Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Yeah, you Nazi Meatheads are pretty warped. You're obsessed with defending your beloved Big Brother. It is pretty funny though. I mean seriously, how long have you and dawgshit stalked this thread of mine? If you look it up, you'll see that it's a crazy long time. You're the ones bringing attention to the thread.

And you've spewed your 'Final Veridict' on the Theories like 25 different times. I think we all get it by now, you're a silly loyal Nazi Meathead, So it's no longer necessary for you to give us your 'Final Verdict' rant again. We got ya. You're done. Let it go dude... Or stalk some more, whatever makes ya happy. :)

Pauli......just focus on getting stuff out there that the typical standard msm dweller might find compelling because some dots are not connecting. On this forum, you are either dealing with a paid disinformation hack or people who will go to their box clinging desperately to the established matrix. Just have to keep at it and presenting stuff they might not have been exposed to and perhaps lead them to look more by one. And you know where it goes from there.....but meanwhile, a huge plurality of the population are quite content being enrolled in the University of iPhone.

My brother sent this to me this week........he's been all over Newtown since day 1. Very concise and clear, plus a couple of new things to consider >>>

Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax | Veterans Today

Your source is not just suspect, it's senior editor admits it is bogus:

veterans today debunked - Google Search

"... about 30% of what's on Veterans Today is patently false." - Gordon Duff
"...about 40% of what I write is at least purposely partially false..." - Gordon Duff

Kudos to Veterans Today senior editor Gordon Duff for stepping out of the closet and admitting that 30% of what VT publishes (and 40% of what he himself writes) is "at least partially" and even "patently false!" Given it is in his best interest to understate the % it may well be that 50% (and 80%) are closer to the truth. It seems that the years of authoring and publishing LIES have caught up to him and he can no longer look at his own face. The real question is; can those who have built their conclusions on the LIES of VT and their interconnected web of international web sites face themselves and each other? Can the CT Movement face the fact that their CT World has been built on these LIES?
My guess? Not likely.

LOL.....last time I checked, that leaves 70%.:up:

And who wouldn't want to hook the senior editor of the New York Times up to a lie detector test??!!!!!!

Hey but I get it......most folks are very content with accepting the official msm narrative. Decades of this stuff and people are in deep.

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As long as you keep bringing attention to the thread I'll have to check to see what is being said....

As i have explained, once i post in a thread and hit User CP if someone has posted in it it will show up.

Now, do you have anything intelligent to add to "your" thread or do you just want to call names and have a reputation like 911shitfornrains?

I'm sorry I have destroyed all your want to be scenarios for Newtown but facts are facts....And opinions are opinions....

But I'm the lying stalking Nazi.....

Yeah, you Nazi Meatheads are pretty warped. You're obsessed with defending your beloved Big Brother. It is pretty funny though. I mean seriously, how long have you and dawgshit stalked this thread of mine? If you look it up, you'll see that it's a crazy long time. You're the ones bringing attention to the thread.

And you've spewed your 'Final Veridict' on the Theories like 25 different times. I think we all get it by now, you're a silly loyal Nazi Meathead, So it's no longer necessary for you to give us your 'Final Verdict' rant again. We got ya. You're done. Let it go dude... Or stalk some more, whatever makes ya happy. :)

Pauli......just focus on getting stuff out there that the typical standard msm dweller might find compelling because some dots are not connecting. On this forum, you are either dealing with a paid disinformation hack or people who will go to their box clinging desperately to the established matrix. Just have to keep at it and presenting stuff they might not have been exposed to and perhaps lead them to look more by one. And you know where it goes from there.....but meanwhile, a huge plurality of the population are quite content being enrolled in the University of iPhone.

