Ron Paul doesnt seem to care about getting Obama out of office

The CIA never claimed to have caused 9-11, you piece of shit. Our foreign policy was never blamed on 9-11. 9-11 happened because muslim terrorists decided to attack us over our support of Israel, oil rich Arabs, etc.

Sure some scumbags don't like us supporting Israel and the rich Arab oil men, that is fucking common sense. But last time I checked the CIA is still doing what it was doing before 9-11, you stupid fucking moron.

So who gives a shit when evil people don't like what we do. I'm sure criminals don't like the police.....oh, they better not make criminals mad and just let them break the law. :eusa_whistle:

You are among dumbest assholes on this website, it is a race to the bottom among you Paulbots and the liberals.

Yes kook, the CIA is responsible for 9-11.....maybe even pulled it off with the Jews, eh?

Are you a 9-11 conspiracy theory nut too? I wouldn't be shocked.

We know who you are fatass....

OK, show me where in my post I said that, or any time Ron Paul has said it.

It was the CIA that said our political meddling in other people's countries was causing 'blowback'.

he and his supporters seem to have their own agenda.

Selfish-to-the core.

Sure. That's why he played by RNC rules in an attempt to get nominated only to have the RNC change the rules mid-game in order to make sure Paul was not eligible for a slot to speak at the convention.

And you wonder why the supporters and Paul aren't batting for your team? You wouldn't even allow us fair play in the entire process.

If you wanted our support you should have treated us like we actually counted. Instead you allowed the republican party to deliberately disenfranchise us at every turn. Now you want to bitch and moan because we will not be in support? :lmao:

You fucking guys deserve what you get in November. I could give a flying shit which corporatist whore gets the white house between Mitt and Obama. Same shit, different turd.

Make sure you blame Paul in December when Obama wins. We'll be here to take your blame so you can keep living in a fucking bubble. Chump.

Still hoping for the collapse and destruction of America just because your guy lost, eh?

Well dumbfuck.....

Al Qai'da doesn't like

1) Us protecting "the Jews" aka Israel.
2) Us propping up the rich Arabs with their oil.
3) Us putting US troops in Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War to protect muslims from muslims.

Looks like a strong argument for you kooks and Al Qai'da. How dare the US protect "the Jews and Israel" from being wiped off the face of the Earth.

Throw in helping Arab muslims getting rich by helping them drill for oil then buying that oil from them, the shame of it.

Now the kicker, going to the aid of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc to protect them from a so-called muslim in Saddam that was killing muslims because he wanted THEIR OIL and he didn't want to pay his debts.

Nice argument you kooks and the terrorists have there...

Did you get out of junior high school being so stupid?

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"Lets go kill Americans because they have a good life!"

"Great idea!! They own nice things and we don't!!"

"I agree!! That MTV is evil!! Their exotic fast cars are too much excess!! Ali Hu Ackbar!!"

"We shall terrorize them because we are jealous. We don't want all their stuff but in the same token they shouldn't have it because...well because!!"

"Yes!! Lets kill them just on principle!!"
Rush wasn't gung-ho for Romney, he was pushing for Santorum but realizes Romney is our nominee so he supports him.

Rush speaks out against the DC beltway GOPers even defends Ron Paul's financial platform, but understands Ron Paul is a kook when it comes to defending this country.

Rush wants to take out the Democraps, while you people are only interested in following your cult leader off a cliff just like the liberals with Obamination.

This country is more important than Obamination and Ron Paul, two cult figures.

Uh, I have the radio on to Rush.

You know the guy that speaks out against the GOP insiders everyday on his show. But even he sees Ron Paul as a kook.

You need to turn off your mind, it has been corrupted. Get a new hard drive....

Turn off the T.V and think for yourself. Your "education" should have taught you that. I see right through watch the show The Walking Dead? Your walking through this thread like that except you are vomiting nothing but talking points. You've been brainwashed my friend, there is no trying to have a decent conversation with you.

You go follow Obamney to slaughter, I'll watch from the sidelines cheering you on :)

:eusa_hand: Youve got to be kidding...

I havent seen the Rush said so in a very long time.

I hope its longer next time...........Send him a box of Krispy Kremes and some Viagra. He will love you for it.......
You're a fucking moron.

Too bad we just can't hand you and the liberals over to the terrorists to wear them out cutting off heads.

"Lets go kill Americans because they have a good life!"

"Great idea!! They own nice things and we don't!!"

"I agree!! That MTV is evil!! Their exotic fast cars are too much excess!! Ali Hu Ackbar!!"

"We shall terrorize them because we are jealous. We don't want all their stuff but in the same token they shouldn't have it because...well because!!"

"Yes!! Lets kill them just on principle!!"
The OP may be correct on this. I don't think Ron Paul does care all that much about getting Obama out of office. He's much too busy sticking to his principles. He simply stands by his beliefs. And that's his focus. It always has been. He's just not wired to be an inside political hack. I'm sure he would like to see Obama go, but it's just not his #1 priority. It is what it is.
Let's sum up this thread....

Paulbots and liberals share many values and beliefs.

Paulbots blame the US military and CIA for islamic terrorism around the world.

Paulbots are hoping Obamination wins the election.

Paulbots are kooks and some of them like cocks.
he and his supporters seem to have their own agenda.

Selfish-to-the core.

Sure. That's why he played by RNC rules in an attempt to get nominated only to have the RNC change the rules mid-game in order to make sure Paul was not eligible for a slot to speak at the convention.

And you wonder why the supporters and Paul aren't batting for your team? You wouldn't even allow us fair play in the entire process.

