Russia A True Police State

Again. I was addressing the tactics Putin is using NOT whether reclaiming Ukraine is correct or not. These are the tactics of total war. A war upon the civilian population designed to break them. Putin gave Ukrainians evacuation routes out the cities. The routes had not only been mined, but they were being bombed as well. Cities that had been evacuated were bombed until the buildings were rubble. This is the same type of tactics used by the Union army. They poisoned wells, slaughtered livestock, starved the people. Warred against not only the army but killed the women, children, sick and old. This is the kind of war Putin is making. Did he study our history?

Tactically. Yes. I can see the comparison. I’ll grant that point.

But those tactics had been used for Centuries. And it was disgust at them that led to the various agreements known as the Geneva Conventions. Even though most of them were not negotiated or agreed to in Geneva.

A better example would be the Germans of World War One.
Really? Got any proof for your claim that Russia now controls the Panama canal? I'm pretty sure that it's the Panamanians that have control of it.

Q1: How is the Panama Canal currently governed?

The Panama Canal has been fully owned and administered by the Republic of Panama since the transfer of management from the joint U.S.-Panamanian Panama Canal Commission in 1999. Today, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is charged with the administration and maintenance of the waterway’s resources and security as an independent entity of the national government. Governed by the 11 members of its board of directors, the ACP’s members maintain overlapping terms to ensure independence from each presidential administration. Designated by Panama’s president, the chairman of the board holds the rank of minister of state for Canal affairs and under the supervision of the board, the designated Canal administrator heads the ACP, implementing the decisions of the board. Through contract awards, the ACP in turn grants concession agreements to companies for port operations.

While much of the Canal’s original legislation expired upon turnover of the Canal to Panama, one key treaty relevant to U.S. and Chinese influence in the Canal remains active with no expiration date. The Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal, or the Neutrality Treaty, between Panama and the United States guarantees permanent neutrality of the Canal with fair access for all nations and nondiscriminatory tolls. Only Panama may operate the Canal or maintain military installations in Panamanian territory. The United States, however, reserved the right to exert military force in defense of the Panama Canal against any threat to its neutrality. Any interpreted Chinese threat to the Canal’s neutrality could activate the U.S. forces through this treaty, meaning current and future Chinese interventions should be calculated with this potential response in mind.
Can't find the article I read a couple of months ago. Found some more stuff about China-Russian stuff that caused a little recent rift in Panama about too many Russian ships coming through. The way Russia is talking about moving their nukes back to Cuba, though I'd be concerned about ANY Russian ships easing on down the canal in Panama, and who's gonna know in the dark of the night if Russians go through there hiding nukes to take to Cuba to use on the USA when they're done murdering a lot more people in Eastern Europe? Putin may want to neutralize his adversaries in his head, and they say he has quite a case of TDS. Wonder if Hillary filled his mind with ....nah... :rolleyes-41:

Stephen Gandee, March 6, 2020​
Former Aircraft Maintenance Avionics (1968-2015)​
The Panamanians. By treaty the US can step in if they mess up. China has been strongly moving in since Trump has created a vacuum in the region. Too bad Regan worked so hard to keep the Russians out. When I lived in Panama the Chinese had bought the shipping port . Bullies leading countries make them seek help someplace else. It reduces our security. Eventually the Chinese Navy will be making ports of call. In fact other countries in the region are allowing China to come in to build infrastructure and prop up economic growth. China is competitive Bully them gives them a black eye but won’t stop them. These people also know China is a trade powerhouse . Costco, a popular department store, buys a lot from China. There are a lot of Chinese in Panama City. A lot of restaurants and stores. A lot of ownership. For example much of the night life. Some Casinos. Money talks BS walks. Who controls the Panama Canal right now? Is it China?

