Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

And I should mention that somebody farted in here. It happened between my two posts.


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit

Yeah, you don't stalk and lurk much. No way. You ole Sock tool. Anyway, got things to do, so see ya Sayit, dawgshit, Rat in the Ass, and all your other Socks you use. :)

There is no evidence to suggest that Sayit/Daw101/Rat in the Hat are one in the same nor is there any evidence to support that either are socks of other posters.

[MENTION=23063]Rat in the Hat[/MENTION]

I can no longer speak with authority and this will act as a disclaimer.
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And I should mention that somebody farted in here. It happened between my two posts.


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit

Yeah, you don't stalk and lurk much. No way. You ole Sock tool. Anyway, got things to do, so see ya Sayit, dawgshit, Rat in the Ass, and all your other Socks you use. :)

There is no evidence to suggest that Sayit/Daw101/Rat in the Hat are one in the same nor is there any evidence to support that either are socks of other posters.

[MENTION=23063]Rat in the Hat[/MENTION]

Thank you, sir.
And I should mention that somebody farted in here. It happened between my two posts.


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit

Yeah, you don't stalk and lurk much. No way. You ole Sock tool. Anyway, got things to do, so see ya Sayit, dawgshit, Rat in the Ass, and all your other Socks you use. :)

There is no evidence to suggest that Sayit/Daw101/Rat in the Hat are one in the same nor is there any evidence to support that either are socks of other posters.

[MENTION=23063]Rat in the Hat[/MENTION]

Bookmarked this. Thank you, Connery.
Thank you.

Now, anytime the CT Folks want to stop calling names and return to their OP, I'll be here to prove them wrong some more.

Oh Gawd, is that your 'Final Final Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook? Because ya know, we've heard your 'Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook like 50 times already. We got ya. You're all-in on the Big Brother-Worship thing. You can stop stalking and lurking on this thread now. I mean dang, you've stalked my thread every day for well over a year now. Either you're getting paid to do it, or you're just one loony nutter.

We've heard your take on Sandy Hook many many times. So seriously, you can move on now. You can no longer add anything new to the thread. There has to be other Posters and Threads for you to stalk. It's a pretty big Message Board. So go ahead and Goose Step on outta here. You're done. :)
Thank you.

Now, anytime the CT Folks want to stop calling names and return to their OP, I'll be here to prove them wrong some more.

Oh Gawd, is that your 'Final Final Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook? Because ya know, we've heard your 'Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook like 50 times already. We got ya. You're all-in on the Big Brother-Worship thing. You can stop stalking and lurking on this thread now. I mean dang, you've stalked my thread every day for well over a year now. Either you're getting paid to do it, or you're just one loony nutter.

We've heard your take on Sandy Hook many many times. So seriously, you can move on now. You can no longer add anything new to the thread. There has to be other Posters and Threads for you to stalk. It's a pretty big Message Board. So go ahead and Goose Step on outta here. You're done. :)

And you've told these same lies about me at least ten times now. When you know that the truth is I took your conspiracy crap and flushed it for the world to wave goodbye at. Just admit you were wrong and move on to the next I hate my government subject.

Not to worry, I do enjoy the truth so I'll keep this thread active...whether you mind or not.
Thank you.

Now, anytime the CT Folks want to stop calling names and return to their OP, I'll be here to prove them wrong some more.

Oh Gawd, is that your 'Final Final Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook? Because ya know, we've heard your 'Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook like 50 times already. We got ya. You're all-in on the Big Brother-Worship thing. You can stop stalking and lurking on this thread now. I mean dang, you've stalked my thread every day for well over a year now. Either you're getting paid to do it, or you're just one loony nutter.

We've heard your take on Sandy Hook many many times. So seriously, you can move on now. You can no longer add anything new to the thread. There has to be other Posters and Threads for you to stalk. It's a pretty big Message Board. So go ahead and Goose Step on outta here. You're done. :)

And you've told these same lies about me at least ten times now. When you know that the truth is I took your conspiracy crap and flushed it for the world to wave goodbye at. Just admit you were wrong and move on to the next I hate my government subject.

Not to worry, I do enjoy the truth so I'll keep this thread active...whether you mind or not.

Well at least you admit you're an obsessive loony bird. Gotta give ya some credit for that i guess. lol. But look meathead, you've given us your 'Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook several times. You got nothin left to offer. You're on record. We got ya. You're a loyal Goose Stepping Big Brother-Worshipper. So there's no need for you to stalk my thread for another year. Move on man. SHEESH! :cuckoo:
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I really would rather allow you to put "your" thread to rest but as long as you keep making stupid attempts to insult me I will respond. Unless you resort to fart jokes. You can ask your buddy how those worked out for him.

