Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

It's funny how the libs here bellyached about the treatment of Sandra Fluke, and they turn around and do worse to Sarah Palin.
Let's review. Sandra Fluke testifies before a Congressional committee and is then called a slut by a nationally recognized radio host and asshole.

Sarah Palin runs for Vice President of the United States of America and shows her ineptitude on policy for all the world to see. then she doubles down, starts a PAC, opens a web site that puts crosshairs over candidates like Gabby Giffords and raises money for political speech.

Yeah. They're the same.

It doesn't matter if they are the same. It is the hypocrisy of the left.
Gee I wish you had actually read what I posted! The machete of thinking I have to employ to clear the jungle of your partisanship needs constant sharpening.

No, you completely miss the point and ignore your own hypocrisy. YOU belong to the party the espouses feminist ideals.
I certainly do!

You see, Sandra Fluke provided testimony and was "bullied" by the Right Wing. You accused me of bullying Sarah Palin.

But Sarah Palin was the nominee for Vice President. After that bullet was dodged, Ms. Palin kept making political statements that were largely foolish. She raises money to spread her message of willful ignorance. She DESERVES to be ridiculed.

Ms. Fluke did nothing to deserve the wrath and scorn and bullying she received at the hands of Limbaugh and those who agree with him.

Cry me a river.

All Rush did was insinuate that anyone who wants to be paid to have sex is a prostitute. He apologized, but none of you folks have apologized to Palin. Some of you called her a ****. Others said she should be forced to eat shit.

Pretty despicable if you ask me.
It's funny how the libs here bellyached about the treatment of Sandra Fluke, and they turn around and do worse to Sarah Palin.
Let's review. Sandra Fluke testifies before a Congressional committee and is then called a slut by a nationally recognized radio host and asshole.

Sarah Palin runs for Vice President of the United States of America and shows her ineptitude on policy for all the world to see. then she doubles down, starts a PAC, opens a web site that puts crosshairs over candidates like Gabby Giffords and raises money for political speech.

Yeah. They're the same.

the difference is that Palin is using your hatred of her to get very rich. Fluke is too stupid to do that.

bottom line, Palin is smart, Fluke is stupid, and you fools enable both of them
Let me reiterate. We do not hate Sarah Palin! We do not fear Sarah Palin. We pity her and her few acolytes for their willful ignorance.

And I include you in that 'willful ignorance' group. In your post you posited "Palin is smart" despite all evidence to the contrary.

If using your opponents to get rich is smart, then Palin is smart.
So, deepening political division, gridlock, uncompromising positions and most of all money is what you consider "smart"? Where did you learn these values?

not even close to what I said. You called Palin stupid, I merely showed that she is taking financial advantage of the left's hatred of her.

Is your hero Soros smart or stupid as he milks the american economy for billions every year?
It's funny how the libs here bellyached about the treatment of Sandra Fluke, and they turn around and do worse to Sarah Palin.
Let's review. Sandra Fluke testifies before a Congressional committee and is then called a slut by a nationally recognized radio host and asshole.

Sarah Palin runs for Vice President of the United States of America and shows her ineptitude on policy for all the world to see. then she doubles down, starts a PAC, opens a web site that puts crosshairs over candidates like Gabby Giffords and raises money for political speech.

Yeah. They're the same.

It doesn't matter if they are the same. It is the hypocrisy of the left.
Gee I wish you had actually read what I posted! The machete of thinking I have to employ to clear the jungle of your partisanship needs constant sharpening.

No, you completely miss the point and ignore your own hypocrisy. YOU belong to the party the espouses feminist ideals.
I certainly do!

You see, Sandra Fluke provided testimony and was "bullied" by the Right Wing. You accused me of bullying Sarah Palin.

But Sarah Palin was the nominee for Vice President. After that bullet was dodged, Ms. Palin kept making political statements that were largely foolish. She raises money to spread her message of willful ignorance. She DESERVES to be ridiculed.

Ms. Fluke did nothing to deserve the wrath and scorn and bullying she received at the hands of Limbaugh and those who agree with him.

