Robert Mueller has evidence Roger Stone communicated with Wikileaks

Your wrong because you know nothing directly. All you "know" is what the lying media has old you, and like a 2 year old waiting for Santa, you believe.
"Know nothing"? This coming from someone who uses "your" incorrectly. Lol! "Lying media?" If that were true, Mueller would have already fixed that claim. He didn't. You lied.
When called out, deflect by attacking spelling and grammar then keep lying - classic libstain.
Hate to let you know this, but I called you out. Again, if it was the "lying media," Mueller would have corrected the record. He didn't, which proves you are lying. Can your brain register that reality?
Mueller is a useless liberal tool, and your a lib liar.
You obviously had to surrender my argument or else you would have countered my truth with an intelligent rebuttal. Instead, you went off like a retard saying nothing. You're an idiot with nothing to debate. Get lost.
You have no argument, you have no facts, stains like you play this same word game everyday. I can only figure they are so tiny and non-important that they get some charge out of pretending to win anonymous arguments, and anyone honest can see that posted link to something proves nothing, other than the posters belief in pixie dust, and their own well worn value.
"Know nothing"? This coming from someone who uses "your" incorrectly. Lol! "Lying media?" If that were true, Mueller would have already fixed that claim. He didn't. You lied.
When called out, deflect by attacking spelling and grammar then keep lying - classic libstain.
Hate to let you know this, but I called you out. Again, if it was the "lying media," Mueller would have corrected the record. He didn't, which proves you are lying. Can your brain register that reality?
Mueller is a useless liberal tool, and your a lib liar.
You obviously had to surrender my argument or else you would have countered my truth with an intelligent rebuttal. Instead, you went off like a retard saying nothing. You're an idiot with nothing to debate. Get lost.
You have no argument, you have no facts, stains like you play this same word game everyday. I can only figure they are so tiny and non-important that they get some charge out of pretending to win anonymous arguments, and anyone honest can see that posted link to something proves nothing, other than the posters belief in pixie dust, and their own well worn value.
All that, and you said nothing. My OP made all the points of which you are helpless to debate. Take a hike loser.
When called out, deflect by attacking spelling and grammar then keep lying - classic libstain.
Hate to let you know this, but I called you out. Again, if it was the "lying media," Mueller would have corrected the record. He didn't, which proves you are lying. Can your brain register that reality?
Mueller is a useless liberal tool, and your a lib liar.
You obviously had to surrender my argument or else you would have countered my truth with an intelligent rebuttal. Instead, you went off like a retard saying nothing. You're an idiot with nothing to debate. Get lost.
You have no argument, you have no facts, stains like you play this same word game everyday. I can only figure they are so tiny and non-important that they get some charge out of pretending to win anonymous arguments, and anyone honest can see that posted link to something proves nothing, other than the posters belief in pixie dust, and their own well worn value.
All that, and you said nothing. My OP made all the points of which you are helpless to debate. Take a hike loser.
No one debates with you liars. It is impossible since if you loose the debate you start throwing a tantrum and hurling all manor of baseless accusations that only further the opinion held by most that you are an imbecile.
Hate to let you know this, but I called you out. Again, if it was the "lying media," Mueller would have corrected the record. He didn't, which proves you are lying. Can your brain register that reality?
Mueller is a useless liberal tool, and your a lib liar.
You obviously had to surrender my argument or else you would have countered my truth with an intelligent rebuttal. Instead, you went off like a retard saying nothing. You're an idiot with nothing to debate. Get lost.
You have no argument, you have no facts, stains like you play this same word game everyday. I can only figure they are so tiny and non-important that they get some charge out of pretending to win anonymous arguments, and anyone honest can see that posted link to something proves nothing, other than the posters belief in pixie dust, and their own well worn value.
All that, and you said nothing. My OP made all the points of which you are helpless to debate. Take a hike loser.
No one debates with you liars. It is impossible since if you loose the debate you start throwing a tantrum and hurling all manor of baseless accusations that only further the opinion held by most that you are an imbecile.
Show me where it's a lie. Stop hiding like a pussy; Feds: We have Roger Stone's communications with Wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

Nothing burger
Is this true boy we have them now derp derp.
So, you can't even invent a lie as to how I'm wrong. That figures.