Now unless you have some other theory to claim, enjoy..........

:lol: Yeah, he craaazy. At first i that he was just another paid Government Internet Troll. But now i lean towards thinking he's an obsessed loony bird. He was broken in the Military. Big Brother says jump, he says how high. It's just blind obedience and loyalty. So he likely shills for Government for free. But who really knows?

He's stalked my thread every day for well over a year now. I mean seriously, every day for over a year. He's given his 'Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook like 50 times on the thread. So i'm pretty sure we all get where he stands by now. lol. But he still feels compelled to stalk and screech his 'Final Verdict' rant over & over. But hey, i find Nazi meatheads to be pretty entertaining. So i enjoy coming back to bust their balls. Anyway, thanks for the info. Keep it coming. :)
thanks for the unnecessary recap ,rerun....
Thank you.

Now, anytime the CT Folks want to stop calling names and return to their OP, I'll be here to prove them wrong some more.

Oh Gawd, is that your 'Final Final Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook? Because ya know, we've heard your 'Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook like 50 times already. We got ya. You're all-in on the Big Brother-Worship thing. You can stop stalking and lurking on this thread now. I mean dang, you've stalked my thread every day for well over a year now. Either you're getting paid to do it, or you're just one loony nutter.

We've heard your take on Sandy Hook many many times. So seriously, you can move on now. You can no longer add anything new to the thread. There has to be other Posters and Threads for you to stalk. It's a pretty big Message Board. So go ahead and Goose Step on outta here. You're done. :)
paulie's rationalization dodge to cover for getting his ass handed to him yet again!
I really would rather allow you to put "your" thread to rest but as long as you keep making stupid attempts to insult me I will respond. Unless you resort to fart jokes. You can ask your buddy how those worked out for him.

Now unless you have some other theory to claim, enjoy..........

:lol: Ha, you Nazi stalker nutters crack me up. You can't stop stalking and lurking. You and dawgshit can't help yourselves. Stalking one thread everyday for well over a year? Yikes! I think it's about that time for you to spew your 'Final Verdict' rant on Sandy Hook again. I mean you've only given us your 'Final Verdict' rant 50 or 60 times on the thread. But how bout another one for ole times sake? lol.

Like i've said in the past, you're just another pathetic Nazi Bully. You ruined the Forum by bullying so many posters away from the Forum. But i enjoy bullying bullies. So i'll still be hangin around kicking some Goose Stepper butt. I ain't goin anywhere meathead. But hey, enjoy your weird stalkin thing. I gots things to do. See ya. :)
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:lol: Yeah, he craaazy. At first i that he was just another paid Government Internet Troll. But now i lean towards thinking he's an obsessed loony bird. He was broken in the Military. Big Brother says jump, he says how high. It's just blind obedience and loyalty. So he likely shills for Government for free. But who really knows?

He's stalked my thread every day for well over a year now. I mean seriously, every day for over a year. He's given his 'Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook like 50 times on the thread. So i'm pretty sure we all get where he stands by now. lol. But he still feels compelled to stalk and screech his 'Final Verdict' rant over & over. But hey, i find Nazi meatheads to be pretty entertaining. So i enjoy coming back to bust their balls. Anyway, thanks for the info. Keep it coming. :)
thanks for the unnecessary recap ,rerun....

Wasn't talkin to you dipshit. Mind your own business.
:lol: Yeah, he craaazy. At first i that he was just another paid Government Internet Troll. But now i lean towards thinking he's an obsessed loony bird. He was broken in the Military. Big Brother says jump, he says how high. It's just blind obedience and loyalty. So he likely shills for Government for free. But who really knows?

He's stalked my thread every day for well over a year now. I mean seriously, every day for over a year. He's given his 'Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook like 50 times on the thread. So i'm pretty sure we all get where he stands by now. lol. But he still feels compelled to stalk and screech his 'Final Verdict' rant over & over. But hey, i find Nazi meatheads to be pretty entertaining. So i enjoy coming back to bust their balls. Anyway, thanks for the info. Keep it coming. :)
thanks for the unnecessary recap ,rerun....

Wasn't talkin to you dipshit. Mind your own business.
open thread talking to every one on it..dipshit!

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