Russia A True Police State

Which is it, reunification (bringing a union back together after it dissolves) or keeping it together (meaning it never dissolved)? And, if it was about "keeping the union together", then why isn't he going after all the other countries (some of which joined NATO)?

I'll tell you's because Russia doesn't have a year round seaport other than what the Ukraine allowed them to use. Their other ports get locked in by ice during the winter.
Of course Russia would certainly go after other former satellite nations. As everyone has been saying he's making his move one by one. In any event, my comments had nothing to do with events, but tactics. Putin is following the tactics used by Generals Grant and Sherman, tactics of total war.
"A true police state"? Does the word "true" distinguish Russia from China? As a matter of fact it seems that our polite neighbor to the north can become a "true" police state when it becomes necessary.
Might wanna look up actual gas prices and not listen to what Trump tells you. Gas prices on his last day in office were around 2.39, and here in Newberry SC were around 2.90 up until Russia started making moves in the Ukraine. As far as the election being stolen? The only people who continue to claim that are Trump himself and anyone else who has been so blinded by him that they ignore facts. No, the election wasn't stolen, and no, there was no election fraud uncovered, even in spite of the many investigations about it.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Potatohead wants gas to be $10/gal (or more) because that is the agenda of the dumbass Environmental Wackos to get rid of ICEs.

Potatohead announced that filthy agenda during the 2020 campaign and started it Day One and that ran up the price up gas at the pump, which was almost twice what it was when Trump was President, even before Ukraine was invaded.

Under Trump oil was less than $50/bbl. Under Potatohead before the invasion it was near $100/bbl. Now it will soon be $150/bbl.

That is a terrible inflation tax on working Americans. The cost will also filter down to almost all goods and series. Another big hit to inflation already on top of what the Democrats have already given us. Potatohead doesn't give a shit. He thinks it is good for us. We don't need to driving cars because it is bad for the environment. he is fucking filthy rich thanks to his family corruption so he is set up. Only the average Americans are fucked.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead and then ignored the fact that he stole the election is a fucking moron. Are you one of those fucking morons? You are confused like one.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Potatohead wants gas to be $10/gal (or more) because that is the agenda of the dumbass Environmental Wackos to get rid of ICEs.

Potatohead announced that filthy agenda during the 2020 campaign and started it Day One and that ran up the price up gas at the pump, which was almost twice what it was when Trump was President, even before Ukraine was invaded.

Under Trump oil was less than $50/bbl. Under Potatohead before the invasion it was near $100/bbl. Now it will soon be $150/bbl.

That is a terrible inflation tax on working Americans. The cost will also filter down to almost all goods and series. Another big hit to inflation already on top of what the Democrats have already given us. Potatohead doesn't give a shit. He thinks it is good for us. We don't need to driving cars because it is bad for the environment. he is fucking filthy rich thanks to his family corruption so he is set up. Only the average Americans are fucked.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead and then ignored the fact that he stole the election is a fucking moron. Are you one of those fucking morons? You are confused like one.

June 2018

Oil at $80/ bbl

June 2018

Oil at $80/ bbl

When Trump was President it cost me about $35 to fill up my Tundra. Under Potatohead it cost almost $80. Those are the true facts.

Here is the Potatohead Administration's true agenda you moron:

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says EV transportation will bring ‘cost savings’ to Americans

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says EV transportation will bring ‘cost savings’ to Americans

This is what these people are told in MAGA world.

None of those people is an actual communist.

