Save America Rally!

Hmmmmm.............. President Trump is an interesting phenomenon. I was NOT highly impressed initially when he announced he would run. Then the moronic leftist meltdowns began and I lost relationships simply because I was not anti-Trump enough. Then it became just one long laugh riot, watching you idiots peeling off your own skin as the expression of the angst of your Trump-hate. Actually, I think you guys have made him more popular than he might have been if y'all had just kept your mouths shut.
Trump will be lying in Alabama, as always.

Did you hear all the President Potatohead's lies yesterday? The sonofabitch had no idea what was going on. Hell, his State Department contradicted what he said a few minutes later.

This administration is shitfuckery. (that is an Australia term, go look it up if you don't know what it means)
Right! His first anti-byedum rally. Liberals will be melting down. HAHAHA
So how did he lose the election and has never won the popular vote if he was so popular?

You are confused Moon Bat. He won the election. The filthy ass Democrats stole the election from the American people with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Mr. Potatohead is an illegitimate President. You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are absolute morons for refusing to admit that Mr Potatohead stole the election. That pretty well makes you traitors to the Republic that you are hell bent on destroying.

I'm sure Trump will point that out again tonight.

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