Review Of Who Democrats Are

Of course he is correct, as per the United States Constitution.

Did you know that the Constitution is the law of the land?

  • In order to steal the 2020 election, Democrats ignored the constitutional mandate that only the elected state legislatures can alter the “time, place, and manner” of elections.

    2. That means that any state where

    election officials,

    attorneys general,

    state courts,

    state constitutions,

    sec’ys of state, etc.

  • …instituted any of these alterations in voting.....
    Drop boxes

    Ballot harvesting

    Alter times methods of voting

    How long after dates can votes be counted

    Signing of absentee ballots..... was not a legal election.

Only the elected state legislature can alter those features.

Did you know that the Constitution is the law of the land?
Dump the 7 states where that occurred and Trump wins as those electors from the other states are illegal. Now to get it in front of SCOTUS...
Dump the 7 states where that occurred and Trump wins as those electors from the other states are illegal. Now to get it in front of SCOTUS...

On the Supreme Court docket for October.

..... the Court granted certiorari, a hearing that they refused Trump, to Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives Timothy K. Moore (R), on the question of exactly who is empowered to set up the districting map for the election of federal offices, Senators and Representatives.

Guess which other federal office falls under that rubric. That's right.....the presidency.

You Leftists are about to see what Trump did for this nation in picking Originalists, who value the specific language of the US Constitution over the, Democrats, who claim they can alter it from any court.

6. Questions presented:

Whether a State's judicial branch may nullify the regulations governing the "Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives . . . prescribed . . . by the Legislature thereof," U.S. CONST. art. I, § 4, cl. 1, and replace them with regulations of the state courts' own devising, based on vague state constitutional provisions purportedly vesting the state judiciary with power to prescribe whatever rules it deems appropriate to ensure a "fair" or "free" election.

7. This will decide who makes up the voting map for North Carolina.

BUT… will also focus attention on the states where governors,
election officials,
attorneys general,
state courts,
state constitutions,
sec’ys of state, etc.

.....decided the “time, place, and manner” of elections.

Startin’ to get the picture of how important this is?
I can see those Democrats sweatin' already.
You and I know that the President de-classified all of it.

Further, that there is no crime in holding the documents.

And that you will continue to lick the boots of the Democrats, no matter what lies they issue.

Let's be clear as to who Trump is, and why he is the American President.

1. Trump’s constituency, which has increased considerably beyond the 74,223,744 votes of the 2020 election. These are not the globalist, wealthy elites of the Democrats, plus the establishment Republicans, and, as Glenn Greenwald put it, “neocons, Bush/Cheney operatives, CIA/FBI/NSA, Wall St & Silicon Valley…”

2. The groups that Biden attacked are the groups that owe their existence to Trump, they are the blue color working class Americans.

“NBC Poll: Blue-Collar Workers Flocked to GOP Under Trump

The percentage of blue-collar workers who said they identify with the Republican Party greatly rose during former President Donald Trump’s time in office according to the latest poll from NBC News.

The survey, released on Sunday by NBC’s “Meet the Press,” shows that the number of blue-collar workers who identify as members of the GOP grew by 12 percentage points since 2010, while the number who identify as Democrats fell by eight percentage points. White-collar workers slightly shifted towards the Democratic Party by one percentage point.

The number of Hispanic blue-collar workers who indicate support for the GOP rose from 23% in 2010 to 36% in 2020, while support among Black blue-collar workers rose from 5% to 12% during that same time frame. GOP support from white blue-collar workers rose from 45% in 2010 to 57% in 2020.

3. Before Trump, government was totally oblivious to these folks, it negotiated trade deals that put them out of work, opened the border to bring in illegals who undercut their salaries, enacted a tax code that penalized the working class, and only functioned for special interests leaving the working class with no political power.

4. MAGA gave them political power.
Their incomes increased, trade policy made their factories financially feasible again, and a tax cut aimed at the working class.

If it was declassified then the records will reflect as much and he has nothing to worry about.

1. He was down 7M voters and lost some with Roe, lost some with this election nonsense… and now is bleeding support as he stole classified info.


2. Blue collar workers did not benefit under Trump anymore than Obama. Rhetoric isn’t results.


3. Trump added tariffs to products that cost consumers money. It did not help the middle class. It hurt them. Every study shows that. He redid NAFTA with cheaper export fees from Canada on milk. Everything else was the same. He negotiated an oil CUTBACK by OPEC and we are still suffering from that decision. He was a disaster for the middle class. Middle class tax cuts expire. Guess what? Wealthy and corporations don’t expire.

