Republicans: This Obama mess is YOUR fault; It is because of YOU this happened.


There are a few in the party who see what has happened to it, and are trying to correct it.

No doubt there are others who see it, but who are still too intimidated to say anything publicly.

Looks like this is gonna be a slow process, at best.


That is why right after the election I said Fox needed to start reprograming these fools.

But then their ratings would likely sink.

They are after all only in it for the money

How to reprogram:

- Tell them to stop bashing gays and illegal immigrants. That boat sailed years ago.

WHO, exactly is "bashing" gays? What I think you may mean, is drop opposition to gay marriage. How does someone easily drop something they think is not in the best interest of the country? Do as you suggest and drop it to gain votes? That's what democrats do.

- Tell them to direct their local GOP reps to lay off on bashing cops, firemen, teachers (aka evil govt workers to them). Those people work hard, do dangerous work, "protect us", and guess what: There are millions of them and they have families that love them, which means it'll take a toll on voting.

Another liberal lying story line picked up by you. No one is bashing the police or firemen. YES, the benefits and dole for public employees is questioned IT HAS TO BE. To ignore the enormous cost to Joe working man to pay the average salary, which is much higher, of a public employee has to be examined. That is what companies do when their company is failing. The TRUTH is we are spending too much money which we DO NOT have. Is that really that unpopular? Look at what happened in Wisconsin for that answer. Or look at this, and remember public employees, no matter how well meaning and good, produce nothing.


- How about rethink our policy of mass warfare? And we still need to be in Germany, Japan, Australia, etc, etc, etc? How about downsize some of that massive government spending? We all like less spending, right?

What policy on mass warfare???? The wars are over, we won in Iraq and Obama admits his failure in Afghanistan. Clearly with the war in Iraq wound down we see that all the BS about the cost was shear BS. If not then why are we not seeing huge dividends? Are we at war or are we not? Obama certainly thinks we are at war with someone, he keeps dropping predator missile. As for our bases, they keep American influence in the region. Whether that is important or not can be debated but I don't believe they are a major budget issue.

- How about accept that people LIKE the government safety net. Find new approaches to that. The idea of slashing stuff people like...isn't gonna win votes.

No one is against safety nets, but no one should be for them being a hammock. What person who is working an paying taxes "like" paying people not to work? The employment situation in America should be of no surprise, what is going on was predicted twenty years ago. The great sucking sound of jobs was predicted and has occurred but everyone wants to blame anyone but the signer of the "free" trade agreements, WJC. He did more damage to America then Obama can even thing of doing. Does the mainstream voter remembers, does not seem they do. Does the Unions who said they would punish anyone who voted for the agreements remember? They only remember about half the people who did vote for the agreements. Add to that a porous southern border and is it any surprise that unemployment is stuck at around 8 percent? Is it a surprise that low skilled and the low educated can't find a decent job??

Yep. Fox needs to reprogram it's bots.

Programing is for democrats, I don't watch Fox News nor do I regularly listen to the very entertaining Rush.
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Actually. it's the democrats fault. If Bill Clinton hadn't screwed up in dealing with Al-Queda then, and hadn't raped women and lied to congress about it, we wouldn't have gotten Bush, and subsequently Obama.
Actually. it's the democrats fault. If Bill Clinton hadn't screwed up in dealing with Al-Queda then, and hadn't raped women and lied to congress about it, we wouldn't have gotten Bush, and subsequently Obama.

Correct, WJC was the worse president in my life time and that is saying a lot. He did the most damage to the country then anyone before or after.
yes we won the election again

we did that to ourselves

:eusa_drool:Yep you sure did. Its going to be a shame when you learn you will have to face and live with the after effects of your misery.

Left wing nuts like TM will never ever come to that conclusion. They could be living in a cardboard box, burning worthless dollar bills for warmth and they will still say that if obama only had 4 MORE years he'd fix the problem.

Liberalism is a severe mental disorder, very difficult to cure once it takes hold in the way it has in TM's case.
yes we won the election again

we did that to ourselves

:eusa_drool:Yep you sure did. Its going to be a shame when you learn you will have to face and live with the after effects of your misery.

Reagan ballooned the deficit

Clinton balenced the budget

Bush crashed the economy and put two wars on the credit card one of which he lied us into.

Your too stupid to access the true facts
yes we won the election again

we did that to ourselves

:eusa_drool:Yep you sure did. Its going to be a shame when you learn you will have to face and live with the after effects of your misery.

Left wing nuts like TM will never ever come to that conclusion. They could be living in a cardboard box, burning worthless dollar bills for warmth and they will still say that if obama only had 4 MORE years he'd fix the problem.

Liberalism is a severe mental disorder, very difficult to cure once it takes hold in the way it has in TM's case.

you too
And the early responses from the right prove my point exactly.

They are incapable of humility. Their pride is not only a deadly sin, but it is so ingrained that they cannot accept they screwed up. They cant fathom that their ideals and radical ways of the last 2 years failed. And worse, honestly, is who they lost to. Obama should've been an easy win for the right. And they blew it.

It is YOUR fault this is happening right wingers. YOURS.

For example, we can blame criminals all day long. But at the end of the day, a criminal is a criminal, and we just have to accept that. But when judges keep letting them back out on bail to commit more crimes, how long before we start blaming the judges?

Well, the right wing of this nation has been getting more bizarre and crazy as the years pass. So, the idea that a far left liberal won, and is behaving like...well, a far left liberal, is no shocker. It is the fault of the fucking insanity on the right wing that allowed this to become reality.

It is YOUR fault GOP. Look in the damn mirror already.

You know why it got crazy?

because your party non stop pandered to these fools because they could not win elections with ideas.

they then began cheating voters and courting the insane

Exactly right. BTW, its no longer "my party", I left those idiots last year.

