Sayfullo Saipov Was In United States On "Diversity" Visa

if the op wasnt such a bias person he would know this bills was supported by the gop and hw bush signed it in 1990
Yes, instead of sending our troops in, we let the Afghans and others repel the Russians. What is wrong with that.

Then Afghanistan became a failed state with barbaric Taliban Neanderthals running show while Bill Clinton was thumbing his nose for eight years while the Taliban were brutalizing Afghans and in effect making Afghanistan the Harvard of Islamic terrorism.

Haha, weren't you just saying Brzezinski was wrong for that, now it's okay when Reagan did that?
Brezinski was the idiot behind Carter's disastrous foreign policy that ushered in the Islamic revolution of Iran and the Soviet invasion of Aghanistan, which made Carter the second worst president in US history, right after Obama. Now go sit in the corner and let the adults talk, stupido.

But you were just defending Reagan for supporting the Soviet-Afghan War, but when Brzezinski did it he was bad?

You're definitely one of the more primitive users here, and a Jew.
Carter and Brezinski's weakness and ineptitude gave the Soviets the green light to invade Afghanistan. The US had become a paper tiger under these two fuckups, there would not be a need to support any rebels because under any other president the Soviets would not have DARED invade Afghanistan.

That piece of shit MOFO Brezkinski is the root of most of today's problems with Muslims today. It was the Carter / Brezinski manufactured Shiite Islamic Revolution of Iran that brought about a counter reactionary radical Sunni version such as Al Queda and ISIS financed by the Wahabbi Saudis.

Oh okay, when Reagan backed the Muslims against Soviets in Afghanistan it's understandable, but not when Brzezinski / Carter did it's horrible.
Carter and Brezinski were the cause of the Afghnaistan crisis, dickhead. Reagan cleaned up after Carter's shit and turned the country around. You were in your diapers at the time, so how would you know. Actually you still are.
Oh okay, when Reagan backed the Muslims against Soviets in Afghanistan it's understandable, but not when Brzezinski / Carter did it's horrible.
It's just that Leftist Double Standard again, when Conservatives do something it's bad, when Leftists do the same thing it's good.
Reagan called them FREEDOM FIGHTERS remember?

Well, he didnt call THOSE PARTICULAR Muslims freedom fighters. Fighting for your freedom is one thing, fighting to eliminate the infidel is quite another.

Those are not the Muslims you are looking for.

Ahmad Shah Massoud - Wikipedia

Ahmad Shah Massoud (Dari Persian: احمد شاه مسعود;[1] September 2, 1953 September 9, 2001) was an Afghan political and military leader. He was a powerful military commander during the resistance against the Soviet occupation between 1979 and 1989 and in the following years of civil war, during which time he became known as the Lion of Panjshir (Persian: Shire Panjshir ; شیر پنجشیر‎‎). Massoud was assassinated on September 9, 2001.

Following the 1979 Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, Massoud devised a strategic plan for expelling the invaders and overthrowing the communist regime. The first task was to establish a popularly based resistance force that had the loyalty of the people. The second phase was "active defense" of the Panjshir stronghold, while carrying out asymmetric warfare. In the third phase, the "strategic offensive", Massoud's forces would gain control of large parts of Northern Afghanistan. The fourth phase was the "general application" of Massoud's principles to the whole country, and the defeat of the Afghan communist government.

Ahmad Shah Massoud created the United Front (Northern Alliance) against the Taliban advance. The United Front included forces and leaders from different political backgrounds as well as from all ethnicities of Afghanistan. From the Taliban conquest in 1996 until November 2001, the United Front controlled territory in which roughly 30% of Afghanistan's population was living, in provinces such as Badakhshan, Kapisa, Takhar and parts of Parwan, Kunar, Nuristan, Laghman, Samangan, Kunduz, Ghōr and Bamyan.

"The CIA officers admired Massoud greatly. They saw him as a Che Guevara figure, a great actor on history's stage. Massoud was a poet, a military genius, a religious man, and a leader of enormous courage who defied death and accepted its inevitability, they thought. ... In his house there were thousands of books: Persian poetry, histories of the Afghan war in multiple languages, biographies of other military and guerilla leaders. In their meetings Massoud wove sophisticated, measured references to Afghan history and global politics into his arguments. He was quiet, forceful, reserved, and full of dignity, but also light in spirit. The CIA team had gone into the Panshjir as unabashed admirers of Massoud. Now their convictions deepened."

