Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

shitt ain't no judge, no matter what he thinks. He has to go to one to enforce his subpoenas. So simple even an idiot like you should understand.


Congress has the authority to issue subpoenas. They have since the early days of the Republic.

What part of the Constitution says that Congress has to go to a court?

What part of the Constitution says they have the authority to issue subpoenas? I'll be damned if I can find it.


Implicit in their authority to legislate and to impeach the president.

Do you think they have the power to impeach a president but not investigate him? That would not be rational.

Really, the 10th amendment says there are no implied powers in the Constitution, only those enumerated apply.

That’s a gross misinterpretation of the 10th amendment.

Congress does not have the power to impeach if they can’t investigate. That should be obvious.

How does the court “enforce” Congress’s subpoena anyway? Can’t the executive tell them to piss off just like they tell Congress to?
Since when are we cool with politicians directing investigations against their rivals? That’s some real corrupt Soviet tactics right there.
The "investigating a political opponent" line currently used by the left is nothing but desperate spin, as they all agree a political opponent of an incumbent white house is not immune from investigation.
shitt ain't no judge, no matter what he thinks. He has to go to one to enforce his subpoenas. So simple even an idiot like you should understand.


Congress has the authority to issue subpoenas. They have since the early days of the Republic.

What part of the Constitution says that Congress has to go to a court?

What part of the Constitution says they have the authority to issue subpoenas? I'll be damned if I can find it.


Implicit in their authority to legislate and to impeach the president.

Do you think they have the power to impeach a president but not investigate him? That would not be rational.

Really, the 10th amendment says there are no implied powers in the Constitution, only those enumerated apply.

That’s a gross misinterpretation of the 10th amendment.

Congress does not have the power to impeach if they can’t investigate. That should be obvious.

How does the court “enforce” Congress’s subpoena anyway? Can’t the executive tell them to piss off just like they tell Congress to?

Actually it's a very accurate reading, not an interpretation at all.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

You have yet to prove the power of subpoena is a power delegated to congress.

Also congress can investigate, they just have to abide by the rules to do it. They can't rewrite the rules for their own convenience. What good would it have done either committee if the person showed up and claimed executive privilege on every question? They can't prevent that, then they would have to go to court to get a ruling on the privilege exerted.

A court can charge criminal contempt, have US Marshall's escort a person to their testimony, and jail people if they refuse. Those are all article 3 powers, not article 1. But once again, what would stop witnesses form exerting privilege?

See, it would have been much easier for the house to do it the right way, gather all the evidence they could and then proceed. Not go off half cocked and expect the commies in the senate to bail them out.

Last edited:
. Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
So you think the Senate must treat this impeachment charade with more dignity and respect for American jurisprudence and our constitution than did the Hysterical House Dems? Turley rightly noted in his testimony before the Judiciary that charging Trump with obstruction for pressing his constitutional rights in courts is indeed abuse of power ... by congress.

JFTR ... The remedy for disagreements between the executive and legislative branches is our 3rd branch - the courts - not impeachment.

Yup, the House has abused their power.
Schumer Declared If the GOP Plays By Same Rules The House Dems Did, They're 'Engaged In A Cover Up'

Pure bullshit. Name just ONE relavant witness Democrats did not want to interview.

Republicans want to to have a testimony of everyone EXCEPT ANYONE DIRECTLY INVOLVED with the Ukrainian drug deal Trump is accused of.

Any of the witnesses that Nadler wouldn't allow to 'testify' while this mess was being heard in the House.

For example?

Who should be on that stand if not Mulveney who held up the aid on Trump's orders, or Juliani who was SMACK MIDDLE OF THE ENTIRE THING and who Trump referred EVERYONE to deal with including the President of Ukraine?

You want to get to the truth you ask the people involved, not put up sideshow about people who had nothing to do with real-time events this whole thing is about.

Sounds like something the democrats should have done.

You mean like this?

MR. GOLDMAN: This is the deposition of Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.

Mr. Mulvaney was subpoenaed to appear at 9:00 a.m.
It is 9:07 a.m. He is not here.
the The FISA Court just declared the investigation run by Obama's administration - especially the Deputy US AG and FBI - was illegal, as they committed serious FISA Court Abuses that jeopardized / jeopardizes our National Security by putting the very existence and continued operation of the FISA Court at risk.

The continued crimes, sedition, and coup attempts have all been part of the crimes the US IG just pointed out. No one was mandated to recognize so-called Impeachment proceedings the criminal Dems have engaged in and that have gone on for over 3 years now.
Pure bullshit. Name just ONE relavant witness Democrats did not want to interview.

