Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud - how common is fraud? Not very.

Same argument would apply to the poll tax.

No, because people who did not have the money at the time were not allowed to vote for that reason only. They were financially incapable. Nobody but felons and illegals would be denied a Voter-ID card.
The "studies" that claim that there is no significant voter fraud all use conviction statistics vs number of votes cast.

How many people illegally possessed marijuana in the USA today?

How many of them get busted?


Umh...do I understand this correctly...you're proposing new laws be made based on entirely hypothetical - NOT PROVEN - situations?

Voter fraud is plain and simple - a horribly inefficient way to swing an election. That's the main reason it's so uncommon.

Here's a proven, the WI mall shooter, a resident alien registered and voted in 3 elections.

Solution, require proof of citizenship and residence in the precinct to register to vote, require ID to vote. Restart all voter rolls from scratch with the above criteria and check it against felon lists.


No one has said it never occurs but it's rare.

There are stiff penalties for voter fraud. That should be sufficient since it isn't common.

Voter rolls need to be purged but the issue with that is it's not centralized - it's up to each jurisdiction.

Checking against felon lists - depends on the state. In some states convicted felons can vote once they've served out their penalty.

Except you can't prove there's not 10s of millions just like this guy, can you? He went undetected till he committed another crime and they started checking his records and up pops a voter registration. That's why we need to start the voter rolls from scratch, then we'll have an idea how many people shouldn't be on them. You still haven't explained why you regressives are so set against ensuring the integrity of the vote. And don't give me this crap that people are too stupid to get the required documents, if they are that damned stupid they shouldn't be voting anyways.

You know...when you default to "you regressives"....why should I want to even discuss this with you?

I'm sorry I hurt your wittle feelers, what would you call a party that wants to take this country back to Sodom and Gomorrah? I call them regressives. They had their slaves also, you guys just call them dependent voting blocks.
Umh...do I understand this correctly...you're proposing new laws be made based on entirely hypothetical - NOT PROVEN - situations?

Voter fraud is plain and simple - a horribly inefficient way to swing an election. That's the main reason it's so uncommon.

Here's a proven, the WI mall shooter, a resident alien registered and voted in 3 elections.

Solution, require proof of citizenship and residence in the precinct to register to vote, require ID to vote. Restart all voter rolls from scratch with the above criteria and check it against felon lists.


No one has said it never occurs but it's rare.

There are stiff penalties for voter fraud. That should be sufficient since it isn't common.

Voter rolls need to be purged but the issue with that is it's not centralized - it's up to each jurisdiction.

Checking against felon lists - depends on the state. In some states convicted felons can vote once they've served out their penalty.

Except you can't prove there's not 10s of millions just like this guy, can you? He went undetected till he committed another crime and they started checking his records and up pops a voter registration. That's why we need to start the voter rolls from scratch, then we'll have an idea how many people shouldn't be on them. You still haven't explained why you regressives are so set against ensuring the integrity of the vote. And don't give me this crap that people are too stupid to get the required documents, if they are that damned stupid they shouldn't be voting anyways.

You know...when you default to "you regressives"....why should I want to even discuss this with you?

I'm sorry I hurt your wittle feelers, what would you call a party that wants to take this country back to Sodom and Gomorrah? I call them regressives. They had their slaves also, you guys just call them dependent voting blocks.

You didn't hurt my feelings. You're not capable of that. Just don't see any reason to pursue a rational conversation with you given your particular slant on things. Sort of a like the min-max solution cats employ - why waste the energy for so little return?
Except you can't prove there's not 10s of millions just like this guy, can you? He went undetected till he committed another crime and they started checking his records and up pops a voter registration. That's why we need to start the voter rolls from scratch, then we'll have an idea how many people shouldn't be on them. You still haven't explained why you regressives are so set against ensuring the integrity of the vote. And don't give me this crap that people are too stupid to get the required documents, if they are that damned stupid they shouldn't be voting anyways.

The Democrat party's concern is that they are too lazy to get an ID. They can't say it, but it's the truth.

Democrats will vote as long as it's as convenient as buying a gallon of milk from the store; the polls open late enough, having weeks to vote instead of one day, mail in ballots because they are too lazy to stand in line, somebody giving them a ride to the polls, being able to register at just about any government location.

Maybe they should be spending their vast resources helping people comply with the law, instead of fighting a law that protects everyones vote.
If you need assistance with food, power, water, etc you are required to show an ID. If you purchase alcohol or cigarettes you are required to have an ID. Funny how the welfare LEFT can always find that ID when freebies are in order.
Funny how fucktards make strawman insults when the subject is math.

Disenfranchising black voters is racist thuggery. It is oppression. It is immoral.

Stop making retarded excuses.

It's an insult to point out you have to have ID for all of the above? You sound triggered.. Perhaps a safe room for you, Mr. Pussy?
Nice try. Supporting voter ID and other laws that disproportionately disenfranchise black voter, which they all do is racist thuggery. It makes you no better than a so called slave driver.

Oppression is oppression.
Here's a proven, the WI mall shooter, a resident alien registered and voted in 3 elections.

