Scalia fails to put his hand on his heart during the national anthem.

More bullshit from the liberals.

In the picture, Scalia was reaching for his remove it.


....................................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>........................^ Scalia.

So much for a change of tone in American politics. | : Long Island's Political Network
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Believe it or not I was undecided on whom to root for in the NE vs Ravens game.

The Ravens are ALWAYS the team to root for.

In any event, am I really the only person who has noticed that from the picture, it's exceedingly likely that Scalia was reaching up to yank off his hat and hold it to his shoulder?

you misspelled *deluded myself into believing*.

Wild idea here, but my humble guess is that the OP is a little poke at the conservatives who have made such a big deal about such stuff when perpetrated by Obama.

Crazy thought, I know.


that is just whack
You usually put your hand on your heart for the pledge of alligance. Standing at attention for the anthem is perfectly acceptable.

Also, technically, you are not supposed to clap at the end of the anthem either.


§170. National anthem; Star-Spangled Banner

The composition consisting of the words and music known as The Star-Spangled Banner is designated the national anthem of the United States of America.

§171. Conduct during playing

During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there. A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - United States Code

I'll be waiting for all the outrage from the right.

Good quotes, i am corrected.

To be fair, Ginsberg looks like she is asleep behind Scalia.

Just couldn't do it, huh? You almost acted human. But be predictable ( not fair ) you dropped in a deflection.
His hand was on his heart he probably had to cough or sneeze and removed it for one second and some asshole captioned it.
Believe it or not I was undecided on whom to root for in the NE vs Ravens game.

The Ravens are ALWAYS the team to root for.

In any event, am I really the only person who has noticed that from the picture, it's exceedingly likely that Scalia was reaching up to yank off his hat and hold it to his shoulder?

you misspelled *deluded myself into believing*.

Why would such a thing require any self delusion? Especially now that we've seen another picture where Scalia's hat is indeed removed?
The Ravens are ALWAYS the team to root for.

In any event, am I really the only person who has noticed that from the picture, it's exceedingly likely that Scalia was reaching up to yank off his hat and hold it to his shoulder?

you misspelled *deluded myself into believing*.

Why would such a thing require any self delusion? Especially now that we've seen another picture where Scalia's hat is indeed removed?

That's probably because he got nudged by Ginsburg.

She's a tough old bird..and she don't take no crap.
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



The singer one of Obama's favorites I suspect choose it seems to have lip synced the Anthem would that also be considered dissing it?
Scalia fails to put his hand on his heart during the national anthem.

She must have learned that from watching the pre-game stuff at football games. 95% of the players and people in the stands do not put their hands over their heart during the playing of the national anthem.

Football players and fans....

SCOTUS judges....

Yeah I definitely see the parallel in this case :rolleyes:
I believe during the National Anthem you are only asked to stand and remove your hat if your wearing one not put your hand over your heart so seriously let it go people.
It must suck to be as gullible as a liberal and whatever del is.

Thanks for the thread killer MO, I'm sure ever lying fool will be here any moment to man the fuck up and apologize.
It must suck to be as gullible as a liberal and whatever del is.

Thanks for the thread killer MO, I'm sure ever lying fool will be here any moment to man the fuck up and apologize.

more irony than the mesabi range
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



As a school girl, I was taught that you stand at attention for the national anthem and put your hand over your heart for the pledge.

Go to a ball game sometime and watch the players. They merely stand at attention.

Scalia looks like he is still in the process of putting his hand over his heart. Anyway, regarding the pic, who is the black dude mad at? And the hispanic chick in the back looks to be fondling her boob. I have a better than average knowledge of anatomy and that is NOT where one expects to find one's heart. Anyway none of them are doing what we were taught in school to do - stand at attention.
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Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



As a school girl, I was taught that you stand at attention for the national anthem and put your hand over your heart for the pledge.

Go to a ball game sometime and watch the players. They merely stand at attention.

Scalia looks like he is still in the process of putting his hand over his heart. Anyway, regarding the pic, who is the black dude mad at? And the hispanic chick in the back looks to be fondling her boob. I have a better than average knowledge of anatomy and that is NOT where one expects to find one's heart. Anyway none of them are doing what we were taught in school to do - stand at attention.

The fun part is..that when Obama is captured in this out of context moments..right wing OUTRAGE GOES INTO OVERDRIVE.


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