Rudy has enough dirt......

Rudi Giuliani is the son of a criminal.

Rudi was born in dirt, raised in dirt, and is now the lord of dirt.
And you can’t even beat a moron in an election. :laughing0301:
Right, because I only have one vote. What a stupid post... thank you for always making me look smart...
Hilarious a moron keeps beating you.
Actually, that moron made the Republicans lose in 2018 by 8 million votes. Nevertheless, it's not surprising a moron won. Look at the hillbilly counties that flipped the election. I'm sure you live in one of them.

Obama and the Democrats lost far more in 2010. Do the math.

Actually in popular vote the Democratic vote swing was 1.8% higher, that is major... That pushes a lot more seats in play...

You are not taking into account all of the state and local elections that were won by Republicans in 2010 midterms. Overall the Democrats lost over 1,000 seats, counting federal, state, and local.
on the President to bury all of us 10 times over! Donald has made a terrible mistake; Rudy is no Michael Cohen. Here's my prediction....the President is going to throw Rudy under the Congressional bus and try to sway the court of public opinion, Rudy is NOT going to sit back and take it. Rudy is easily as well known as Donald Trump and his pedigree until now has been impeccable (or has it?) He took down John Gotti and he was "America's Mayor" forever associated with 9/11. Donald Trump is a criminal, has always been a criminal, will always be a criminal. The beginning of the end for Donald Trump was the exit of Don McGann.
you have daily wet dreams ,don't you ?
Redistribution will always be a failure, because humans are involved... lol

Utter horseshit
Yes you did.. white democrats and black democrats who supported white democrats like the black slave owners.. It’s like you guys are reappearing again
Buuut... you're a racist puke... you guys aren't really winning anyone over...
Look up the definition of racism and how people in power use it to hurt a race ,, then look at democrat policies
Look up partisanshithead. Black folks seem to have a different view than you do, being white, you must know better.
Are you teaching black people to change the definition to fit a different narrative ?
The black folk I know are quite up on partisanshitheadism.

They know themselves. Big deal.
Democracy = mob rule... fuck that
Exactly, that's why the founders never wanted a representative government, and why concentrated wealth doesn't want it now.
Generally people get/have what they deserve... Contentment generally leads to success

Right. Those not born to privilege are where they deserve to be. Those of wealth and privilege who are able to game the system and control it will be self-infused with delusions of grandeur, righteousness and hubris. Fweedumb, wiberty, equawity, all entitled men are cweated equal. Blah blah blah, you're spot on.
Redistribution will always be a failure, because humans are involved... lol
Worked here:


One word answer: technology.
Redistribution will always be a failure
Well, except for when progressive tax helped produce the strongest economy ever to exist on earth... But hey, other than actual history or reality, you're spot on!
I don’t want what other people have, I want to earn my own shit… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Go ahead, change the subject, you mental midget. I don't expect anything better from you.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.

Thomas Jefferson
.... who steals land, then cleanses it of the inhabitants already present, and then brings in slaves from another land to do his labor for him and so he'll have someone to rape.

It is the very stuff of the King they ostensibly overthrew.

Your point is?

Are you claiming moral superiority or did you just have diarrhea of the keyboard?
If you were in contact with planet Earth, you would realize the digital revolution started in the 1970's and that was the cause of the sharp increase in productivity.
Ah, I see. So, the innovations of mass production, of mechanization, of commercial flight, of communication, and of better healthcare just didn't do anything to increase production of labor faster than wages. Then, the digital revolution came along, and finally something increased the production of labor faster than wages.

It makes sense, if you don't think about it. I suppose a lobotomy and a few hours on zero-hedge might help me understand.
It's not likely anything could make you understand.
I understand your overwrought fantasy just fine, thanks. I just destroyed it.
lol Anyone who doesn't understand the incredible impact the digital revolution had on our economy is not capable of understanding anything.
Spot on again, professor! As anyone can see, the production curve stayed steady from 1948 until present, while wages took a turn for the worse about 1973. And if everyone would just stop reading books and learning things and looking at fancy "data" and "graphs", they would understand that this is because of the digital revolution, and has nothing whatsoever to do with declining unions, lagging minimum wage, or lack of economic policies designed to entice full employment.

We are truly blessed to have such a great economic mind among us.

Why are you sitting jere? needs you!
If you had even half a functioning brain, you would see that this is true. Since your ignorance seems to be so vast and profound, let me start you off with baby steps. Productivity is calculated by dividing output by the number of workers. Before computers became so commonplace, medium and large size companies maintained typing pools and each document had to be typed and formal copies had to be typed so carbon copies were not acceptable. When employers invested in computers, one typist could produce as many copies of a document as several could have before, so her productivity increased but the increase in skill level required was slight, so her wages did not increase proportionally. Similarly, when auto companies began investing in robots on the assembly line, many of the tasks that had previously been performed by workers were now performed by robots, so the output of the department increased substantially, but the number decreased, so productivity was much higher, but except for a few workers, no new skills were required so wages did not increase proportionally.
If you had even half a functioning brain, you would see that this is true.
No, I would say it is incidental. I would say that the factors I mentioned have depressed wages far more than the "digital revolution". The "digital revolution" did not cause the 10 people working at the local mcdonald's tonight to lag behind the 10 people working at mcdonald's 30 years ago. The digital revolution did not produce the very clear disparity between unionized jobs and otherwise even today, that is clear in the data. The digital revolution did not marginalize labor, like same magical spirit. Economic policy did that. Now we have a low- to -no-skilled workforce that can't survive on telemarketer wages in a society where prices have not been kind enough to lag as much as wages have. We have a crumbling infrastructure and rising deficits, after decades of tax cuts and "taking the hit" on globalization without modernizing our work force. That would have been the same in the past, in the coal revolution, the industrial revolution, the evolution of communication, you name it. You pointing at the digital revolution for this signal is nonsense, and it comes down to policy and marginalization of labor. Period. Look no further than the policies and corporatization of our government.
First you claim Rudy has all the goods on Trump then you claim he's going to throw Rudy under the bus knowing Rudy has all the goods on Trump.
Right. Because Trump is a moron. You're starting to get it, I think.