Solution, require proof of citizenship and residence in the precinct to register to vote, require ID to vote. Restart all voter rolls from scratch with the above criteria and check it against felon lists.


No one has said it never occurs but it's rare.

There are stiff penalties for voter fraud. That should be sufficient since it isn't common.

Voter rolls need to be purged but the issue with that is it's not centralized - it's up to each jurisdiction.

Checking against felon lists - depends on the state. In some states convicted felons can vote once they've served out their penalty.

Except you can't prove there's not 10s of millions just like this guy, can you? He went undetected till he committed another crime and they started checking his records and up pops a voter registration. That's why we need to start the voter rolls from scratch, then we'll have an idea how many people shouldn't be on them. You still haven't explained why you regressives are so set against ensuring the integrity of the vote. And don't give me this crap that people are too stupid to get the required documents, if they are that damned stupid they shouldn't be voting anyways.

You know...when you default to "you regressives"....why should I want to even discuss this with you?

I'm sorry I hurt your wittle feelers, what would you call a party that wants to take this country back to Sodom and Gomorrah? I call them regressives. They had their slaves also, you guys just call them dependent voting blocks.

You didn't hurt my feelings. You're not capable of that. Just don't see any reason to pursue a rational conversation with you given your particular slant on things. Sort of a like the min-max solution cats employ - why waste the energy for so little return?

Slant on things, really? You've spent this whole thread denying the possibility that a problem could exist, and poopooing ideas of anyone who thinks it does. Hint hero, there is no more form of egregious disenfranchisement than to have a legal vote canceled by an illegal vote, even one is too many. A system that guards from that, protects every legitimate vote.
Except it does. And voter ID aren't the only new Jim Crow laws. The bottom line is you don't want eligible citizens who don't agree with you voting. So you conger up some purely insane notion that in-person voter impersonation is a huge national problem.

Yet, all the evidence suggests it is essentially nonexistent.

So the laws are racist. Period.

Wow, it's amazing how brainwashing works.

So once again: My state decides to adopt Voter-ID laws. The law states that all voters must have an approved form of picture identification. So I (as a Republican) have to obtain this Voter-ID card, and my black neighbor has to obtain this Voter-ID card. How would this new law favor me over my neighbor???
Sorry fucktard. It is math. If a significantly higher percentage of people who don't have ID are black, then you are disproportionately disenfranchising black voters.

You are cheating. You are being a racist thug, and you are a pathetic coward.

What the hell are you afraid of?

There are exactly ZERO in-person voter impersonation votes in the last presidential election in your state. So the law accomplishes exactly nothing.
Maybe they should be spending their vast resources helping people comply with the law, instead of fighting a law that protects everyones vote.

How do you help lazy people comply with the law?

Every measure that Republicans took to help eliminate fraud was met with the same liberal reaction: discrimination:

Voter--ID, that's discrimination. Why? Nobody can explain.
Early voting--discrimination. Why? Nobody can give a reasonable answer.
The elimination of week long voting--discrimination. Why? Again, the same answer.

Every suggestion or measure was met with the same answer. But since it's fact that none of these restrictions have anything to do with race, it's clear that it has to do with laziness and perhaps a little inconvenience.

If it's a little inconvenient for a Democrat voter to go vote, some will not vote at all, and Democrat politicians know this all too well. They are depending on those hobos off of train tracks, those welfare recipients that haven't worked in years, those Obama phone people that don't work, those SNAP's card people that got too fat to go out and stand in line to vote.

Republicans don't care what kind of inconveniences there are to vote. We will make sure our vote is cast no matter what the circumstance, and Democrat politicians know this as well.
Every measure that Republicans took to help eliminate fraud
There was ZERO in-person voter impersonation in your state, jackass.

How come you ALWAYS seem to miss that part in your racist screed?

Oh, that is right, you can't just come flat out and admit you're a racist anymore.
Sorry fucktard. It is math. If a significantly higher percentage of people who don't have ID are black, then you are disproportionately disenfranchising black voters.

Sorry fucktard, you have no evidence of what you say. And if somebody who doesn't have an ID is required to get one, then how is that disenfranchisement? If you want to vote (black, white, poor, young, old) then get an ID.
Sorry fucktard. It is math. If a significantly higher percentage of people who don't have ID are black, then you are disproportionately disenfranchising black voters.

Sorry fucktard, you have no evidence of what you say. And if somebody who doesn't have an ID is required to get one, then how is that disenfranchisement? If you want to vote (black, white, poor, young, old) then get an ID.
I am guessing you are from Texas, based on how stupid you are. But I certainly do have evidence that your state has ZERO cases of in-person voter impersonation fraud — the ONLY kind photo ID MIGHT mitigate.

And, sorrry, it is still RACIST THUGGERY to pretend that it is okay to ask for direct evidence of disproportionate disenfranchisement for a law that HASN’T gone into effect yet.

That is not how it works. You don't get to play stupid and steal elections in the meantime.

Face it, you don't give a shit that there is no in-person voter impersonation fraud, because this is not about that for you. It is all about deriding and openly hating black people.
There was ZERO in-person voter impersonation in your state, jackass.