Who knows what these people think "communism" is.
The communist schema of today, sir, is to ultimately exercise power over God, science, the truth, and last and also least to them, their fellow man. The poster boy at the beginning is you. And they hand you an Obama phone instead of a way for you to buy the phone of your choice that comes with a filter for privacy. For a few years, you are happy. Then they take your sons and daughters away from you to do their bidding, offering them a plethora of lifestyle choices that do not beget what they consider to be "bothersome children who oughta be assassinated by any means available to her royal abortion moll who can paint her toenails and fingernails for fun if they get bored of not having the cheerful sound of tiny feet stumbling around in a loving home. That way, when Mr. or Ms. decides someone else would be more fun, they don't have to worry about who has to take care of those bothersome little ones after the divorce. Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat. Rinse repeat. When the communists over there decide having an inconvenient shipping canal in Panama, they will come for any one who doesn't roll out the red carpet for them. And they'll start with orphanages, childrens' hospitals, libraries, and hospitals like Putin did 2 weeks ago.

It's the essence of Blitzkreig. Be quiet for a little bit, then BOOM!!! Before the shock wears off those who survive, they'll quickly die when they look down and notice their legs are missing from the hip, and before that information sinks in, they're dead. But Putin is currently putting his bonus from the Clintons gift to the Chinese who shared with their bretheren Communists in Putinsberg, all that nuclear jazz, row on row of guided nuclear rockets, to hit America, erase its learnings and replace it in another language, which will be the cleverest assassin in the Eastern world. Humanity's last sight could be Armageddon from which there are no lucky respites and merciless Putins who survived the anti-fetus society we live in today.
The communist schema of today, sir, is to ultimately exercise power over God, science, the truth, and last and also least to them, their fellow man. The poster boy at the beginning is you. And they hand you an Obama phone instead of a way for you to buy the phone of your choice that comes with a filter for privacy. For a few years, you are happy. Then they take your sons and daughters away from you to do their bidding, offering them a plethora of lifestyle choices that do not beget what they consider to be "bothersome children who oughta be assassinated by any means available to her royal abortion moll who can paint her toenails and fingernails for fun if they get bored of not having the cheerful sound of tiny feet stumbling around in a loving home. That way, when Mr. or Ms. decides someone else would be more fun, they don't have to worry about who has to take care of those bothersome little ones after the divorce. Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat. Rinse repeat. When the communists over there decide having an inconvenient shipping canal in Panama, they will come for any one who doesn't roll out the red carpet for them. And they'll start with orphanages, childrens' hospitals, libraries, and hospitals like Putin did 2 weeks ago.

It's the essence of Blitzkreig. Be quiet for a little bit, then BOOM!!! Before the shock wears off those who survive, they'll quickly die when they look down and notice their legs are missing from the hip, and before that information sinks in, they're dead. But Putin is currently putting his bonus from the Clintons gift to the Chinese who shared with their bretheren Communists in Putinsberg, all that nuclear jazz, row on row of guided nuclear rockets, to hit America, erase its learnings and replace it in another language, which will be the cleverest assassin in the Eastern world. Humanity's last sight could be Armageddon from which there are no lucky respites.

What is communism? I can define it in less than ten words.
If you defend what the Union did to the South, you are totally on board with what Putin is doing in Ukraine. It's the same thing.

Actually. That is a terrible analogy.

It would be a better analogy if it was Ukraine marching on the disputed territories. But what Putin is doing is a blatant land grab.

Here is why the analogy doesn’t compare. Both the Soviet Union and Russian Federation recognized the independent nation of Ukraine.

The Union never recognized the Confederate States.