April 2001, the president of the European Parliament, Nicole Fontaine (who called Massoud the "pole of liberty in Afghanistan"), invited Massoud with the support of French and Belgian politicians to address the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. In his speech, he asked for humanitarian aid for the people of Afghanistan. Massoud further went on to warn that his intelligence agents had gained limited knowledge about a large-scale terrorist attack on U.S. soil being imminent.

Connection to September 11, 2001
The assassination of Massoud is considered to have a strong connection to the September 11 attacks in 2001 on U.S. soil, which killed nearly 3,000 people. It appeared to have been the major terrorist attack which Massoud had warned against in his speech to the European Parliament several months earlier.

Analysts believe Osama bin Laden ordered Massoud's assassination to help his Taliban protectors and ensure he would have their co-operation in Afghanistan. Following the assassination, bin Laden had an emissary deliver Dahmane Abd al-Sattar's widow a cassette of him speaking of his love for his wife and his decision to blow himself up, as well as $500 in an envelope to settle a debt.[116] The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, an Afghan Wahhabi Islamist, have also been mentioned as possible organizers or collaborators of the Massoud assassins.[117] The assassins are said to have entered United Front (Northern Alliance) territory under the auspices of Abdul Rasul Sayyaf and had his assistance in bypassing "normal security procedures."
Who was President 9/11/01? Not Obama, nor Clinton.
It's a well known fact that terrorists have been training in piloting the planes (and never cared about landing!) in USA for two years before they committed 9/11/01.

So, who was the president who let them in? Looks like Mr. Bill-the-Rapist.
Bill, Clinton recognized the potential risk & put together a bipartisan committee to study our vulnerability to a foreign terror attack. The Hart Rudman commission was to report to the new president.

They did their study & wrote a report.

They went to see Bush & Bush refused to meet with them. Instead, he formed his own committee headed by dick Cheney & Bush's campaign manager. Their first meeting was scheduled for late September 2001.

If George W Bush had actrually read that report instead of throwing it in the trash, we might have prevented 9-11.

'But hey, just like with Captain Bone Spur, Bush was more interested vacationing than doing his fucking job.

So don't you dare blame Bill Clinton.

Only a dumnbass who was totally ignorant would call this funny. I don't think the deaths of over 3000 Americans is funny. I don't think Bush ignoring a report that could have prevented those deaths as funny.
Who was President 9/11/01? Not Obama, nor Clinton.
It's a well known fact that terrorists have been training in piloting the planes (and never cared about landing!) in USA for two years before they committed 9/11/01.

So, who was the president who let them in? Looks like Mr. Bill-the-Rapist.
Bill, Clinton recognized the potential risk & put together a bipartisan committee to study our vulnerability to a foreign terror attack. The Hart Rudman commission was to report to the new president.

They did their study & wrote a report.

They went to see Bush & Bush refused to meet with them. Instead, he formed his own committee headed by dick Cheney & Bush's campaign manager. Their first meeting was scheduled for late September 2001.

If George W Bush had actrually read that report instead of throwing it in the trash, we might have prevented 9-11.

'But hey, just like with Captain Bone Spur, Bush was more interested vacationing than doing his fucking job.

So don't you dare blame Bill Clinton.

Oh for fucks sake. The 9/11 terrorists came in to this country while Clintoon was President and this son of a bitch came in to this country while Obamakov was President so don't be deflecting away from the facts.

I have no idea, and that's why I asked the question, why do stupid libtardos continue to defend Muslims when 90% of the world's conflicts in the last fifty years comes from Muslims fighting each other or Muslims trying to kill "infidels".

There's eight dead people today due to some political correctness bullshit.

You can't stand on top of the piles of dead bodies and rail you have the moral high ground when Trump is trying to put a stop to this madness.

That pile of dead bodies in NYC in 2001 was when Bush was President. After he decoded cutting brush in Texas was more important than reading a report on our homeland security.

You are so fucking stupid yu don't know how the Diversity Lottery worked. Like Trump. Both are you are so uninformed that you don't get that anyone who came here under that program received the exact same vetting as anyone else,.
I wish the fuck you people would become better educated because I am sick & tired of reading your fake outrage because you are too stupid to understand the issue.
Haha, weren't you just saying Brzezinski was wrong for that, now it's okay when Reagan did that?
Brezinski was the idiot behind Carter's disastrous foreign policy that ushered in the Islamic revolution of Iran and the Soviet invasion of Aghanistan, which made Carter the second worst president in US history, right after Obama. Now go sit in the corner and let the adults talk, stupido.

But you were just defending Reagan for supporting the Soviet-Afghan War, but when Brzezinski did it he was bad?

