Rod impales migrant woman who tries climbing over US border fence

I'll bet that just made you day when you read that. The only thing that would have made it better for you would have been if her two children also were impaled.
Typical eight year old LIB response.
The "rod" didn't impale anyone!
Like the 'gun' doesn't kill anyone.
The stupid woman put herself in a position wherein her impaled HERSELF on the rod!
Social Darwinism at its best!
If someone gets run over by a train b/c they were standing on the track is it the train's fault?
It is disappointing that she survived.
And yet you call yourself a Christian. If Jesus was real he'd be spinning in his grave.
The left tries to use Christianity as a weapon. It doesn't work that way. The thief and killer screaming that if you don't allow yourself to be victimized you aren't a Christian was never presenting Chtistianity correctly.
I'll bet that just made you day when you read that. The only thing that would have made it better for you would have been if her two children also were impaled.
Let me fix your ignorant comment:
The only way that would have been better was if no immigrants at all had tried to scale a fence designed to keep people like this woman and other foreign invaders out.

There now. That's better.

The law should have consequences and like street drag racers who die while ignoring the law
sometimes they themselves are the means of enforcement.

Send the bill for her medical care and internment to her family back in Guatemala.
Lol, she's probably preparing to sue the government and the construction company. And she will win too.

Spoken like a true Leftard: not only does she have a "right" to come here, it outweighs the nation's need to protect itself and define its borders. Now, climb a 30 foot fence and fall, shame on us, right? And when I break into a power substation fenced off marked clearly: HIGH VOLTAGE DANGER and get shocked badly, or break into your house marked PRIVATE PROPERTY BEWARE OF DOG and get bitten by your guard dog, I can sue Westinghouse and you and take you both for all you're worth! Hoo! Haa!
It is disappointing that she survived.
And yet you call yourself a Christian. If Jesus was real he'd be spinning in his grave.

Jesus IS real and isn't in his grave to spin. But go right ahead and tell us otherwise. I always love to hear the opinions of people on how far not to go out to sea who themselves have never even left the shore in the first place!
Bet she's here, in an American hospital, filling out her application for asylum as we speak.
Yes. She's a perfect symbol of the sort of people America seems to be swarmed by: People that break and piss on our laws and want Uncle Sam to take care of them and pay their bills anyway.

That's just the sort of responsible citizen we need more of.
mostly agree but i say , take in no one , let the TRASH' you mention die out of old age and thats it . In 1970 there were 210 million Americans and everything was fine as i was a 20 year old ToobFreak .

Absolutely. The trash will die off much faster than the new come in as there simply aren't that many good people out there looking to immigrate. Good people are simply mostly too busy living well wherever they are right now. It has come down to where now 99% of those looking to "immigrate" are mostly the pathetic. I think that 200 million figure is a real good number to shoot for.
The left loves criminals. Only criminals. The victims are always wrong for preventing a successful crime. It is unchristian. The true Christian is supposed to welcome victimization.

Ahhh no.
It is disappointing that she survived.
And yet you call yourself a Christian. If Jesus was real he'd be spinning in his grave.
The left tries to use Christianity as a weapon. It doesn't work that way. The thief and killer screaming that if you don't allow yourself to be victimized you aren't a Christian was never presenting Chtistianity correctly.
You are completely fulla shit. You know what a Christian is supposed to be and you choose to be the exact oolar opposite. You are vengeful, petty and mean. Scum of the earth right here folks. We should sell tickets to your posts like some kinda circus freakshow.

Send the bill for her medical care and internment to her family back in Guatemala.
Lol, she's probably preparing to sue the government and the construction company. And she will win too.

Spoken like a true Leftard: not only does she have a "right" to come here, it outweighs the nation's need to protect itself and define its borders. Now, climb a 30 foot fence and fall, shame on us, right? And when I break into a power substation fenced off marked clearly: HIGH VOLTAGE DANGER and get shocked badly, or break into your house marked PRIVATE PROPERTY BEWARE OF DOG and get bitten by your guard dog, I can sue Westinghouse and you and take you both for all you're worth! Hoo! Haa!
You read a lot into one little "lol".
It is disappointing that she survived.
And yet you call yourself a Christian. If Jesus was real he'd be spinning in his grave.

Jesus IS real and isn't in his grave to spin. But go right ahead and tell us otherwise. I always love to hear the opinions of people on how far not to go out to sea who themselves have never even left the shore in the first place!
Even republican Jesus isn't classless enough to say something like "too bad she survived", and you and I both know he isn't real anyway. If he was you were update take his "teachings" seriously.
Bet she's here, in an American hospital, filling out her application for asylum as we speak.
Yes. She's a perfect symbol of the sort of people America seems to be swarmed by: People that break and piss on our laws and want Uncle Sam to take care of them and pay their bills anyway.

That's just the sort of responsible citizen we need more of.
Right, and you and your stupid wall set everything up for her.
It’s just too bad she survived. Guess we need to get the construction workers to start peeing on the rebar before they leave at night. It’s a time tested means to create infection in piercing wounds.
It is disappointing that she survived.
And yet you call yourself a Christian. If Jesus was real he'd be spinning in his grave.
The left tries to use Christianity as a weapon. It doesn't work that way. The thief and killer screaming that if you don't allow yourself to be victimized you aren't a Christian was never presenting Chtistianity correctly.
You are completely fulla shit. You know what a Christian is supposed to be and you choose to be the exact oolar opposite. You are vengeful, petty and mean. Scum of the earth right here folks. We should sell tickets to your posts like some kinda circus freakshow.
Criminals are always presented heroically by the left. You never see a leftist calling a home invasion criminal a bad Christian. No. It's the homeowner who locks the door.

The Bible says if a thief steals your sandals give him your cloak as well. The left translates that into if your pussy is raped roll over to be sodomized as well or you are a bad Christian.

The Lord owns the patent on vengeance.
Bet she's here, in an American hospital, filling out her application for asylum as we speak.
Yes. She's a perfect symbol of the sort of people America seems to be swarmed by: People that break and piss on our laws and want Uncle Sam to take care of them and pay their bills anyway.

That's just the sort of responsible citizen we need more of.
Right, and you and your stupid wall set everything up for her.

Ah, those stupid walls. Right now most every country in the world has some kind of wall or border defense to control the boundaries of their nation or they secretly wish they did.

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