Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

Now maybe Mulvaney can clear all this up in his testimony before Congress... but for some reason, unlike Democrats, Trump and Republicans DON'T WANT HIM TO.
I'm not a Repub but based on the arrogant, un-American, Hysterical House Dem's words and actions, I don't want anyone to give them the friggin' time of day. No one elected them POTUS or Kings & Queens of the Universe and they had the opportunity to press their subpoenas in court where conflicts between the other 2 branches of gov't are settled. They chose this impeachment farce because their butts and your butt still hurt bigly over Shrillary's epic defeat. They also had their chance to pursue your impeachment fantasy but instead chose to punt and McConnell has announced that the Senate will not be doing their dirty work.

The House has tried to make its lame case, now they must prove it in a trial. Good luck with that. :D

I'm not hearing a single word in what you said explaining why directly involved people like Mulveney and Jiuliani SHOULD NOT come testify and clear the whole thing up.

Don't you want Democrats and their impeachment effort embarassed by a clear explaination to the American people what exactly happened and how Trump actually did nothing wrong?
Here's a clue 'cause you so desperately need one: no POTUS can conduct the biz of America - and he is our CEO - on live TV. What inside people know falls clearly under the scope of executive and/or attorney-client privilege which is exactly what anyone with a lick of integrity would claim under oath.
Read this again:
No one elected our Hysterical House Dems POTUS or Kings & Queens of the Universe and they had the opportunity to press their subpoenas in court where conflicts between the other 2 branches of gov't are settled. They chose this hyper-partisan impeachment farce because their butts and your butt still hurt bigly over Shrillary's epic defeat. They also had their chance to pursue your impeachment fantasy but instead chose to punt and McConnell has announced that the Senate will not be doing their dirty work.

Life's not fair? Tough shit, Snowflake.

I'm not hearing a single word in what you said explaining why directly involved people like Mulveney and Jiuliani SHOULD NOT come testify and clear the whole thing up.

Don't you want Democrats and their impeachment effort embarassed by a clear explaination to the American people what exactly happened and how Trump actually did nothing wrong?

I'll let you in on a little secret, the only reason they don't want to testify is because they don't have a testimony Trump will like. Trump knows it, Republicans know it, Democrats know it. It's just dupes like you that are clueless about whats going on here.
Schumer is wanting the Senate to do what the house should have done. Produce evidence of a crime.

an impeachment is strictly political - it's not a criminal trial.

but why would stupid ass rw's give a fuk about that.
It's not up to the Jury to look for more evidence

there aint no jury u f'n DUMBASS !
The Senate you dumbfuck is the jury.

theres no jury, senate or otherwise -

youre a f'n IDIOT.
The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials when the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official is removal from office.
U.S. Senate: Impeachment
Good, then we should get testimony from Biden about his threat to cut funding unless the Ukrainians stop investigating his crackhead son.
Repubs know better than to have Old Joe testify. The last thing in the world McTreason and Lindsey want is for The Following to have to face the truth about the Biden farce. Dems have rightly kept that whole irrelevant sideshow from being injected in to the House inquiry in order to keep the focus on the matter at hand..........Trump's actions.
Demoncraps are idiots, they prove it everyday. All of a sudden schmucky wants to force the Republicans in the Senate to do what the scum demoncraps wouldn't do in the house. You idiots are corrupt.
an impeachment is strictly political - it's not a criminal trial.

but why would stupid ass rw's give a fuk about that.
It's not up to the Jury to look for more evidence

there aint no jury u f'n DUMBASS !
The Senate you dumbfuck is the jury.

theres no jury, senate or otherwise -

youre a f'n IDIOT.
The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials when the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official is removal from office.
U.S. Senate: Impeachment

too damn stupid to read your own post aint ya dumbass -

The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials

It's not up to the Jury to look for more evidence

there aint no jury u f'n DUMBASS !
The Senate you dumbfuck is the jury.

theres no jury, senate or otherwise -

youre a f'n IDIOT.
The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials when the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official is removal from office.
U.S. Senate: Impeachment

too damn stupid to read your own post aint ya dumbass -

The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials

The Chief Justice job is not a jury his job as the source says is to preside over it
Which means the Senate is not the judge. It doesn't change the fact they still are the jury.
Gawh you're ignorant
there aint no jury u f'n DUMBASS !
The Senate you dumbfuck is the jury.

