Russia A True Police State

If you defend what the Union did to the South, you are totally on board with what Putin is doing in Ukraine. It's the same thing.

Go ahead, try and explain that what the Union did with the South is the same thing as what Russia is doing to the Ukraine. They are not similar at all.
How in the hell do you figure that? Got any actual proof to back up your bullshit claims?
I usually compare liberal progress in Canada toward a police state to china

because longterm china is the bigger threat and canada is Xi’s bitch

and because I’m not as up go date with oppression in russia as I am with china

but I cant imagine Putin’s russia being less oppressive than Trudeau’s canada

and I doubt if you think so either
I usually compare liberal progress in Canada toward a police state to china

because longterm china is the bigger threat and canada is Xi’s bitch

and because I’m not as up go date with oppression in russia as I am with china

but I cant imagine Putin’s russia being less oppressive than Trudeau’s canada

and I doubt if you think so either

Where do you come up with this delusional crap? Canada is Xi's bitch? How so?
It is absolutely not and no American would ever say that

A Russian would
It is absolutely the same thing. A nation that is breakaway and wants independence. A nation waging total war on the breakaway Republic. In fact, Putin's tactics are so like Lincoln's it looks like Putin studied American history.

  1. Shatter Southern civilian morale by capturing and destroying ATLANTA, SAVANNAH, and the heart of Southern secession, South Carolina.
  2. Use the numerical advantage of Northern troops to engage the enemy everywhere to break the spirits of the Confederate army.
Putin is following this battle plan.
Where do you come up with this delusional crap? Canada is Xi's bitch? How so?
China has invested a lot of money in Canada
They own land, mineral deposit, and politicians
And the have great influence within canadian universities

unfortunately the same can be said about America too
It would be nice if he were assassinated. The entire world would owe a debt to whoever or whomever could pull it off.
What democrat allies! Every democrat in the country starting with Fuck Joe Biden.

That there is a NATO today is because of Trump. We were paying for everything while NATO members had a social club and went to one another's cocktail parties. Trump told them to get serious and pay up or we were out and let NATO fall. Starting with Germany they grumbled but paid up.
So show us the increase in spending that occurred as a result of Trump's stupidity.

And note that HAD ben increasing before that so the rate of increase needs to have jumped or you are just spouting more Putin/Trump lies
It is absolutely the same thing. A nation that is breakaway and wants independence. A nation waging total war on the breakaway Republic. In fact, Putin's tactics are so like Lincoln's it looks like Putin studied American history.

  1. Shatter Southern civilian morale by capturing and destroying ATLANTA, SAVANNAH, and the heart of Southern secession, South Carolina.
  2. Use the numerical advantage of Northern troops to engage the enemy everywhere to break the spirits of the Confederate army.
Putin is following this battle plan.

You might have a point if the Ukraine was still part of Russia, but they aren't. Ukraine has been independent since 1991 after the dissolution of the USSR. However, because the Ukraine was Russia's main year round port (other Russian ports become ice locked in the winter), Russia has wanted them back since they left. Might wanna study up on some history before making such idiotic comparisons.

When did the Ukraine became independent?

August 24, 1991
Ukraine / Founded

Image of When did the Ukraine became independent?

When the Soviet Union began to unravel in 1990–91, the legislature of the Ukrainian S.S.R. declared sovereignty (July 16, 1990) and then outright independence (August 24, 1991), a move that was confirmed by popular approval in a plebiscite (December 1, 1991).
It would be nice if he were assassinated. The entire world would owe a debt to whoever or whomever could pull it off.

You know, it would be a good thing in my book as well, but to say that publicly as a politician is not really a good thing. Just ask Lindsey Graham, he's catching all sorts of hell for saying that in public.
You might have a point if the Ukraine was still part of Russia, but they aren't. Ukraine has been independent since 1991 after the dissolution of the USSR. However, because the Ukraine was Russia's main year round port (other Russian ports become ice locked in the winter), Russia has wanted them back since they left. Might wanna study up on some history before making such idiotic comparisons.

When did the Ukraine became independent?

August 24, 1991
Ukraine / Founded
Image of When did the Ukraine became independent?
When the Soviet Union began to unravel in 1990–91, the legislature of the Ukrainian S.S.R. declared sovereignty (July 16, 1990) and then outright independence (August 24, 1991), a move that was confirmed by popular approval in a plebiscite (December 1, 1991).

Putin never considered Ukraine independent. He recently said it was one country and one people. The goal of this exercise is the reunification of the Soviet Union. Keeping the Union together.
Go ahead, try and explain that what the Union did with the South is the same thing as what Russia is doing to the Ukraine. They are not similar at all.
The more correct correlation would be Ukraine fighting the rebel regions of Donbas.

Russia invading Ukraine is more like France invading North America to help the American rebels...
Putin never considered Ukraine independent. He recently said it was one country and one people. The goal of this exercise is the reunification of the Soviet Union. Keeping the Union together.

Which is it, reunification (bringing a union back together after it dissolves) or keeping it together (meaning it never dissolved)? And, if it was about "keeping the union together", then why isn't he going after all the other countries (some of which joined NATO)?

I'll tell you's because Russia doesn't have a year round seaport other than what the Ukraine allowed them to use. Their other ports get locked in by ice during the winter.
The more correct correlation would be Ukraine fighting the rebel regions of Donbas.

Russia invading Ukraine is more like France invading North America to help the American rebels...

Actually, France didn't invade, they were invited to assist American rebels in the war against Britain. If they had invaded, they would have tried to keep this country. They weren't invaded, they were invited as allies.
Actually, France didn't invade, they were invited to assist American rebels in the war against Britain. If they had invaded, they would have tried to keep this country. They weren't invaded, they were invited as allies.
I was referring to them doing that during the Civil War...which of course did not happen

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