4. Right. Trump was a total miracle worker who had the same wealth distribution Trends as Obama. You’re mistaking rhetoric for policy. Here it is again.


Why would the FBI plant declassified documents?
If it was declassified then the records will reflect as much and he has nothing to worry about.

1. He was down 7M voters and lost some with Roe, lost some with this election nonsense… and now is bleeding support as he stole classified info.

View attachment 692137

2. Blue collar workers did not benefit under Trump anymore than Obama. Rhetoric isn’t results.

View attachment 692132

3. Trump added tariffs to products that cost consumers money. It did not help the middle class. It hurt them. Every study shows that. He redid NAFTA with cheaper export fees from Canada on milk. Everything else was the same. He negotiated an oil CUTBACK by OPEC and we are still suffering from that decision. He was a disaster for the middle class. Middle class tax cuts expire. Guess what? Wealthy and corporations don’t expire.

4. Right. Trump was a total miracle worker who had the same wealth distribution Trends as Obama. You’re mistaking rhetoric for policy. Here it is again.

View attachment 692132

Why would the FBI plant declassified documents?

Beat it Elmer.......we already have filled our quota of lies for the day.
The Constitution is the law of the land. Your definition of a law is erroneous.

For normal folks, such as you and I, proving the point is definitive.

For those suffering from terminal Elmer Phenomenon, they simply perseverate......repeat the lies over and over.

We need to keep smashing the lies as readers who don't know the truth may read and believe a Democrat.
Of course he is correct, as per the United States Constitution.

Did you know that the Constitution is the law of the land?

  • In order to steal the 2020 election, Democrats ignored the constitutional mandate that only the elected state legislatures can alter the “time, place, and manner” of elections.

    2. That means that any state where

    election officials,

    attorneys general,

    state courts,

    state constitutions,

    sec’ys of state, etc.

  • …instituted any of these alterations in voting.....
    Drop boxes

    Ballot harvesting

    Alter times methods of voting

    How long after dates can votes be counted

    Signing of absentee ballots..... was not a legal election.

Only the elected state legislature can alter those features.

Did you know that the Constitution is the law of the land?
It does not matter. Like all your arguments, if even if you are 100% accurate they don’t matter. You’re wrong, but again, even if all 7 states couldn’t collect ballots like they directed the voters to cast them…the remedy isn’t to throw out their votes. A voter who casts a vote as directed cant have their vote disenfranchised, therefore it makes no difference. None. Zero.
It does not matter. Like all your arguments, if even if you are 100% accurate they don’t matter. You’re wrong, but again, even if all 7 states couldn’t collect ballots like they directed the voters to cast them…the remedy isn’t to throw out their votes. A voter who casts a vote as directed cant have their vote disenfranchised, therefore it makes no difference. None. Zero.

Let's be clear.

I'm an American, you aren't.

You are a slave to an alien ideology, you have given up integrity, American values and heritage, and rectitude.

The Constitution was a distillation of the views of Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. Progressivism is from the views of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

Did you know that the Constitution is the law of the land?

Now, let's quote 'progressives,' also known as totalitarians.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

b. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

From a speech delivered on the Senate floor

May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

c. Jim Cramer, one of the Left's apparatchiks, say what Democrats believe, encourage.....but blames it on the other side.

“government has a right to force you to obey and has always exercised it especially under GOP”

Anyone think to question what the GOP has forced any to obey about?




See what I mean about the Left/Progressives lying about everything?

The Democrats are the European Party, the party of Obey.

We’re the other side, the personal liberty, individualism, the right to make personal decisions.

Where’s the lie fanboy? You should grow a pair and learn to debate. Hanging out in these copy paste threads won’t do it though.
I dont have to point them out to you. P.C. is destroying you this whole thread ... you should be embarrassed.
For normal folks, such as you and I, proving the point is definitive.

For those suffering from terminal Elmer Phenomenon, they simply perseverate......repeat the lies over and over.

We need to keep smashing the lies as readers who don't know the truth may read and believe a Democrat.
Who the Hell is dumb enough to believe a Democrat?
Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. Today, theyre just as divisive but they package it up in a nice little bouquet called diversity, affirmative action, and welfare, essentially keeping their voters down and dumb.
This screaming asshole is calling us violent?


This guy helped Pharma make more than the oil companies this year.
1. Since Trump burst onto the scene, an actual pro-America and pro-American candidate, there have been over 50 lies and hoaxes aimed at sinking him.
All have been exposed as lies.....but the, Democrat troops, continue to parrot the lies.
The latest ploy was the the attack on Mar a Lago, and, what we expect: a DC jury to indict Trump for being late to send papers to the Archives.

