnt grasp that concept for your own side.

That's why the November 2010 elections saw the biggest landslide of Republicans elected to offices in U.S. history? There were an ungodly amount of Governors, mayors, state congressmen, and even positions such as county commissioners & auditors that were landslide GOP victories and they still retain those positions today.

By the way, if politics is a "team sport", why do you Ron Paul crying little bitches attack the GOP relentlessly and vote against them after Paul lost a FAIR election. You seem to believe that the GOP is some magical, mystical entity made up of unicorns and Lord of the Rings characters. The GOP is made up of the American people - and the American people spoke loud and clear in a FAIR election. They wanted Mitt Romney and considered Ron Paul the joke that he is.

YOU did this Republicans. YOUR party allowed this to happen. I was once a fierce right winger, and still to this day am bitter that the people on that side went goofy on us. HOW in the f**k did an ideology that was so solid on ideals and consistency turn so whacko?

Again - not one example. Who went "goofy"? How did they go "goofy"? I can think of ONE conservative who went "goofy" - and he (Ron Paul) was unilaterally rejected by conservatives.

No, the time for blaming Obama and liberals is over. They are who they are, and in fact, they are adjusting their tune and drawing more people to them. Your side is just trying to push more people away.

In all of your sad, whining, little bitch crying over Ron Paul, you fail to realize reality:

1.) The GOP currently dominates the political landscape. You're so jacked up over one stupid, little position that you ignore the fact that the GOP took over and still owns the house. They dominate governorships, mayorships, and a hell of a lot more.

2.) Barack Obama won by A.) voter fraud, and B.) buying the election. Obama has been passing out trillions in free money since being elected. He bailed out Wall Street. He bailed out the auto industry. He forgave homeowners of home loans. He forgave students of school loans. He passed trillions on to the green tech industry. He passed trillions on to the unions. With every one getting piles of money, how did you want the GOP to compete with that when they promised to stop the spending (the right thing to do) and were not trying to purchase loyalty like Obama was?

3.) If you can't back up your outrageous claims (and you can't) - then shit the fuck up. You're embarrassing yourself as the new age sore loser who always got a participation trophy and just can handle defeat with grace. Ron Paul lost - for fuck's sake, let it the fuck go already.

4.) The GOP's real problem is that too many of them are die-hard liberals, expanding government and spending like drunk'n sailors. The Tea Party is correcting that monumental problem.

I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.


When you bribe a person for something, you haven't won an argument on policy, nor have you earned anything but a temporary support.

The GOP sucks, but not for the baseless and pointless reasons that the OP states. They lost seats not because the Dems are smarter, or have a better ideology. They lost because they refuse to buy votes like the Democrats.

I think we have positively established here, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the GOP lost seats in the House, lost seats in the Senate, and lost the race for the White House -- all with the country in disarray, unemployment at 8%, and a very vulnerable Democrat party -- because Americans are stupid fucking leeches. And many of them are "commies", too. The GOP did absolutely nothing wrong, they ran an excellent campaign, and it's obviously all someone else's fault.

I'm glad we have THAT figured out.



So oh great sage let us pick one race and you tell me why he lost. Scott Brown lost to the native American wannabe Elizabeth Warren. Hell half the time I couldn't remember he was a Republican.

I'm sure you have it all figured out. Maybe Grover Norquist can run there next time, I'm sure he'd do great.

If you actually want my opinion, I think close races were lost because the GOP brand is so soiled right now.

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