Schumer's Days as Leader Are Numbered

Given he is now 76 (he’s been in the Senate for almost 14 years now) it’s probably time for him to enjoy retirement. The same could be said for a lot of Senators. Though it seems an independent Presidential run could be a possibility (long shot that it is).
Sanders keeps running, and he's older.
Sanders keeps running, and he's older.
We may need age limits even more than term limits in some cases. I saw one statistic saying that if the mandatory retirement age from the Senate was 70 (I think they used that as just an easy to use number), then 75% of the Senate would have been out. We even have Senators dying in office (which just makes the chaos even worse). Age does bring experience, but some younger blood is needed on both sides.
When is Schumer going to start being a leader instead of a partisan jackass?
All he knows how to do is what's popular in the Wacko Democrat left wing. He actually made a post on Twitter bragging that Biden and the Democrat Senate had made federal judges of 100 non-whites. I asked him if any of them know anything about Federal law. I said that Senators Kennedy and Cotton and Cruz don't think so.
We may need age limits even more than term limits in some cases. I saw one statistic saying that if the mandatory retirement age from the Senate was 70 (I think they used that as just an easy to use number), then 75% of the Senate would have been out. We even have Senators dying in office (which just makes the chaos even worse). Age does bring experience, but some younger blood is needed on both sides.
Schumer is the idiot that went to the Supreme Ct building and threatened 2 Justices in public. He should have been expelled from Congress for that.
You've mistaken me for someone that gives a shit what you think, or even whether you survive the next 24 hours without choking to death on your own vomit. I'm not that person.
So you get the "Go Fuck Yourself" award for today. Thanks for playing!
Yep, he can't resign or Brashear will put in a democrat.
He should have resigned last time.
Now he has to hang in until January 2027, the stupid egotistical bastard, three long TIA prone years to go.
Yep and given his health/age he could kick-off at any time.

He needs to relinquish the leader slot and take it easy. Trouble is his wife is like Jill.....Too fond of the perks.

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