You're definitely one of the more primitive users here, and a Jew.
Carter and Brezinski's weakness and ineptitude gave the Soviets the green light to invade Afghanistan. The US had become a paper tiger under these two fuckups, there would not be a need to support any rebels because under any other president the Soviets would not have DARED invade Afghanistan.

That piece of shit MOFO Brezkinski is the root of most of today's problems with Muslims today. It was the Carter / Brezinski manufactured Shiite Islamic Revolution of Iran that brought about a counter reactionary radical Sunni version such as Al Queda and ISIS financed by the Wahabbi Saudis.

Oh okay, when Reagan backed the Muslims against Soviets in Afghanistan it's understandable, but not when Brzezinski / Carter did it's horrible.
Carter and Brezinski were the cause of the Afghnaistan crisis, dickhead. Reagan cleaned up after Carter's shit and turned the country around. You were in your diapers at the time, so how would you know. Actually you still are.

You mean the most effective, and least costly military operation in U.S.A history?

The tricking of Soviets to invade Afghanistan, and fail?

Which Reagan did the same thing in backing Afghan rebels against Soviets?
Would one of you libtarded sycophants please explain to me WTF a "diversity" visa is?

Are we importing Muslims to the United States to meet our quota under some form of affirmative action mandate for Muslims?

In other words, suicide by political correctness.

The goal of liberal enemies is a completely replacement of white christian western man by Muslim immigrants. Do not be amazed. As long a half of this country vote blue nothing changed.
Brezinski was the idiot behind Carter's disastrous foreign policy that ushered in the Islamic revolution of Iran and the Soviet invasion of Aghanistan, which made Carter the second worst president in US history, right after Obama. Now go sit in the corner and let the adults talk, stupido.

But you were just defending Reagan for supporting the Soviet-Afghan War, but when Brzezinski did it he was bad?

You're definitely one of the more primitive users here, and a Jew.
Carter and Brezinski's weakness and ineptitude gave the Soviets the green light to invade Afghanistan. The US had become a paper tiger under these two fuckups, there would not be a need to support any rebels because under any other president the Soviets would not have DARED invade Afghanistan.

That piece of shit MOFO Brezkinski is the root of most of today's problems with Muslims today. It was the Carter / Brezinski manufactured Shiite Islamic Revolution of Iran that brought about a counter reactionary radical Sunni version such as Al Queda and ISIS financed by the Wahabbi Saudis.

Oh okay, when Reagan backed the Muslims against Soviets in Afghanistan it's understandable, but not when Brzezinski / Carter did it's horrible.
Carter and Brezinski were the cause of the Afghnaistan crisis, dickhead. Reagan cleaned up after Carter's shit and turned the country around. You were in your diapers at the time, so how would you know. Actually you still are.

You mean the most effective, and least costly military operation in U.S.A history?

The tricking of Soviets to invade Afghanistan, and fail?

Which Reagan did the same thing in backing Afghan rebels against Soviets?
So Reagan cleaned up the mess Carter and Brezinski created. Case closed.
Reagan called Shah Massoud's group freedom fighters. Not the Taliban or Al Queda.
Bullshit, St Ronnie armed Osama Bin Laden, you can't get more Al Queda than that!!!!!
Like I said there was no direct connection, however we did arm ALL rebel groups as a whole.
And by "we" you mean REAGAN!!!
"These weren’t American weapons," said Rohrabacher. "By and large, it was done with Russian equipment bought from Egypt or one of the other states that was once allied with Russia but was now friendly to us. About the only American weapons they had were the Stinger missiles."...

... the majority of U.S. military-aid recipients were unsavory, even unstable characters. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which coordinated the efforts on the ground in Afghanistan, was never very choosy about who got arms.

Roughly half the weapons the CIA supplied went to fundamentalist Afghan leader Gulbeddin Hekmatyar—"one of the most stridently anti-Western of the resistance leaders," according to Mary Ann Weaver’s May 1996 article in The Atlantic Monthly. Another arms customer was the blind Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman, later convicted of involvement in the 1993 botched bombing of the World Trade Center. Oh, and Osama bin Laden, the man whom George W. Bush says was behind the Sept. 11 attacks.
Reagan called Shah Massoud's group freedom fighters. Not the Taliban or Al Queda.
Bullshit, St Ronnie armed Osama Bin Laden, you can't get more Al Queda than that!!!!!
Like I said there was no direct connection, however we did arm ALL rebel groups as a whole.
And by "we" you mean REAGAN!!!
"These weren’t American weapons," said Rohrabacher. "By and large, it was done with Russian equipment bought from Egypt or one of the other states that was once allied with Russia but was now friendly to us. About the only American weapons they had were the Stinger missiles."...

