Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud - how common is fraud? Not very.

Yeah, we can post links all day...like the links I posted yesterday dismissing / disagreeing with a lot of what the OP said.

Liberals have been conditioning people to accept there is no voter fraud for years...to the point when it is exposed and they actually see it for themselves, as was the case in the rigged DNC primaries, they STILL don't believe it's happening because the libs immediately tell them to ignore the chat behind the curtain pulling the levers.

Subversion (Latin subvertere: overthrow) refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed. More specifically, subversion can be described as an attack on the public morale and, "the will to resist intervention are the products of combined political and social or class loyalties which are usually attached to national symbols. Following penetration, and parallel with the forced disintegration of political and social institutions of the state, these loyalties may be detached and transferred to the political or ideological cause of the aggressor".[1] Subversion is used as a tool to achieve political goals because it generally carries less risk, cost, and difficulty as opposed to open belligerency. Furthermore, it is a relatively cheap form of warfare that does not require large amounts of training."
"Subversion can imply the use of insidious, dishonest, monetary, or violent methods to bring about such change."

Subversion - Wikipedia
Group named in Indiana voter fraud probe was registering black voters.

A Democratic-Aligned Group at the center of Indiana Investigation into possible Voter Fraud said Thursday it had been focused on Registering Black Voters.

Patriot USA is one of a host of organizations doing political Right and political Left. Such organizations are not required to release a list of their donors. Patriot USA has ties to Democratic Party.

The group had Registered a large number Black Voter in the run up to the November General Election. Patriot USA has run Voter Registration Drives for several years.

But we all know that just because Patriot USA was focusing on Registering Black Voters that Indiana A.G. would never have investigated them.....RePuBliKans totally support the Right of African-Americans to Vote.....NOT!!!!!!!!!!
Useful idiots' the true believers of Marxism, according the KGB, would be executed to end the undermining of government. This means all activists, propagandists, Marxist revolutionaries, progressives / liberals...everyone on the "left" whose political ideology hangs on the tenets of socialism (communism) would be removed from influence."

Articles: From Russia with No Love

The silver lining of being overthrown by communists.
  1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.
  2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
  3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
  4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
  5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
  6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
  7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.
  8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
  9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
  11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
  12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
  13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia
Useful idiots' the true believers of Marxism, according the KGB, would be executed to end the undermining of government. This means all activists, propagandists, Marxist revolutionaries, progressives / liberals...everyone on the "left" whose political ideology hangs on the tenets of socialism (communism) would be removed from influence."

Articles: From Russia with No Love

The silver lining of being overthrown by communists.

The only person soliciting assistance from Russia is Donald Trump. He invited Russia to hack Hillary Clinton Emails, a clear of espionage.
Disenfranchising black voters is racist thuggery. It is oppression. It is immoral.

Yes it is, none of which Voter-ID does. It's just that you've once again been duped by your party of handouts. They can't tell you the real reason they don't want Voter-ID, so they made up this race nonsense that you and your ilk bought hook, line and sinker.
Tell ya what, let's require proof of citizenship and proper ID for one election and see what happens to the numbers showing up to vote. Deal?

You mean Republican efforts to disenfranchise legitimate voters?

Tell you what - let's have evidence that it's a serious problem first. The data so far says it isn't, and more to the point if someone was going to throw an election this would be the hardest way to do it - if not impossible.
The "studies" that claim that there is no significant voter fraud all use conviction statistics vs number of votes cast.

How many people illegally possessed marijuana in the USA today?

How many of them get busted?

Disenfranchising black voters is racist thuggery. It is oppression. It is immoral.

Yes it is, none of which Voter-ID does.
Except it does. And voter ID aren't the only new Jim Crow laws. The bottom line is you don't want eligible citizens who don't agree with you voting. So you conger up some purely insane notion that in-person voter impersonation is a huge national problem.

Yet, all the evidence suggests it is essentially nonexistent.

So the laws are racist. Period.
The Poll Tax was in reply to a specific question by OKTexas.

I would want an absolute guarantee that every eligible voter can get the necessary ID easily and efficiently. In addition, the list of allowable ID's should be expanded. For example - why is a concealed carry permit or a military ID ok but a student ID not? (in Republican states).

Voting is too important a right to infringe imo and there have been many attempts throughout history to do so.