My brother sent this to me this week........he's been all over Newtown since day 1. Very concise and clear, plus a couple of new things to consider >>>

Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax | Veterans Today

You don't read much do you? Pauline has already posted this one point at a time and I debunked it one point at a time... Have any other problems with bullets going through Glass into the parking lot?
Pauli......just focus on getting stuff out there that the typical standard msm dweller might find compelling because some dots are not connecting. On this forum, you are either dealing with a paid disinformation hack or people who will go to their box clinging desperately to the established matrix. Just have to keep at it and presenting stuff they might not have been exposed to and perhaps lead them to look more by one. And you know where it goes from there.....but meanwhile, a huge plurality of the population are quite content being enrolled in the University of iPhone.

My brother sent this to me this week........he's been all over Newtown since day 1. Very concise and clear, plus a couple of new things to consider >>>

Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax | Veterans Today

Your source is not just suspect, it's senior editor admits it is bogus:

veterans today debunked - Google Search

"... about 30% of what's on Veterans Today is patently false." - Gordon Duff
"...about 40% of what I write is at least purposely partially false..." - Gordon Duff

Kudos to Veterans Today senior editor Gordon Duff for stepping out of the closet and admitting that 30% of what VT publishes (and 40% of what he himself writes) is "at least partially" and even "patently false!" Given it is in his best interest to understate the % it may well be that 50% (and 80%) are closer to the truth. It seems that the years of authoring and publishing LIES have caught up to him and he can no longer look at his own face. The real question is; can those who have built their conclusions on the LIES of VT and their interconnected web of international web sites face themselves and each other? Can the CT Movement face the fact that their CT World has been built on these LIES?
My guess? Not likely.

LOL.....last time I checked, that leaves 70%.:up:

And who wouldn't want to hook the senior editor of the New York Times up to a lie detector test??!!!!!!

Hey but I get it......most folks are very content with accepting the official msm narrative. Decades of this stuff and people are in deep.

Well said. The usual suspect Trolls here can only accept what the Government and Idiot Box tells them. They're not nearly as smart or deep as they think they are. They'll never accept any information that comes from outside their Government/Idiot Box bubble. If you present anything else, you're a 'Tinfoil Hat-wearing America-Hating Traitor.' You're never gonna get through to those people.

But there are open-minded people out there. They are willing to question Government/MSM narratives. And i thank God those people exist. We should all always question Big Brother. He has too long a track record of secrecy and dishonesty. That's just how i feel anyway.
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Your source is not just suspect, it's senior editor admits it is bogus:

veterans today debunked - Google Search

"... about 30% of what's on Veterans Today is patently false." - Gordon Duff
"...about 40% of what I write is at least purposely partially false..." - Gordon Duff

Kudos to Veterans Today senior editor Gordon Duff for stepping out of the closet and admitting that 30% of what VT publishes (and 40% of what he himself writes) is "at least partially" and even "patently false!" Given it is in his best interest to understate the % it may well be that 50% (and 80%) are closer to the truth. It seems that the years of authoring and publishing LIES have caught up to him and he can no longer look at his own face. The real question is; can those who have built their conclusions on the LIES of VT and their interconnected web of international web sites face themselves and each other? Can the CT Movement face the fact that their CT World has been built on these LIES?
My guess? Not likely.

LOL.....last time I checked, that leaves 70%.:up:

And who wouldn't want to hook the senior editor of the New York Times up to a lie detector test??!!!!!!

Hey but I get it......most folks are very content with accepting the official msm narrative. Decades of this stuff and people are in deep.

Well said. The usual suspect Trolls here can only accept what the Government and Idiot Box tells them. They're not nearly as smart or deep as they think they are. They'll never accept any information that comes from outside their Government/Idiot Box bubble. If you present anything else, you're a 'Tinfoil Hat-wearing America-Hating Traitor.' You're never gonna get through to those people.

But there are open-minded people out there. They are willing to question Government/MSM narratives. And i thank God those people exist. We should all always question Big Brother. He has too long a track record of secrecy and dishonesty. That's just how i feel anyway.
the idiot box you use is far less credible than the msm..and it's controlled by the same people who control the msm..
you've been duped .....
LOL.....last time I checked, that leaves 70%.:up:

And who wouldn't want to hook the senior editor of the New York Times up to a lie detector test??!!!!!!

Hey but I get it......most folks are very content with accepting the official msm narrative. Decades of this stuff and people are in deep.