Mar 03, 2022 · Protesters urge closure of Panama Canal to Russian ships. A small group of protesters urged the Panamanian government Wednesday to close the Panama Canal to Russian​

Mar 4, 2022 The Panama Canal Authority (ACP reaffirmed on Thursday, March 3, that the interoceanic waterway will maintain its policy of neutrality in the face of Russia's invasion.​

If Biden has any concern about how he would like America to have nukes pointed at us from close range in the future, he'd better be paying attention to the Chinese toll collectors and allowing Russia to run warships through the Panama Canal that MY FAMILY'S GRANDFATHER ALMOST DIED HELPING BUILD THE CANAL because he got Malaria, which troubled him for the rest of his life. And yeah, I'm a little bit aggravated that Jimmy Carter gave the Canal back to the people of Panama whose leader saw a way to earn a couple of nickels by selling entrance and exit watchers to the Chinese, who allowed a Russian warship to pass through the canal, The Admiral Chabenenko its name.
The Admiral Chabenenko

First since 1944
The warship entered the canal on Friday night and docked at Rodman, once the base for all US naval activities in South America, on Saturday.​
It will stay in Rodman for five days​
The canal journey, the naval exercises and President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to the region have been seen as aimed at strengthening Russia's influence in the region.​
In the naval exercises, about 1,600 Russian and 700 Venezuelan sailors on four Russian ships and 12 Venezuelan vessels took part in the VenRus 2008 joint exercise.​
They had originally been scheduled to last three days, but both Venezuelan and Russian officials said the manoeuvres had been successfully completed in one day.​
The first and only time Soviet warships used the Panama Canal was in 1944, when the USSR and US were fighting as allies against Hitler, the Russian embassy in Panama told AFP news agency. BBC NEWS | Americas | Russian ship sails through Panama
Four Soviet submarines crossed the Panama Canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific after undergoing repairs, it said.

Map locator

Thanks, JimmyCarter. Now we can have Russia threaten us once again with nukes, because Putin is being real nice to the Communist country, Cuba, 90 miles south of Key West.

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This is what these people are told in MAGA world.

None of those people is an actual communist.

Who knows what these people think "communism" is.
You are more Fascist than commy. Now show me your fucking vaccine passoirt or you ate fired.

You want to shop here show me your papers. You musr shut down your store a its non essential. Oh. You cant pay your bills and sre bankrupt??? Too bad. You must be sacrificed to Covid

Yeah. Your a Mussolini mfr. Good point
I note your artificial metallic eagle. It goes with killing raptors off with metal windmills and using metal effigy to remind the next generation that ospreys, great golden eagles, and other migratory raptors may just be a figment of some creep's imagination. Books will have to be burned, opportunities closed for ornithologist wannabes, etc., to carry through the new "truth is optional" ""truth"". :rolleyes-41: The American Eagle will have to be replaced since the windmills give electricity to mankind, and ?what happened to the plants of the field and trees of the forest? Eh, cut some more metal, make it look like a tree, and paint it green. Pardon my sardonic attitude toward Herr or Heil Putin or whatever the Communists decide to honor him with when they blow everybody else in the world up. And those who got rich helping them? They gotta go so credit goes to Heil Putin.
So you don't even know. You just toss the word around like it means something.

I'm not surprised. I see that a lot here.
You are more Fascist than commy. Now show me your fucking vaccine passoirt or you ate fired.

You want to shop here show me your papers. You musr shut down your store a its non essential. Oh. You cant pay your bills and sre bankrupt??? Too bad. You must be sacrificed to Covid

Yeah. Your a Mussolini mfr. Good point

What in the world is this?
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What in the world is this?
You know exactly what this meant. Same thing as that Tyrant in Canada did there. Your side and Biden pushed for the same here. Vaccine OR ELSE. Then Lie and say you were not forced to do it. Drove members of the military out and got health care workers fired. Most who had natural immunity.

In blue shithole states and some cities they required the vaccine passport.

That showed your side's true colors to the American people. Poll numbers so bad that now you make it go away with War.

Make it easy for your dumb ass. If you fire people, dont allow them to be in society over a dang vaccine that doesnt stop the spread you are a Fascist Prick.
So you don't even know. You just toss the word around like it means something.

I'm not surprised. I see that a lot here.
Well, if it isn't Mr. Holier-than-Thou, the Righteous Judge of people who bring things to the table read elsewhere and can't find the article, but remember what it said. Keep projecting. It's amusing to see negative communications blossoming on the left. Publishers nowadays are paid by politicians to get with the narrative and send them a list of calling words to make it look like all the leftists found the same thing, when actually it came from the old Clinton warroom and accumulate a long list of "suicides," prison sentences, and recently, imprisonment of political enemies who really didn't do any thing, but the Clinton-chosen judges just never got around to arraignments, and failure of swift justice was swept under the carpet by a badmouthing, puerile, and scheming House Speaker.
You know exactly what this meant. Same thing as that Tyrant in Canada did there. Your side and Biden pushed for the same here. Vaccine OR ELSE. Then Lie and say you were not forced to do it. Drove members of the military out and got health care workers fired. Most who had natural immunity.

