Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Bond yields have not crashed. That's the media's hype. Don't Bet on a Bond Market Crash
Stop believing the media hype.
10 Year Treasury Yield, Nov 02, 2018: 3.24%
10 Year Treasury Yield, as I write this: 1.54%
That's a drop of -52.469%. THAT is a CRASH.
Source: Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates

You got it BACKWARDS, Einstein. Bond PRICES aren't going to crash, not YIELDS.

Everything I said was correct.

This is my profession. And you are out of your league.

Now, go ahead. Start spinning.
^^^^^ This is why I've given up talking economics with the Trumpsters.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
You may vote on results you'd like to see, but you refuse to hold him accountable for ACTUAL results.

The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of growth (something Keynes himself would have disapproved of), the promised wall is barely materializing, the health care plan he promised was a lie, race relations are worse than ever, partisanship is worse than ever, China is waiting us out on these damaging tariffs he introduced, North Korea has told us to shove it, and we're a pariah on the international stage. And of course, he continues to demonstrate a character and temperament that insults the office of the President.

Yet his followers refuse to give an inch, and even go so far as to pretend all of the above isn't true.

This isn't rational. This blind, arrogant, ignorant devotion is more like a religion than politics.

Yep, the economy is in freefall!

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low
POSTED 1:59 PM, OCTOBER 4, 2019

WASHINGTON — Amid signs that the global economy is slowing, America’s labor market nonetheless remains strong.

In September, the unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, the lowest rate since December 1969, as employers added 136,000 jobs to the U.S. economy. There were many signs of strength, including robust hiring in health care, transportation, professional services and state and local government.

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low

And another Trumpster lie. I didn't say the economy was in "freefall", YOU did.

Here are some actual facts, however:
  • We're stuck at 2.0% GDP, less than half Trump promised.
  • The deficit is at a SEVEN YEAR HIGH.
  • Bond yields have crashed.
  • The Fed is having to step in to save the economy.
  • We're now in a manufacturing recession.
I know they don't cover those ACTUAL FACTS in your world, but they're actually FACTS.

Unlike the lie you posted.

You are the one who said Bond Yields have crashed.
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
You may vote on results you'd like to see, but you refuse to hold him accountable for ACTUAL results.

The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of growth (something Keynes himself would have disapproved of), the promised wall is barely materializing, the health care plan he promised was a lie, race relations are worse than ever, partisanship is worse than ever, China is waiting us out on these damaging tariffs he introduced, North Korea has told us to shove it, and we're a pariah on the international stage. And of course, he continues to demonstrate a character and temperament that insults the office of the President.

Yet his followers refuse to give an inch, and even go so far as to pretend all of the above isn't true.

This isn't rational. This blind, arrogant, ignorant devotion is more like a religion than politics.

Yep, the economy is in freefall!

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low
POSTED 1:59 PM, OCTOBER 4, 2019

WASHINGTON — Amid signs that the global economy is slowing, America’s labor market nonetheless remains strong.

In September, the unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, the lowest rate since December 1969, as employers added 136,000 jobs to the U.S. economy. There were many signs of strength, including robust hiring in health care, transportation, professional services and state and local government.

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low

And another Trumpster lie. I didn't say the economy was in "freefall", YOU did.

Here are some actual facts, however:
  • We're stuck at 2.0% GDP, less than half Trump promised.
  • The deficit is at a SEVEN YEAR HIGH.
  • Bond yields have crashed.
  • The Fed is having to step in to save the economy.
  • We're now in a manufacturing recession.
I know they don't cover those ACTUAL FACTS in your world, but they're actually FACTS.

Unlike the lie you posted.

You are the one who said Bond Yields have crashed.

That's my point.

When yields crash, prices go up. Prices aren't crashing, yields are.

Holy crap. Back away from the radio for a while.
Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
You may vote on results you'd like to see, but you refuse to hold him accountable for ACTUAL results.

The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of growth (something Keynes himself would have disapproved of), the promised wall is barely materializing, the health care plan he promised was a lie, race relations are worse than ever, partisanship is worse than ever, China is waiting us out on these damaging tariffs he introduced, North Korea has told us to shove it, and we're a pariah on the international stage. And of course, he continues to demonstrate a character and temperament that insults the office of the President.

Yet his followers refuse to give an inch, and even go so far as to pretend all of the above isn't true.