There is no rights violation here. If you want to vote (or just to do about anything else in society) you need to have a picture ID. Without ID, you can't apply for a loan for a house, you can't apply for a bank loan of any kind, you can't buy cigarettes, alcohol, board a plane, cash a check, so who are these people that live their lives without doing any of these things?

A CCW permit and military ID is issued by the government. That's all we ask of voters; to have a government form of picture identification.
Funny how both those id's favor repub voters.

How? Because it prevents voter fraud, and therefore allows the will of the will of the people to carry elections?

Or, it disenfranchises legitimate voters and prevents the will of the people to carry elections? Kind of goes both ways.

No it doesn't.. NOT ONE person is disenfranchised by not getting off of their lazy azz and getting a free ID card. Your talking points don't work.
If you need assistance with food, power, water, etc you are required to show an ID. If you purchase alcohol or cigarettes you are required to have an ID. Funny how the welfare LEFT can always find that ID when freebies are in order.
Funny how fucktards make strawman insults when the subject is math.

Disenfranchising black voters is racist thuggery. It is oppression. It is immoral.

Stop making retarded excuses.

It's an insult to point out you have to have ID for all of the above? You sound triggered.. Perhaps a safe room for you, Mr. Pussy?
The Poll Tax was in reply to a specific question by OKTexas.

I would want an absolute guarantee that every eligible voter can get the necessary ID easily and efficiently. In addition, the list of allowable ID's should be expanded. For example - why is a concealed carry permit or a military ID ok but a student ID not? (in Republican states).

Voting is too important a right to infringe imo and there have been many attempts throughout history to do so.

There is no rights violation here. If you want to vote (or just to do about anything else in society) you need to have a picture ID. Without ID, you can't apply for a loan for a house, you can't apply for a bank loan of any kind, you can't buy cigarettes, alcohol, board a plane, cash a check, so who are these people that live their lives without doing any of these things?

A CCW permit and military ID is issued by the government. That's all we ask of voters; to have a government form of picture identification.
Funny how both those id's favor repub voters.

How? Because it prevents voter fraud, and therefore allows the will of the will of the people to carry elections?

Or, it disenfranchises legitimate voters and prevents the will of the people to carry elections? Kind of goes both ways.

No it doesn't.. NOT ONE person is disenfranchised by not getting off of their lazy azz and getting a free ID card. Your talking points don't work.

No, it's not as simple as people "getting off their lazy azz and getting a free ID card".

Here's an excerpt from an article in The New Republic:
The Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts has steadily weakened the Voting Rights Act and related legislation, which for generations federal official used to make sure minority voters had equal voice in the political process. But in 2008, when the Court approved Voter ID laws, the Court left open the possibility of new challenges if plaintiffs can demonstrate the laws impose a burden on would-be voters.

There are now good reasons to think the laws do exactly that.

One reason is a report, published over the summer, from Harvard Law School’s Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice. Researchers there complied published articles and legal testimony, in order to calculate the cost of of obtaining a government-issued identification. They included everything from the cost of waiting to the cost of traveling and obtaining documentation. Their conclusion? The costs can range anywhere from $75 to $400 per person. The study is not a comprehensive, since it examines evidence from just three states— Texas, Pennsylvania and South Carolina, which had its law blocked by the U.S. Justice Department but upheld by a District Court. But as many as 11 percent of voters don’t have a photo ID, according to the Brennan Center, and the study illustrates the challenge these people—many of them very poor—would face trying to get new identification documents. “The more it can be shown that is a substantial financial cost, the clearer it is that these laws are unconstitutional,” said Richard Sobel, author of the study.

Of course, some people would face higher costs than others. According to the study, people who move from another state can have a particularly hard time, because they’ll have trouble tracking down—and then paying for—the documentation they’ll need to get an identification card. Many states require that people present birth certificates in order to get Voter ID cards, but in at least two states, South Carolina and North Carolina, people who want a new birth certificate must present some other form of government identification. In other words, somebody would need a photo ID in order to obtain a voter ID.

Another group that can face extra costs and difficulty getting ID cards is women—specifically, women who have changed their names after marriage. A study by theBrennan Center from 2006 showed that just 48 percent of women with access to a birth certificate have access to identification with their legal name. “It's clear the costs are much much greater largely because we change our names,” Elisabeth Macnamara, president of the League of Women Voters, told me. The League of Women Voters in Wisconsin has challenged Wisconsin’s voter ID law, partly on this basis. “We are seeing courts considering the Photo ID and see how much it takes to get one.”