LMAO Well for a moron he's doing a damned fine job. Oh and he's a hell of a lot smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

Carry on dumbass.
on the President to bury all of us 10 times over! Donald has made a terrible mistake; Rudy is no Michael Cohen. Here's my prediction....the President is going to throw Rudy under the Congressional bus and try to sway the court of public opinion, Rudy is NOT going to sit back and take it. Rudy is easily as well known as Donald Trump and his pedigree until now has been impeccable (or has it?) He took down John Gotti and he was "America's Mayor" forever associated with 9/11. Donald Trump is a criminal, has always been a criminal, will always be a criminal. The beginning of the end for Donald Trump was the exit of Don McGann.
So when you take your head out of your own ass to use your fake account to post some fake Flame Bait, does your head feel crappy in the morning?

Rudy spent his whole career fighting Corruption, and Donald Trump was never known to be a Corrupt Businessman. If as you say (LIE ABOUT) that Rudy had enough dirt on Trump because he knows him so well, Rudy, would have NEVER taken the job in The First Place.

America knows what you are doing. You started your COUP and Witch Hunt even before The President was sworn in to Office. What is this, now, like FAKE News, Witch Hunt, Coup number 8,9, or 10? When you golf with Adam Schitt Stain are you his official Ball Washer?

Not only are you sore losers, you are terrible, evil people, and liars. When you meet your maker He will be rubber stamping your ass straight to Hell. It's people like you and the pathological lying and continually plotting left that makes me glad their is a Hell for Evil Doers like you.
on the President to bury all of us 10 times over! Donald has made a terrible mistake; Rudy is no Michael Cohen. Here's my prediction....the President is going to throw Rudy under the Congressional bus and try to sway the court of public opinion, Rudy is NOT going to sit back and take it. Rudy is easily as well known as Donald Trump and his pedigree until now has been impeccable (or has it?) He took down John Gotti and he was "America's Mayor" forever associated with 9/11. Donald Trump is a criminal, has always been a criminal, will always be a criminal. The beginning of the end for Donald Trump was the exit of Don McGann.
Bro trump broke no laws. He’s been under investigation for 3 1/2 years

Are you fucking retarded the man can’t take a shit without Democrats knowing how much toilet paper he used all his conversations are recorded
Goooo away

Democrats stop lynching Republicans the 1800s are over the 1960s are over you guys lost
Not only has he been under Fake Investigation for all that time, They Have Spied on him and everything he has done has been leaked.

You go after a guy for 3 and a half years, plant moles and spies in The White House, Plant spies in his campaign, have The Entire Media Apparatus on The Left trying to dig up anything negative they can, and spewing lies 24-7, Wire Tap him and his campaign 24-7, and weaponize Russian Propaganda and our FBI and DOJ against him, and Launch a COUP to try to remove a president, and even go so far as to try to frame the man, and you can't make anything stick, then there is NO THERE THERE, just like STROZK said.
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on the President to bury all of us 10 times over! Donald has made a terrible mistake; Rudy is no Michael Cohen. Here's my prediction....the President is going to throw Rudy under the Congressional bus and try to sway the court of public opinion, Rudy is NOT going to sit back and take it. Rudy is easily as well known as Donald Trump and his pedigree until now has been impeccable (or has it?) He took down John Gotti and he was "America's Mayor" forever associated with 9/11. Donald Trump is a criminal, has always been a criminal, will always be a criminal. The beginning of the end for Donald Trump was the exit of Don McGann.
Bro trump broke no laws. He’s been under investigation for 3 1/2 years

Are you fucking retarded the man can’t take a shit without Democrats knowing how much toilet paper he used all his conversations are recorded
Goooo away

Democrats stop lynching Republicans the 1800s are over the 1960s are over you guys lost
Not only has he been under Fake Investigation for all that time, They Have Spied on him and everything he has done has been leaked.

You go after a guy for 3 and a half years, plant moles and spies in The White House, Wire Tap him and his campaign 24-7, and weaponize Russian Propaganda and our FBI and DOJ against him, and Launch a COUP to try to remove a president, and even go so far as to try to frame the man, and you can't make anything stick, then there is NO THERE THERE, just like STROZK said.
The only people testifying are Obama hold overs who can’t stand how Trump governs, we’ll who gives a shit what you think democrats
I almost feel pity for these hapless democrat clowns. (Not really). Disappointment will be their only friend.

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