This isn't rational. This blind, arrogant, ignorant devotion is more like a religion than politics.

Yep, the economy is in freefall!

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low
POSTED 1:59 PM, OCTOBER 4, 2019

WASHINGTON — Amid signs that the global economy is slowing, America’s labor market nonetheless remains strong.

In September, the unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, the lowest rate since December 1969, as employers added 136,000 jobs to the U.S. economy. There were many signs of strength, including robust hiring in health care, transportation, professional services and state and local government.

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low

And another Trumpster lie. I didn't say the economy was in "freefall", YOU did.

Here are some actual facts, however:
  • We're stuck at 2.0% GDP, less than half Trump promised.
  • The deficit is at a SEVEN YEAR HIGH.
  • Bond yields have crashed.
  • The Fed is having to step in to save the economy.
  • We're now in a manufacturing recession.
I know they don't cover those ACTUAL FACTS in your world, but they're actually FACTS.

Unlike the lie you posted.

You are the one who said Bond Yields have crashed.

That's my point.

When yields crash, prices go up. Prices aren't crashing, yields are.

Holy crap. Back away from the radio for a while.

You did not read the link
thank you... finally a rational voice from the right. You don’t have to love Biden or hate trump... just call it like it is. Kudos
you seem to miss where i said "others take a huge leap of faith to NOT link what hillary did as being a crime.

fyi - others=you.

am i still that rational voice, or only when you agree with me still?
I’m not going down the Hilary road again... let that one go a while ago. I agree with your point about Biden and commend you on a balanced analysis. I’ll leave it at that. Not looking to fight about Hillary this early in the AM.
not going to rehash all that either - however, you had to give a huge leap of illogical faith to say she only deleted personal stuff as none of that can be proven. to me, same thing. just strikes me as funny i'm not balanced there but i am here.
Simplest way to look at any situation is by using the facts at hand and being honest about them
i did.

if someone is asked for info and they delete it, i have an honest problem with it.

That’s fine, it’s suspicious to say the least. If the investigators found a crime then they should indict. That should be the case with any situation
You may vote on results you'd like to see, but you refuse to hold him accountable for ACTUAL results.

The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of growth (something Keynes himself would have disapproved of), the promised wall is barely materializing, the health care plan he promised was a lie, race relations are worse than ever, partisanship is worse than ever, China is waiting us out on these damaging tariffs he introduced, North Korea has told us to shove it, and we're a pariah on the international stage. And of course, he continues to demonstrate a character and temperament that insults the office of the President.

Yet his followers refuse to give an inch, and even go so far as to pretend all of the above isn't true.

This isn't rational. This blind, arrogant, ignorant devotion is more like a religion than politics.

Yep, the economy is in freefall!

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low
POSTED 1:59 PM, OCTOBER 4, 2019

WASHINGTON — Amid signs that the global economy is slowing, America’s labor market nonetheless remains strong.

In September, the unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, the lowest rate since December 1969, as employers added 136,000 jobs to the U.S. economy. There were many signs of strength, including robust hiring in health care, transportation, professional services and state and local government.

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low

And another Trumpster lie. I didn't say the economy was in "freefall", YOU did.

Here are some actual facts, however:
  • We're stuck at 2.0% GDP, less than half Trump promised.
  • The deficit is at a SEVEN YEAR HIGH.
  • Bond yields have crashed.
  • The Fed is having to step in to save the economy.
  • We're now in a manufacturing recession.
I know they don't cover those ACTUAL FACTS in your world, but they're actually FACTS.

Unlike the lie you posted.

You are the one who said Bond Yields have crashed.

That's my point.

When yields crash, prices go up. Prices aren't crashing, yields are.

Holy crap. Back away from the radio for a while.

You did not read the link
Have bond yields dropped over 52% in the last nine months or have they not?

Yes or no?
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

GDP growth has exceeded the CBO’s forecast in every quarter starting with Q2 2017. That includes the second quarter of this year, which saw 2% growth where the CBO had projected 1.5%.

As a result, the economy is now $590 billion bigger than it was supposed to be.

The CBO projected that unemployment would never get below 4.4%, and would start rising again this year. Instead, the unemployment rate fell from 4% at the start of the year to 3.5%. The current unemployment rate is now a full percentage point below the CBO’s forecast. That translates into 1.6 million more people employed than the CBO expected.