That "testimony" was bogus. She wasn't vetted. She wasn't allowed to be cross-examined. She didn't even speak in front of a real committee. It was faked in a vacant room in the Capital. Totally counterfeit. It was just a speech in front of cameras.
Let's review. Sandra Fluke testifies before a Congressional committee and is then called a slut by a nationally recognized radio host and asshole.

Sarah Palin runs for Vice President of the United States of America and shows her ineptitude on policy for all the world to see. then she doubles down, starts a PAC, opens a web site that puts crosshairs over candidates like Gabby Giffords and raises money for political speech.

Yeah. They're the same.

It doesn't matter if they are the same. It is the hypocrisy of the left.
Gee I wish you had actually read what I posted! The machete of thinking I have to employ to clear the jungle of your partisanship needs constant sharpening.

No, you completely miss the point and ignore your own hypocrisy. YOU belong to the party the espouses feminist ideals.
I certainly do!

You see, Sandra Fluke provided testimony and was "bullied" by the Right Wing. You accused me of bullying Sarah Palin.

But Sarah Palin was the nominee for Vice President. After that bullet was dodged, Ms. Palin kept making political statements that were largely foolish. She raises money to spread her message of willful ignorance. She DESERVES to be ridiculed.

Ms. Fluke did nothing to deserve the wrath and scorn and bullying she received at the hands of Limbaugh and those who agree with him.

That "testimony" was bogus. She wasn't vetted. She wasn't allowed to be cross-examined. She didn't even speak in front of a real committee. It was faked in a vacant room in the Capital. Totally counterfeit. It was just a speech in front of cameras.

She voiced an opinion like all Americans are allowed to do

Republicans were within their rights to oppose that opinion. They went beyond the line when they resorted to personal attacks
Most lefties would love to see Sarah Palin run for president - including me. I would also love to see her on a presidential ticket for vice president. Run, Sarah, run!
Wow, Governor of Alaska doesn't count. You're brilliant, that's some incredible intellect. You like the guy who was barely in the Senate voting present over and over. I hear you, that is far more impressive.

A part time job that you quit because you couldn't handle it does not count

Palin was a PTA President. The only job she ever excelled at

No, she was governor of Alaska for 3 years. She had MORE experience than Obama. :D

Obama was a lifetime mediocrity.

- He was the only President of the Harvard Law Review ever to not publish an article.

- He voted "present" repeatedly in his short stint in the Senate rather than taking a position.

- His grades were too embarrassing to release.

- He couldn't even get his country of birth clear with his own publisher getting it wrong and sticking with it for 16 years.

Yet he's as arrogant as the day is long. He has an endless track record as President of failure and has learned nothing as he just keeps repeating the same mistakes. He's President because of his skin color.

And Palin was going for #2, not #1 like the Chi Town Clown. Palin would have been better than that in the big chair.

Obama is part and parcel of the Chitown corrupt politics.

Palin was a leader of the Wasilla mafia
LOL have you ever been to wasilla?
A part time job that you quit because you couldn't handle it does not count

Palin was a PTA President. The only job she ever excelled at

No, she was governor of Alaska for 3 years. She had MORE experience than Obama. :D

Obama was a lifetime mediocrity.

- He was the only President of the Harvard Law Review ever to not publish an article.

- He voted "present" repeatedly in his short stint in the Senate rather than taking a position.

- His grades were too embarrassing to release.

- He couldn't even get his country of birth clear with his own publisher getting it wrong and sticking with it for 16 years.

Yet he's as arrogant as the day is long. He has an endless track record as President of failure and has learned nothing as he just keeps repeating the same mistakes. He's President because of his skin color.

And Palin was going for #2, not #1 like the Chi Town Clown. Palin would have been better than that in the big chair.

Obama is part and parcel of the Chitown corrupt politics.

Palin was a leader of the Wasilla mafia
LOL have you ever been to wasilla?

