Russians Still Preying On / Manipulating Snowflakes On Facebook


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Evidence shows the Russians began a Counter-Intelligence Operation in 2014 that successfully used U.S. social media to con snowflakes into organizing and marching for them.

(Evidence also shows that despite learning about this in 2014 President Obama did not do anything about it.)

Evidence now shows that it is highly probable that the Russians are STILL using Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook to attempt to con and manipulate snowflakes...

Facebook Shutters More Fake Accounts, Believed to Be Linked to Russia

T'oday we removed 32 Pages and accounts from Facebook and Instagram because they were involved in coordinated inauthentic behavior. This kind of behavior is not allowed on Facebook because we don’t want people or organizations creating networks of accounts to mislead others about who they are, or what they’re doing.

We’re still in the very early stages of our investigation and don’t have all the facts — including who may be behind this. But we are sharing what we know today given the connection between these bad actors and protests that are planned in Washington next week. We will update this post with more details when we have them, or if the facts we have change.

It’s clear that whoever set up these accounts went to much greater lengths to obscure their true identities than the Russian-based Internet Research Agency (IRA) has in the past.'

The recent purge of fake accounts created a lot of 'casualties'....

Obama's 'Russian Bail-Out'! :p

Obama loses millions of followers in Twitter purge

Former President Barack Obama — who boasts more Twitter followers than any former or current head of state — lost more than 2 million of them this week...
trumptards are the ones who've been bamboozled by vlad into betraying their own country.

given the results, teflon don will always be vlad's favorite useful idiot...
The fact that the Lame Stream Media is already blaming the Russians for trying to rig the elections in 2018, shows they expect to get schlonged royally in November. If they expected to win, they wouldn't be trying so much to cast doubt over the results.
trumptards are the ones who've been bamboozled by vlad into betraying their own country.



Despite knowing about Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's attempts to acquire Uranium One and US Uranium, FBI Director Mueller takes no action until after the sale goes through, US AG Holder and Sect of State Clinton - who sit on the committee responsible for approving the sale or now to Russia - hide these crimes form the committee and vote to approve the sale, and President Barak Obama signs off on the deal. Not long after Obama would sign the approval to allow the now Russian-owned 20% of US uranium to leave the US for Canada, resulting in the uranium ending up in Russian hands.

Obama refuses to keep the US' promise to help defend the Ukraine's sovereign borders. Instead, Barry refused to sent weapons to the Ukraine to help them defend themselves, did not send US troops, did not issue a 'Red Line', and instead just sat back and watched Putin militarily annex Crimea....sending the message to NATO / allies that under Obama the US had no intention of honoring any promises to come to their aid if Russia decided it wanted them, too.

After learning Russia was trying to hack the US power grid, was attempting to hack the e-mails/servers of key senior US politicians and agency directors, was running a successful military-style Counter-Intelligence op using social media, and was paying leftist groups to spread racial division and violence in the US, Obama and his administration .... DID NEXT TO NOTHING TO STOP IT....AS ADMITTED BY HIS ADVISIORS / TEAM.

Despite knowing everything the Russians were up to AND knowing Hillary was operating an illegal UN-Constitutional UN-encrypted UN-Secured (all illegal) personal server containing TS+ data, Obama refused to shut it down, allowed her to continue, and thus facilitated 6 foreign entities (not just Russia) to steal US TS data that he himself had called information SO classified that it could not be released in any way without causing 'GRAVE DAMAGE TO US NATIONAL SECURITY'.

...and YOU want to talk about President Trump betraying his country...based on ZERO evidence to back up your claim?

:p LOL!

given the results.....

The Results of Trump Beating the proven FELON who could not win her own party's nomination and who should have never been on the ballot?

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