SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Whether God exists is immaterial to this issue.

Only the Constitution governs this issue in our secular world.
[QUOTE="Why do people think it will just end at homosexuality?
Is it so far fetched to think that with this trend, more and more perverse things will become acceptable over time?
Do you have any evidence, any facts to support your fear?

Not everything I say is a FACT or 100% prediction Jake. that is just silly.

I'm assuming people reading these posts are using coming sense and thinking about things that make sense, but, are not always 100% provable with fact. I can't prove our country will continue on a liberal trend allowing more and more.... I can only ask.... why wouldn't it? Why would it stop at homosexuality...?
Thank you for stating that. Opinions can be changed into facts with solid evidence.

Many thinks can be said and speculated that are not YET provable. People should consider POTENTIALS as well as hard cold fact.

Someone could say "history will repeat itself" (which is has in certain cases) but, sometimes you have to look at the big picture and draw logical conclusions....
The world of "if" is many matters are discovered, yes. Newton and Einstein thought matters out, then wrote their papers about gravity or relativity.
Whether God exists is immaterial to this issue.

Only the Constitution governs this issue in our secular world.

Ok was just curious what you thought God was like and what you based it on.

Yes, laws govern the US. People have free will to obey or not. We all have our beliefs of what is right and wrong. And, since the US is governed by people, they CAN be wrong. God can't. That's a fact.

Someone can say - well that is your opinion that God can't be wrong. But I still maintain it's a fact.
So don't bother saying... "your opinion!" :)
Only in your opinion, which is not factual.
How is that not a fact? Explain?
Since you can't prove it, then it is not fact.

Okay well you said this is not factual - not even my post, but, see below:

We all make choices in life (FACT). Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice (FACT). Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice (FACT)
So you are encouraging denial of your sexuality as a choice?

I was just stating that what the person said above were facts (not opinions)
Sexuality is always a choice. I think you should abstain from any sexual act that is harmful to you or others, and, if you are a Christian, is sinful and offensive to God.

If you think it is sinful then you should definitely live a life of guilt and repression because others are telling you how you should feel
[QUOTE="Why do people think it will just end at homosexuality?
Is it so far fetched to think that with this trend, more and more perverse things will become acceptable over time?
Do you have any evidence, any facts to support your fear?

Not everything I say is a FACT or 100% prediction Jake. that is just silly.

I'm assuming people reading these posts are using coming sense and thinking about things that make sense, but, are not always 100% provable with fact. I can't prove our country will continue on a liberal trend allowing more and more.... I can only ask.... why wouldn't it? Why would it stop at homosexuality...?
Thank you for stating that. Opinions can be changed into facts with solid evidence.

Many thinks can be said and speculated that are not YET provable. People should consider POTENTIALS as well as hard cold fact.

Someone could say "history will repeat itself" (which is has in certain cases) but, sometimes you have to look at the big picture and draw logical conclusions....
The world of "if" is many matters are discovered, yes. Newton and Einstein thought matters out, then wrote their papers about gravity or relativity.

Well I will freely admit I'm not Newton or Einstein! I get tired just thinking about coming to this Board lately!
How is that not a fact? Explain?
Since you can't prove it, then it is not fact.

Okay well you said this is not factual - not even my post, but, see below:

We all make choices in life (FACT). Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice (FACT). Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice (FACT)
So you are encouraging denial of your sexuality as a choice?

I was just stating that what the person said above were facts (not opinions)
Sexuality is always a choice. I think you should abstain from any sexual act that is harmful to you or others, and, if you are a Christian, is sinful and offensive to God.

If you think it is sinful then you should definitely live a life of guilt and repression because others are telling you how you should feel

If you are homosexual and are a Christian, you should WANT to not act on your sexual desires because it's God honoring.

If you are not a Christian and are homosexual, it's a non-issue.
You can maintain the sun is green, but your belief is evidence only of your belief not your conclusion. Same with your belief in God.
"having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice (FACT)"

That does not mean that homosexuality is a choice. Your logic fails, again.

I don't know if homosexuality is a choice or not, but, I do know ACTING on it is.
I was addressing the "having sex" part. Not the desire part.
So, now stand-by for legal union with Chickens

I don't care what fetish gets rocks off in the bedroom, just when did being a sodomite equate to equality?

Grease them chickens up first OK? Don't want PETA on your ass

"having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice (FACT)"

That does not mean that homosexuality is a choice. Your logic fails, again.

I don't know if homosexuality is a choice or not, but, I do know ACTING on it is.
I was addressing the "having sex" part. Not the desire part.

Only a real failure of a man looks at say a beaver, and a schwantz and decides to take the meat.

That's what makes them fags

Get up to date and the comment to me. Until then eat more fiber, you seem like maybe you're constipatted
Seems you are the one full of shit.