But you're right. They began to pander to the most vocal, the ones who show up religiously to town hall meetings and scream and yell. They forgot that most people who vote dont attend those things, but they do watch TV.

The right pushed many of us away. Not sure there will ever be a time to go back either.

:eusa_drool:Yep...thats all you lefties do is watch you left winged media all the time. Thats the reason your brainless.
yes we won the election again

we did that to ourselves

:eusa_drool:Yep you sure did. Its going to be a shame when you learn you will have to face and live with the after effects of your misery.

Reagan ballooned the deficit

Clinton balenced the budget

Bush crashed the economy and put two wars on the credit card one of which he lied us into.

Your too stupid to access the true facts

Reagan ballooned the deficit, are you seriously saying that after what BO has done? Whow.

Clinton rode the largest economic expansion in history that REAGAN started. Plus he had actual help from the Republican congress. Clinton destroyed the middle class with his "free" trade agreements which only helped the fat cats.

Where is all the money we should be seeing since the Iraq war ended in victory?

The Afghan war was Obama's war. He had the surge, during his watch more Americans were killed in 4 years then Bush's 8 and yet he admits he failed. Not much bang for our buck. At least Bush said if we established democracy in Iraq it would move to neighboring countries. And as we see it has, well done volunteer army, well done President Bush.

There are a few in the party who see what has happened to it, and are trying to correct it.

No doubt there are others who see it, but who are still too intimidated to say anything publicly.

Looks like this is gonna be a slow process, at best.


That is why right after the election I said Fox needed to start reprograming these fools.

But then their ratings would likely sink.

They are after all only in it for the money

How to reprogram:

- Tell them to stop bashing gays and illegal immigrants. That boat sailed years ago.

- Tell them to direct their local GOP reps to lay off on bashing cops, firemen, teachers (aka evil govt workers to them). Those people work hard, do dangerous work, "protect us", and guess what: There are millions of them and they have families that love them, which means it'll take a toll on voting.

- How about rethink our policy of mass warfare? And we still need to be in Germany, Japan, Australia, etc, etc, etc? How about downsize some of that massive government spending? We all like less spending, right?

- How about accept that people LIKE the government safety net. Find new approaches to that. The idea of slashing stuff people like...isn't gonna win votes.

Yep. Fox needs to reprogram it's bots.

:clap2:Typical freeloading lefty. Like watching repeats on TV all day.
It's understandable the left wings obsession with everything is Bush's fault.
They know full well that half the country doesn't believe their guy (Obama ) is doing a good job.
And the Left doesn't think he is either.

If they felt Obama was a good president they would embrace him and feel good about his presidency.

All they do is bitch about Bush...
yes we won the election again

we did that to ourselves

:eusa_drool:Yep you sure did. Its going to be a shame when you learn you will have to face and live with the after effects of your misery.

Reagan ballooned the deficit

Clinton balenced the budget

Bush crashed the economy and put two wars on the credit card one of which he lied us into.

Your too stupid to access the true facts

:clap2:And Ubungo doesn't even know what a budget is. Your too BRAINWASHED to know the true facts.
Clinton was smart enough to stay out of the way of it.

:eusa_drool:Yep you sure did. Its going to be a shame when you learn you will have to face and live with the after effects of your misery.

Reagan ballooned the deficit

Clinton balenced the budget

Bush crashed the economy and put two wars on the credit card one of which he lied us into.

Your too stupid to access the true facts

Reagan ballooned the deficit, are you seriously saying that after what BO has done? Whow.

Clinton rode the largest economic expansion in history that REAGAN started. Plus he had actual help from the Republican congress. Clinton destroyed the middle class with his "free" trade agreements which only helped the fat cats.

Where is all the money we should be seeing since the Iraq war ended in victory?

The Afghan war was Obama's war. He had the surge, during his watch more Americans were killed in 4 years then Bush's 8 and yet he admits he failed. Not much bang for our buck. At least Bush said if we established democracy in Iraq it would move to neighboring countries. And as we see it has, well done volunteer army, well done President Bush.
:eusa_drool:Yep you sure did. Its going to be a shame when you learn you will have to face and live with the after effects of your misery.

Left wing nuts like TM will never ever come to that conclusion. They could be living in a cardboard box, burning worthless dollar bills for warmth and they will still say that if obama only had 4 MORE years he'd fix the problem.

Liberalism is a severe mental disorder, very difficult to cure once it takes hold in the way it has in TM's case.

you too

:eusa_drool:Do you need a tissue TM. Hurts doesn't it.
:eusa_drool:Yep you sure did. Its going to be a shame when you learn you will have to face and live with the after effects of your misery.

Reagan ballooned the deficit

Clinton balenced the budget

Bush crashed the economy and put two wars on the credit card one of which he lied us into.

Your too stupid to access the true facts

Reagan ballooned the deficit, are you seriously saying that after what BO has done? Whow.

Clinton rode the largest economic expansion in history that REAGAN started. Plus he had actual help from the Republican congress. Clinton destroyed the middle class with his "free" trade agreements which only helped the fat cats.

Where is all the money we should be seeing since the Iraq war ended in victory?

The Afghan war was Obama's war. He had the surge, during his watch more Americans were killed in 4 years then Bush's 8 and yet he admits he failed. Not much bang for our buck. At least Bush said if we established democracy in Iraq it would move to neighboring countries. And as we see it has, well done volunteer army, well done President Bush.

your party also crashed the entire world economy in sept 08 for the second time in one lifetime.

That was alot of fixing to do
I love how Bush had all this power.
The Democrats voted for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Now they run from it.

And you guys act like republicans have never won any recent election....

We both know that's not at all true...

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