And, where the CBO had forecast a steady decline in the labor force participation rate – which measures what percentage of the working-age population is either employed or looking for a job – it has been climbing. The CBO projected it would go from 62.9% at the end of 2016 to 62.7% in the last quarter.

The actual figure for September was 63.1%.

Oh, and inflation has been running slightly lower than expected – which wasn’t supposed to happen either. A typical headline about the Trump economy was the one in the Wall Street Journal shortly after he won the election, which said, “Inflation and Interest Rates Forecast to Rise Under Trump Presidency.”

If Trump were a Democrat, the news media would be shouting hosannas from every rooftop – instead of braying for Trump’s impeachment.

Democrats hate prosperity, because they hate working Americans, that's why they want impeach Trump and end our prosperity and rising wages.

Trump’s Economy: 1.6 Million More Jobs Than The ‘Experts’ Predicted

Maybe if you remove your mask you might be able to see what you are posting.
So what is your post has anything to do with my post? I’m not interested in talking about the economy.
It’s Obama’s economy anyway so what is your point? Trumpy does not deserve the credits of the current good economy.
His popularity proves you that.

How is it DumBama's economy when he never made any policy favoring industry; the people that actually create the jobs? Any policy he made was a detriment to industry, not to mention job creation. That's why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

I can show you several things Trump has done to favor industry and influence job creation. So don't give Hussein credit he doesn't deserve. This is Trump's economy. He created it, he deserves the credit, especially after three years in the White House.

You are lying.

Do you honestly believe that the economy will miraculously boom January 20, 2017?
The economy was already booming in 2015.... 2016. You can tell by the unemployment. Those numbers was disputed by your piece of shit president. Then at January 20, 2017 those numbers suddenly became legal.
So don’t give me that BULLSHIT.

Look at his popularity below 40%. That means he doesn’t deserve the booming economy. At the minimum he should be at least 60%.

Slowest recovery? REALLY? AGAIN.
1. Started in 2006. The country’s economy collapse because of bad real estate investments. Millions of Americans bought house that they cannot afford. Even with bad credits. It affected almost all investments. Including 401s.

2. Fucking GOPs made Obama look bad from day one he stepped in Oval Office.

You are a Trumpits supporter so it doesn’t matter what Trumpits does. Like when he promoted Obama’s mansion has 10feet wall to prevent illegals coming in. You also believe that. Just imagine the FUCKING mentality of your moronic president....

Okay. You can show me several things that this Moron that favor the industry.....
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.

Most of the people I know and even here likes Trump because of his charisma. Most of these also like watching the Kardashian’s show.

They don’t care about behaviors, hypocrite, pathological liar. Or his screwed policies..... That’s your group.
My guess would be the run for President was a move to launch the media platform and him winning was a surprise. He will be out next year and I give it 6 months before the new network is announced

Ah yes, that crystal ball again.

I can't foresee people voting out a President in this economy. While no history major, to my knowledge, it's never been done before.

If it does happen this time, it will be a downturn of our country. People (in the past) have always voted out representatives for change. Why would voters want change now? The economy being too good? Our border being too strong? Too much money in our pockets? What????

However the only thing that scares me is brainwashing, promoted by the subsidiary of the Democrat party, the MSM.
I think many people are really sick of the lies and shit talk and drama constantly coming out of the White House. I don't think they are giving Trump credit for actually playing a big hand in the economic situation and I think they are wanting some Normalcy and civility restored to our political system. This is all perhaps wishful thinking, but it’s how I see it.

Trump is not creating the chaos in our country today, the Democrats are. I think what people are really sick of are the Democrat antics, hearing the word "racism" as if should be part of our daily discussions, and a party that took over the House and did nothing except try to reverse an election instead of working to make the country better.

If Trump knows the difference between right and wrong. We would not be in this situation.
He created all these chaos. Who else?

Trump has not make this country better. He made this country’s laughing stock, bully, ignorant, racist piece of shit...... around the world.

I’m still waiting for Make America Great Again to start.

During the 2016 campaign. He invited Russia to dig Hillary emails. He also love Wikileaks.
Do you know the difference when he invited China an enemy to investigate an American citizen? Do you? Crap.
yeah, what the fk was he thinking beating hitlery. that win created chaos and the left still haven't recovered. we know. the bat shit loonies came out of the woodwork. including you!! you haven't pointed your finger enough at trump. keep trying, maybe one day you might hit something of value. but 2020 is right around the corner and the dems know they can't win. so further chaos is coming from your side. can't accept my vote can you?