There is a thread somewhere on what Texas is up to. Go look for it. Chop chop

We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.

Are you Paddy's boyfriend?
60% of Americans support marriage equality. The vast majority are, like me, straight. You really are a stupid POS.

paddy ... I'm sorry this is so upsetting to you. I could reveal things about my personal life that I'm sure would change your opinion about me, but, I don't think that is necessary here.

Others may disagree with me, and that's fine. My hope is that all would find and have their eyes opened to God and following Him. What I say is what I know to be true in my heart. Others have equally strong convictions to the contrary, but, as an agent of God, I feel I must speak Truth. Regardless of the opposition I come up against. Not to be a contrarian or to cause arguments and hate, but, because I love God.

I assure you. My love is real.

There is a thread somewhere on what Texas is up to. Go look for it. Chop chop

We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.

Are you Paddy's boyfriend?
60% of Americans support marriage equality. The vast majority are, like me, straight. You really are a stupid POS.

paddy ... I'm sorry this is so upsetting to you. I could reveal things about my personal life that I'm sure would change your opinion about me, but, I don't think that is necessary here.

Others may disagree with me, and that's fine. My hope is that all would find and have their eyes opened to God and following Him. What I say is what I know to be true in my heart. Others have equally strong convictions to the contrary, but, as an agent of God, I feel I must speak Truth. Regardless of the opposition I come up against. Not to be a contrarian or to cause arguments and hate, but, because I love God.

I assure you. My love is real.

Well, then you wouldn't want to discriminate against other human beings, also creations of God, according to your beliefs. :D
There is a thread somewhere on what Texas is up to. Go look for it. Chop chop

We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.

Are you Paddy's boyfriend?
60% of Americans support marriage equality. The vast majority are, like me, straight. You really are a stupid POS.

paddy ... I'm sorry this is so upsetting to you. I could reveal things about my personal life that I'm sure would change your opinion about me, but, I don't think that is necessary here.

Others may disagree with me, and that's fine. My hope is that all would find and have their eyes opened to God and following Him. What I say is what I know to be true in my heart. Others have equally strong convictions to the contrary, but, as an agent of God, I feel I must speak Truth. Regardless of the opposition I come up against. Not to be a contrarian or to cause arguments and hate, but, because I love God.

I assure you. My love is real.

Well, then you wouldn't want to discriminate against other human beings, also creations of God, according to your beliefs. :D

Everyone should experience and has God's love available to them.
I guess people have different definitions of love. Here is something (ironically) that showed up in my email this morning....
Today's Scripture "Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Thoughts for Today. In today's world, unity and tolerance have become goals within themselves. Peace at any cost. All ways lead to God. Live and let live. Such "tolerant" attitudes actually lead to intolerance of anyone who claims to have the answer.
Jesus made it clear that he is the only way to God, the only way to real peace. Indeed, in Isaiah 9:6 he is called the Prince of Peace. Although God calls us to love all people, for us to seek unity and peace by agreeing that other faiths can lead to God is to deny our own faith; and to deny Jesus.
Consider this …
As Christians, we are not expressing Christ-like love when we are willing to accept the beliefs of those who deny Christ or live sinful lifestyles as OK; all for the sake of unity and peace. We need to express Jesus' love by loving people where they are, by building relationships with them and … as the Holy Spirit leads … by sharing the truths of the Gospel with them. Jesus is the only answer.

No one has to believe this. But I hope they would and/or would consider it instead of dismissing it out of hand.

I have been on both sides (I used to be an atheist/agnostic)
Anthony Kennedy and the other four justices are straighter than you, ya old queen.
I got yer queen hangin', you limey bastard.

Hangin' from a tree?
Meet me in the men's shithouse at the Grayhound station and I'll show ya.

Interesting and perhaps telling that you know where to go for such shenanigans?
Simple. The last time I was in the mens room at Greyhound I had to paralize a pansy for sticking his finger in my piss stream.
So, he was reaching around and you objected? You prefer to just have your ass pounded?
Read her posts. She posted that homosexuality should be illegal.

Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.

He's hate filled. It's obvious from his comments. Most likely he's mad at the world, upset the man kept him down his entire life but the reality is he doesn't have what it takes to be a success. Can you imagine that attitude in any work environment? Nope, not happening

I just try to remind myself that these kinds of forums are going to be a magnet for extremists of all shapes and sizes.
This forum is a magnet for hate filed bigots who think they have the God given right to tell others how to live or who to love. Bonzi and Irish lassie are two of the worst. Calling supported of marriage equality faggots.

