Roe is just the latest example of all-or-nothing politics

You really don't have to explain anything.

I'm asking pick a date at which you think the right wing would have said, "cool" and the left wing would have said "cool".
I don't know. That would be the result of the communication that I shouldn't have to explain.

I don't belong to a tribe that thinks it has all the answers. If you need a number, let's try 12 weeks and see what happens.

Is there a point here?
Abortion law varies widely throughout the world. In many cases, there is a gestation period in which abortion is legal.

I have to wonder what would be happening if the Pro Choice movement had just been willing to agree to some kind of time restriction, instead of refusing to seriously discuss it and (apparently) backing abortion to the end of the pregnancy.

So now, the Pro Life movement can be expected to push this as far as they can, because they "won". After all, America is now all-or-nothing, right? Us vs. Them!

I know that many are just fine with all-or-nothing "wars". I just don't get it. They seem to do far more to divide than to actually improve things.
I don't see where this is all or nothing. The scotus is simply saying that this was never supposed to be a decision for the federal government. It was supposed to be a state issue, and that's what the draft was saying.
The question of Constututionality of RVW is about CONTROL.

Democrats / Liberals / the federal govt wants it; however, the US Constitution does not give the federal govt to control / dictate abortion law. That control / responsibility is a STATES Rights issue...always has been.

The only power / authority the federal govt has is what has been specifically spelled out by the US Constitution.
Where does the constitution give rights to State governments to ban abortion? It doesnt.

Rights are for citizens, that restricts government power over them.

Abortion is not mentioned in the constitution.....nor is contraception, as example....

Does that mean the state govt can constitutionally make any form of birth control, illegal? State govts thought they could, and did for decades....

in to right before the Roe v Wade court case, where the supreme court ruled that citizens have a right to privacy that not only the federal govt could not infringe or impede, but the state govts could not infringe on citizen's privacy if a couple wants to use a form of birth control while having sex in their own bedrooms or where ever, it's none of the state government's bees wax.....

based on that ruling, the Conservative Supreme court also ruled the constitution did not give power to State governments to interfere with a woman's right to self determination, and privacy of what was happening in her own body. It was NONE of the state govts bees wax to even know if any woman was in an early stage of pregnancy.

So then the court had to face whether the state govt had any power to intervene in such a private matter....?

One of the supreme court justices was a medical doctor, labor and delivery (I believe), broke down stages of pregnancy...1st trimester, second, and third etc and foetus growth by week etc, and came up with only after 20 weeks gestation, and/or the baby's viability... could a State govt have a SAY in what a pregnant woman can or can not do with her own pregnancy, because at the point of viability is when another person, is involved.

The right to privacy, (liberty as well), is also what ended up with the SC banning State laws against sodomy.

I guess I don't understand why some say this was a bad decision by the SC, when the same privacy argument was used by them for contraception, and sodomy bans in place by state governments?
Abortion law varies widely throughout the world. In many cases, there is a gestation period in which abortion is legal.

I have to wonder what would be happening if the Pro Choice movement had just been willing to agree to some kind of time restriction, instead of refusing to seriously discuss it and (apparently) backing abortion to the end of the pregnancy.

So now, the Pro Life movement can be expected to push this as far as they can, because they "won". After all, America is now all-or-nothing, right? Us vs. Them!

I know that many are just fine with all-or-nothing "wars". I just don't get it. They seem to do far more to divide than to actually improve things.
Its so simple even a Tweener should understand

Either unborn children are human or they are not
Abortion law varies widely throughout the world. In many cases, there is a gestation period in which abortion is legal.

I have to wonder what would be happening if the Pro Choice movement had just been willing to agree to some kind of time restriction, instead of refusing to seriously discuss it and (apparently) backing abortion to the end of the pregnancy.

So now, the Pro Life movement can be expected to push this as far as they can, because they "won". After all, America is now all-or-nothing, right? Us vs. Them!

I know that many are just fine with all-or-nothing "wars". I just don't get it. They seem to do far more to divide than to actually improve things.
You Lefties have simply pushed too far, too hard, for too long….Now NOBODY sane and decent wants to make deals with Americas most dangerous enemy….you Lefties.
To stay relevant Democrats will need to distance themselves from the loons…they’ll need to find their way back to the party of Kennedy.
Welcome to the REAL woke revolution.
Where does the constitution give rights to State governments to ban abortion? It doesnt.

'Ban'?? Way to try to spin the liberal Truth Commission bs. Try 'regulate', 'deal with', as in STATES' RESPONSIBILITY.

The Federal govrrnment only has authority given to it by the Constitution - all else is delegated to the STATES.

Your insinuation that states' authority over abortion s equals an automatic ban is as much billshit as liberals claiming males can get pregnant and give birth.

States' responsibility / authority means states getting DECIDE, to make their own choices on how to govern / regulate based on the wishes of their own people.

It means the federal govt does not get to dictate how states will be governed on these issues.

IF abortions are banned, which a will not and you know it, it will be the choice made by those states.
What's the big problem? If you want an abortion, you can still get an abortion. And on top of that, Amazon is now giving $4000 to cover the tab to burn that hard-working sperm. So now, lowlife baby killers can make money doing it, kind of like a hitman.
This is not an issue that has a "middle ground".

Either you think fetuses are people who have more rights than the woman they are inside or you don't.
All or nothing is not possible. States with different interpretations are the best we are going to get.
Abortion is a states right issue since it's not a right mentioned in the bill of rights.

Could a state make murder legal? By that could a state remove all laws that define "unlawful killing" and just let people kill each other without the Fed Govt having the power to step in?
Abortion law varies widely throughout the world. In many cases, there is a gestation period in which abortion is legal.

I have to wonder what would be happening if the Pro Choice movement had just been willing to agree to some kind of time restriction, instead of refusing to seriously discuss it and (apparently) backing abortion to the end of the pregnancy.

So now, the Pro Life movement can be expected to push this as far as they can, because they "won". After all, America is now all-or-nothing, right? Us vs. Them!

I know that many are just fine with all-or-nothing "wars". I just don't get it. They seem to do far more to divide than to actually improve things.
Roe vs Wade is not a law. fk I hate stupid people. the Judicial branch does not write law. The legislative branch does that. Want a law, get your reps to put up a bill for a vote. for fk sake already. Dude you remain clueless.
This is not an issue that has a "middle ground".

Either you think fetuses are people who have more rights than the woman they are inside or you don't.
no science for you huh? I knew it.
After 50 years, now this. Seems strange timing. The result will cause even greater divisions among Americans. Maybe this is why now.
well i’ve been told the Constitution is a living breathing document
A contagious virus of whose effects can be deadly versus pregnancy....yeah...that's roughly an equivalent. Wow.
They are quite comparable in the respect that both have to do with medical privacy. Not so much when you consider one of the two results in another human's death every time.
Abortion law varies widely throughout the world. In many cases, there is a gestation period in which abortion is legal.

I have to wonder what would be happening if the Pro Choice movement had just been willing to agree to some kind of time restriction, instead of refusing to seriously discuss it and (apparently) backing abortion to the end of the pregnancy.

So now, the Pro Life movement can be expected to push this as far as they can, because they "won". After all, America is now all-or-nothing, right? Us vs. Them!

I know that many are just fine with all-or-nothing "wars". I just don't get it. They seem to do far more to divide than to actually improve things.

Calm down. It's going back to the states, where it should have been all along. You federal supremacists are ridiculous.

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