A wise wonk copared an indictment for this to being indicted for bringing a library book back late.

2. "Why Did the FBI Raid Mar-a-Lago?

Trump’s ‘stash of nuclear secrets’ is this summer’s Kremlin collusion conspiracy. But the latest chapter of Russiagate may end with a bang.

The Mar-a-Lago raid feels like Russiagate because, well, it is Russiagate: a conspiracy theory weaponized by the country’s courtier class to serve the interests of a delirious and deracinated oligarchy, spawning daily prophesies of doom fed by an endless supply of national security “leaks” asserting that the former commander-in-chief really was and is a secret Russian agent.

3. And proof of the president’s treachery, chant the priestly keepers of the “collusion” mysteries, will soon be revealed to the public. It is their blanket justification for every past crime and every new banana republic-style abuse of power, accompanied by a drumbeat of ever more outlandish and violent threats.

4. .....a remake of the January 2017 intelligence community assessment which claimed, without evidence, that Vladimir Putin wanted to put Trump in the Oval Office. The extensive redactions on the affidavit the FBI used to get a warrant to raid Trump’s home are akin to the excessive redactions on the application that the FBI showed a secret court in 2016 to get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. What was true for the original Russiagate holds here, too: The redactions are designed to hide not state secrets, but government corruption.

5. It’s no laughing matter to the American press, or for the partisan operatives and national security bureaucrats who feed them their cues. For them, the Mar-a-Lago raid is Russiagate II: The Palm Beach Papers."
1. Since Trump burst onto the scene, an actual pro-America and pro-American candidate, there have been over 50 lies and hoaxes aimed at sinking him.
All have been exposed as lies.....but the, Democrat troops, continue to parrot the lies.
The latest ploy was the the attack on Mar a Lago, and, what we expect: a DC jury to indict Trump for being late to send papers to the Archives.

A wise wonk copared an indictment for this to being indicted for bringing a library book back late.

2. "Why Did the FBI Raid Mar-a-Lago?

Trump’s ‘stash of nuclear secrets’ is this summer’s Kremlin collusion conspiracy. But the latest chapter of Russiagate may end with a bang.

The Mar-a-Lago raid feels like Russiagate because, well, it is Russiagate: a conspiracy theory weaponized by the country’s courtier class to serve the interests of a delirious and deracinated oligarchy, spawning daily prophesies of doom fed by an endless supply of national security “leaks” asserting that the former commander-in-chief really was and is a secret Russian agent.

3. And proof of the president’s treachery, chant the priestly keepers of the “collusion” mysteries, will soon be revealed to the public. It is their blanket justification for every past crime and every new banana republic-style abuse of power, accompanied by a drumbeat of ever more outlandish and violent threats.

4. .....a remake of the January 2017 intelligence community assessment which claimed, without evidence, that Vladimir Putin wanted to put Trump in the Oval Office. The extensive redactions on the affidavit the FBI used to get a warrant to raid Trump’s home are akin to the excessive redactions on the application that the FBI showed a secret court in 2016 to get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. What was true for the original Russiagate holds here, too: The redactions are designed to hide not state secrets, but government corruption.

5. It’s no laughing matter to the American press, or for the partisan operatives and national security bureaucrats who feed them their cues. For them, the Mar-a-Lago raid is Russiagate II: The Palm Beach Papers."
You built a straw man here.

1/2. Trump had classified documents. He’s not even disputing it. His defense will either be “I didn’t know” or “I’m allowed to keep confidential stuff after I left”. Regardless it’s the property of the US govt and they got it back. He can sue for it if Trump wants it back. Good luck.

3. Collusion isn’t a crime he was never charged with that. He was charged with asking Ukraine for political favors in exchange for military support.

4/5 Conspiracy nuttiness.

You’re a Trump fanboy. What a chump you are.
You built a straw man here.

1/2. Trump had classified documents. He’s not even disputing it. His defense will either be “I didn’t know” or “I’m allowed to keep confidential stuff after I left”. Regardless it’s the property of the US govt and they got it back. He can sue for it if Trump wants it back. Good luck.

3. Collusion isn’t a crime he was never charged with that. He was charged with asking Ukraine for political favors in exchange for military support.

4/5 Conspiracy nuttiness.

You’re a Trump fanboy. What a chump you are.
I am pretty sure he's claimed they were declassified or any any event, that he never intended to have them.

he was charged based on parody of what actually happened...Adam Shifty admitted that.

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