Russia begins partial withdrawal from Ukrainian border

You are talking about Republicans again. They are a disgrace these days because you can get away with murder as far as free speech goes in the United States. But that's freedom of speech for you... Rupert Murdock should die soon along with Trump. And internet crazies... You are correct that Trump has hurt the brand of American democracy. What a scumbag con man crook... This too shall pass.
Why are you against freedom of speech? That’s how I read your words anyway.
Biden literally almost started a direct war with Russia in the very beginning of his presidency.
One has to wonder why Biden likes to keep poking the “ bear” after all even a pack of wolves will back down and give up their kill to the power and fury of a bear.. Especially when hunting in the Bears territory like Ukraine is to Russia…
You are talking about Republicans again. They are a disgrace these days because you can get away with murder as far as free speech goes in the United States. But that's freedom of speech for you... Rupert Murdock should die soon along with Trump. And internet crazies... You are correct that Trump has hurt the brand of American democracy. What a scumbag con man crook... This too shall pass.

Both sides are a disgrace. The whole system is a disgrace, no democracy, but they feed everyone crap that it is. To justify their power.
The Russian line is that NATO's eastward expansion is an existential threat to Russia.

However, in what the rest of the world calls reality, there are only 12,000 or so NATO troops in Eastern Europe, and some missile installments that pose no offensive existential threat to Russia.

The entire world knows this and sees this. So this entire series of events is colored by Putin's shameless, blatant lies and transparent attempt at a con of the world (that likely works very well in his own country, and no doubt his sycophants tell him how great his plan is every day). And there is part of the world that knows this is all bullshit from Putin, but goes with it anyway. Like Orban, and Lukashenko. Oh, and Tucker Carlson. ;)

This is going to ruin Tucker's day. He is soooo counting on Putin invading Ukraine. Maybe he can get on the phone and talk Vlad into a full scale invasion?
Tucker? It is BIDEN who wants this "Crisis" to last a year. Now that COVID is going away on its own with NO help from Democrats.
The NATO Secretary General was awarded a prize for his contribution to conflict resolution...
What а shameful prostitutes you are, gentlemen.
But since Putin is a lying murderer....he is just stoking the fire.
The latest as of this morning { From a person associated with
the Biden Regime } is emphatically calling it a done deal.
That Putin is set to Invade.
Putin could be making a chess move.
But keep this in mind.Under President Trump ,
Putins Russia was really no problem.Because Trump
knew how deal with negotiating.Trump is a master at
negotiating.Plus Trump managed to somewhat get along
with Putin.This Biden flak would just as soon get along
with the Iranian Mullahs.In order to please his former boss
Obama and Obama's right hand man { Valerie Jarrett }.
Otherwise Biden is compromised, and should have never been allowed to run once served as vice under a former.

A new bill, amendment or law should be considered so that it doesn't ever happen again. It's just like these senator's who figure that once they retire or if they die, then their wives, brother's, sisters etc can get their job. What a flipping disaster some of those things have been in the past. The people deserve better than the bull crap they are getting.

To many conflicts of interest involved, because if the citizen's didn't like the former regime under Obama, then they sure as hell didn't want a repeat by one of his puppet's, but that's exactly what the nation got or is getting.

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