Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud - how common is fraud? Not very.

When you board a plane, a train, a cruise ship you are required to show ID. When you purchase a car, a home you are required to show ID. When you rent a car, a house you are required proof of ID.

Not for.food you don't. Here's how that works...you apply for snap, the worker looks up your social security number on screens made.available to them.

If they can't find you, they create a snap master, use the ss number provided...then look at the soc security screen and voila, ID verified because the social security system pulls the ss number from the.snap.system Nobody needs to see a card or ID.

And every household is.offered.voter registration materials regardless.of citizenship status.
The Poll Tax was in reply to a specific question by OKTexas.

I would want an absolute guarantee that every eligible voter can get the necessary ID easily and efficiently. In addition, the list of allowable ID's should be expanded. For example - why is a concealed carry permit or a military ID ok but a student ID not? (in Republican states).

Voting is too important a right to infringe imo and there have been many attempts throughout history to do so.

There is no rights violation here. If you want to vote (or just to do about anything else in society) you need to have a picture ID. Without ID, you can't apply for a loan for a house, you can't apply for a bank loan of any kind, you can't buy cigarettes, alcohol, board a plane, cash a check, so who are these people that live their lives without doing any of these things?

A CCW permit and military ID is issued by the government. That's all we ask of voters; to have a government form of picture identification.
Funny how both those id's favor repub voters.

How? Because it prevents voter fraud, and therefore allows the will of the will of the people to carry elections?

Or, it disenfranchises legitimate voters and prevents the will of the people to carry elections? Kind of goes both ways.
No keyboard, I'll deal with this later.....
Provisional Voting | California Secretary of State

Absentee ballots are signature checked against the signature on record for the voter so, no, they aren't filled out for "kids, pets, dead husbands, etc." and again, no, the "kids" can't "vote again walk in". They are identified in the Roster as already having voted if their Vote by Mail ballot was mailed in.

The only thing you got half right was that CA allows you to walk in and vote provisionally if you are not registered. The part you left off is that their ballot is not counted. That will change in 2017 when CA adopts conditional same day registration, but the voter must register and vote provisionally and those ballots are only counted after the registrations are input, run through the statewide database and cleared.

Finally, no, CA does not only count provisional ballots if the race is close. All provisional ballots are processed and qualified ballots are counted.

Sounds like there is a lot of ignorance and disinformation being spread about the process.
Has anyone figured out how the Dems are going to rig the election given that most of the states election processes are controlled by Republicans? :dunno:
explain how that has anything to do with the fact that dems commit egregious voter fraud? There is no equivalency and you have shown yet again how disingenuous...or stupid...you are.
KG, chill and read both the title and op...that should clue you in as to the topic.
I know what the topic is.I asked you to clarify your stupid comment. You can't because it's softheaded nonsense, so you will pretend im off topic when I ask YOU to clarify what YOU said.

Ill ask again...explain how Republicans are responsible for dem voter fraud in the states they supposedly 'control'.

And then tell us all how that is off topic?

You don't seem to understand the topic if you're questioning the discussion of rigging elections as not being relevant. The topic isn't only voter fraud.
Has anyone figured out how the Dems are going to rig the election given that most of the states election processes are controlled by Republicans? :dunno:
explain how that has anything to do with the fact that dems commit egregious voter fraud? There is no equivalency and you have shown yet again how disingenuous...or stupid...you are.
KG, chill and read both the title and op...that should clue you in as to the topic.
I know what the topic is.I asked you to clarify your stupid comment. You can't because it's softheaded nonsense, so you will pretend im off topic when I ask YOU to clarify what YOU said.

Ill ask again...explain how Republicans are responsible for dem voter fraud in the states they supposedly 'control'.

And then tell us all how that is off topic?

You don't seem to understand the topic if you're questioning the discussion of rigging elections as not being relevant. The topic isn't only voter fraud.

I didn't say that. ARE YOU ON SOMETHING? I asked you to clarify your own statement. Because as it stands, it makes zero sense. How would having a Republican house or senate prevent Dem voter rigging or fraud? You said that. Now explain it. Because I don't even believe you know what the hell you meant. I know it makes no sense. And neither does anything else you said.
Has anyone figured out how the Dems are going to rig the election given that most of the states election processes are controlled by Republicans? :dunno:
explain how that has anything to do with the fact that dems commit egregious voter fraud? There is no equivalency and you have shown yet again how disingenuous...or stupid...you are.
KG, chill and read both the title and op...that should clue you in as to the topic.
I know what the topic is.I asked you to clarify your stupid comment. You can't because it's softheaded nonsense, so you will pretend im off topic when I ask YOU to clarify what YOU said.

