Russia begins partial withdrawal from Ukrainian border

Still the leader of democracy.
You are not the first to use euphemisms. The world already knows "displacement" and "final solution" instead of "mass murder". Therefore, "The Leader of democracy" instead of "Striving for world domination" is suitable only for fools.
You are not the first to use euphemisms. The world already knows "displacement" and "final solution" instead of "mass murder". Therefore, "The Leader of democracy" instead of "Striving for world domination" is suitable only for fools.
Who are you arguing with ? Me. Or the country. I don't matter much but our nation still does. World domination is done by force, we offer our freedoms freely.
And yet doesn't have democracy at home, deposed the democratically elected leader of Venezuela in 2002.... doesn't NOTHING for democracy.... but apart from that....
You are talking about Republicans again. They are a disgrace these days because you can get away with murder as far as free speech goes in the United States. But that's freedom of speech for you... Rupert Murdock should die soon along with Trump. And internet crazies... You are correct that Trump has hurt the brand of American democracy. What a scumbag con man crook... This too shall pass.
And yet doesn't have democracy at home, deposed the democratically elected leader of Venezuela in 2002.... doesn't NOTHING for democracy.... but apart from that....
And The Bush coup against Hugo failed and the socialists have been in power ever since. Hopefully that Latin American mainly Republican covert BS has ended.
You are not the first to use euphemisms. The world already knows "displacement" and "final solution" instead of "mass murder". Therefore, "The Leader of democracy" instead of "Striving for world domination" is suitable only for fools.
World domination is not so bad if it is democracy. Republicanism not so much these days... So you would prefer world domination by pretty much corrupt oligarchy like Russia or communism like China? What country are you in? Part of nato or what lol. Believe me I have huge complaints about American politics like why are we the only country in the modern world without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, all to save the rich from paying their fair share in taxes. Aaaarghhhh...
Dude, I'm not one of the ones still foaming at the mouth over over a person who hasn't been in WH now, for well over a year.....screaming about lies.

These people are priceless
....are you priceless too?
I doubt that.
Trump AND his minions (including ones who know better IN OFFICE) Have been screaming "Stolen Election" for 15 Months.
In fact, the/his GOP is a One-issue litmus test/party.

Trump himself cried it throughout the campaign. Preposterously even when he was down 12 pts in the polls.
WTF would try that idiocy?
Trump again, of course, who also cried Voter Fraud in 2016 because Hillary won the pop vote.
So he hand picked a commission in 2017 and found.. NOTHING.. and disbanded.

But Putin's mole has never stopped Whining.

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I doubt that.
Trump AND his minions (including ones who know better IN OFFICE) Have been screaming "Stolen Election" for 15 Months.
In fact, the/his GOP is a One-issue litmus test/party.

Trump himself cried it throughout the campaign. Preposterously even when he was down 12 pts in the polls.
WTF would try that idiocy?
Trump again, of course, who also cried Voter Fraud in 2016 because Hillary won the pop vote.
So he hand picked a commission in 2017 and found.. NOTHING.. and disbanded.

But Putin's mole has never stopped Whining.

Must be why the dems do everything possible to stop any forensic audits....

Speaking of puppets

biden puppet gif.gif
They must of invested in oil when it was being given away, see that's the problem, they control knowledge of the markets through knowledge of their actions (what, when, and how far they'll go), so if one can track Putins market investments one can figure out his bluff or seriousness.
I just find it so very interesting that everyone feared Trump would start wars and that he was a war mongerer and yet his reign was pretty peacefull militarily ( trade wars but so what) but under Biden we have come to this dangerous impass and keep pushing the envelope never mind the Afghan fiasco which handed all that shiny new military hardware to potential enemies in Central Asia and gave a black eye to the reputation to the American empire…People might start pining for Trump after Joe gets done.. Unfortunately he still has a long way to go till his mandate is done… Can anyone say 200 dollar oil….
I just find it so very interesting that everyone feared Trump would start wars and that he was a war mongerer and yet his reign was pretty peacefull militarily ( trade wars but so what) but under Biden we have come to this dangerous impass and keep pushing the envelope never mind the Afghan fiasco which handed all that shiny new military hardware to potential enemies in Central Asia and gave a black eye to the reputation to the American empire…People might start pining for Trump after Joe gets done.. Unfortunately he still has a long way to go till his mandate is done… Can anyone say 200 dollar oil….
Biden literally almost started a direct war with Russia in the very beginning of his presidency.

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