Republicans: This Obama mess is YOUR fault; It is because of YOU this happened.

It's amusing to watch democrats blame republicans for what they did to themselves.

1- Once again, Im not a Democrat. Im a former Republican. Big difference.

2- Politics right now is like two warships side by side firing cannons. If one ship is pissed at some crewmen and kicks them overboard, well, are they gonna drown or seek refuge on the other ship?

Right wingers simply dont get it. Plain and simple, and no length of explanation will change that. Its gonna be a long, hard journey for the Republican Party to get "back", and honestly, I doubt they ever will. Rather than humility and self-examination, they are digging in and getting more radical.

what would you liberals know about humility and self-examination?
you think you are the judges and jury of EVERYONE...Self examine yourselves and leave the rest of us alone...IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
your leaders have failed at everything they tried.

Its becasue the republican ideas are historically failed ideas.

Try getting some new ideas that may actaully work. socialism!

What a cool idea...maybe it'll work this time!

yes we won the election again

we did that to ourselves

Yep. And winning is done in many ways. One is taking advantage of opponent mistakes, which the Democrats did well this time. The GOP pushed a lot of people away, people who sat the election out. In 2010, we would have thought the 2012 election would shatter voter turnout numbers by tens of millions. It didnt. Lots of right wingers sat this one out. That may have been the difference.

But what did they expect? Well, they expected a lot. But they didnt realize that the people simply dont want John McCain, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan leading this country.

They dont understand that the average working person does NOT want to hear "Hey, let us make your boss richer, and then he'll pass that money down to you in better wages". We know better than that. Years of work experience tells us that it usually doesnt work that way. Im not saying the concept isnt a good one, but the message failed. Their way of packaging that message failed. They haven't yet convinced people that making the company and boss richer will eventually make them wealthier as well. Because we see day to day that it rarely works like that.
the republican party will DIE a slow and painful death unless you start accepting the real facts of the world.

making up your own "facts" and insulting anything in sceince that doesnt support your historically failed ideas make your party unhinged.

Bad info in

Bad decisions out
I'm sick of listening to whiners from the right wing. Yep, Obama has made some bad decisions, and we're gonna suffer some for it. Maybe a lot. And whose fault is it? It is YOUR fault Republicans. It is because of most of YOU that his happened. We knew and know who Obama is and what he is about. That has never changed. Its like when an aggressive dog is let out of the house and bites a kid. You blaming the dog? Nope, the dog is who he is. Blame the dog owner for allowing it to happen. This is YOUR fault GOP:

YOUR party alientated masses of sub-groups with your bitter, dismissive attitudes.

YOUR party nominated goofballs with Romney and Ryan, you really thought that is what the voters wanted?

YOU people took an honest and modest movement call the Tea Party, that simply wanted to slow government growth, and you went KOO-KOO FOR COCO PUFFS and got bizarre and starting going all bullshit Atlas Shrugged on us.

YOU people stubbornly stuck us in those God awful wars over there, that our military fought bravely and dominated the combat aspect, but YOUR party felt the need to occupy afterwards and rake billions into the defense contract industry.

YOUR party, at the local and state level, aliented through vicious public attacks millions of middle class, conservative people who work as cops, firemen, teachers, along with their families, and you forgot that politics is a team sport, than when local "Republicans" do stupid shit, that it turns people against that PARTY, not that PERSON. Your party STILL doesnt grasp that concept for your own side.

YOU did this Republicans. YOUR party allowed this to happen. I was once a fierce right winger, and still to this day am bitter that the people on that side went goofy on us. HOW in the f**k did an ideology that was so solid on ideals and consistency turn so whacko?

No, the time for blaming Obama and liberals is over. They are who they are, and in fact, they are adjusting their tune and drawing more people to them. Your side is just trying to push more people away.

So, are you saying that when a dog bites somebody, the owner should be put down and the dog be given an extra bone or a dog biscuit?

The only Republicans you can reasonably and rightfully blame are those who stayed home and let this criminal be re-elected, because they could not stand the idea of a Mormon in the White House.
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the republican party will have to change EVERYTHING about the party.

I dont know that they can even if they had the brains and will
the republican party will DIE a slow and painful death unless you start accepting the real facts of the world.

making up your own "facts" and insulting anything in sceince that doesnt support your historically failed ideas make your party unhinged.

Bad info in

Bad decisions out

well if they die you all should be happy and celebrate
or just repeat the same stuff over and over
I'm sick of listening to whiners from the right wing. Yep, Obama has made some bad decisions, and we're gonna suffer some for it. Maybe a lot. And whose fault is it? It is YOUR fault Republicans. It is because of most of YOU that his happened. We knew and know who Obama is and what he is about. That has never changed. Its like when an aggressive dog is let out of the house and bites a kid. You blaming the dog? Nope, the dog is who he is. Blame the dog owner for allowing it to happen. This is YOUR fault GOP:

YOUR party alientated masses of sub-groups with your bitter, dismissive attitudes.