Ill ask again...explain how Republicans are responsible for dem voter fraud in the states they supposedly 'control'.

And then tell us all how that is off topic?

You don't seem to understand the topic if you're questioning the discussion of rigging elections as not being relevant. The topic isn't only voter fraud.

I didn't say that. ARE YOU ON SOMETHING? I asked you to clarify your own statement. Because as it stands, it makes zero sense. How would having a Republican house or senate prevent Dem voter rigging or fraud? You said that. Now explain it. Because I don't even believe you know what the hell you meant. I know it makes no sense. And neither does anything else you said.

It makes perfect sense if you read the OP. Trump is and has been claiming the elections are rigged. His followers echo the mantra. If the chief elections officers are Republicans, it would be pretty difficult for the Democrats to rig anything. In fact, I think it's more likely the Republicans would be the ones doing the rigging.

This is the from the article I quoted in the OP:

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
It still shows who they are.

Concealed carry permits can be given to non-citizens as well, and the ID looks the same.

Really? What state is that, because you can't get a permit here unless you are checked out since the day you turned 18. You have to sign a form that you are a US citizen.

The laws vary depending on the state - it's quite a patchwork. But according to this, non-us citizens can get permits: US gun laws for non-citizens
explain how that has anything to do with the fact that dems commit egregious voter fraud? There is no equivalency and you have shown yet again how disingenuous...or stupid...you are.
KG, chill and read both the title and op...that should clue you in as to the topic.
I know what the topic is.I asked you to clarify your stupid comment. You can't because it's softheaded nonsense, so you will pretend im off topic when I ask YOU to clarify what YOU said.

Ill ask again...explain how Republicans are responsible for dem voter fraud in the states they supposedly 'control'.

And then tell us all how that is off topic?

You don't seem to understand the topic if you're questioning the discussion of rigging elections as not being relevant. The topic isn't only voter fraud.

I didn't say that. ARE YOU ON SOMETHING? I asked you to clarify your own statement. Because as it stands, it makes zero sense. How would having a Republican house or senate prevent Dem voter rigging or fraud? You said that. Now explain it. Because I don't even believe you know what the hell you meant. I know it makes no sense. And neither does anything else you said.

It makes perfect sense if you read the OP. Trump is and has been claiming the elections are rigged. His followers echo the mantra. If the chief elections officers are Republicans, it would be pretty difficult for the Democrats to rig anything. In fact, I think it's more likely the Republicans would be the ones doing the rigging.

This is the from the article I quoted in the OP:

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
No, honey, it doesn't follow. But thank you for using your words.
KG, chill and read both the title and op...that should clue you in as to the topic.
I know what the topic is.I asked you to clarify your stupid comment. You can't because it's softheaded nonsense, so you will pretend im off topic when I ask YOU to clarify what YOU said.

Ill ask again...explain how Republicans are responsible for dem voter fraud in the states they supposedly 'control'.

And then tell us all how that is off topic?

You don't seem to understand the topic if you're questioning the discussion of rigging elections as not being relevant. The topic isn't only voter fraud.

I didn't say that. ARE YOU ON SOMETHING? I asked you to clarify your own statement. Because as it stands, it makes zero sense. How would having a Republican house or senate prevent Dem voter rigging or fraud? You said that. Now explain it. Because I don't even believe you know what the hell you meant. I know it makes no sense. And neither does anything else you said.

It makes perfect sense if you read the OP. Trump is and has been claiming the elections are rigged. His followers echo the mantra. If the chief elections officers are Republicans, it would be pretty difficult for the Democrats to rig anything. In fact, I think it's more likely the Republicans would be the ones doing the rigging.

This is the from the article I quoted in the OP:

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
No, honey, it doesn't follow. But thank you for using your words.

Going back to the OP (yet again):

How can an election be "rigged" on a national level (as Trump is claiming)?
How can an election be "rigged" on a state level when the opposing party controls the process?
I know what the topic is.I asked you to clarify your stupid comment. You can't because it's softheaded nonsense, so you will pretend im off topic when I ask YOU to clarify what YOU said.

