Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Wasn't talkin to you pissant. Mind your own business.

You posted on an open forum, whiner. That makes it anyone's business.

Telling us who can and cannot reply to you now? What a Nazi Meathead. :eusa_whistle:

Never addressed you pissant. You're not even worthy of my scorn and ridicule. But keep up the bad work. One day you'll reach Nazi Meathead status. Something to strive for, ay? Good luck with that. ;)

Rat in the ass sure ISNT worth it.

Dont feel alone though whining troll rat in the ass has an obsession with me as well.

He wants attention from me so badly he talks to himself all the time quoting me addressing me in the first person all the time actually thinking i read his posts.same with dawgshit.:lol:
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Is that your 'Final Final Verdict?' Seriously we got ya meathead, Big Brother loves you and would never lie to you. You can move on now. Bye bye. :)

But Pauline will lie to us, won't she.

But seriously, don't you Nazi pussies have anyone else to stalk and try to get banned? Lots of other Forums and Posts on the Board. I mean come on, you and dawgshit have stalked my thread for well over a year now. That's just plain loony dude. By now, i'm pretty sure we got your Nazi meathead verdict on Sandy Hook. There's nothing left for you guys to offer. So, you are now dismissed. You're free to go stalk somewhere else. Have fun. :)

that for sure proves they are loony and have an obsession with you these 2 stalkers. they hate it that you are getting the truth out on this so thats why they have this obsession with you stalking you like they do ignoring facts about this case.
Hey Pauline, it's not stalking to answer in a thread where someone keeps answering you. It is stalking to follow a person to every thread that they go to. Just want to make sure you understand the truth.

That has a ring of the voice of experience to it.

No, that has the ring of truth to it. Learn the difference.

I think of experience (both in its direct and indirect incarnations) as a means to acquire the truth. So, whether you've stalked, been stalked, or played witness to stalking as an uninvolved observer, your voice has betrayed your experience of the truth.

Is that a satisfactory explanation of the difference? :dunno:
Don't give up the fight boys, America has had it with the globalists. WTC 7 was the wake up call, they have had it.

Today I came across this. This is an article in a Mainstream Insurance Website. Check out the comments from career insurance agents. :cool:

Your average Joe isn't buying the political agenda anymore. They don't trust the scripted movie the news is putting on. . . it just doesn't work. Read the comments to that article.

Always good to see words of encouragement.

You know what, though, ...a week or two back, I perused the Connecticut State Police's redaction summary (which laid out the rationale as to which 911 calls and other investigative records would be permanently withheld from public disclosure and/or destroyed in line with new statutes) ...and THAT, on top of the classified demolition of the crime scene by a shadowy team of construction workers sworn to eternal secrecy ...and the AP's handling of the stunted recordings that *were* released, was the straw that finally convinced me that Paulitician has been right all along, at least in maintaining that the truth regarding the events of December 14, 2012 (and those that occurred during the months that followed), will probably never be known by a significant portion of the American public.

On the bright side, thanks in no small part to the efforts of a small but vocal minority, it seems at least some of the likely motives behind the operation won't be served. And that, my friend, should be viewed as a victory by the alternative community.

As far as I'm concerned, this round is over ...and it's time to move on with our eyes wide open.
Curious people looking for the truth and dismayed by the landscape these days........make no mistake. All over the internet on boards like this, people are paid handsomely to be all over anything that goes against the msm narrative. They lurk in here all the will always find, particularly in this forum, the same handful of people are on here EVERY SINGLE DAY MULTIPLE TIMES PER DAY. Fascinating huh? Except not a hobby for them.:2up:

They seek to perpetuate the established narrative........perpetuate the illusion of consensus reality >>>>
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Curious people looking for the truth and dismayed by the landscape these days........make no mistake. All over the internet on boards like this, people are paid handsomely to be all over anything that goes against the msm narrative. They lurk in here all the will always find, particularly in this forum, the same handful of people are on here EVERY SINGLE DAY MULTIPLE TIMES PER DAY. Fascinating huh? Except not a hobby for them.:2up:

They seek to perpetuate the established narrative........perpetuate the illusion of consensus reality >>>>

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog

Gee, once again Skootersballs shows that they can't read and comprehend.....Mistake any windows for walls lately?

:lol: Yeah, he craaazy. At first i that he was just another paid Government Internet Troll. But now i lean towards thinking he's an obsessed loony bird. He was broken in the Military. Big Brother says jump, he says how high. It's just blind obedience and loyalty. So he likely shills for Government for free. But who really knows?

He's stalked my thread every day for well over a year now. I mean seriously, every day for over a year. He's given his 'Final Verdict' on Sandy Hook like 50 times on the thread. So i'm pretty sure we all get where he stands by now. lol. But he still feels compelled to stalk and screech his 'Final Verdict' rant over & over. But hey, i find Nazi meatheads to be pretty entertaining. So i enjoy coming back to bust their balls. Anyway, thanks for the info. Keep it coming. :)
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Curious people looking for the truth and dismayed by the landscape these days........make no mistake. All over the internet on boards like this, people are paid handsomely to be all over anything that goes against the msm narrative. They lurk in here all the will always find, particularly in this forum, the same handful of people are on here EVERY SINGLE DAY MULTIPLE TIMES PER DAY. Fascinating huh? Except not a hobby for them.:2up:

They seek to perpetuate the established narrative........perpetuate the illusion of consensus reality >>>>

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog

Oh yeah, paid Government Internet Trolls are everywhere. That's been proven. Some of em here use Sock Puppets too. But you can tell by their posting styles that they're the same poster. It's the same stalkers & lurkers who immediately show up and reply to posts. I'm sure they're lurking here right now as i type this. They'll be replying very soon. It is very sad our Government has to resort to that to get the Citizenry to buy into their shameful B.S., but it is what it is i guess.
Attn: Fellow Nazi GooseSteppers.

Special message from Agent K.

MS Paint is for kids.


MS Paint is for kids.

Report when mission complete.

That is all.

Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit
Attn: Fellow Nazi GooseSteppers.

Special message from Agent K.

MS Paint is for kids.


MS Paint is for kids.

Report when mission complete.

That is all.

Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit

:lol: Ha, right on cue. A Nazi meathead lurker shows up. So pathetically predictable.
Just wondering, but would anyone like to join me in a fun game of Duck, Duck, GooseStepper??

Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit
And I should mention that somebody farted in here. It happened between my two posts.


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit
And I should mention that somebody farted in here. It happened between my two posts.


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit

Yeah, you don't stalk and lurk much. No way. You ole Sock tool. Anyway, got things to do, so see ya Sayit, dawgshit, Rat in the Ass, and all your other Socks you use. :)
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And I should mention that somebody farted in here. It happened between my two posts.


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit

Yeah, you don't stalk and lurk much. No way. You one creepy little man Rat in the Ass. :cuckoo:

Why is it creepy when I post that, yet you get a big, juicy thrill up your leg when Rimjob posts the same thing??


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit
And I should mention that somebody farted in here. It happened between my two posts.


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit

Yeah, you don't stalk and lurk much. No way. You ole Sock tool. Anyway, got things to do, so see ya Sayit, dawgshit, Rat in the Ass, and all your other Socks you use. :)

[MENTION=40540]Connery[/MENTION] [MENTION=20285]Intense[/MENTION]

Could somebody please set this poster straight regarding his constant false sock accusations?


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum majikl whitey ju-ju shit

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