theres no jury, senate or otherwise -

youre a f'n IDIOT.
The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials when the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official is removal from office.
U.S. Senate: Impeachment

too damn stupid to read your own post aint ya dumbass -

The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials

The Chief Justice job is not a jury his job as the source says is to preside over it
Which means the Senate is not the judge. It doesn't change the fact they still are the jury.
Gawh you're ignorant


care to try and get a big red bow shoved up your stupid butt too.

title of the thread

Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

so now you do not want any evidence -

Last edited:
The Senate you dumbfuck is the jury.

theres no jury, senate or otherwise -

youre a f'n IDIOT.
The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials when the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official is removal from office.
U.S. Senate: Impeachment

too damn stupid to read your own post aint ya dumbass -

The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials

The Chief Justice job is not a jury his job as the source says is to preside over it
Which means the Senate is not the judge. It doesn't change the fact they still are the jury.
Gawh you're ignorant


care to try and get a big red bow shoved up your stupid butt too.
You can take that bow and shove it up your stupid ass since you showed how ignorant you are saying the Senate isn't the jury in an impeachment.
Then you tried to spin it and say they weren't the Jury in a presidential impeachment lol
an impeachment is strictly political - it's not a criminal trial.

but why would stupid ass rw's give a fuk about that.
It's not up to the Jury to look for more evidence

there aint no jury u f'n DUMBASS !
The Senate you dumbfuck is the jury.

theres no jury, senate or otherwise -

youre a f'n IDIOT.
The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials when the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official is removal from office.
U.S. Senate: Impeachment
She chooses to be wrong - don't fight it.
Wow. You are unhinged. Panicked even. Do you have some interior knowledge you'd like to share with this forum?
Schiff never met with the whistleblower, as you well know.
You do know Schiff lied about the whistleblower?
No that was Tramp and it earned him the LIE OF THE YEAR!
I think the queer of the year award you have fits nicer up your bunghole, don't you?
Your surrender is accepted!
So your prove yourself a racist as well as a moron. 12 articles? So where are they? Seems there only 2. Neither of which stand up to ANY scrutiny. Boy you really are dumb (credit to Nostra).
Congress has selected two articles of impeachment and Ralph Nader believes that number is too small; he and his accomplices claim 12 is a more appropriate count.

In fact, Trump's life-long career as a con man and pathological liar provide dozens of additional examples of why he should be impeached. Those supporting Trump have no morals, integrity, or intelligence.

What Trump's Ukraine phone call really means
This is a thread on impeachment, not your hatred of the FBI.

It's a troll thread about a bullshit hoax. The corruption of the FBI is far more relevant in relation to the persecution of a sitting president.


You're trolling the thread, mate. Start a thread on the FBI if you want to discuss it so badly.
I think the American people deserve to hear a full trial of Trump. Not doing so is nakedly abandoning their constitutional duties.
They've already heard the best the prosecution has, so the only new evidence would be from the defense. Is that what you want, to see the charges be reduced to shreds and lying in the dust?
What makes you think that they can't call witnesses and subpoena documents that were obstructed from reaching the House?
They can, if the Republicans in charge allow them to.

Why wouldn't they allow testimony that explains how "perfect" the president acted?
It's a troll thread about a bullshit hoax. The corruption of the FBI is far more relevant in relation to the persecution of a sitting president.


You're trolling the thread, mate. Start a thread on the FBI if you want to discuss it so badly.
I think the American people deserve to hear a full trial of Trump. Not doing so is nakedly abandoning their constitutional duties.
They've already heard the best the prosecution has, so the only new evidence would be from the defense. Is that what you want, to see the charges be reduced to shreds and lying in the dust?
What makes you think that they can't call witnesses and subpoena documents that were obstructed from reaching the House?
They can, if the Republicans in charge allow them to.

Why wouldn't they allow testimony that explains how "perfect" the president acted?


Citizens Arrest!
Impeachment without a referral for a Senate trial?

Impeach without a Senate trial? The Left's new idea to waste time

"'The resolution,' wrote Tribe, 'expressly and formally proclaiming the president impeachable but declining to play the Senate’s corrupt game, is one that even a president accustomed to treating everything as a victory would be hard-pressed to characterize as a vindication.'