Is that mean he will stop leaking Putin boots?
Is that mean he still love Wikileaks?

Law is catching up with your dude. Look at his popularity is going down.
Look at his 10 yo behavior.

Look how many GOPs not seeking re-election for 2020.

We have a very big chance your moron will be dethroned by 2020.
It's hard to get honest information from such a closed and corrupt country. But what would you say if the new President does find corruption in the Biden situation? Would you immediately discredit what he found, or would you have an open mind to it?

It's just too hard to believe that Hunter landed this job with no experience for 600K a year without his father being part of it. I believe it was a five year contract which means he became a multimillionaire. More than that, Joe was caught lying about it, saying he and his son never discussed his job at Burisma. Recently, a photograph came out of Joe, his son, and one of the executives of the company. You mean to say they played golf for several hours, maybe some drinks afterwards, and the subject of Hunter's job never came up???
If actual evidence surfaces that Burisma Holdings had access to Joe Biden, then Joe Biden should face charges.

Regardless of that, Trump should be impeached for soliciting foreign assistance to his campaign.

He could be if it had anything to do with his campaign. But you can read the transcript from top to bottom. Nowhere will you find the words campaign, dirt, or a threat of withholding arms sales in an exchange for an investigation.
Oh, for fuck's sake, you really are dumber than you appear. He had to say the word, "campaign," for it to involve his campaign? He asked Zelensky to find something on someone named, Joe Biden -- someone also campaigning for the same 2020 presidential election. That helps Trump's campaign.

He's not exempt from investigations because he's running for President. Hell, Hil-Liar spent most of her campaign being investigated. Yes, he had to say "It would really help my campaign if you would...." Because you see, that would prove intent.
why does Trump need Ukraine and China to open investigations? Last time I checkEd he was president of the worlds most powerful country. Is he not able to investigate himself? What do you think Ray?

His defensive team.... Trump was only joking when he asked China to investigate. These trump team are just a bunch of clowns.
Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.
They think the firing of the prosecutor was what they got in return. They seem to refuse to accept the fact that it was the will of many not just Biden to fire the guy, but that doesn’t fit their narrative so they completely ignore it.
You keep saying that, but have posted no evidence to support it.

You should actually direct that post to your group and Trump.....
Because all of these bullshit crap are conspiracy crap promoted by trump based from a corrupted Ukrainian.

You don’t have anything that say Biden did anything wrong. Except coming from Trumpits henchmen personal lawyer.....

Maybe you should also ask Jeffrey Dahmer attorney if Jeffrey was a serial killer.

But you dishonest people don’t give a fuck what comes out from a pathological liar hypocrite bastard president.
Support for impeachment is rising. Even with the republican voters.

Following reports on Ukraine call, public support for impeachment probe on the rise

In a Washington Post/George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government poll released Tuesday morning and conducted between Oct. 1 and Sunday, 58% of Americans said that Congress should have begun an impeachment inquiry into Trump.

Additionally, 49% of Americans said the House of Representatives should vote to remove Trump from office.

Back in July, in an ABC News/Washington Post poll, only 37% of Americans said that Congress should begin impeachment proceedings.
You think Trump asked about Biden because It was important for USA foreign policy? Come Ray, you are smarter than that. It’s politics, plane and simple.
No, he asked about Biden because there was corruption possibly going on in it all. Nothing more and nothing less.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.

Okay. Show us where crime is committed there.

How about Ivanka business with China dealings if you want to use Hunter as yourbase of crime or fraud? Look at the conflict of interest. That’s sucks.

Ivanka is also running around as diplomat. Kushner is also running around as diplomat. Do they have the qualifications?
How did they got the job? I’m sure you don’t know how they got the job.
if someone is asked for info and they delete it, i have an honest problem with it.
Like, the missing parts of the ukraine call transcript?

How about, hiding the requested info on a top secret server , where it doesn't belong?

How about, just saying "fuck you" to a legal subpoena?
You may vote on results you'd like to see, but you refuse to hold him accountable for ACTUAL results.