Republicans want to to have a testimony of everyone EXCEPT ANYONE DIRECTLY INVOLVED with the Ukrainian drug deal Trump is accused of.

Any of the witnesses that Nadler wouldn't allow to 'testify' while this mess was being heard in the House.

For example?

Who should be on that stand if not Mulveney who held up the aid on Trump's orders, or Juliani who was SMACK MIDDLE OF THE ENTIRE THING and who Trump referred EVERYONE to deal with including the President of Ukraine?

You want to get to the truth you ask the people involved, not put up sideshow about people who had nothing to do with real-time events this whole thing is about.

Sounds like something the democrats should have done.

You mean like this?

MR. GOLDMAN: This is the deposition of Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.

Mr. Mulvaney was subpoenaed to appear at 9:00 a.m.
It is 9:07 a.m. He is not here.
the The FISA Court just declared the investigation run by Obama's administration - especially the Deputy US AG and FBI - was illegal, as they committed serious FISA Court Abuses

Nothing you just said has anything to do with what you quoted.

Go get your head checked out, something is terribly wrong with you.
What would happen if you ignored a subpoena?

Issued by a judge, I'd probably be in trouble. Thankfully Trump doesn't have that concern.


Why not?

shitt ain't no judge, no matter what he thinks. He has to go to one to enforce his subpoenas. So simple even an idiot like you should understand.


Congress has the authority to issue subpoenas. They have since the early days of the Republic.

What part of the Constitution says that Congress has to go to a court?

What part of the Constitution says they have the authority to issue subpoenas? I'll be damned if I can find it.

The Supreme Court says they do

Jurney v. MacCracken, 294 U.S. 125 (1935)

Held in this case that the Senate had power to cite for contempt a witness charged with having permitted the removal and destruction of papers which he had been subpoenaed to produce.​
Wants the Senate trial to be limited to only what the House presented. He says that’s only fair. He’s an idiot.

it was just on TV. I will add link as soon as it becomes available.

McConnell's laughing too hard. Someone slap him before he has a seizure.

“An Interesting Document – That Literally Misquotes the Constitution” – Mitch McConnell Rips Chuck Schumer’s Whiny Impeachment Letter

In his letter Schumer argues in the second paragraph that the senate trial must “be fair, that considers all of the relevant facts, and that exercises the Senate’s “sole Power of Impeachment” under the Constitution.

As Mitch McConnell pointed out in his response… Schumer misquoted the US Constitution in his letter.

The US House has “sole power of impeachment” not the US Senate — According to the US Constitution.

Any of the witnesses that Nadler wouldn't allow to 'testify' while this mess was being heard in the House.

For example?

Who should be on that stand if not Mulveney who held up the aid on Trump's orders, or Juliani who was SMACK MIDDLE OF THE ENTIRE THING and who Trump referred EVERYONE to deal with including the President of Ukraine?

You want to get to the truth you ask the people involved, not put up sideshow about people who had nothing to do with real-time events this whole thing is about.

Sounds like something the democrats should have done.

You mean like this?

MR. GOLDMAN: This is the deposition of Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.

Mr. Mulvaney was subpoenaed to appear at 9:00 a.m.
It is 9:07 a.m. He is not here.
the The FISA Court just declared the investigation run by Obama's administration - especially the Deputy US AG and FBI - was illegal, as they committed serious FISA Court Abuses

Nothing you just said has anything to do with what you quoted.

Go get your head checked out, something is terribly wrong with you.
Of course it does snowflake.Schumer is demanding conditions the Democrats refused to give Trump / the GOP during their proven latest coup attempt that was shown to still have no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses.

The FISA Court just sh!t on the criminal Obama ex- officials, making it clear the Democrats committed GISA Court abuses to initiate / conduct an illegal investigation and 3 years of attacks, sedition, & coup attempts against the President.
Issued by a judge, I'd probably be in trouble. Thankfully Trump doesn't have that concern.


Why not?

shitt ain't no judge, no matter what he thinks. He has to go to one to enforce his subpoenas. So simple even an idiot like you should understand.


Congress has the authority to issue subpoenas. They have since the early days of the Republic.

What part of the Constitution says that Congress has to go to a court?

What part of the Constitution says they have the authority to issue subpoenas? I'll be damned if I can find it.