... the majority of U.S. military-aid recipients were unsavory, even unstable characters. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which coordinated the efforts on the ground in Afghanistan, was never very choosy about who got arms.

Roughly half the weapons the CIA supplied went to fundamentalist Afghan leader Gulbeddin Hekmatyar—"one of the most stridently anti-Western of the resistance leaders," according to Mary Ann Weaver’s May 1996 article in The Atlantic Monthly. Another arms customer was the blind Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman, later convicted of involvement in the 1993 botched bombing of the World Trade Center. Oh, and Osama bin Laden, the man whom George W. Bush says was behind the Sept. 11 attacks.
Yeah...and? It's either let the Soviets gain a foothold one step closer to most of the world's oil reserves and secure a warm water port right in the middle of it, or, arm a bunch of rag tag Neanderthals and let them make the necessary sacrifices to save their country. There was no win win choice there and Reagan clearly made the right one. Duh!
Would one of you libtarded sycophants please explain to me WTF a "diversity" visa is?

Are we importing Muslims to the United States to meet our quota under some form of affirmative action mandate for Muslims?

In other words, suicide by political correctness.

Well, as a liberal I think that visas should be given out for the right reasons. For people who offer something to the country, not just any old person.
Reagan called Shah Massoud's group freedom fighters. Not the Taliban or Al Queda.
Bullshit, St Ronnie armed Osama Bin Laden, you can't get more Al Queda than that!!!!!
Like I said there was no direct connection, however we did arm ALL rebel groups as a whole.
And by "we" you mean REAGAN!!!
"These weren’t American weapons," said Rohrabacher. "By and large, it was done with Russian equipment bought from Egypt or one of the other states that was once allied with Russia but was now friendly to us. About the only American weapons they had were the Stinger missiles."...

... the majority of U.S. military-aid recipients were unsavory, even unstable characters. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which coordinated the efforts on the ground in Afghanistan, was never very choosy about who got arms.

Roughly half the weapons the CIA supplied went to fundamentalist Afghan leader Gulbeddin Hekmatyar—"one of the most stridently anti-Western of the resistance leaders," according to Mary Ann Weaver’s May 1996 article in The Atlantic Monthly. Another arms customer was the blind Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman, later convicted of involvement in the 1993 botched bombing of the World Trade Center. Oh, and Osama bin Laden, the man whom George W. Bush says was behind the Sept. 11 attacks.
Yeah...and? It's either let the Soviets gain a foothold one step closer to most of the world's oil reserves and secure a warm water port right in the middle of it, or, arm a bunch of rag tag Neanderthals and let them make the necessary sacrifices to save their country. There was no win win choice there and Reagan clearly made the right one. Duh!
Your Russian buddies were faring no better in Afghanistan before Reagan created Al Queda than we are now after 16 years.
So Reagan cleaned up the mess Carter and Brezinski created. Case closed.
If by "cleaned up" you mean creating Al Queda you might have a point.
Again, Al Queda aka Sunni Wahabbi radical Islam was a response to the Shiite Islamic Revolution in Iran instigated by and presided over by no. 2 worse president in US history, Jimmy Carter. No. 1 being non other than Hussein Obama.
Reagan called Shah Massoud's group freedom fighters. Not the Taliban or Al Queda.
Bullshit, St Ronnie armed Osama Bin Laden, you can't get more Al Queda than that!!!!!
Like I said there was no direct connection, however we did arm ALL rebel groups as a whole.
And by "we" you mean REAGAN!!!
"These weren’t American weapons," said Rohrabacher. "By and large, it was done with Russian equipment bought from Egypt or one of the other states that was once allied with Russia but was now friendly to us. About the only American weapons they had were the Stinger missiles."...

... the majority of U.S. military-aid recipients were unsavory, even unstable characters. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which coordinated the efforts on the ground in Afghanistan, was never very choosy about who got arms.

Roughly half the weapons the CIA supplied went to fundamentalist Afghan leader Gulbeddin Hekmatyar—"one of the most stridently anti-Western of the resistance leaders," according to Mary Ann Weaver’s May 1996 article in The Atlantic Monthly. Another arms customer was the blind Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman, later convicted of involvement in the 1993 botched bombing of the World Trade Center. Oh, and Osama bin Laden, the man whom George W. Bush says was behind the Sept. 11 attacks.
Yeah...and? It's either let the Soviets gain a foothold one step closer to most of the world's oil reserves and secure a warm water port right in the middle of it, or, arm a bunch of rag tag Neanderthals and let them make the necessary sacrifices to save their country. There was no win win choice there and Reagan clearly made the right one. Duh!
Your Russian buddies were faring no better in Afghanistan before Reagan created Al Queda than we are now after 16 years.
Russians invaded Afghanistan because they viewed Carter as a do nothing, weak, paper tiger president.
Would one of you libtarded sycophants please explain to me WTF a "diversity" visa is?

