Seeking Integrity

Nixon was not proven guilty of using the IRS as a political cudgel.

The Nixon IRS did not do what the Obama IRS did: harass political enemies.

Unwittingly you have just proven the point I just made about you. did say this: "Because I strongly defend what I believe?" is the opportunity to see if you know what you are talking about.

I claim that the Nixon IRS didn't go after his political enemies.

I can prove that.

Go for it.

Why should I try to prove something I didn't claim?
Now, now....

Actually, what is known at this point establishes my argument to a far greater degree than you allow.

"In US Criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a popular cultural summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding.

Respectively, they refer to: the ability of the defendant to commit the crime (means), the reason the defendant felt the need to commit the crime (motive), and whether or not the defendant had the chance to commit the crime (opportunity). Opportunity is most often disproved by use of an alibi, which can prove the accused was not able to commit the crime as he or she did not have the correct set of circumstances to commit the crime as it occurred. Motive is not an element of many crimes, but proving motive can often make it easier to convince a jury of the elements that must be proved for a conviction.." Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't expect you to leap to my side of the argument....but I know you recognize the approach of the avalanche.

This issue is both more important to the nation, and the crime proven to a far greater degree than Ira Libby's conviction.

Bullshit. But at least it was bullshit without the grade school outline form. For that, we must all be grateful.

Nothing illegal was done by the IRS.

Usually one resorts to barnyard language when they know they are wrong.
As you are.

Try to be civil.

What the IRS did was clearly illegal.

You know it....fear is the basis of your post.

More bullshit. I emerged from the womb using barnyard language. If you stop bullshitting, I will stop calling you on it.

It was not illegal. It was handled poorly....but the only illegal act was the nutter groups lying on the forms about the extent of their political activity.

Fear? Why would I fear?
Bullshit. But at least it was bullshit without the grade school outline form. For that, we must all be grateful.

Nothing illegal was done by the IRS.

Usually one resorts to barnyard language when they know they are wrong.
As you are.

Try to be civil.

What the IRS did was clearly illegal.

You know it....fear is the basis of your post.

More bullshit. I emerged from the womb using barnyard language. If you stop bullshitting, I will stop calling you on it.

It was not illegal. It was handled poorly....but the only illegal act was the nutter groups lying on the forms about the extent of their political activity.

Fear? Why would I fear?

You should have remained in the gutter.

Clearly it was illegal, and you that's why you're peddling faster than Ed Begley, Jr. making himself a piece of toast.

Illegality: post #34.

Once we agree that there was a crime....and proceed to the essence of the OP...that there were far too many involved for this to be a random occurrence...

....let's get to the heart of the matter: was the community organizer cognizant....involved in the planning....or did he merely acquiesce?

What would an honest man do when offered the plan?
Rub his hands together gleefully?
Or apply the JDLR rule....
...if Just Doesn't Look Right.

Is there a basis to decide?

Let's see what this occupant of the Oval Office said just about the time the IRS began assaulting political opponents of the President:

"The President urges Latino voters to "punish our enemies and reward our friends."
Posted on October 26, 2010
Obama To Latinos: "Punish Our Enemies"

What a coincidence....just about the time the IRS program began!
The IRS began punishing his enemies.....
Unwittingly you have just proven the point I just made about you. did say this: "Because I strongly defend what I believe?" is the opportunity to see if you know what you are talking about.

I claim that the Nixon IRS didn't go after his political enemies.

I can prove that.

Go for it.

Why should I try to prove something I didn't claim?

You: "....difference between Nixon and Obama re the IRS was that we have no evidence whatsoever that Obama did anything wrong,

but we have Nixon on tape proving him guilty,..."
Political Creepy is relying on a friend of a blogger for her whole argument, then she gets mad when the apparatus she has so shoddily erected is pulled down.
You are a vulgar creep.

Don't dish what you can't take, honey.

I doubt you'll find any posts in which I have spewed vulgarity, you sad cretin.

You're just a buzzing little fly who is not worth the effort to swat out of existence.

You are one of Political Creepy's minions, I understand, so you wish to ape her.

Don't dish what you can't take is the point. You "socialist apparatus" is a vulgar term, but it is untrue and laden with hidden malapropist nonsense to spook the uneducated.
I doubt you even went to junior college, bub.
Wrongdoing has been acknowledged. Why are you lying?

Wrong doing has been acknowledged? Just like Fast and Furious, wrong doing was acknowledged and promises it won't happen again are made and no one is held accountable.

IRS officials lied to Congress about several details and are continuing to hinder congress' attempts to find out who authorized this illegal activity.
None of that has a thing to do with the fact you use terms you don't understand.

Yes, I hold graduate degrees, and, yes, I have paid more in taxes than you will ever earn.

Now quit acting childlike and address the issues logically and honestly.
Political Creepy is relying on a friend of a blogger for her whole argument, then she gets mad when the apparatus she has so shoddily erected is pulled down.

This typifies this simplistic reasoning of the left. There is illegal activity that even the NYT has acknowledged most likely points to systemic corruption within the IRS and you ignore completely the subject of the thread and instead make a childish attempt at denigrating and attacking the author.

You haven't a point to make.
Political Creepy is relying on a friend of a blogger for her whole argument, then she gets mad when the apparatus she has so shoddily erected is pulled down.

This typifies this simplistic reasoning of the left.

You have not addressed the point at all but are simply mindlessly chattering like a squirrel.

The simplistic mind is that of the poster who relies on a blog who relies on an old friend.

None of that has a thing to do with the fact you use terms you don't understand.

Yes, I hold graduate degrees, and, yes, I have paid more in taxes than you will ever earn.

Now quit acting childlike and address the issues logically and honestly.

Address the issues logically and honestly? That is laughable coming from you. You haven't posted anything but childish drivel, and bragging about your education or income on a message board is pathetic and once again demonstrates you do not have a point at all.
Jake your first post accused PC of lying and everything subsequent of that is more baseless attacks and childish insults.
Her OP is not true, google. She can't prove that. Everyone subsequently defending her are fail.

And you all will follow the rule or reap the result of don't dish what you can't take.

You want polite. Be polite. From the beginning. did say this: "Because I strongly defend what I believe?" is the opportunity to see if you know what you are talking about.

I claim that the Nixon IRS didn't go after his political enemies.

I can prove that.

Go for it.

Why should I try to prove something I didn't claim?

You: "....difference between Nixon and Obama re the IRS was that we have no evidence whatsoever that Obama did anything wrong,

but we have Nixon on tape proving him guilty,..."

The House Judiciary Committee noted Nixon's abuse of the IRS in its Articles of Impeachment, charging that Nixon "acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatorymanner."

If you can prove Nixon did none of that, by all means do so.

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