A better analogy would be if France tried to reclaim the territory they sold to us in the Louisiana Purchase.
I hate to pop your bubble, Lesh, But Pelosi, Waters, Clinton, Obama, Sanders, et al are dyed in the wool Communists with the Alinsky process to boot. (Methodology on turning a free nation into a communist hellhole in less than 2 years.) You've been following Putin, his best palsy walsies in the US gave him The PANAMA CANAL which Russia now controls after a lucrative deal for China shortchanging the country Panama entirely, Clinton handed over nuclear secrets to China for 8 stinking years with a push from Hillary, Barack Obama and his Secy. of State, Hillary, gave away 3 Aleutian Islands with their billion barrels of oil apiece, and Hillary threw in 20% of Americans refined uranium to Putin while Russia "donated to" <cough, cough> the Clinton Foundation $235,000,000. as a "gift." I personally think it was a "grift." And America and Freedom were given away by these paid for purchases of the American presidency by way of screwing American voters out of their choice and replacing it with the Communist Deep State choice thanks to politicians of America trained in the Communist Camps Academia quietly and stealthily destroyed Christian children and turned them into soulless Commies with one-world rule in mind, and kill-em-all Putins raging through third world sovereign countries for the thesis BECAUSE THEY COULD, and not because they give a damn about the America they cheated and also whom they regularly entertain with amusing lies spit out by Communistic Leftist Press sycophants. And yeah, we're a little upset. :meow:
Like their lord and master, Trumptards cannot ever say a harsh word against Putin, no matter how evil he gets.

They bring their basket of red herrings, straw men, lies, and hoaxes to every fight over Trump's gay lover.
They are not....They're political prisoners being held in blatant violation of their civil liberties.

Eat shit and die, fascist hypocrite.
"Political prisoners." :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, man. That's priceless.

Holy shit, you tards are far gone!

Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers; Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon; Civil Disorder and Aiding and Abetting; Destruction of Government Property Exceeding $1,000; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in Capitol


What is communism? I can define it in less than ten words.
I note your artificial metallic eagle. It goes with killing raptors off with metal windmills and using metal effigy to remind the next generation that ospreys, great golden eagles, and other migratory raptors may just be a figment of some creep's imagination. Books will have to be burned, opportunities closed for ornithologist wannabes, etc., to carry through the new "truth is optional" ""truth"". :rolleyes-41: The American Eagle will have to be replaced since the windmills give electricity to mankind, and ?what happened to the plants of the field and trees of the forest? Eh, cut some more metal, make it look like a tree, and paint it green. Pardon my sardonic attitude toward Herr or Heil Putin or whatever the Communists decide to honor him with when they blow everybody else in the world up. And those who got rich helping them? They gotta go so credit goes to Heil Putin.
Like their lord and master, Trumptards cannot ever say a harsh word against Putin, no matter how evil he gets.

They bring their basket of red herrings, straw men, lies, and hoaxes to every fight over Trump's gay lover.
Clean your unders out, g5000. The poopies are showing.
Clean your unders out, g5000. The poopies are showing.
So you post totally unreadable ranting paranoid conspiracy theories totally misstating any fact you bother to mention...

Or you post shit like that

Of course Russia would certainly go after other former satellite nations.
If they were going to try to reconstitute the Soviet Empire.

These are independent states.

Note...Hitler used that same logic
If they were going to try to reconstitute the Soviet Empire.

These are independent states.

Note...Hitler used that same logic
Hitler did not want independent states to become part of greater Germany.
Hitler did not want independent states to become part of greater Germany.
No he wanted them to be vassal states...just like Putin wants for Ukraine and HAS with Belorussia

And oh yea...Ukraine
Actually. That is a terrible analogy.

It would be a better analogy if it was Ukraine marching on the disputed territories. But what Putin is doing is a blatant land grab.

Here is why the analogy doesn’t compare. Both the Soviet Union and Russian Federation recognized the independent nation of Ukraine.

The Union never recognized the Confederate States.

A better analogy would be if France tried to reclaim the territory they sold to us in the Louisiana Purchase.
Again. I was addressing the tactics Putin is using NOT whether reclaiming Ukraine is correct or not. These are the tactics of total war. A war upon the civilian population designed to break them. Putin gave Ukrainians evacuation routes out the cities. The routes had not only been mined, but they were being bombed as well. Cities that had been evacuated were bombed until the buildings were rubble. This is the same type of tactics used by the Union army. They poisoned wells, slaughtered livestock, starved the people. Warred against not only the army but killed the women, children, sick and old. This is the kind of war Putin is making. Did he study our history?

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