Are we importing Muslims to the United States to meet our quota under some form of affirmative action mandate for Muslims?

In other words, suicide by political correctness.

Well, as a liberal I think that visas should be given out for the right reasons. For people who offer something to the country, not just any old person.
The big elephant in the room is that our own European ally the United Kingdom has long had this new policy of only issuing long term visas to "highly skilled migrants". But somehow when the US wants to do what's good for the country, it's OUTRAGEOUS.

This is exactly what Trump wants to implement in the US:

HSMP - Highly Skilled Migrant Programme: UK Visa Bureau

HSMP - Highly Skilled Migrant Programme
The Tier 1 Skilled Migration Programme is the current replacement for the HSMP Visa.
Who is eligible for Tier 1 Skilled Migration?
All skilled workers, both in the UK and abroad, are able to apply for Tier 1 (General) skilled migration. However, a number of basic requirements and conditions apply to determine eligibility.

Click here to Complete the Online Assessment for the Tier 1 Migration Programme.
Skilled Workers who are currently in the UK

Workers who are already in the UK and want to extend their stay can now apply for the Tier 1 (General) category. This is the UK's current Highly Skilled Worker immigration system, and it replaces the former HSMP system. This includes:

  • People currently in the UK on Student/Graduate visas, Tier 1 (Post-Study) work visas and Work Permits who want to extend their stay in the UK under the Tier 1 system;
  • People currently in the UK on an HSMP visa who want to extend their stay in the UK under the Tier 1 system; and
  • People already in the UK through the Tier 1 system who want to extend their stay on the same visa.
Skilled Workers who are outside of the UK
Skilled workers who are currently abroad but are hoping to migrate to the UK are also eligible for Tier 1 (General) Skilled Migration.

Tier 1 (General) Basic Requirements
Tier 1 applicants must score 95 points in the points test. Learn more at the Tier 1 basic requirements page.

Do you qualify under Tier 1 (General) Skilled Migration? Take the online assessment.
Tier 1 (General) Basic Conditions
Tier 1 (General) visa holders can stay in the UK to work as an employee or be self-employed. There is no need for sponsorship by family or employer. A Tier one visa allows successful applicants to live in the UK without work restrictions.

Successful Tier 1 (General) applicants are given 3 years to live and work in the UK. After this, applicants can then apply for a further 2 year extension.

After 5 years, Tier 1 (General) migrants are eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).

Find out if you qualify as a Tier 1 (General) Skilled Migration Worker.
Points Test
Points are awarded to Tier 1 (General) Skilled applicants based on:

  • Qualifications
  • Age
  • Past Earnings
  • UK Work Experience
  • UK Qualifications
  • English Language Ability
  • Funds available to maintain yourself while in the UK
But you were just defending Reagan for supporting the Soviet-Afghan War, but when Brzezinski did it he was bad?

You're definitely one of the more primitive users here, and a Jew.
Carter and Brezinski's weakness and ineptitude gave the Soviets the green light to invade Afghanistan. The US had become a paper tiger under these two fuckups, there would not be a need to support any rebels because under any other president the Soviets would not have DARED invade Afghanistan.

That piece of shit MOFO Brezkinski is the root of most of today's problems with Muslims today. It was the Carter / Brezinski manufactured Shiite Islamic Revolution of Iran that brought about a counter reactionary radical Sunni version such as Al Queda and ISIS financed by the Wahabbi Saudis.

Oh okay, when Reagan backed the Muslims against Soviets in Afghanistan it's understandable, but not when Brzezinski / Carter did it's horrible.
Carter and Brezinski were the cause of the Afghnaistan crisis, dickhead. Reagan cleaned up after Carter's shit and turned the country around. You were in your diapers at the time, so how would you know. Actually you still are.

You mean the most effective, and least costly military operation in U.S.A history?

The tricking of Soviets to invade Afghanistan, and fail?

Which Reagan did the same thing in backing Afghan rebels against Soviets?
So Reagan cleaned up the mess Carter and Brezinski created. Case closed.

It's the same thing, you're just angry because Brzezinski, and Carter didn't kiss your lousy Jewish butts.
The last good U.S President, before you evil Neocons took over.

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