Roe overturned

Don't believe the MSM lies. A lot more people in this country are pro life than pro child killing as a method of birth control.

Notice, that although 6 judges chose this, they are calling this "a Trump judges decision". They don't want anyone to associate this with former GOP leaders, just Trump.

The old Neo-Cons are as giddy about this decision as Dems looking to rally their dying base, they both want to help the Dems against "America First", what better way than this decision before a mid-term that was going to be a record flood for the Dems?
From what was leaked, the decision specifically addresses this issue, only. It was highlighted in the leak.
It's only the beginning.

BREAKING: Joe Manchin says he would vote to codify Roe V. Wade.

get rid of the filibuster then!
It's the only way they got the three extreme members who everyone knew were going to take away the rights of all America Women.

That is full of lies.

What part of "it's as state issue" does she not understand?

And if there is a federal abortion ban, they will have proper grounds to overturn it.
Don't worry the Imbecile in Chief was just on claiming abortion is a constitutional right.
Now he claims it's time to make it a US supposedly was, and found unconstitutional.
Codifying it will not pass constitutional muster, either.
Notice, that although 6 judges chose this, they are calling this "a Trump judges decision". They don't want anyone to associate this with former GOP leaders, just Trump.

The old Neo-Cons are as giddy about this decision as Dems looking to rally their dying base, they both want to help the Dems against "America First", what better way than this decision before a mid-term that was going to be a record flood for the Dems?
because they are 100% invested in trump being the poster child of all issues. it's a bad move of their own undoing in the end because it simply shows they have nothing to offer but condemnation of the 1 man they spent their entire wad on demonizing.
States with strong anti abortion laws have more single parent families. They have more crime. And they all happen to be red. Great.
If the Court says that a thing is Constitutional then it is Constitutional. That right withstood 50 years of right wing attacks...until THIS court
This court righted a great injustice and corrected a massive government overreach. You should be thanking them.
It helped them win elections. It was, and still is, the single largest issue out there. Both sides use it for the starting line

courts are now like politicians - vote not according to law, but preference and bend interpretations to match. this only means that eventually when the courts are "left" again, all this will be undone.

it's so insane.
It's only been overturned in cases where the original court fucked up, like in Plessey.

And the court fucked up with Roe.
Yes, that is going to be the new big lie Republicans will tell, as they prepare to take cases on contraception and same sex marriage before the SCOTUS.

I see it has already filtered down to you.

Let me help you a bit:

Nobody believes those lies. Nobody. The people telling them (you) and the people hearing them don't believe them.
You are confused.

There was not a word mentioned about religion in the decision. It was judged on Constitutional merits.

Not a word in the Constitution about abortion. The 1973 decision was significantly flawed in order to placate the Feminazis that were being major assholes at the time.
It was partisan garbage.

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