"He argued that declaring Trump 'impeachable' with no Senate referral, would at the least serve as a 'deliberately stigmatizing character' that Trump 'would have to take with him into his reelection campaign.'"
That's right! If the Dems were smart, but they aren't, they would make referring the impeachment to the Senate contingent with McConnell and Graham recusing themselves, and not before.
That's right! If the Dems were smart, but they aren't, they would make referring the impeachment to the Senate contingent with McConnell and Graham recusing themselves, and not before.
Or the Dems could demand witness testimony in the Senate before referring articles of impeachment? I'm beginning to suspect a few Democrats would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes; if Donald Trump doesn't deserve impeachment and removal from office, it's hard to imagine any POTUS who ever would:

Failure to Impeach, Remove Trump Could Effectively Extinguish Impeachment Power, Laurence Tribe Says | New York Law Journal

"'We’re now dealing with something that so dramatically and obviously exemplifies the very heart of what a high crime and misdemeanor is that the lesson that will be taught if this president is not removed by the Senate after being impeached by the House is that nothing counts as a high crime and misdemeanor,' he said.

"Not impeaching Trump now, based on the information available, would mean the country no longer has the effective impeachment power that the Framers intended, Tribe said."
You hate the president so much, and you are so limp wristed about proven corruption in FISA, The FBI with The Clintons and Biden that I can only imagine you and edthecynic celebrating a Trump Impeachment Under your Christmas Tree like this:

So your prove yourself a racist as well as a moron. 12 articles? So where are they? Seems there only 2. Neither of which stand up to ANY scrutiny. Boy you really are dumb (credit to Nostra).
Congress has selected two articles of impeachment and Ralph Nader believes that number is too small; he and his accomplices claim 12 is a more appropriate count.

In fact, Trump's life-long career as a con man and pathological liar provide dozens of additional examples of why he should be impeached. Those supporting Trump have no morals, integrity, or intelligence.

What Trump's Ukraine phone call really means
Looks Like you completely agree with Bill Clinton being removed from office, am I right?
Citizens Arrest!
Impeachment without a referral for a Senate trial?

Impeach without a Senate trial? The Left's new idea to waste time

"'The resolution,' wrote Tribe, 'expressly and formally proclaiming the president impeachable but declining to play the Senate’s corrupt game, is one that even a president accustomed to treating everything as a victory would be hard-pressed to characterize as a vindication.'

"He argued that declaring Trump 'impeachable' with no Senate referral, would at the least serve as a 'deliberately stigmatizing character' that Trump 'would have to take with him into his reelection campaign.'"
That's right! If the Dems were smart, but they aren't, they would make referring the impeachment to the Senate contingent with McConnell and Graham recusing themselves, and not before.
That's right! If the Dems were smart, but they aren't, they would make referring the impeachment to the Senate contingent with McConnell and Graham recusing themselves, and not before.
Or the Dems could demand witness testimony in the Senate before referring articles of impeachment? I'm beginning to suspect a few Democrats would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes; if Donald Trump doesn't deserve impeachment and removal from office, it's hard to imagine any POTUS who ever would:

Failure to Impeach, Remove Trump Could Effectively Extinguish Impeachment Power, Laurence Tribe Says | New York Law Journal

"'We’re now dealing with something that so dramatically and obviously exemplifies the very heart of what a high crime and misdemeanor is that the lesson that will be taught if this president is not removed by the Senate after being impeached by the House is that nothing counts as a high crime and misdemeanor,' he said.

"Not impeaching Trump now, based on the information available, would mean the country no longer has the effective impeachment power that the Framers intended, Tribe said."
One side wants the facts out and one side doesn't. That's all you really need to know.
Both sides want their facts out, as was obvious in the House show trial.

The Republicans only want to dig for facts that are 100% irrelevant to the topic of the impeachment.
And they're in charge in the Senate. Just like the democrats in the House only wanted "facts" that condemned the president and resisted anything exculpatory, they now wield the power to dictate in large part what comes out.
What exculpatory facts did the Dems prevent from being heard?
Having not heard from the witnesses the Democrats refuses to allow, there's no way to know.

Why should the senate GOP be any less partisan the house Dems?

Having not heard from the witnesses the Democrats refuses to allow, there's no way to know.

There is a way to know. It's called critical thinking.

Neither of the Bidens, Schiff, or the whistleblower could offer any exculpatory testimony. None of them can speak to Trump's intentions or plan.
Don’t you mean Thurrender you big Thilly Man?

Wow. You are unhinged. Panicked even. Do you have some interior knowledge you'd like to share with this forum?
Schiff never met with the whistleblower, as you well know.
You do know Schiff lied about the whistleblower?
No that was Tramp and it earned him the LIE OF THE YEAR!
I think the queer of the year award you have fits nicer up your bunghole, don't you?
Your surrender is accepted!

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