Roe overturned

The Supreme Court overturned its Roe v. Wade ruling Friday with a 6-3 decision in a Mississippi case that returns the issue of abortion to the states after nearly 50 years.


Roberts concurred in the judgment. Essentially an abstention.


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Where do you get that ridiculous idea?

If you want to leave your state to go to another state, then of course you are free to leave your county to do so.
If you want to travel from one county to another only, you're not.

Also there is no stop to the state government mandating castration. Under the 2022 Fair Support Act, Texas could require that all the father's of all children out of wedlock be castrated, so that assets would be focused on the existing child.
So you'll have to plan on driving your bitch to another state, if between the two of you you're not intelligent enough to manage a condom or a Plan B pill.
"Your bitch"

Ya gotta love Republicans

And oh by the way...kiss Plan B goodbye as well
If the Court says that a thing is Constitutional then it is Constitutional. That right withstood 50 years of right wing attacks...until THIS court
Rulings are always open to interpetation, hopefully Congres gets off it's ass and does something they should have addressed 50 years ago.
" Nothing " yeah Bubba.Yuz got that right.Like the
Big Nothing Burger of the January 6th Star Chamber.
New evidence out of whole cloth full of snot stains.
There was No more a Constitutional right to an Abortion
than the right to Vote w/o any I.D. provided.
The right to Bear witness as in ... " Let's Go,Brandon! "
There was a constitutional right to abortion. That was determined 50 years ago. And the 1-6 committee has barbecued your nothing burger.
I find all of this odd just a few months before the midterms. This is a great way to energize the Dem base and try to have them deny the GOP tidal wave that is sure to occur.

This decision FINALLY shifted CNN from 1/6 and now Biden is going to "address the nation".

All of this is peculiar timing, this would be more wisely done after a GOP W.H victory not now.

It doesn't even matter what this decision means, it ensures the MSM and others will paint it a prticular way. As they said on CNN "people will go to the polls on this decision".
Don't believe the MSM lies. A lot more people in this country are pro life than pro child killing as a method of birth control.
Not irrational.
Fir the same reason Obama's IRS superior Louis Lerner.
Not only used the 5th but pulled a fast one before invoking it.
Sat down and read a statement then took the 5th.
Obama telling Bill O'Reilly on Superbowl weekend { Fox sponsored }
" There wasn't a smidgen of Corruption. " Before the IRS Investigation
was even completed.
Activist judges.
The filthy activist judges were the stupid Supreme Cort Justices that pulled this silly shit that a woman magically had a Constitutional right to kill a child as a birth control method back in 1973.

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