YOUR party nominated goofballs with Romney and Ryan, you really thought that is what the voters wanted?

YOU people took an honest and modest movement call the Tea Party, that simply wanted to slow government growth, and you went KOO-KOO FOR COCO PUFFS and got bizarre and starting going all bullshit Atlas Shrugged on us.

YOU people stubbornly stuck us in those God awful wars over there, that our military fought bravely and dominated the combat aspect, but YOUR party felt the need to occupy afterwards and rake billions into the defense contract industry.

YOUR party, at the local and state level, aliented through vicious public attacks millions of middle class, conservative people who work as cops, firemen, teachers, along with their families, and you forgot that politics is a team sport, than when local "Republicans" do stupid shit, that it turns people against that PARTY, not that PERSON. Your party STILL doesnt grasp that concept for your own side.

YOU did this Republicans. YOUR party allowed this to happen. I was once a fierce right winger, and still to this day am bitter that the people on that side went goofy on us. HOW in the f**k did an ideology that was so solid on ideals and consistency turn so whacko?

No, the time for blaming Obama and liberals is over. They are who they are, and in fact, they are adjusting their tune and drawing more people to them. Your side is just trying to push more people away.

And the early responses from the right prove my point exactly.

They are incapable of humility. Their pride is not only a deadly sin, but it is so ingrained that they cannot accept they screwed up. They cant fathom that their ideals and radical ways of the last 2 years failed. And worse, honestly, is who they lost to. Obama should've been an easy win for the right. And they blew it.

It is YOUR fault this is happening right wingers. YOURS.

For example, we can blame criminals all day long. But at the end of the day, a criminal is a criminal, and we just have to accept that. But when judges keep letting them back out on bail to commit more crimes, how long before we start blaming the judges?

Well, the right wing of this nation has been getting more bizarre and crazy as the years pass. So, the idea that a far left liberal won, and is behaving like...well, a far left liberal, is no shocker. It is the fault of the fucking insanity on the right wing that allowed this to become reality.

It is YOUR fault GOP. Look in the damn mirror already.

You know why it got crazy?

because your party non stop pandered to these fools because they could not win elections with ideas.

they then began cheating voters and courting the insane

Exactly right. BTW, its no longer "my party", I left those idiots last year.

But you're right. They began to pander to the most vocal, the ones who show up religiously to town hall meetings and scream and yell. They forgot that most people who vote dont attend those things, but they do watch TV.

The right pushed many of us away. Not sure there will ever be a time to go back either.
And the early responses from the right prove my point exactly.

They are incapable of humility. Their pride is not only a deadly sin, but it is so ingrained that they cannot accept they screwed up. They cant fathom that their ideals and radical ways of the last 2 years failed. And worse, honestly, is who they lost to. Obama should've been an easy win for the right. And they blew it.

It is YOUR fault this is happening right wingers. YOURS.

For example, we can blame criminals all day long. But at the end of the day, a criminal is a criminal, and we just have to accept that. But when judges keep letting them back out on bail to commit more crimes, how long before we start blaming the judges?

Well, the right wing of this nation has been getting more bizarre and crazy as the years pass. So, the idea that a far left liberal won, and is behaving like...well, a far left liberal, is no shocker. It is the fault of the fucking insanity on the right wing that allowed this to become reality.

It is YOUR fault GOP. Look in the damn mirror already.

You know why it got crazy?

because your party non stop pandered to these fools because they could not win elections with ideas.

they then began cheating voters and courting the insane

Exactly right. BTW, its no longer "my party", I left those idiots last year.

But you're right. They began to pander to the most vocal, the ones who show up religiously to town hall meetings and scream and yell. They forgot that most people who vote dont attend those things, but they do watch TV.

The right pushed many of us away. Not sure there will ever be a time to go back either.

oh cry us a river..just enjoy your new fit better there anyway
Here comes Hillary up the back stretch. Whom are you going to put against her? I bet you guys are shaking, I know I am. After a Black male Socialist comes a White female Socialist. This country needs to be preparing a gladiator to prevent us all from going on the public dole.
And the early responses from the right prove my point exactly.

They are incapable of humility. Their pride is not only a deadly sin, but it is so ingrained that they cannot accept they screwed up. They cant fathom that their ideals and radical ways of the last 2 years failed. And worse, honestly, is who they lost to. Obama should've been an easy win for the right. And they blew it.

It is YOUR fault this is happening right wingers. YOURS.

For example, we can blame criminals all day long. But at the end of the day, a criminal is a criminal, and we just have to accept that. But when judges keep letting them back out on bail to commit more crimes, how long before we start blaming the judges?

Well, the right wing of this nation has been getting more bizarre and crazy as the years pass. So, the idea that a far left liberal won, and is behaving like...well, a far left liberal, is no shocker. It is the fault of the fucking insanity on the right wing that allowed this to become reality.

