Russia A True Police State

You are a DNC TOOL.
You don't even know my positions on the issues.

Arrogant ignorance: The foundation of Trumpism.

You don't even know my positions on the issues.

Arrogant ignorance: The foundation of Trumpism.

Your TDS is a personal problem and not mine. You BLAME SHIFT............For that MISERABLE PARTY YOU SUPPORT. Who use force, VIOLENCE, and Gov't agencies to gain power. They pick and choose which laws they will obey...........Own the DOJ and violate laws but prosecute those that supports their POLITICAL POSITION.


We are NOT THE PROBLEM.................YOU AND YOUR PARTY ARE..........Add in the RINO'S as well...........They serve themselves and not the people.
Your TDS is a personal problem and not mine. You BLAME SHIFT............For that MISERABLE PARTY YOU SUPPORT. Who use force, VIOLENCE, and Gov't agencies to gain power. They pick and choose which laws they will obey...........Own the DOJ and violate laws but prosecute those that supports their POLITICAL POSITION.


We are NOT THE PROBLEM.................YOU AND YOUR PARTY ARE..........Add in the RINO'S as well...........They serve themselves and not the people.
I've never belonged to a party. Too many disagreements with both.

You're too emotional for me. Dismissed.

Biden. Go behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.

Put a bullet in him.

I've never belonged to a party. Too many disagreements with both.

You're too emotional for me. Dismissed.
Now you call me emotional. I'm CALMLY FILLETING YOUR SORRY ASS.


Your blame shifting DOESN'T WORK.
And their leftist terrorists responded in a softball field.

They sure did. James Hutchkinson, a Bernie Sanders sycophant had a list of prominent Republicans on his kill list the day he went to the Republican baseball practice field. He sent Steve Scalise to the hospital, which saved him from dying from lead poisoning, and shattered bones, muscle tissue, and arteries and veins alike broken and threatening his life. Thank God for the medical people who did the right things for Congressman Scalise, who was shot first and was at the top of James Hutchinkinsons' shoot-to-kill list.
Edit: I think this is the list. I spent all night awake last night, praying for the people in the Ukraine. If this isn't the right list, I really was asleep, but God wasn't. He will help the Ukraine and bless all those who did, and put out all who didn't. And that's what I think. God bless the Ukraine, and continue to strengthen Steve Scalise. :huddle:

I tried to isolate and show the kill list, but it didn't work.
Didn't get much sleep last night due to asking God to help the pople of Ukraine
and did some reading here. I'm gonna try to get some sleep again. :bigbed:

Thanks one and all for the chat, regardless of political party. :thup:
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They sure did. James Hutchkinson, a Bernie Sanders sycophant had a list of prominent Republicans on his kill list the day he went to the Republican baseball practice field. He sent Steve Scalise to the hospital, which saved him from dying from lead poisoning, and shattered bones, muscle tissue, and arteries and veins alike broken and threatening his life. Thank God for the medical people who did the right things for Congressman Scalise, who was shot first and was at the top of James Hutchinkinsons' shoot-to-kill list.
Notice how quiet they get when you call their asses out?/

They sure did. James Hutchkinson, a Bernie Sanders sycophant had a list of prominent Republicans on his kill list the day he went to the Republican baseball practice field. He sent Steve Scalise to the hospital, which saved him from dying from lead poisoning, and shattered bones, muscle tissue, and arteries and veins alike broken and threatening his life. Thank God for the medical people who did the right things for Congressman Scalise, who was shot first and was at the top of James Hutchinkinsons' shoot-to-kill list.
Edit: I think this is the list. I spent all night awake last night, praying for the people in the Ukraine. If this isn't the right list, I really was asleep, but God wasn't. He will help the Ukraine and bless all those who did, and put out all who didn't. And that's what I think. God bless the Ukraine, and continue to strengthen Steve Scalise. :huddle:
You don't even know my positions on the issues.

Arrogant ignorance: The foundation of Trumpism.

