Sarah Palin run for Prez


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
I have been pondering this.

Sarah Palin is extremely knowledgeable.

[ame=]YouTube - Palin SRLC - Part 1[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Sarah Palin Speech at the Southern GOP Conference[/ame]

I don't think anyone who heard her speak at the SRLC can deny that. And she did it without a teleprompter.

We know that the radical left wingers shot all their ammo at her, attacking her children, attacking her as a mom, trying to portray her as stupid, yadda, yadda, yadda. They did this because they consider her a grave threat. The question we should ask ourselves is why do they consider her such a threat?

We also know that Obama is dumber than a rock.

He is the twit that has been embracing america's enemies, and alienating america's friends.

He is the twit that wants to raise all sorts of taxes in a bad economy.

He is the twit that wants to micromanage the private sector and thinks this won't lead lead to economic collapse.

So here is my question. Do you think that she is now immune fromthe viciousness of the liberal attacks in 3 years? Has she developed the antibodies? or do you think that they successfully destroyed her by being the evil vermin tha liberals are?

I do feel that she can do a great job. She did great for Alaska. She had 80% approval, took on corruption in her own party, cut spending even when there was a surplus in the Alaskan budget, lowered taxes, gave tax rebates to Alaskans., etc.
OK. Please send me a bumper sticker. I'll vote for her. Seeing as how Owe Bama proves you don't have to have any particular skill to become President, she should be a shoe-in. I'll vote for her simply because she's cute, she's clever, she's very witty and she knows how to field dress a moose. Owe Bama is none of these things. The only thing he knows how to do is play basketball and fly around at government expense on his self-fullfilling ego inhancement trips.
I'm with AmwayMike on this one

Palin would make a wonderful Republican candidate for President

Run Sarah........RUN
'Knowledgeable' is the measure?

Is she more knowledgeable than Romney? Ron Paul? Tim Pawlenty? Newt Gingrich? Mike Huckabee? Haley Barbour? name a few...
I have been pondering this.

Sarah Palin is extremely knowledgeable.

YouTube - Palin SRLC - Part 1

YouTube - Sarah Palin Speech at the Southern GOP Conference

I don't think anyone who heard her speak at the SRLC can deny that. And she did it without a teleprompter.

We know that the radical left wingers shot all their ammo at her, attacking her children, attacking her as a mom, trying to portray her as stupid, yadda, yadda, yadda. They did this because they consider her a grave threat. The question we should ask ourselves is why do they consider her such a threat?

We also know that Obama is dumber than a rock.

He is the twit that has been embracing america's enemies, and alienating america's friends.

He is the twit that wants to raise all sorts of taxes in a bad economy.

He is the twit that wants to micromanage the private sector and thinks this won't lead lead to economic collapse.

So here is my question. Do you think that she is now immune fromthe viciousness of the liberal attacks in 3 years? Has she developed the antibodies? or do you think that they successfully destroyed her by being the evil vermin tha liberals are?

I do feel that she can do a great job. She did great for Alaska. She had 80% approval, took on corruption in her own party, cut spending even when there was a surplus in the Alaskan budget, lowered taxes, gave tax rebates to Alaskans., etc.

She did not lower taxes in Alaska. She imposed a windfall profits tax on oil and gave everyone in Alaska a handout. It's easy to buy an 80% approval rating with that kind of money to pass aroun.

Speaking of 80%, 80% of Alaska's state budget is paid for by oil revenues. A chimpanzee could handle Alaska's fiscal policy.
I'm with AmwayMike on this one

Palin would make a wonderful Republican candidate for President

Run Sarah........RUN

We agree on something.

Any hope in fixing the brain damage from those sewer fumes?
I have been pondering this.

Sarah Palin is extremely knowledgeable.

YouTube - Palin SRLC - Part 1

YouTube - Sarah Palin Speech at the Southern GOP Conference

I don't think anyone who heard her speak at the SRLC can deny that. And she did it without a teleprompter.

We know that the radical left wingers shot all their ammo at her, attacking her children, attacking her as a mom, trying to portray her as stupid, yadda, yadda, yadda. They did this because they consider her a grave threat. The question we should ask ourselves is why do they consider her such a threat?

We also know that Obama is dumber than a rock.

He is the twit that has been embracing america's enemies, and alienating america's friends.

He is the twit that wants to raise all sorts of taxes in a bad economy.

He is the twit that wants to micromanage the private sector and thinks this won't lead lead to economic collapse.

So here is my question. Do you think that she is now immune fromthe viciousness of the liberal attacks in 3 years? Has she developed the antibodies? or do you think that they successfully destroyed her by being the evil vermin tha liberals are?