How come you ALWAYS seem to miss that part in your racist screed?

Oh, that is right, you can't just come flat out and admit you're a racist anymore.

Everybody that doesn't agree with you is a racist in your mind. That's how you've been programmed to think by the Democrat party. Like I said, brainwashing really works, and nobody knows this better than Democrat politicians and the MSM. And few can prove it more than you have in this comment I quoted.

Ohioan gets 5-year prison term for illegal voting

Ohio Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Sought to "test the system"

WOW! Al Sharpton & Democrats Honor Convicted Voter Fraud Felon Melowese Richardson at "Welcome Home" Party
I am guessing you are from Texas, based on how stupid you are. But I certainly do have evidence that your state has ZERO cases of in-person voter impersonation fraud — the ONLY kind photo ID MIGHT mitigate.

And, sorrry, it is still RACIST THUGGERY to pretend that it is okay to ask for direct evidence of disproportionate disenfranchisement for a law that HASN’T gone into effect yet.

That is not how it works. You don't get to play stupid and steal elections in the meantime.

Face it, you don't give a shit that there is no in-person voter impersonation fraud, because this is not about that for you. It is all about deriding and openly hating black people.

There was ZERO in-person voter impersonation in your state, jackass.

How come you ALWAYS seem to miss that part in your racist screed?

Oh, that is right, you can't just come flat out and admit you're a racist anymore.

Everybody that doesn't agree with you is a racist in your mind. That's how you've been programmed to think by the Democrat party. Like I said, brainwashing really works, and nobody knows this better than Democrat politicians and the MSM. And few can prove it more than you have in this comment I quoted.

Ohioan gets 5-year prison term for illegal voting

Ohio Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Sought to "test the system"

WOW! Al Sharpton & Democrats Honor Convicted Voter Fraud Felon Melowese Richardson at "Welcome Home" Party
Those are not in-person voter impersonation fraud.

Are you that fucking stupid?
Those are not in-person voter impersonation fraud.

Are you that fucking stupid?

No, only stupid people can't read:

McMillan, 56, cast an early in-person absentee ballot at the Greene County Board of Elections and then cast a second ballot on November 6. Permissive in-person absentee voting held for weeks prior to election day is one of many policies championed by Ohio Senator Nina Turner (D-Cleveland), who is currently campaigning to be the next secretary of state.
Those are not in-person voter impersonation fraud.

Are you that fucking stupid?

No, only stupid people can't read:

McMillan, 56, cast an early in-person absentee ballot at the Greene County Board of Elections and then cast a second ballot on November 6. Permissive in-person absentee voting held for weeks prior to election day is one of many policies championed by Ohio Senator Nina Turner (D-Cleveland), who is currently campaigning to be the next secretary of state.
ABSENTEE BALLOT fraud is NOT in-person voter impersonation fraud. The dumbass in your story impersonated himself.

You have ZERO cases of in-person voter impersonation fraud.

And here is the other thing that isn't going to fly with your racist thuggery laws. OF COURSE there will be a case or two or some sort of idiot trying to do something stupid. No election with 120,000,000 people voting is perfect. But that doesn't mean for a split second that a few isolated cases will ever alter the outcome of the election.
ABSENTEE BALLOT fraud is NOT in-person voter impersonation fraud. The dumbass in your story impersonated himself.

You have ZERO cases of in-person voter impersonation fraud.

And here is the other thing that isn't going to fly with your racist thuggery laws. OF COURSE there will be a case or two or some sort of idiot trying to do something stupid. No election with 120,000,000 people voting is perfect. But that doesn't mean for a split second that a few isolated cases will ever alter the outcome of the election.

You stupid F, do you even know what an absentee ballot is?

Shows how much you read too. The story was not about "him" it was about "her." SHE cast two ballots IN PERSON. If you don't know what "in person" means, have an adult explain it to you.
ABSENTEE BALLOT fraud is NOT in-person voter impersonation fraud. The dumbass in your story impersonated himself.

You have ZERO cases of in-person voter impersonation fraud.

And here is the other thing that isn't going to fly with your racist thuggery laws. OF COURSE there will be a case or two or some sort of idiot trying to do something stupid. No election with 120,000,000 people voting is perfect. But that doesn't mean for a split second that a few isolated cases will ever alter the outcome of the election.

You stupid F, do you even know what an absentee ballot is?

Shows how much you read too. The story was not about "him" it was about "her." SHE cast two ballots IN PERSON. If you don't know what "in person" means, have an adult explain it to you.
You have ZERO cases of in-person voter impersonation fraud in the state of OHIO!!!

That is the ONLY kind of fraud that photo ID might mitigate.
You have ZERO cases of in-person voter impersonation fraud in the state of OHIO!!!

That is the ONLY kind of fraud that photo ID might mitigate.

That's the problem with you liberals. You ask for evidence, and when somebody presents clear cut evidence, you hold the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud. What don't you understand about t the term "in person?" In person means they were there as the story clearly points out.

My God I'm so glad I didn't attend public schools as a child.

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