Well said. The usual suspect Trolls here can only accept what the Government and Idiot Box tells them. They're not nearly as smart or deep as they think they are. They'll never accept any information that comes from outside their Government/Idiot Box bubble. If you present anything else, you're a 'Tinfoil Hat-wearing America-Hating Traitor.' You're never gonna get through to those people.

But there are open-minded people out there. They are willing to question Government/MSM narratives. And i thank God those people exist. We should all always question Big Brother. He has too long a track record of secrecy and dishonesty. That's just how i feel anyway.
the idiot box you use is far less credible than the msm..and it's controlled by the same people who control the msm..
you've been duped .....

Yes, it would be wise to question all information.
Well said. The usual suspect Trolls here can only accept what the Government and Idiot Box tells them. They're not nearly as smart or deep as they think they are. They'll never accept any information that comes from outside their Government/Idiot Box bubble. If you present anything else, you're a 'Tinfoil Hat-wearing America-Hating Traitor.' You're never gonna get through to those people.

But there are open-minded people out there. They are willing to question Government/MSM narratives. And i thank God those people exist. We should all always question Big Brother. He has too long a track record of secrecy and dishonesty. That's just how i feel anyway.
the idiot box you use is far less credible than the msm..and it's controlled by the same people who control the msm..
you've been duped .....

Yes, it would be wise to question all information.
Yes, it would be wise to question all information.

Yes, even mine. Now you're gettin it. I think your mind is finally opening a bit. Encouraging. ;)
your delusion is kicking up yammering about an open mind is farce at it's finest..
what mind you and all conspiracy nut sacks have is sealed inside an almost impenetrable wall of paranoia and willful ignorance...

Yes, even mine. Now you're gettin it. I think your mind is finally opening a bit. Encouraging. ;)
your delusion is kicking up yammering about an open mind is farce at it's finest..
what mind you and all conspiracy nut sacks have is sealed inside an almost impenetrable wall of paranoia and willful ignorance...

Aw, don't be such a pissy little Nazi Meathead. Take a Midol and a nap. The Forum and thread aren't goin anywhere. They'll still be here for you to stalk later. ;)
yes, even mine. Now you're gettin it. I think your mind is finally opening a bit. Encouraging. ;)
your delusion is kicking up yammering about an open mind is farce at it's finest..
What mind you and all conspiracy nut sacks have is sealed inside an almost impenetrable wall of paranoia and willful ignorance...

aw, don't be such a pissy little nazi meathead. Take a midol and a nap. The forum and thread aren't goin anywhere. They'll still be here for you to stalk later. ;)
paulie admitting he just got his ass handed to him.
RuPaul has been hanging around 9/11 Whackjob too long. He's adopted Whackjob's belief that anyone who dares to disagree with him must be a troll. They just keep repeating the "troll" mantra to avoid any actual debate.

At least RuPaul has added the words "Nazi" and "Meathead" to his vocabulary. Too bad he's decided to repeat them in every post.
RuPaul has been hanging around 9/11 Whackjob too long. He's adopted Whackjob's belief that anyone who dares to disagree with him must be a troll. They just keep repeating the "troll" mantra to avoid any actual debate.

At least RuPaul has added the words "Nazi" and "Meathead" to his vocabulary. Too bad he's decided to repeat them in every post.
Yeah, you Nazi Meatheads are pretty warped. You're obsessed with defending your beloved Big Brother. It is pretty funny though. I mean seriously, how long have you and dawgshit stalked this thread of mine? If you look it up, you'll see that it's a crazy long time. You're the ones bringing attention to the thread.

And you've spewed your 'Final Veridict' on the Theories like 25 different times. I think we all get it by now, you're a silly loyal Nazi Meathead, So it's no longer necessary for you to give us your 'Final Verdict' rant again. We got ya. You're done. Let it go dude... Or stalk some more, whatever makes ya happy. :)

Pauli......just focus on getting stuff out there that the typical standard msm dweller might find compelling because some dots are not connecting. On this forum, you are either dealing with a paid disinformation hack or people who will go to their box clinging desperately to the established matrix. Just have to keep at it and presenting stuff they might not have been exposed to and perhaps lead them to look more by one. And you know where it goes from there.....but meanwhile, a huge plurality of the population are quite content being enrolled in the University of iPhone.