Jeepers, Mac. I just saw this. Did you know that "Rubes" is first a slur on God's first family, the Jews according to scripture. And Jesus Christ came from the First Tribe of Jews who were named after Jacob's first son, Ruben. Jesus was a direct descendant through his mother Mary of the Rubenites (shortened by critics as "Rubes." Our Constitution was written on purpose in accordance with the scriptures from both Testaments in the Bible, and they were meticulous to ensure the laws were not interfering with the majority of American colonialists who were seeking independence from the Bloody Brits, for which the signers of the Declaration of Independence paid for dearly in destruction of property, torture of family members, killing many barefoot soldiers in our battle of independence, until the British Soldiers were made sick to their stomachs about the brutalities ordered, and they just didn't have it in them to do any more, so they were defeated mainly by heartbreak that they would be ordered to torture the founders' families. But it was a little too late. Because the founders took a lot of personal punishment, many starved, were executed, or family members were found bloodied and dead nearby. :( This is and was a Christian nation, and those who have abandoned parents and family with communist theory at the heart of it all, there will be a chastisement if we don't straighten up and fly right.
Jeepers, Mac. I just saw this. Did you know that "Rubes" is first a slur on God's first family, the Jews according to scripture. And Jesus Christ came from the First Tribe of Jews who were named after Jacob's first son, Ruben. Jesus was a direct descendant through his mother Mary of the Rubenites (shortened by critics as "Rubes." Our Constitution was written on purpose in accordance with the scriptures from both Testaments in the Bible, and they were meticulous to ensure the laws were not interfering with the majority of American colonialists who were seeking independence from the Bloody Brits, for which the signers of the Declaration of Independence paid for dearly in destruction of property, torture of family members, killing many barefoot soldiers in our battle of independence, until the British Soldiers were made sick to their stomachs about the brutalities ordered, and they just didn't have it in them to do any more, so they were defeated mainly by heartbreak that they would be ordered to torture the founders' families. But it was a little too late. Because the founders took a lot of personal punishment, many starved, were executed, or family members were found bloodied and dead nearby. :( This is and was a Christian nation, and those who have abandoned parents and family with communist theory at the heart of it all, there will be a chastisement if we don't straighten up and fly right.
He has tucked tail and RAN........He knows his ass will get kicked all over the playground on this............why he is hiding.

Start assassination of heads of state and it comes around.

I'm not advocating for assassinations as a policy, it is of course currently illegal for any U.S. government employee to assassinate anyone.
I would love to see it done from within the ranks of Russian operatives, or even a Russian citizen.
Well, the consensus of most of the people who talk about oil prices is that the rise is because of Putin's move on the Ukraine and the sanctions being imposed on Russian oil. They are saying that if Putin doesn't stop his madness soon, we could see prices in excess of 4.00 per gallon soon, and might go over 5.00 per gallon, because of the increase of oil prices.

What about all the increase before the invasion? We're not as dumb as you or as senile as Joe Biden, we can remember stuff that happened more than a month ago.
You DO realize that if Putin hadn't invaded the Ukraine oil prices would still be reasonable, right?

As far as the rest of your post? Sounds like you're a Trump supporter who can't handle the fact that Trump lost the election. And, fwiw, the only person in US politics who is currently supporting what Putin did is Trump.
Oil prices were climbing steeply long before Putin invaded. In fact they started climbing as soon as Biden was elected and accelerated along with all other prices when the Democrats insisted on dumping trillions of dollars into the economy to support mostly their diners and their pet causes. Everybody with even half a brain warned you and your friends that it would result in runaway inflation, but you didn’t listen. Now the rest of us are stuck with the results of your idiocy for at least a decade until things can be quieted down.
News from democratic and free Ukraine.
In the center of the city of Pavlograd (Dnipropetrovsk region), a woman did not know the correct meaning of the word "palyanitsa", for this, her pants were pulled off and tied to a pole. The passing police did not even think about how to protect this poor woman from rape at such a wild time.
News from democratic and free Ukraine.
In the center of the city of Pavlograd (Dnipropetrovsk region), a woman did not know the correct meaning of the word "palyanitsa", for this, her pants were pulled off and tied to a pole. The passing police did not even think about how to protect this poor woman from rape at such a wild time.


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