The Supreme Court says they do

Jurney v. MacCracken, 294 U.S. 125 (1935)

Held in this case that the Senate had power to cite for contempt a witness charged with having permitted the removal and destruction of papers which he had been subpoenaed to produce.​

You should have kept reading. From your link:

63 App.D.C. 342 72 F.2d 560, reversed.

Supreme Court, D.C., affirmed.

Certiorari, 293 U.S. 543, to review the reversal of a judgment discharging a writ of habeas corpus by which the above-named respondent sought to gain his release from the custody of the above-named petitioner, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate.

Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
Cocaine Mitch tells Crying Chuck to Pump a Duck.

THREE New Polls Show Democrats Sinking on Sham Impeachment

Two new polls show the sham impeachment is ruining the Democrat Party’s standing with the American public.

A new CNN poll found impeachment is underwater, down 5% from the last month.

The Quinnipiac poll is also a disaster for Democrats with the party underwater with American voters by six points.

And a new Suffolk University/USA Today poll has President Trump surging over his far left rivals.

Certainly the record economy and the outrageous impeachment sham both figured in on these latest polling numbers.

Two polls out today on impeachment, both disasters for Washington Democrats:

USA Today: Independents oppose by 11 points

Quinnipiac: Independents oppose by 22 (!) points, 58-36

Trump Sweeps Every Democrat:

#NEW National General Election:

Trump 44 (+3)
Biden 41

Trump 44 (+5)
Sanders 39

Trump 45 (+8)
Warren 37

Trump 43 (+9)
Bloomberg 34

Trump 43 (+10)
Buttigieg 33

Suffolk University/USA Today Poll …

USA TODAY Poll: Impeached or not, Trump leads his Democratic rivals for another term

President Trump, facing impeachment in his first term, now leads top Democratic rivals in his bid for a second, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk poll finds.

This attempted coup will not end well for these crooks.

Democrats ate FINISHED. They know they if they proceed with their sham impeachment they will lose it all in November... as they deserve.

Issued by a judge, I'd probably be in trouble. Thankfully Trump doesn't have that concern.


Why not?

shitt ain't no judge, no matter what he thinks. He has to go to one to enforce his subpoenas. So simple even an idiot like you should understand.


Congress has the authority to issue subpoenas. They have since the early days of the Republic.

What part of the Constitution says that Congress has to go to a court?

What part of the Constitution says they have the authority to issue subpoenas? I'll be damned if I can find it.

The Supreme Court says they do

Jurney v. MacCracken, 294 U.S. 125 (1935)

Held in this case that the Senate had power to cite for contempt a witness charged with having permitted the removal and destruction of papers which he had been subpoenaed to produce.​
They can hold Hillary in contempt. Awesome
I don't give a FUCK what you think schumer!

You are in the minority...SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! :dance:
Schumer... isn't he the guy that was patting Christine Blasey-Ford on the back, the woman who falsely accused Brett Kavanaugh of ungentlemanly things in high school or junior college 30 years earlier, address unknown, date unknown, and 5 alleged witnesses, none of who remembered having being together at the same time with others she named and claimed they knew? She did not inform the police, did not go to a doctor for a medical exam, and who was known to get drunk a lot by people who did remember her. :rolleyes:

Schumer got the skunk du jour award that he cheerfully shared with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, chief fluffer, and Senator Feinstein, chum extraordinaire. Blasey-Ford walked away with $800,000 for her testimony, that we know about, plus a high-paying job for life at a California school.

Christine Margaret Blasey Ford (/ ˈ b l ɑː z i / ; born November 1966) is an American professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine. She specializes in designing statistical models for research projects.
Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.

which was a partisan pissin' match

so i'd expect nothing less this time 'round


Except that it was about perjury, an actual crime that anyone else would have faced a prison sentence for and the vote was bi-partisan.

Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Witness Tampering, and suborning perjury.

Remember, we had Clinton ON TAPE threatening 62 year old Betty Currie, a black woman, that if she didn't perjure herself that he would fire her and ensure that she lost her pension.
Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.

which was a partisan pissin' match

so i'd expect nothing less this time 'round

Schumer is asking for all the pertinent evidence to be presented. What's wrong with that?
That was the House's job. The Senate is The JURY. When the Prosecution (The House) has failed, you want the Jury to jump in and resurrect their failed case?


Chuck Schumer’s moan that “the facts” need to “come out” before a full impeachment trial can occur is an invitation to a motion to dismiss the House’s articles of impeachment, once they arrive. The House had its opportunity to develop the facts. If it didn’t develop facts sufficient to support removing the president, the Senate shouldn’t waste its time on the matter. Mitch McConnell reportedly is considering a motion to dismiss. According to this report, he hinted that the Senate will move to dismiss the articles of impeachment after opening argument.