A separate issue is the hassle people face when they try to get Voter ID cards. “We've experienced people being treated differently depending which DMV they go to or which examiner they talk to as to whether which document is sufficient,” Bob Hall, executive director of Democracy North Carolina, said in an interview. These difficulties should strengthen legal challenges to the requirement, he said: “It does bolster the argument that it amounts to a poll tax.”


A website dedicated to these issues provides even more information on the issues:
Voters are being disenfranchised in record numbers in recent years, as tactics for voter suppression have proliferated. This primary the problem finally took the center stage. While widespread electoral dysfunction persists, laws aimed at suppressing voters are proliferating since Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act was gutted. Since then, 22 states have enacted laws making it harder for people to vote. Greg Palast estimates the number of disenfranchised voters will top 7 million this year.

Of course, some disenfranchisement is unintentional, as rules vary from state to state and are confusing. Of course, many poll workers are hard-working, dedicated people who care deeply, but there are a handful of partisan or incompetent people that are mucking things up. To add to the problem, a lot of the election equipment is old, crappy and prone to tampering. With everything coming to light, it’s time to demand changes that protect every American’s sacred right to vote. We must be vigilant.

We believe it’s time for a complete overhaul and a Constitutional Amendment to protect every American’s right to vote.

Source: Voter Disenfranchisement
There are no honest DemWitts. Watch the video (s). Tip of iceberg. If a close election.....one state FLA can be the diff maker by few hundred votes.

Another way to cheat is Dem poll workers wait to end of voting.....anyone not show up? Quickly vote for them D of course. Many other cheating methods are out there. No they don't check sig on 1mil absentee votes....are you on dope?

DemWitted loons are proven souless immoral cheating criminals as shown in video. No honor.
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There are no honest DemWitts. Watch the video (s). Tip of iceberg. If a close election.....one state FLA can be the diff maker by few hundred votes.

Another way to cheat is Dem poll workers wait to end of voting.....anyone not show up? Quickly vote for them D of course. Many other cheating methods are out there. No they don't check sig on 1mil absentee votes....are you in dope?

DemWitted loons are proven souless immoral cheating criminals as shown in video. No honor.

Great post! I thoroughly agree.
We have a D candidate on daily calls funding/supervising a "group" hiring nuts to start fights and commit voter fraud across state lines. Long term.

Where is the FBI? where is the R watching the store? Arrests should be on-going. Now they bleach the proof while everyone on another "recess". DemWitts are killing America. The media covers. It is over now. Anything goes for "them". disgusting animals.

No keyboard...I am so mad over video/email/hrc I post 1 finger phone type! Clinton foundation......joke. "fair share"? LOL!!!
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We have a D candidate on daily calls funding/supervising a "group" hiring nuts to start fights and commit voter fraud across state lines. Long term.

Where is the FBI? where is the R watching the store? Arrests should be on-going. Now they bleach the proof while everyone on another "recess". DemWitts are killing America. The media covers. It is over now. Anything goes for "them". disgusting animals.

What are you talking about? Or are you talking in code to fellow Trump supporters only -.-? You've certainly got some Trumpian language in there ("disgusting animals"), that might be it...
LOL The OP's article tries to sell there is no voter fraud then tries to point out there is republican voter fraud. What a waste of 10 minutes reading that garbage

How many verified cases of voter fraud have their been in the last several elections?

Who challenged an election to the SCOTUS? Oh right, the democrats.

Back up. Challenging it when the results are close AFTER the election isn't the issue though I think Gore should have let it go.
Tell ya what, let's require proof of citizenship and proper ID for one election and see what happens to the numbers showing up to vote. Deal?

You mean Republican efforts to disenfranchise legitimate voters?

Tell you what - let's have evidence that it's a serious problem first. The data so far says it isn't, and more to the point if someone was going to throw an election this would be the hardest way to do it - if not impossible.
The "studies" that claim that there is no significant voter fraud all use conviction statistics vs number of votes cast.

How many people illegally possessed marijuana in the USA today?

How many of them get busted?


Umh...do I understand this correctly...you're proposing new laws be made based on entirely hypothetical - NOT PROVEN - situations?

Voter fraud is plain and simple - a horribly inefficient way to swing an election. That's the main reason it's so uncommon.

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