I do feel that she can do a great job. She did great for Alaska. She had 80% approval, took on corruption in her own party, cut spending even when there was a surplus in the Alaskan budget, lowered taxes, gave tax rebates to Alaskans., etc.

She did not lower taxes in Alaska. She imposed a windfall profits tax on oil and gave everyone in Alaska a handout. It's easy to buy an 80% approval rating with that kind of money to pass aroun.

Speaking of 80%, 80% of Alaska's state budget is paid for by oil revenues. A chimpanzee could handle Alaska's fiscal policy.

Guess what happens when oil goes down? It devastates the economy.

And letting people keep more of their own money is not a handout.

What would a democrat congress do with more money? They would spend it. Sarah Palin gave it back to the people it belonged to in the first place. That IS very refreshing.
I'm with AmwayMike on this one

Palin would make a wonderful Republican candidate for President

Run Sarah........RUN

We agree on something.

Any hope in fixing the brain damage from those sewer fumes?

Right-on target AmwayMike!

Sarah Palin offers the best the Republican Party has to offer.

She is the most intellectual Republican out there. Add her charm, wit and lets face it...she looks great in a bikini

The telepromter reading, muslim, socialist, marxist, facist, white hating, anti-american Obama would not have a prayer against someone of Palins calibre.

So, along with AmwayMike...I urge ALL Republicans to support Sarah Palin

You Betcha!
I have been pondering this.

Sarah Palin is extremely knowledgeable.

YouTube - Palin SRLC - Part 1

YouTube - Sarah Palin Speech at the Southern GOP Conference

I don't think anyone who heard her speak at the SRLC can deny that. And she did it without a teleprompter.

We know that the radical left wingers shot all their ammo at her, attacking her children, attacking her as a mom, trying to portray her as stupid, yadda, yadda, yadda. They did this because they consider her a grave threat. The question we should ask ourselves is why do they consider her such a threat?

We also know that Obama is dumber than a rock.

He is the twit that has been embracing america's enemies, and alienating america's friends.

He is the twit that wants to raise all sorts of taxes in a bad economy.

He is the twit that wants to micromanage the private sector and thinks this won't lead lead to economic collapse.

So here is my question. Do you think that she is now immune fromthe viciousness of the liberal attacks in 3 years? Has she developed the antibodies? or do you think that they successfully destroyed her by being the evil vermin tha liberals are?

I do feel that she can do a great job. She did great for Alaska. She had 80% approval, took on corruption in her own party, cut spending even when there was a surplus in the Alaskan budget, lowered taxes, gave tax rebates to Alaskans., etc.

She did not lower taxes in Alaska. She imposed a windfall profits tax on oil and gave everyone in Alaska a handout. It's easy to buy an 80% approval rating with that kind of money to pass aroun.

Speaking of 80%, 80% of Alaska's state budget is paid for by oil revenues. A chimpanzee could handle Alaska's fiscal policy.

Guess what happens when oil goes down? It devastates the economy.

And letting people keep more of their own money is not a handout.

What would a democrat congress do with more money? They would spend it. Sarah Palin gave it back to the people it belonged to in the first place. That IS very refreshing.

Bullshit. You are right though, when oil goes down it devastates Alaska's economy. Kind of like it devastates Iran's economy. Sarah Palin's 'executive experience' makes her a better candidate to be president of Iran.

Btw, reference the highlighted, Governor Palin sided with ALASKA DEMOCRATS against her own party, to pass the windfall profits tax on oil that was handed out to the state's residents.
Palin came in a distant third in the Southern Republican Leadership Conference straw poll, barely beating Newt Gingrich. Romney won without showing up, lol.
She did not lower taxes in Alaska. She imposed a windfall profits tax on oil and gave everyone in Alaska a handout. It's easy to buy an 80% approval rating with that kind of money to pass aroun.

Speaking of 80%, 80% of Alaska's state budget is paid for by oil revenues. A chimpanzee could handle Alaska's fiscal policy.

Guess what happens when oil goes down? It devastates the economy.

And letting people keep more of their own money is not a handout.

What would a democrat congress do with more money? They would spend it. Sarah Palin gave it back to the people it belonged to in the first place. That IS very refreshing.

If Obama proposed placing a tax on oil companies and then giving the proceeds to the public, you wouldn't call it "letting people keep more of their own money". You'd denounce it as radical socialism. If Saint Sarah of the Snow does it though, you're all for it.
Palin isn't going to run for President.

She's just astute enough to know that her bottom line (from speaking engagements) is tied to the perception that she will run for president and the second she makes a definitive statement that she will not run for president, it's going to cost her money.