Well let's be fair though, paddy. It's also a magnet for hate filled bigoted atheists who think they have the right to tell theists what they should think and ho they should live. Read: Guno and Hollie. It goes both ways
So, they are telling others who they should be allowed to marry? They are demanding that laws be passed that reflect their religious beliefs?
We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.
Here in Texas we don't let no goddamed Yankee faggots tell us how to run things.
Anthony Kennedy and the other four justices are straighter than you, ya old queen.
I got yer queen hangin', you limey bastard.
Limey? You that fucking stupid as to not know that a Limey is English; not Irish?
I'm Irish, Chauncy. Go sweep the London dock where you were born and raised.
On behalf of all Irish and Irish Americans, please know that Hoss is in no way reflective of what the Irish think. Hence the referendum last month.
I have no t
This forum is a magnet for hate filed bigots who think they have the Hod given right to tell others how to live or who to love. Bonzi and Irish lassie are two of the worst. Calling supported of marriage equality faggots.

You really need to learn some of that tolerance you left loons demand. Now settle down, you're going to stroke
I have no tolerance for people like you who hate others simply because they are different. Bigotry like your cannot be tolerated; it has to be opposed. It was only by opposing people like you that this nation won the great victory for freedom in the Supreme Court.

Well your problem is I don't hate gay people. I disagree with SSM. Now learn the other's position before you make a further fool of yourself.
So, you don't think the government should ban gay marriage? You don't think that homosexuality should be illegal, as Bonzi does? You don't think that discrimination against gay people should be illegal? Disagreeing with a person marrying another of the same gender is one thing. Demanding that the law be used to advance your personal beliefs is another. I don't believe in same sex marriage for me. Despite your idiotic suggestion that if one supports marriage equality, one must be gay, I am a straight male. But I have no right to demand that the law conform to my orientation. Do you?

I've said all along if two men or two women want to pretend they are married go ahead. I won't recognize it and in fact I'd have a hard time not laughing if they introduced themselves as a married couple. There is far too much noise being made about a very small minority of the population, VERY small and I recognize it for what it is, a distraction from the real issues. If you want to support them go right ahead but stop being abusive to ones' who don't support it. YOU need to learn some of that tolerance the gays demand

Tell that to Huckabee and Cruz and the other morons who will keep this issue alive.
We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.

Are you Paddy's boyfriend?
60% of Americans support marriage equality. The vast majority are, like me, straight. You really are a stupid POS.

paddy ... I'm sorry this is so upsetting to you. I could reveal things about my personal life that I'm sure would change your opinion about me, but, I don't think that is necessary here.

Others may disagree with me, and that's fine. My hope is that all would find and have their eyes opened to God and following Him. What I say is what I know to be true in my heart. Others have equally strong convictions to the contrary, but, as an agent of God, I feel I must speak Truth. Regardless of the opposition I come up against. Not to be a contrarian or to cause arguments and hate, but, because I love God.

I assure you. My love is real.

Well, then you wouldn't want to discriminate against other human beings, also creations of God, according to your beliefs. :D

Everyone should experience and has God's love available to them.
I guess people have different definitions of love. Here is something (ironically) that showed up in my email this morning....
Today's Scripture "Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Thoughts for Today. In today's world, unity and tolerance have become goals within themselves. Peace at any cost. All ways lead to God. Live and let live. Such "tolerant" attitudes actually lead to intolerance of anyone who claims to have the answer.
Jesus made it clear that he is the only way to God, the only way to real peace. Indeed, in Isaiah 9:6 he is called the Prince of Peace. Although God calls us to love all people, for us to seek unity and peace by agreeing that other faiths can lead to God is to deny our own faith; and to deny Jesus.
Consider this …
As Christians, we are not expressing Christ-like love when we are willing to accept the beliefs of those who deny Christ or live sinful lifestyles as OK; all for the sake of unity and peace. We need to express Jesus' love by loving people where they are, by building relationships with them and … as the Holy Spirit leads … by sharing the truths of the Gospel with them. Jesus is the only answer.

No one has to believe this. But I hope they would and/or would consider it instead of dismissing it out of hand.

I have been on both sides (I used to be an atheist/agnostic)
So if you eat bacon you're living a sinful life... but pissing all over gays telling them they are gonna go to hell that's being a good person. Maybe put down the stones? Just sayin.
So if you eat bacon you're living a sinful life... but pissing all over gays telling them they are gonna go to hell that's being a good person.

The Levitical laws were broken into 3 groups. I won't bore you with the details (unless you want to hear them) but suffice it to say, homosexuality and it's sinfulness is addressed in both the Old and New Testament.

Am I going to say I never sin? No, of course not. To someone that doesn't believe in God, sin should not even be an issue - and for the record, I don't tell people they are going to hell. That is not my call to make. I can only tell them there is a better life for them... through Christ Jesus.

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