Scalia fails to put his hand on his heart during the national anthem.

This seriously is the news of the day?

Get a fucking clue. No one outside a few fanatics even noticed or care

Fanatics like the entire right wing media who went berserk over this?


Do you have a point somewhere? Or are you just saying Sallow is just as bad as them?


I'm saying you folks have some very selective outrage.

Scalia, as a sitting SCOTUS judge, as far more influence on the course America takes then any President.
This seriously is the news of the day?

Get a fucking clue. No one outside a few fanatics even noticed or care

Fanatics like the entire right wing media who went berserk over this?


Do you have a point somewhere? Or are you just saying Sallow is just as bad as them?

The point went flying over your head apparently.

Sallow isn't outraged. At all.

He's making fun of the right's selective outrage over the pic I posted.
You're right. Sotomayor is wearing black gloves and with the writing, it looks like her hand is in her lap.

Still, the charge that Scalia didn't put his hand over his heart and base that on this frame is unimpressive.
Fanatics like the entire right wing media who went berserk over this?


Do you have a point somewhere? Or are you just saying Sallow is just as bad as them?

The point went flying over your head apparently.

Sallow isn't outraged. At all.

He's making fun of the right's selective outrage over the pic I posted.

Then you both failed. I'm not outraged at either. Maybe its your selective vision of others you should be looking into.
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



I am more concerned about the Justice standing to his right who contends that policy must be made by the court of appeals.
Do you have a point somewhere? Or are you just saying Sallow is just as bad as them?

The point went flying over your head apparently.

Sallow isn't outraged. At all.

He's making fun of the right's selective outrage over the pic I posted.

Then you both failed. I'm not outraged at either. Maybe its your selective vision of others you should be looking into.

No, my vision is just fine. If you don't apply then you don't apply but like I said back when that pic was fresh the right wing media went berserk.

They are stunningly silent over this pic of Scalia.
He looks butthurt. Unbelievable that a Supreme Court Justice wouldn't show respect for the country by putting his hand over his heart and removing his hat.
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



I'd like to see a video.

B/c for all we know a moment latter his hand was in place, instead of almost in place.
They all look pissed off to me. That's far more interesting than where someones hand was or wasn't for a few seconds
You're right. Sotomayor is wearing black gloves and with the writing, it looks like her hand is in her lap.

Still, the charge that Scalia didn't put his hand over his heart and base that on this frame is unimpressive.

Should he remove his hat or does that not apply to him?
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



I'd like to see a video.

B/c for all we know a moment latter his hand was in place, instead of almost in place.

And naturally you wanted to see the video for the Obama faked outrage too, right?
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



I'd like to see a video.

B/c for all we know a moment latter his hand was in place, instead of almost in place.


So you're saying it's not possible b/c no one would ever do such a thing.

I have shore front property in Montana that I would like to sell you reeeaaalll cheap.
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



I'd like to see a video.

B/c for all we know a moment latter his hand was in place, instead of almost in place.

Let's give te Justice the benefit of doubt. Let's say he had his right hand over his heart then felt a cough/yawn coming up, and instinctively moved his hand toward his mouth.

If the picture was taken at that moment in time or if the video was stopped at that point in time, you got he picture what you see here.

BTW, anyone noticed the disdainful look on Sotomayor's face?
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



I'd like to see a video.

B/c for all we know a moment latter his hand was in place, instead of almost in place.

You are correct. He may have momentarily stopped to pick his nose

But there is no excuse for not removing your hat during the national anthem
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



I'd like to see a video.

B/c for all we know a moment latter his hand was in place, instead of almost in place.

And naturally you wanted to see the video for the Obama faked outrage too, right?

You do know that there is a vast difference between hand near your chin with everyone with it over thier hearts and hands over you crotch?

No, no. your right, there's no chance this is a bullshit lie set up the those choir boys at politico.


I have backstage passes to any Pink concert you can get to that I would like to GIVE you, just send me your account number so I can verify who you are.
Conservatives favorite judge seems to be dissing the Anthem. He also looks like the "Grand Inquisitor". What's up with that?



I'd like to see a video.

B/c for all we know a moment latter his hand was in place, instead of almost in place.

Let's give te Justice the benefit of doubt. Let's say he had his right hand over his heart then felt a cough/yawn coming up, and instinctively moved his hand toward his mouth.

If the picture was taken at that moment in time or if the video was stopped at that point in time, you got he picture what you see here.

BTW, anyone noticed the disdainful look on Sotomayor's face?


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