I wouldn't go at night
Most lefties would love to see Sarah Palin run for president - including me. I would also love to see her on a presidential ticket for vice president. Run, Sarah, run!

Yeah, give you folks a target to shoot.
Show us exactly how much you hate women.

Yup yup.

Most lefties would love to see Sarah Palin run for president - including me. I would also love to see her on a presidential ticket for vice president. Run, Sarah, run!

And lots of us normal people who actually care more about our country as a whole are tired of you and your partisan politics and making our elections into circuses for your own enjoyment.
Sarah doesn't have the balls to run for president.

Joe Biden does why don't you people nominate him...lmao!

That's Joe O'Biden according to Sarah.

The left has no cred cracking jokes about Palin when they elected Joe Biden VP of the United States of America.

For sure. He is the King of Gaffs. :lol: At least he's amusing.

Joe Biden had a distinquished career in the Senate and was one of the top Senators of his era

Palin was a half term governor and PTA President

Joe is a clown just like his boss.
It's hilarious that the "57 States, Stand up, Chuck, unemployment stimulates the economy" Party thinks they can make a case against Palin
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, says she hopes to run for office again and is urging GOP leaders to have "more guts" as they pursue their agenda.

Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."

"The more they're pouring on the more I'm going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too," Palin said.

Palin decided not to seek the presidency in 2012 but remains a popular figure among conservatives. She hasn't held office since resigning as governor in 2009 during her first and only term.

More: Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

I'm also hoping she runs for office again. So are late-night comedians. Run, Sarah, run! Please...

In the article I saw, Palin was quoted as saying the following:

[Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."]

Let's set aside for the moment about what constitutes Palin's idea of justice and look at the end of the sentence.

Palin wants to work SO HARD? Since when has Palin EVER worked hard? EVER?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, says she hopes to run for office again and is urging GOP leaders to have "more guts" as they pursue their agenda.

Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."

"The more they're pouring on the more I'm going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too," Palin said.

Palin decided not to seek the presidency in 2012 but remains a popular figure among conservatives. She hasn't held office since resigning as governor in 2009 during her first and only term.

More: Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

I'm also hoping she runs for office again. So are late-night comedians. Run, Sarah, run! Please...

In the article I saw, Palin was quoted as saying the following:

[Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."]

Let's set aside for the moment about what constitutes Palin's idea of justice and look at the end of the sentence.

Palin wants to work SO HARD? Since when has Palin EVER worked hard? EVER?

^ Woman Hater
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, says she hopes to run for office again and is urging GOP leaders to have "more guts" as they pursue their agenda.

Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."

"The more they're pouring on the more I'm going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too," Palin said.

Palin decided not to seek the presidency in 2012 but remains a popular figure among conservatives. She hasn't held office since resigning as governor in 2009 during her first and only term.

More: Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

I'm also hoping she runs for office again. So are late-night comedians. Run, Sarah, run! Please...

In the article I saw, Palin was quoted as saying the following:

[Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."]

Let's set aside for the moment about what constitutes Palin's idea of justice and look at the end of the sentence.

Palin wants to work SO HARD? Since when has Palin EVER worked hard? EVER?

^ Woman Hater

If I said the same thing about George W. Bush (which I have on several occasions), would that make me a man-hater?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, says she hopes to run for office again and is urging GOP leaders to have "more guts" as they pursue their agenda.

Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."

"The more they're pouring on the more I'm going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too," Palin said.

Palin decided not to seek the presidency in 2012 but remains a popular figure among conservatives. She hasn't held office since resigning as governor in 2009 during her first and only term.

More: Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

I'm also hoping she runs for office again. So are late-night comedians. Run, Sarah, run! Please...

In the article I saw, Palin was quoted as saying the following:

[Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."]

Let's set aside for the moment about what constitutes Palin's idea of justice and look at the end of the sentence.

Palin wants to work SO HARD? Since when has Palin EVER worked hard? EVER?

^ Woman Hater

If I said the same thing about George W. Bush (which I have on several occasions), would that make me a man-hater?

All we know for sure is you're waging a War on Women

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