Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
The whistleblower and the half a dozen unnamed people the whistleblower talked to.

Yes and Schiff who became a fact witness when the whistleblower went to him first.
Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.
Where's Fact Witness #1, aka Donny Little Hands?
What makes you think that they can't call witnesses and subpoena documents that were obstructed from reaching the House?
They can, if the Republicans in charge allow them to.

Why wouldn't they allow testimony that explains how "perfect" the president acted?

Because they know that putting someone under oath in front of the howling mob isn't a wise thing when they don't have to.

They’d be questioned by the impeachment manager filling the role as prosecutor and I believe they’d be following the same rules as any witness in a trial that is managed by Roberts. A howling mob it most certainly is not.

It has far more to do with having to be under oath and the possibility that they might have to tell the truth.

That’s one hell of a scary thing for these thugs.

If the house case is too weak to proceed on it's own, perhaps the house should get their shit together before hand.

You guys are really worried about the truth coming out, aren’t you?
The Impeachment Trial is over, and The Dem Tards did not prove their case, neither could they list an actual crime that exists in US Code as an Article.

The witnesses Schumer wanted were actually germane to the issue. The witnesses House Republicans wanted except for 2 were not germane to the issue. The germane witnesses did testify. They didn't help Trump at all.
They can, if the Republicans in charge allow them to.

Why wouldn't they allow testimony that explains how "perfect" the president acted?

Because they know that putting someone under oath in front of the howling mob isn't a wise thing when they don't have to.

They’d be questioned by the impeachment manager filling the role as prosecutor and I believe they’d be following the same rules as any witness in a trial that is managed by Roberts. A howling mob it most certainly is not.

It has far more to do with having to be under oath and the possibility that they might have to tell the truth.

That’s one hell of a scary thing for these thugs.

If the house case is too weak to proceed on it's own, perhaps the house should get their shit together before hand.

You guys are really worried about the truth coming out, aren’t you?

No, it's about due process. The house was in too big a hurry to afford the WH any due process, don't cry when they suffer the consequences of that haste and can't prove their case. The senate is not the place to continue the house investigation.

It was their job to prove their case. They refused to wait for court decisions on Subpoenas and refused to allow GOP witnesses testify, refused to allow witnesses cross examined, because they wanted Impeachment under The Christmas Tree for Christmas.
Hey dumbass, the House was NOT a trial, the Senate is!!!!
The dems should have/could have slowed things up and got it right. Instead, it was a sprint for them. Should have used the courts.
Now they have to use what they got for the impeachment process going forward. Sucks to be a democrat these days.

The witnesses Schumer wanted were actually germane to the issue. The witnesses House Republicans wanted except for 2 were not germane to the issue. The germane witnesses did testify. They didn't help Trump at all.
Well, aren't you the one to judge what is pertinent and what isn't. :auiqs.jpg:
The whistleblower and Schiff were very germane to the case, no matter what your
Cracker Jack box law degree tells you.
Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
The whistleblower and the half a dozen unnamed people the whistleblower talked to.

Yes and Schiff who became a fact witness when the whistleblower went to him first.
Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.
Where's Fact Witness #1, aka Donny Little Hands?
He's not a fact witness but rather the defendant and you are an IDIOT.

BTW, has anyone heard a word from witness #1 ... the "whistleblower?" About "whistleblower" #2?
The Senate Jury isn’t buying The Schiff Show Trial. It’s over.

Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.

Name one FACT witness that was refused!
The whistleblower and the half a dozen unnamed people the whistleblower talked to.

Yes and Schiff who became a fact witness when the whistleblower went to him first.
Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.
Where's Fact Witness #1, aka Donny Little Hands?
He's not a fact witness but rather the defendant and you are an IDIOT.

BTW, has anyone heard a word from witness #1 ... the "whistleblower?" About "whistleblower" #2?
Why wouldn't they allow testimony that explains how "perfect" the president acted?

Because they know that putting someone under oath in front of the howling mob isn't a wise thing when they don't have to.

They’d be questioned by the impeachment manager filling the role as prosecutor and I believe they’d be following the same rules as any witness in a trial that is managed by Roberts. A howling mob it most certainly is not.

It has far more to do with having to be under oath and the possibility that they might have to tell the truth.

That’s one hell of a scary thing for these thugs.

If the house case is too weak to proceed on it's own, perhaps the house should get their shit together before hand.

You guys are really worried about the truth coming out, aren’t you?

No, it's about due process. The house was in too big a hurry to afford the WH any due process, don't cry when they suffer the consequences of that haste and can't prove their case. The senate is not the place to continue the house investigation.