It is YOUR fault GOP. Look in the damn mirror already.

You know why it got crazy?

because your party non stop pandered to these fools because they could not win elections with ideas.

they then began cheating voters and courting the insane

Exactly right. BTW, its no longer "my party", I left those idiots last year.

But you're right. They began to pander to the most vocal, the ones who show up religiously to town hall meetings and scream and yell. They forgot that most people who vote dont attend those things, but they do watch TV.

The right pushed many of us away. Not sure there will ever be a time to go back either.

Dude thanks for waking up,

The only problem is there is next to nothing in the GOP platform that is actully going to do what the party says it will do.

It was all recently designed (last couple of decades) to merely be the opposite of the dems.

It has no basis in reality and is against many of the things they USED to stand for.
It's amusing to watch democrats blame republicans for what they did to themselves.

1- Once again, Im not a Democrat. Im a former Republican. Big difference.

2- Politics right now is like two warships side by side firing cannons. If one ship is pissed at some crewmen and kicks them overboard, well, are they gonna drown or seek refuge on the other ship?

Right wingers simply dont get it. Plain and simple, and no length of explanation will change that. Its gonna be a long, hard journey for the Republican Party to get "back", and honestly, I doubt they ever will. Rather than humility and self-examination, they are digging in and getting more radical.

So, since you jumped overboard what in the f... do you care where the ship goes? Go crawl on board the other ship it is apparent that you have swallowed enough of their sea water to be one of them. Just re-posting liberal lying story lines ain't gonna fix the mess that 6 years of democrat dominance has created.

WTF would you have us do to win an election that obviously couldn't be won? Become democrats, no way.

There was nothing really wrong with Romney but there is plenty wrong with Obama and the democrat party. If the electorate is so stupid as to say four more years can't be that bad then there really is no education that will reverse that amount of denial.

Sorry sir if you want to be like a democrat then be like a democrat but don't lecture me that there is something wrong with me when it has been the democrats in full control for 6 disastrous years. Maybe Republicans will never win another federal election, although they are kicking ass in state elections, I wonder why? Better to lose as a Republican then live as a Democrat.

Governorships by state:

Here comes Hillary up the back stretch. Whom are you going to put against her? I bet you guys are shaking, I know I am. After a Black male Socialist comes a White female Socialist. This country needs to be preparing a gladiator to prevent us all from going on the public dole.

this whole socailist thing is a fucking lie you idiot
You know why it got crazy?

because your party non stop pandered to these fools because they could not win elections with ideas.

they then began cheating voters and courting the insane

Exactly right. BTW, its no longer "my party", I left those idiots last year.

But you're right. They began to pander to the most vocal, the ones who show up religiously to town hall meetings and scream and yell. They forgot that most people who vote dont attend those things, but they do watch TV.

The right pushed many of us away. Not sure there will ever be a time to go back either.

Dude thanks for waking up,

The only problem is there is next to nothing in the GOP platform that is actully going to do what the party says it will do.

It was all recently designed (last couple of decades) to merely be the opposite of the dems.

It has no basis in reality and is against many of the things they USED to stand for.

It's amusing to watch democrats blame republicans for what they did to themselves.

1- Once again, Im not a Democrat. Im a former Republican. Big difference.

2- Politics right now is like two warships side by side firing cannons. If one ship is pissed at some crewmen and kicks them overboard, well, are they gonna drown or seek refuge on the other ship?

Right wingers simply dont get it. Plain and simple, and no length of explanation will change that. Its gonna be a long, hard journey for the Republican Party to get "back", and honestly, I doubt they ever will. Rather than humility and self-examination, they are digging in and getting more radical.

So, since you jumped overboard what in the f... do you care where the ship goes? Go crawl on board the other ship it is apparent that you have swallowed enough of their sea water to be one of them. Just re-posting liberal lying story lines ain't gonna fix the mess that 6 years of democrat dominance has created.

WTF would you have us do to win an election that obviously couldn't be won? Become democrats, no way.

There was nothing really wrong with Romney but there is plenty wrong with Obama and the democrat party. If the electorate is so stupid as to say four more years can't be that bad then there really is no education that will reverse that amount of denial.

Sorry sir if you want to be like a democrat then be like a democrat but don't lecture me that there is something wrong with me when it has been the democrats in full control for 6 disastrous years. Maybe Republicans will never win another federal election, although they are kicking ass in state elections, I wonder why? Better to lose as a Republican then live as a Democrat.

Governorships by state:


and your party will lose those seats too
A lie is anything truth doesn't agree with or is too ignorant to see.

Here comes Hillary up the back stretch. Whom are you going to put against her? I bet you guys are shaking, I know I am. After a Black male Socialist comes a White female Socialist. This country needs to be preparing a gladiator to prevent us all from going on the public dole.

this whole socailist thing is a fucking lie you idiot
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