My brother sent this to me this week........he's been all over Newtown since day 1. Very concise and clear, plus a couple of new things to consider >>>

Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax | Veterans Today

You don't read much do you? Pauline has already posted this one point at a time and I debunked it one point at a time... Have any other problems with bullets going through Glass into the parking lot?

Yep........ .223 rounds going through school walls AND through car doors AT the same time!!!!!:up: Cool.......must be sprayed with some magic dust or something. Clearly legit.
Don't give up the fight boys, America has had it with the globalists. WTC 7 was the wake up call, they have had it.

Today I came across this. This is an article in a Mainstream Insurance Website. Check out the comments from career insurance agents. :cool:

Your average Joe isn't buying the political agenda anymore. They don't trust the scripted movie the news is putting on. . . it just doesn't work. Read the comments to that article.
Don't give up the fight boys, America has had it with the globalists. WTC 7 was the wake up call, they have had it.

Today I came across this. This is an article in a Mainstream Insurance Website. Check out the comments from career insurance agents. :cool:

Your average Joe isn't buying the political agenda anymore. They don't trust the scripted movie the news is putting on. . . it just doesn't work. Read the comments to that article.

2 whole comments from anonymous assholes like you and you determine they are "career insurance agents" who speak not only for the entire industry but for all of America?
Woo ... you are still desperately silly, Princess. :cuckoo:
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Don't give up the fight boys, America has had it with the globalists. WTC 7 was the wake up call, they have had it.

Today I came across this. This is an article in a Mainstream Insurance Website. Check out the comments from career insurance agents. :cool:

Your average Joe isn't buying the political agenda anymore. They don't trust the scripted movie the news is putting on. . . it just doesn't work. Read the comments to that article.
written on a piece of cardboard as he rattles a cup for change...
Pauli......just focus on getting stuff out there that the typical standard msm dweller might find compelling because some dots are not connecting. On this forum, you are either dealing with a paid disinformation hack or people who will go to their box clinging desperately to the established matrix. Just have to keep at it and presenting stuff they might not have been exposed to and perhaps lead them to look more by one. And you know where it goes from there.....but meanwhile, a huge plurality of the population are quite content being enrolled in the University of iPhone.

My brother sent this to me this week........he's been all over Newtown since day 1. Very concise and clear, plus a couple of new things to consider >>>

Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax | Veterans Today

You don't read much do you? Pauline has already posted this one point at a time and I debunked it one point at a time... Have any other problems with bullets going through Glass into the parking lot?

Yep........ .223 rounds going through school walls AND through car doors AT the same time!!!!!:up: Cool.......must be sprayed with some magic dust or something. Clearly legit.

Why is it you keep confusing walls with windows?
Don't give up the fight boys, America has had it with the globalists. WTC 7 was the wake up call, they have had it.

Today I came across this. This is an article in a Mainstream Insurance Website. Check out the comments from career insurance agents. :cool:

Your average Joe isn't buying the political agenda anymore. They don't trust the scripted movie the news is putting on. . . it just doesn't work. Read the comments to that article.

Well said. I like your comment about it being a 'scripted movie.' Sandy Hook especially, just feels like a big stage performance. I don't know what really happened on 9/11, Boston Marathon, Sandy Hook etc etc... I freely admit that. But i do know none of those incidents happened the way our Government and Media has told us.

The truth is, we'll never know. Sadly for the most part, we have nothing but our Government and Media's word to go on. And most of us understand that they consistently lie. It's a Government/Media Complex now. Alternative information sources are out there, but they're few and far between. Anyway, thanks for your comments. Like you said, you gotta keep fighting. The word is spreading. The NWO Globalists can be stopped. I think many are waking up. I'm actually encouraged.
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