Due process? Baloney. Trump received more due process than he deserved.
The Senate Jury isn’t buying The Schiff Show Trial. It’s over.

Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.

The whistleblower and the half a dozen unnamed people the whistleblower talked to.

Yes and Schiff who became a fact witness when the whistleblower went to him first.
Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.
Where's Fact Witness #1, aka Donny Little Hands?
He's not a fact witness but rather the defendant and you are an IDIOT.

BTW, has anyone heard a word from witness #1 ... the "whistleblower?" About "whistleblower" #2?
We may have to be satisfied with some Dem whining and wailing for now but when "Bull" Durham's indictments come down expect a lot of singing.


Secret FISA court issues highly unusual public rebuke of FBI for mistakes

Rosemary Collyer, presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, said in the unusual public order that the report "calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable."

Collyer said the FBI's handling of the Page case "was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor" required by the law that established the surveillance court. Judges on the court rely entirely on the government's submissions. Because they are the only documents the court sees, the government has a heightened duty of candor, she said.
The Senate Jury isn’t buying The Schiff Show Trial. It’s over.

Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.

The whistleblower and the half a dozen unnamed people the whistleblower talked to.

Yes and Schiff who became a fact witness when the whistleblower went to him first.
Adolph Schiffler made himself a fact witness. What a dumbass.
Where's Fact Witness #1, aka Donny Little Hands?
He's not a fact witness but rather the defendant and you are an IDIOT.

BTW, has anyone heard a word from witness #1 ... the "whistleblower?" About "whistleblower" #2?
Not sure that "I heard", "I assumed", "I presumed", would fly in any court or should be thrown out.
It would only work in a kangaroo court.
Do you in excuse Treason and Espionage, while trying to pretend you are some Moral Crusader who Wants The Rule of Law Enforced while in a dark ally in some sanctuary City you are sucking some dirty Illegal’s Dick For $5 bucks and a Heroin needle?
Not Just One crime, but he was booted from The White House and has his clearance downgraded for Leaking classified Information on calls between The President Thailand, Australia and Mexico.
Did Thailand, Australia, or Mexico provide any information on Hunter Biden that Ukraine and China missed, Moron
Schumer Declared If the GOP Plays By Same Rules The House Dems Did, They're 'Engaged In A Cover Up'

Pure bullshit. Name just ONE relavant witness Democrats did not want to interview.

Republicans want to to have a testimony of everyone EXCEPT ANYONE DIRECTLY INVOLVED with the Ukrainian drug deal Trump is accused of.

Any of the witnesses that Nadler wouldn't allow to 'testify' while this mess was being heard in the House.

For example?

Who should be on that stand if not Mulveney who held up the aid on Trump's orders, or Juliani who was SMACK MIDDLE OF THE ENTIRE THING and who Trump referred EVERYONE to deal with including the President of Ukraine?

You want to get to the truth you ask the people involved, not put up sideshow about people who had nothing to do with real-time events this whole thing is about.

Sounds like something the democrats should have done.
Huh??? Why wasn't this evidence already presented in the House, where the Democrats have controlled everything regarding the investigation? This is so absurd.
Because they know that putting someone under oath in front of the howling mob isn't a wise thing when they don't have to.

They’d be questioned by the impeachment manager filling the role as prosecutor and I believe they’d be following the same rules as any witness in a trial that is managed by Roberts. A howling mob it most certainly is not.

It has far more to do with having to be under oath and the possibility that they might have to tell the truth.

That’s one hell of a scary thing for these thugs.

If the house case is too weak to proceed on it's own, perhaps the house should get their shit together before hand.

You guys are really worried about the truth coming out, aren’t you?

No, it's about due process. The house was in too big a hurry to afford the WH any due process, don't cry when they suffer the consequences of that haste and can't prove their case. The senate is not the place to continue the house investigation.


Due process? Baloney. Trump received more due process than he deserved.

Your opinion is irrelevant. One person subpoenaed by the house just went to the court to ask for guidance, the house withdrew the subpoena. The courts are there to resolve differences between the executive and legislative branches, the house refused to go to the courts to enforce their subpoenas. Now they want to impeach the president for their laziness. Give me a fucking break.

Biden misbehaved in ukraine while he was VP

That needs to be investigated
Who said he shouldn't be investigated?
And thats all trump wants to do

No phony FISA warrants or Deep State squealers lurking in the bushes around bidens mansion

Just an open investigation of the facts
Then Trump should have gone about it in a legal manner.
He is
Nope, he didn't. If was illegal for him to solicit a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
Thats kangaroo court injustice

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