She's keeping the gravy train rolling.
She did not lower taxes in Alaska. She imposed a windfall profits tax on oil and gave everyone in Alaska a handout. It's easy to buy an 80% approval rating with that kind of money to pass aroun.

Speaking of 80%, 80% of Alaska's state budget is paid for by oil revenues. A chimpanzee could handle Alaska's fiscal policy.

Guess what happens when oil goes down? It devastates the economy.

And letting people keep more of their own money is not a handout.

What would a democrat congress do with more money? They would spend it. Sarah Palin gave it back to the people it belonged to in the first place. That IS very refreshing.

If Obama proposed placing a tax on oil companies and then giving the proceeds to the public, you wouldn't call it "letting people keep more of their own money". You'd denounce it as radical socialism. If Saint Sarah of the Snow does it though, you're all for it.

Obama would spend it.
If sound bytes and slogans without a single idea are examples of the "new" Republican intellectualism. Then for sure, she is the best Republicans have to offer.

Run Sarah, run - to the nearest book. Read it. Study it. Learn what "words" mean. Find out what it's like reading from a "page" instead of your "hand".

Sarah herself admitted that it wasn't until she was being prepped for the Vice Presidential debate that she was "told" that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Could you be any more dumb?
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She did not lower taxes in Alaska. She imposed a windfall profits tax on oil and gave everyone in Alaska a handout. It's easy to buy an 80% approval rating with that kind of money to pass aroun.

Speaking of 80%, 80% of Alaska's state budget is paid for by oil revenues. A chimpanzee could handle Alaska's fiscal policy.

Guess what happens when oil goes down? It devastates the economy.

And letting people keep more of their own money is not a handout.

What would a democrat congress do with more money? They would spend it. Sarah Palin gave it back to the people it belonged to in the first place. That IS very refreshing.

Bullshit. You are right though, when oil goes down it devastates Alaska's economy. Kind of like it devastates Iran's economy. Sarah Palin's 'executive experience' makes her a better candidate to be president of Iran.

Btw, reference the highlighted, Governor Palin sided with ALASKA DEMOCRATS against her own party, to pass the windfall profits tax on oil that was handed out to the state's residents.

You constantly lie about what Palin did.

For those attacking Governor Palin for raising taxes on oil companies in Alaska, the facts tell a much different story. After rampant corruption was stopped and criminal politicians, along with oil executives, fined and/or thrown in jail, Sarah Palin set out to reverse the damage done. Here is the Palin tax proposal before Alaska's legislature got a hold of it. This is what Sarah Palin is responsible for on the issue of oil industry taxes in Alaska:

The basic elements of the Palin tax proposal, called Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share, are:

• 25 percent tax on net profits, or the value of the oil minus operating expenses and pipeline and tanker charges. That compares with the 22.5 percent Petroleum Profits Tax passed in 2006. The tax rate rises when oil prices are high.

• Protection when oil prices are low. The big fields of Kuparuk and Prudhoe Bay would pay at least a 10 percent gross tax on the oil's value. This tax on the gross -- before operating expenses are deducted -- would be instead of a tax on net profits, not in addition to it.

• Changes in allowable tax credits and deductions. Producers no longer could write off the cost of replacing deteriorating pipelines.

• Higher salaries for oil tax auditors.

• More information for the state from oil producers and better sharing of information between state agencies.

What you see above is where the $1200 tax rebate came from that sent to the people of Alaska who were robbed by politicians convicted of taking bribes from oil company executives. When you read the actual proposal instead giving a knee-jerk reaction to a tax increase, it is clear this isn't a tax hike near as much as it is returning stolen money back to taxpayers. Not only was there bribery, but her predecessor was giving special breaks to oil companies as Palin stated in this report from FoxNews referencing both McCain and the Governor:

Palin supports offshore drilling like McCain, but they diverge on drilling in the off-limits Artic Wildlife National Refuge. She’s for it and he’s against it, although he’s said he is willing to re-examine the issue.

They both oppose a national windfall profits tax on oil companies, saying it would hinder domestic production. But she raised taxes on oil companies in Alaska last year, arguing that her predecessor, Frank Murkowski gave them too many breaks.

When asked by whether McCain’s criticism of Obama’s similar proposal to tax oil companies was a contradiction to Palin’s actions last year, McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds batted the question away.

Governor Palin did what any conservative worth their own soul would have done. She gave tax dollars that were literally stolen from Alaskan taxpayers right back to them and appropriately reversed corrupt tax policy. Not only did she bring ethics back to the tax policy in regards to the oil industry in Alaska, she improved the policy itself in her proposal.
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If Palin runs in 2012 I believe she will hand Barry another four years. She needs to marinate more . . . perhaps a presidential run down the road, but not in 2012.

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