Ill ask again...explain how Republicans are responsible for dem voter fraud in the states they supposedly 'control'.

And then tell us all how that is off topic?

You don't seem to understand the topic if you're questioning the discussion of rigging elections as not being relevant. The topic isn't only voter fraud.

I didn't say that. ARE YOU ON SOMETHING? I asked you to clarify your own statement. Because as it stands, it makes zero sense. How would having a Republican house or senate prevent Dem voter rigging or fraud? You said that. Now explain it. Because I don't even believe you know what the hell you meant. I know it makes no sense. And neither does anything else you said.

It makes perfect sense if you read the OP. Trump is and has been claiming the elections are rigged. His followers echo the mantra. If the chief elections officers are Republicans, it would be pretty difficult for the Democrats to rig anything. In fact, I think it's more likely the Republicans would be the ones doing the rigging.

This is the from the article I quoted in the OP:

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
No, honey, it doesn't follow. But thank you for using your words.

Going back to the OP (yet again):

How can an election be "rigged" on a national level (as Trump is claiming)?
How can an election be "rigged" on a state level when the opposing party controls the process?

By disrupting rallies via paid violent provocateurs, bombing the opponent's offices, and engaging in voter fraud on a MASSIVE scale.

Give me a break, this is out of the commie handbook.

And, incidentally, you still have not shown that having Republican majorities prevents election rigging or voter fraud. What a ridiculous statement.
The laws vary depending on the state - it's quite a patchwork. But according to this, non-us citizens can get permits: US gun laws for non-citizens

I would seriously have to question the credibility of this site. First of all it mostly deals with illegals possessing firearms more than concealed carry. Secondly I found this:

Gun Control Act of 1968[edit]

The Gun Control Act passed by Congress in 1968 lists felons, illegal aliens, and other codified persons as prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms. During the application process for concealed carry states carry out thorough background checks to prevent these individuals from obtaining permits. Additionally the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act created an FBI maintained system in 1994 for instantly checking the backgrounds of potential firearms buyers in an effort to prevent these individuals from obtaining weapons.

Concealed carry in the United States - Wikipedia
Funny how both those id's favor repub voters.

Okay, so lets say my state adopts Voter-ID. That means I have to get an ID (if I don't already have an acceptable one) and my Democrat neighbor has to get an ID. How does one law favor me more than my neighbor?
To commit enough voter fraud to swing a national election would take a massive army perpetrating a huge coordinated effort across several states, completely undetected.

Can any of you TardLogic™ sufferers see the giant holes in this plan?

Let me know if you need any help. Scrap paper, pencils, a calculator. Whatever you need, I'm here for you.
I would love to interview one of the tards who committed voter fraud. I really would.

"What made you think voting twice would change the outcome of the election?"

I'm sure the answer would be priceless. Someone needs to ask these people. For posterity.
Judge: Ohioans cut from voter list can cast November ballots.

Ohio Voters who were wrongfully removed from Voter Rolls in that state can and will be allowed to Vote in the November 8, 2016 General Election.

The ruling will impact voters who were improperly purged from Voter Registration Lists since 2011 and who still live in the same county wherein they vote.

Once again, Republicans are guilty of having been caught out suppressing the vote. Voter Fraud is a statistical rarity.

The only way the RePugLiKans can win an election is Voter Suppression and in Ohio that ain't happening.
Yeah, we can post links all day...like the links I posted yesterday dismissing / disagreeing with a lot of what the OP said.

Liberals have been conditioning people to accept there is no voter fraud for years...to the point when it is exposed and they actually see it for themselves, as was the case in the rigged DNC primaries, they STILL don't believe it's happening because the libs immediately tell them to ignore the chat behind the curtain pulling the levers.
Has anyone figured out how the Dems are going to rig the election given that most of the states election processes are controlled by Republicans? :dunno:

Have you ever thought maybe Donald Trump is claiming that his own political party will rig the election against him?

Before anyone write that is the most absurd thing you ever read just remember Donald Trump has a poor opinion of his own political party...
If you need assistance with food, power, water, etc you are required to show an ID. If you purchase alcohol or cigarettes you are required to have an ID. Funny how the welfare LEFT can always find that ID when freebies are in order.
Funny how fucktards make strawman insults when the subject is math.

Disenfranchising black voters is racist thuggery. It is oppression. It is immoral.

Stop making retarded excuses.

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