If you wanted our support you should have treated us like we actually counted. Instead you allowed the republican party to deliberately disenfranchise us at every turn. Now you want to bitch and moan because we will not be in support? :lmao:

You fucking guys deserve what you get in November. I could give a flying shit which corporatist whore gets the white house between Mitt and Obama. Same shit, different turd.

Make sure you blame Paul in December when Obama wins. We'll be here to take your blame so you can keep living in a fucking bubble. Chump.

Still hoping for the collapse and destruction of America just because your guy lost, eh?


Still believe that Romney can win without Paul supporters, heh?

Sure. That's why he played by RNC rules in an attempt to get nominated only to have the RNC change the rules mid-game in order to make sure Paul was not eligible for a slot to speak at the convention.

And you wonder why the supporters and Paul aren't batting for your team? You wouldn't even allow us fair play in the entire process.

If you wanted our support you should have treated us like we actually counted. Instead you allowed the republican party to deliberately disenfranchise us at every turn. Now you want to bitch and moan because we will not be in support? :lmao:

You fucking guys deserve what you get in November. I could give a flying shit which corporatist whore gets the white house between Mitt and Obama. Same shit, different turd.

Make sure you blame Paul in December when Obama wins. We'll be here to take your blame so you can keep living in a fucking bubble. Chump.

Still hoping for the collapse and destruction of America just because your guy lost, eh?


Still believe that Romney can win without Paul supporters, heh?


Not all Paul supporters are anarchists such as yourself.

However, a few of you post quite a bit.
Let's sum up this thread....

Paulbots and liberals share many values and beliefs.

Paulbots blame the US military and CIA for islamic terrorism around the world.

Paulbots are hoping Obamination wins the election.

Paulbots are kooks and some of them like cocks.

You left out the part about your idiocy.

See you in November. :lol:
Let's sum up this thread....

Paulbots and liberals share many values and beliefs.

Paulbots blame the US military and CIA for islamic terrorism around the world.

Paulbots are hoping Obamination wins the election.

Paulbots are kooks and some of them like cocks.

Your assessment is inaccurate.
That is all you have kook, stupid pics.

The CIA never claimed to have caused 9-11, you piece of shit. Our foreign policy was never blamed on 9-11. 9-11 happened because muslim terrorists decided to attack us over our support of Israel, oil rich Arabs, etc.

Sure some scumbags don't like us supporting Israel and the rich Arab oil men, that is fucking common sense. But last time I checked the CIA is still doing what it was doing before 9-11, you stupid fucking moron.

So who gives a shit when evil people don't like what we do. I'm sure criminals don't like the police.....oh, they better not make criminals mad and just let them break the law. :eusa_whistle:

You are among dumbest assholes on this website, it is a race to the bottom among you Paulbots and the liberals.

OK, show me where in my post I said that, or any time Ron Paul has said it.

It was the CIA that said our political meddling in other people's countries was causing 'blowback'.

Countdown to days when Libertarians can return to total obscurity and their traditional 1/2 of 1% of the vote, once they can no longer pretend to be Republicans....

Paulbots and liberals both hate Romney - 1
Paulbots and liberals want to chop the DoD budget to pieces - 2
Paulbots and liberals blame the CIA/military for terrorism - 3
Paulbots and liberals share many social issue agendas - 4
Paulbots and liberals don't want mind if Obamination wins - 5

The cocks thingy is a matter between some Paulbots, Swallow, etc.

Let's sum up this thread....

Paulbots and liberals share many values and beliefs.

Paulbots blame the US military and CIA for islamic terrorism around the world.

Paulbots are hoping Obamination wins the election.

Paulbots are kooks and some of them like cocks.

Your assessment is inaccurate.
Countdown to days when Libertarians can return to total obscurity and their traditional 1/2 of 1% of the vote, once they can no longer pretend to be Republicans....


That's not a good thing for the Republican Party or the Country. I'm sorry you don't see that.
Rush wasn't gung-ho for Romney, he was pushing for Santorum but realizes Romney is our nominee so he supports him.

Rush speaks out against the DC beltway GOPers even defends Ron Paul's financial platform, but understands Ron Paul is a kook when it comes to defending this country.

Rush wants to take out the Democraps, while you people are only interested in following your cult leader off a cliff just like the liberals with Obamination.

This country is more important than Obamination and Ron Paul, two cult figures.

Uh, I have the radio on to Rush.

You know the guy that speaks out against the GOP insiders everyday on his show. But even he sees Ron Paul as a kook.

You need to turn off your mind, it has been corrupted. Get a new hard drive....

:eusa_hand: Youve got to be kidding...

I havent seen the Rush said so in a very long time.

I hope its longer next time...........Send him a box of Krispy Kremes and some Viagra. He will love you for it.......

Cute..But you havent paid attention.....I like Paul but I must agree with another poster that there is something missing for being president. Ideas are great if you have the leadership to deliver.

What can I expect from repubs...

Well the economy will take off. But we will get a ton of lip service on how everything must be cut..Announce historic changes as the debt continues to pile up.

One brand of big government isnt any better then the other.......
Yes dumbfuck, Al Qai'da will just go back to their caves, homes when the CIA and US military surrender and leave town.

What a brilliant strategy in kookville.

They want us to leave so they can stone non-muslims in their lands, they can expand into parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, etc.....with the eventual conquest of the west in mind.

There were idiots like you in the 1930s that claimed those Nazis and Japanese were no problem for the USA....

Let's sum up this thread....

Paulbots share many liberal and conservative values and beliefs.

Paulbots blame US Policy for Islamic terrorism around the world.

Paulbots don't care who wins the election.

Paulbots are proud of it.
I fixed it for you........

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