In blue shithole states and some cities they required the vaccine passport.

That showed your side's true colors to the American people. Poll numbers so bad that now you make it go away with War.

Make it easy for your dumb ass. If you fire people, dont allow them to be in society over a dang vaccine that doesnt stop the spread you are a Fascist Prick.
Outta the park, eagle1462010. :thup:
This is what these people are told in MAGA world.

None of those people is an actual communist.

Who knows what these people think "communism" is.
Perfect examples of rottenness ushered in by former card-carrying Communist Nancy Pelosi who gave up her membership in the Communist Party to use Public office to get rich quick:

Pelosi can't stand the truth, so she tore up the speech that was the official copy of a Presidential Speech entrusted to an extremely untrustworthy House Speaker.^
President Trump crossed party lines in order to Make America Great Again while Democrats had already plotted out plans to impeach him a week before he was even inaugurated. Four years of lying, stinking slime against a man innocent of all charges, but they weren't.
Rep. Maxine Waters calls for her sycophants to stalk and humiliate the President:

Perfect examples of rottenness ushered in by former card-carrying Communist Nancy Pelosi who gave up her membership in the Communist Party to use Public office to get rich quick:
View attachment 612431View attachment 612432
Pelosi can't stand the truth, so she tore up the speech that was the official copy of a Presidential Speech entrusted to an extremely untrustworthy House Speaker.^
President Trump crossed party lines in order to Make America Great Again while Democrats had already plotted out plans to impeach him a week before he was even inaugurated. Four years of lying, stinking slime against a man innocent of all charges, but they weren't.
Rep. Maxine Waters calls for her sycophants to stalk and humiliate the President:

And their leftist terrorists responded in a softball field.

You know exactly what this meant. Same thing as that Tyrant in Canada did there. Your side and Biden pushed for the same here. Vaccine OR ELSE. Then Lie and say you were not forced to do it. Drove members of the military out and got health care workers fired. Most who had natural immunity.

In blue shithole states and some cities they required the vaccine passport.

That showed your side's true colors to the American people. Poll numbers so bad that now you make it go away with War.

Make it easy for your dumb ass. If you fire people, dont allow them to be in society over a dang vaccine that doesnt stop the spread you are a Fascist Prick.
But those things don't apply to me.

Perhaps you should comment on things I actually say.
Well, if it isn't Mr. Holier-than-Thou, the Righteous Judge of people who bring things to the table read elsewhere and can't find the article, but remember what it said. Keep projecting. It's amusing to see negative communications blossoming on the left. Publishers nowadays are paid by politicians to get with the narrative and send them a list of calling words to make it look like all the leftists found the same thing, when actually it came from the old Clinton warroom and accumulate a long list of "suicides," prison sentences, and recently, imprisonment of political enemies who really didn't do any thing, but the Clinton-chosen judges just never got around to arraignments, and failure of swift justice was swept under the carpet by a badmouthing, puerile, and scheming House Speaker.
What is communism?

You brought it up, not me.
Perfect examples of rottenness ushered in by former card-carrying Communist Nancy Pelosi who gave up her membership in the Communist Party to use Public office to get rich quick:
View attachment 612431View attachment 612432
Pelosi can't stand the truth, so she tore up the speech that was the official copy of a Presidential Speech entrusted to an extremely untrustworthy House Speaker.^
President Trump crossed party lines in order to Make America Great Again while Democrats had already plotted out plans to impeach him a week before he was even inaugurated. Four years of lying, stinking slime against a man innocent of all charges, but they weren't.
Rep. Maxine Waters calls for her sycophants to stalk and humiliate the President:

What is communism?

You brought it up, not me.
But those things don't apply to me.

Perhaps you should comment on things I actually say.
Yes they do. You are with them. You are here to shift blame. The DNC use all these tactics I've shown on this thread.

I'm spot on with it and you know it. That is why you will not accept my challenge and never have accepted it. Because you know YOUR PARTY ARE VIOLENT, and use the Gov't to attack political opponents.

You water down that side and then go JANUARY 6TH WAS WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR.........LMAO

You are a DNC TOOL.

Here is more of the softball field..........INCITED BY YOUR SIDE.


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