The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of growth (something Keynes himself would have disapproved of), the promised wall is barely materializing, the health care plan he promised was a lie, race relations are worse than ever, partisanship is worse than ever, China is waiting us out on these damaging tariffs he introduced, North Korea has told us to shove it, and we're a pariah on the international stage. And of course, he continues to demonstrate a character and temperament that insults the office of the President.

Yet his followers refuse to give an inch, and even go so far as to pretend all of the above isn't true.

This isn't rational. This blind, arrogant, ignorant devotion is more like a religion than politics.

Yep, the economy is in freefall!

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low
POSTED 1:59 PM, OCTOBER 4, 2019

WASHINGTON — Amid signs that the global economy is slowing, America’s labor market nonetheless remains strong.

In September, the unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, the lowest rate since December 1969, as employers added 136,000 jobs to the U.S. economy. There were many signs of strength, including robust hiring in health care, transportation, professional services and state and local government.

US unemployment rate hits 50-year low

And another Trumpster lie. I didn't say the economy was in "freefall", YOU did.

Here are some actual facts, however:
  • We're stuck at 2.0% GDP, less than half Trump promised.
  • The deficit is at a SEVEN YEAR HIGH.
  • Bond yields have crashed.
  • The Fed is having to step in to save the economy.
  • We're now in a manufacturing recession.
I know they don't cover those ACTUAL FACTS in your world, but they're actually FACTS.

Unlike the lie you posted.

You are the one who said Bond Yields have crashed.

That's my point.

When yields crash, prices go up. Prices aren't crashing, yields are.

Holy crap. Back away from the radio for a while.

You did not read the link
You just got embarrassed and should probably shut up now.
No, he asked about Biden because there was corruption possibly going on in it all. Nothing more and nothing less.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.

Okay. Show us where crime is committed there.

How about Ivanka business with China dealings if you want to use Hunter as yourbase of crime or fraud? Look at the conflict of interest. That’s sucks.

Ivanka is also running around as diplomat. Kushner is also running around as diplomat. Do they have the qualifications?
How did they got the job? I’m sure you don’t know how they got the job.

Conflict of interest? China approves 13 new Ivanka Trump trademarks
You have to adopt the delusions of a trump cultist to understand.

In the mind of a trump cultist, the executive branch cannot start an investigation without first having the president's personal lawyer meet with foreign leaders who are under threat of witholding agreed upon assistance.
Last edited:
And another Trumpster lie. I didn't say the economy was in "freefall", YOU did.

Here are some actual facts, however:
  • We're stuck at 2.0% GDP, less than half Trump promised.
  • The deficit is at a SEVEN YEAR HIGH.
  • Bond yields have crashed.
  • The Fed is having to step in to save the economy.
  • We're now in a manufacturing recession.
I know they don't cover those ACTUAL FACTS in your world, but they're actually FACTS.

Unlike the lie you posted.

I posted FACTS with reliable sources and links.

You, zilch, nada!

You posted a lie. Misquoting what he said. Why can’t you just have an honest debate? You disqualify yourself when you start out with a lie

Is this NOT a direct quote?

"They were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, ... we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, ‘You have no authority. You’re not the president—the president said’ … I said, 'Call him.' I said, 'I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.' I said, you’re not getting the billion. ... I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."

Is Joe Biden Turning His Quid Pro Quo into an Obama Scandal?

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
And another Trumpster lie. I didn't say the economy was in "freefall", YOU did.

Here are some actual facts, however:
  • We're stuck at 2.0% GDP, less than half Trump promised.
  • The deficit is at a SEVEN YEAR HIGH.
  • Bond yields have crashed.
  • The Fed is having to step in to save the economy.
  • We're now in a manufacturing recession.
I know they don't cover those ACTUAL FACTS in your world, but they're actually FACTS.

Unlike the lie you posted.

I posted FACTS with reliable sources and links.

You, zilch, nada!
Well, we'd agree that I posted nothing that you're aware of.

The sheep are kept in the dark in the Trumpiverse.

I'm still waiting for your supporting sources and working links. You have none. For example:

US manufacturing production rebounds in August
TUE, SEP 17, 2019 - 9:46 PM

[WASHINGTON] US manufacturing output increased more than expected in August, boosted by a surge in machinery and primary metals production, but the outlook for factories remains weak against the backdrop of trade tensions and slowing global economies.

US manufacturing production rebounds in August

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