The logic between what was already known, and this new discovery about Stone, confirms without a doubt, a conspiracy occurred between Stone, Wikileaks, Gucifer, and Trump. Stone new all the right things to say, at all the right time on Trump's behalf, also proving exactly where Trump got his information from. It went from Wikileaks/Gucifer2.0 to Roger Stone to Trump. The line of communications is more than abundantly obvious. This is where a conspiracy is 100% revealing.. Trump got his info from someplace, and now we know where.. This is your conspiracy folks, right out in plain sight.
Your wrong because you know nothing directly. All you "know" is what the lying media has old you, and like a 2 year old waiting for Santa, you believe.
Some one believing anything trump says calling the media liars ? You fool, I'd sell you the brooklyn bridge if I hadn't sold it already to another republican schmuck
Mueller is a useless liberal tool, and your a lib liar.
You obviously had to surrender my argument or else you would have countered my truth with an intelligent rebuttal. Instead, you went off like a retard saying nothing. You're an idiot with nothing to debate. Get lost.
You have no argument, you have no facts, stains like you play this same word game everyday. I can only figure they are so tiny and non-important that they get some charge out of pretending to win anonymous arguments, and anyone honest can see that posted link to something proves nothing, other than the posters belief in pixie dust, and their own well worn value.
All that, and you said nothing. My OP made all the points of which you are helpless to debate. Take a hike loser.
No one debates with you liars. It is impossible since if you loose the debate you start throwing a tantrum and hurling all manor of baseless accusations that only further the opinion held by most that you are an imbecile.
Show me where it's a lie. Stop hiding like a pussy; Feds: We have Roger Stone's communications with Wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0
BWK Republicans don't like facts Trump says he has the best facts but can't say where they came from .....His butt?

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

More fake news diversion from treasonous CNN. If it was true and /or significant, then why did Mueller charge Stone only with "lying"? This will end up in the long list of CNN's du bunked lies, the most recent one was "Trump instructed Cohen to lie".

Hopefully the new attorney general Barr will start straitening things out and start locking up these traitors in the media and Deep State.
So Trump's long time adviser colluded with Russian spies to release stolen emails.

You know, as we all have known for 2+ years.

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

More fake news diversion from treasonous CNN. If it was true and /or significant, then why did Mueller charge Stone only with "lying"? This will end up in the long list of CNN's du bunked lies, the most recent one was "Trump instructed Cohen to lie".

Hopefully the new attorney general Barr will start straitening things out and start locking up these traitors in the media and Deep State.

Locking up traitors will reduce Republican party by half with the Dump family leading the way

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

More fake news diversion from treasonous CNN. If it was true and /or significant, then why did Mueller charge Stone only with "lying"? This will end up in the long list of CNN's du bunked lies, the most recent one was "Trump instructed Cohen to lie".

Hopefully the new attorney general Barr will start straitening things out and start locking up these traitors in the media and Deep State.

Locking up traitors will reduce Republican party by half with the Dump family leading the way

Locking up the traitors will include Hillary, Bill, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, Homa Abadeen, a number of operatives and hacks at CNN / MSNBC / WAPO / NY Times, and many more in the Democracratic party and Deep State, etc. and that would be for starters. Equal justice.
So Trump's long time adviser colluded with Russian spies to release stolen emails.

You know, as we all have known for 2+ years.
Wrong again.

By the way, the Russian connection with WiKi hasn't even been established. No conclusive proof has been provided except for accusations by the Left, and Assange is denying it. So far he's been correct.
Wrong again.
Well,maybe you were in a coma,but we all knew stone was colluding with WikiLeaks and the Russians 2 years ago. So yes, i am right.

And, during your coma, the Russian spy front account guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for the WikiLeaks dump.
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Wrong again.
Well,maybe you were in a comma,but we all knew stop was colluding with WikiLeaks and the Russians 2 years ago. So yes, i am right.

And, during your coma, the Russian spy front account guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for the WikiLeaks dump.
Nope. No evidence has been presented that Wiki has ties to Russia. Many have been bamboozled by the media and politicians into thinking so. Besides, did you forget that Rosenstein stated that no evidence that any votes were affected or changed by this so called Russian hacking?
So Trump's long time adviser colluded with Russian spies to release stolen emails.

You know, as we all have known for 2+ years.
Wrong again.

By the way, the Russian connection with WiKi hasn't even been established. No conclusive proof has been provided except for accusations by the Left, and Assange is denying it. So far he's been correct.
We have a great national emergency and trump is playing fn golf??
So Trump's long time adviser colluded with Russian spies to release stolen emails.

You know, as we all have known for 2+ years.
Wrong again.

By the way, the Russian connection with WiKi hasn't even been established. No conclusive proof has been provided except for accusations by the Left, and Assange is denying it. So far he's been correct.
We have a great national emergency and trump is playing fn golf??
What did the other presidents do the last 51 instances they declared national emergency in the last two decades?
No evidence has been presented that Wiki has ties to Russia
Nah, that's nonsense. We have the circumstantial evidence that only the Russians hacked and possessed the emails. We know their account claimed responsibility for passing them to WikiLeaks. We have communications between WikiLeaks and guccifer, including this:

"“If you have anything hillary related we want it in the next tweo days prefable because the DNC is approaching,” the error-ridden message read. “and she will solidify bernie supporters behind her after.”

Basically, you aren't in possession of even the most basic facts regarding this topic and should probably stop talking now

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