McConnell noted that in the 1999 trial of Bill Clinton, Schumer supported a motion to dismiss the case. He also recalled that Schumer opposed calling live witnesses. This time around, Schumer wants to call at least four witnesses who did not appear before the House.

The House made a big mistake by purporting to find a high crime/misdemeanor and dragging us through an impeachment proceeding.

The sooner this is over, the better for the country.


Ready to just move on from all the fighting, division and impeachment silliness and enjoy the rich blessings of this prosperous Holiday Season!

shitt ain't no judge, no matter what he thinks. He has to go to one to enforce his subpoenas. So simple even an idiot like you should understand.


Congress has the authority to issue subpoenas. They have since the early days of the Republic.

What part of the Constitution says that Congress has to go to a court?

What part of the Constitution says they have the authority to issue subpoenas? I'll be damned if I can find it.

The Supreme Court says they do

Jurney v. MacCracken, 294 U.S. 125 (1935)

Held in this case that the Senate had power to cite for contempt a witness charged with having permitted the removal and destruction of papers which he had been subpoenaed to produce.​

You should have kept reading. From your link:

63 App.D.C. 342 72 F.2d 560, reversed.

Supreme Court, D.C., affirmed.

Certiorari, 293 U.S. 543, to review the reversal of a judgment discharging a writ of habeas corpus by which the above-named respondent sought to gain his release from the custody of the above-named petitioner, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate.


Dumbfuck, that was appeals court's ruling that was reversed.

The judgment of the Court of Appeals should be reversed; and that of the Supreme Court of the District should be affirmed.​
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
You have evidence now? Lol
Sure! They couldn't make their case in The House, so let's do a Hail Mary in The Senate!


Senate Democrats need a trial strategy. A major part of the strategy will be to demand more information. What information? Mainly testimony from past and present administration officials like Mick Mulvaney and John Bolton. Possibly grand jury testimony from the Mueller investigation, as well.

The House could have held off on impeaching President Trump while seeking these forms of evidence in court. However, House Democrats were in a big hurry.

To impeach a president before the facts have come out is a disgrace.​

Senate Democrats undercut the House Dems and their primary impeachment article by moaning that they need more facts. They long for something that might turn public opinion around.

Mitch McConnell dismissed the whining of Schumer and other Senate Democrats with this comment:

“The Senate is meant to act as judge and jury, to hear a trial, not to re-run the entire fact-finding investigation because angry partisans rush sloppily through it.”​

He’s right. The American public will agree.


Everyone knows Democrats didn't make the case, can we all just stop fighting and enjoy the Holidays?
shitt ain't no judge, no matter what he thinks. He has to go to one to enforce his subpoenas. So simple even an idiot like you should understand.


Congress has the authority to issue subpoenas. They have since the early days of the Republic.

What part of the Constitution says that Congress has to go to a court?

What part of the Constitution says they have the authority to issue subpoenas? I'll be damned if I can find it.

The Supreme Court says they do

Jurney v. MacCracken, 294 U.S. 125 (1935)

Held in this case that the Senate had power to cite for contempt a witness charged with having permitted the removal and destruction of papers which he had been subpoenaed to produce.​

You should have kept reading. From your link:

63 App.D.C. 342 72 F.2d 560, reversed.

Supreme Court, D.C., affirmed.

Certiorari, 293 U.S. 543, to review the reversal of a judgment discharging a writ of habeas corpus by which the above-named respondent sought to gain his release from the custody of the above-named petitioner, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate.


Dumbfuck, that was appeals court's ruling that was reversed.

The judgment of the Court of Appeals should be reversed; and that of the Supreme Court of the District should be affirmed.​

Bullshit commie, the district court was reversed by the court of appeals and the supremes affirmed the court of appeals decision. They said congress has no constitutional authority to impose punishment, that is for the article 3 courts, that's why the DOJ is responsible for pursuing congressional contempt citations.

The DEM led House of Representatives holding their inquiry behind closed doors without a chance for their witnesses to be cross examined.
The Republiscum had EQUAL time to cross examine EVERY witness.
When the worthless lying scum Right tell such obvious lies they expose the fact that they themselves KNOW they are WRONG!
No they didn’t.
Yes they did, and YOU know it, just read the online transcripts and you can see EVERY lying Republiscum had the exact same time to question each witness as the Dems.

Like I said when the worthless lying scum Right tell such obvious lies they expose the fact that they themselves KNOW they are WRONG!

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