RNC convention open thread

Keystone Pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Proponents for the Keystone XL pipeline argue that it would allow the U.S. to increase its energy security and reduce its dependence on foreign oil.[63][64] An independent study conducted by the Cornell ILR Global Labor Institute reports that the crude oil routed to the Gulf Coast will end up being exported to Asia, and not contribute to energy independence or national security.
I keep hearing Romney started a company and so I finally found out what is exactly behind that. Like everything else it is at best a half truth.
"He [Romney] initially refrained from accepting the offer, and Bain re-arranged the terms in a complicated partnership structure so that there was no financial or professional risk to Romney.[59][69][73] Thus, in 1984, Romney left Bain & Company to co-found the spin-off private equity investment firm, Bain Capital"
Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dammit, I'm so pissed off. Both my internet and cable has been down since the start of the convention tonight!

I finally got it back now!

I bet I missed the Ryan speech, didn't I?

I am SO PISSED OFF! :mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
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Pawlenty has been criticized by some for providing a short-term budget solution but coming up short in his long-term strategy as Governor. The state department of Management and Budget reports that the two-year budget starting in July 2011 is projected to come up $4.4 billion short.[35] Former Minnesota Governor Arne Carlson, a Republican, criticized Pawlenty's budget strategy: he borrowed more than $1 billion from the tobacco settlement (money set aside for heath care), borrowed more than $1.4 billion from K-12 education funding, borrowed more than $400 [million][37] from the Health Care Access Fund for low-income families, among other short-term shifts in accounting. The result was a $5-billion deficit, the seventh largest in the United States.[38] Minnesota property taxes rose $2.5 billion, more than the previous 16 years combined, and Moody's lowered the state's bond rating.[39] Carlson told Time, "I don't think any governor has left behind a worse financial mess than he [Pawlenty] has." Pawlenty responded, "My friend governor Arne Carlson is, of course, now an Obama and John Kerry supporter."[
And when I tried to find the convention on the radio all I got were IDIOTS at the convention, who think we want to hear them instead of the real speechs.

"Oh but we know Republicans don't want women to control their bodies."

THIS is what passes for intelligence on the left!

I keep hearing Romney started a company and so I finally found out what is exactly behind that. Like everything else it is at best a half truth.
"He [Romney] initially refrained from accepting the offer, and Bain re-arranged the terms in a complicated partnership structure so that there was no financial or professional risk to Romney.[59][69][73] Thus, in 1984, Romney left Bain & Company to co-found the spin-off private equity investment firm, Bain Capital"
Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And we ALL KNOW Wikipedia is without question a realiable source!

(sarcasm off)
Bush 41, 43 film

• Remarks by former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark.

10 p.m.:

• Remarks by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

• Remarks by Gov. Susana Martinez, R-N.M.

• Remarks by vice presidential nominee, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.

• Benediction by Archbishop Demetrios

• Adjournment
Bush 41, 43 film

• Remarks by former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark.

10 p.m.:

• Remarks by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

• Remarks by Gov. Susana Martinez, R-N.M.

• Remarks by vice presidential nominee, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.

• Benediction by Archbishop Demetrios

• Adjournment

Thank you! :D
And I missed half of Pawlenty's speech!

I'm pissed!

Okay, last of my whining!

I bet these bastards at yahoo won't have the cable down on the Democrat convention!

Fuck me! This is a fantastic parade of libertarian flag waving!!

Almost makes me want to vote R this year!!! :tongue:

:eusa_think: If only it wasn't just pretty wrapping on re-packaged trickle-down economics.

WYGD?? :dunno:
Okay, while we are watching which is cuter?


Baby Democrat? OR!


Baby Republican!

I think it's a toss up!

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