Roe overturned

Yes, yes. Satanic Nazis and the rest. :rolleyes:

The fact remains, a fetus isn't a baby. Just as an egg isn't a chicken. Words mean things.
Defining words to mean what they aren't is leftism 101. Tell us all butcher, if someone murders a pregnant woman why are they charged with a double homicide? Anyway, this was a joke from the start like I knew it was.
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Define words to mean what they aren't is leftism 101.
Exactly. This is why I see no difference between Trumpsters and the left.
Tell us all butcher, if someone murders a pregnant woman why are they charged with a double homicide?
Because meddling twats lobbied states with sob stories to convince them to add these laws (though not all of them fell for it). It was a deliberate attempt to change the definition of a fetus, to slide in personhood while no one was looking. It was done to serve as a bridge to getting rid of Roe vs Wade. So jerkoffs like you could cite it as an excuse to force others to bend to your will.

I know you really, really, really want to lord it over others via the state. Well, no.
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Murder is illegal, ghoul. So, in your twisted head a fetus isn't a baby but if you wait long enough it turns into one? Wow, how twisted!
A fetus isn't a baby and if you wait long enou....wait a minute, I see what you're doing, very tricky.....

I agree. Mother Nature is extremely twisted.
For the last 50 years, 43 states have been forcing women to have children they do not want
All perfectly legal under Roe.
You means they've restricted the right to abortion after some point in the pregnancy because of a reason?

Well by all means do tell.

But that's all prelude. Now States can deny that women have the right.
You means they've restricted the right to abortion after some point in the pregnancy because of a reason?
Because Roe allowed states to regulate, restrict, limit and even prohibit abortions.
But that's all prelude. Now States can deny that women have the right.
That depends entirely on what the state courts say.
You means they've restricted the right to abortion after some point in the pregnancy because of a reason?

Well by all means do tell.

But that's all prelude. Now States can deny that women have the right.
There is no right to kill your baby, ghoul.
Exactly. This is why I see no difference between Trumpsters and the left.

Because meddling twats lobbied states with sob stories to convince them to add these laws (though not all of them fell for it). It was a deliberate attempt to change the definition of a fetus, to slide in personhood while no one was looking. It was done to serve as a bridge to getting rid of Roe vs Wade. So jerkoffs like you could cite it as an excuse to force others to bend to your will.

I know you really, really, really want to lord it over others via the state. Well, no.
Sez the blood lusting ghoul. No difference except you want to kill babies and I don't.
Yes, yes. Satanic Nazis and the rest. :rolleyes:

The fact remains, a fetus isn't a baby. Just as an egg isn't a chicken. Words mean things.
And yet most of the country thinks its wrong 3rd tri. Most are ok to a degree 1st tri. Can tolerate it.

But Congress doesnt compromise so OH WELL
Exactly. This is why I see no difference between Trumpsters and the left.

Because meddling twats lobbied states with sob stories to convince them to add these laws (though not all of them fell for it). It was a deliberate attempt to change the definition of a fetus, to slide in personhood while no one was looking. It was done to serve as a bridge to getting rid of Roe vs Wade. So jerkoffs like you could cite it as an excuse to force others to bend to your will.

I know you really, really, really want to lord it over others via the state. Well, no.
Late term abortion is barbarism. Tell the sorry fucks in office to do a compromise to 15 weeks Then NO abortions after. Except if mother are baby is in danger.

Blue shit hole states do partiall birth abortions. They can kiss my ass and so can the people who agree with it.
Late term abortion is barbarism. Tell the sorry fucks in office to do a compromise to 15 weeks Then NO abortions after. Except if mother are baby is in danger.

Blue shit hole states do partiall birth abortions. They can kiss my ass and so can the people who agree with it.
I don't want a government that concerns itself with my insides. Maybe you do.

Maybe your zeal for controlling others' lives is so great you're ready to give up all rights.

I'm not.
I don't want a government that concerns itself with my insides. Maybe you do.

Maybe your zeal for controlling others' lives is so great you're ready to give up all rights.

I'm not.
Maybe i have a problem with the murder of babies. Even Roe knew late term was viable.

If that baby was born if healthy it would have a life and its taken away because you are too stupid to decide earlier.

Let me repeat. Late Term abortion is batbarism. I simply dont care if this offends your wittle feelings
Deflection from the ghoul, always.
A fetus is still not a baby.
Maybe i have a problem with the murder of babies. Even Roe knew late term was viable.

If that baby was born if healthy it would have a life and its taken away because you are too stupid to decide earlier.

Let me repeat. Late Term abortion is batbarism. I simply dont care if this offends your wittle feelings

Abortions occurring at or after 21 weeks gestational age are rare. They are often difficult to obtain, as they are typically costly, time-intensive and only performed by a small subset of abortion providers. Yet these abortions receive a disproportionate amount of attention in the news, policy and the law, and discussions on this topic are often fraught with misinformation; for example, intense public discussions have been sparked after several policymakers have theorized about abortions occurring “moments before birth” or even “after birth.” In reality, these scenarios do not occur, nor are they legal, in the U.S. Discussion of this topic is further obscured due to the terms sometimes used to describe abortions later in pregnancy– including “late-term,” “post-viability,” “partial birth,” “dismemberment” and “born-alive” abortions—despite many medical professionals criticizing and opposing their use. This fact sheet explains why individuals may seek abortions later in pregnancy, how often these procedures occur, how the concepts of viability and fetal pain play into this topic, and the various laws which regulate access to abortions later in pregnancy.

What is a so-called “late-term” abortion?​

“Late term” abortion typically refers to abortions obtained at or after 21 weeks, however it is not an accepted medical term, nor is there a consensus around to which gestational ages it refers.
A fetus is still not a baby.

Abortions occurring at or after 21 weeks gestational age are rare. They are often difficult to obtain, as they are typically costly, time-intensive and only performed by a small subset of abortion providers. Yet these abortions receive a disproportionate amount of attention in the news, policy and the law, and discussions on this topic are often fraught with misinformation; for example, intense public discussions have been sparked after several policymakers have theorized about abortions occurring “moments before birth” or even “after birth.” In reality, these scenarios do not occur, nor are they legal, in the U.S. Discussion of this topic is further obscured due to the terms sometimes used to describe abortions later in pregnancy– including “late-term,” “post-viability,” “partial birth,” “dismemberment” and “born-alive” abortions—despite many medical professionals criticizing and opposing their use. This fact sheet explains why individuals may seek abortions later in pregnancy, how often these procedures occur, how the concepts of viability and fetal pain play into this topic, and the various laws which regulate access to abortions later in pregnancy.

What is a so-called “late-term” abortion?​

“Late term” abortion typically refers to abortions obtained at or after 21 weeks, however it is not an accepted medical term, nor is there a consensus around to which gestational ages it refers.
Ghoul deflects like always.

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