Settler Lunatics.

The conflict is not really about the Palestinians wanting more land but about them wanting to prevent Jews from having any land at all, in the West Bank or in Israel at all.
Yes. 100. This is evident in where and how the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria take over land in Area C - often in areas deliberately meant to be intrusive or damaging to Israel.
As long as they remain committed to the destruction of Israel, there is no solution possible, but only security measures to limit the harm they can do.
Yes. And if lawfare works, maybe we need to up our lawfare game?
Well, I can support Jewish people living in Israel, Judea, and Samaria without condoning some of their behaviour. I can also understand the horror and fear the Jewish people were feeling in the aftermath of October 7, and can only imagine how difficult it must have been, imagining your family was next.
Not good enough, the Israelis have been causing trouble in the region since it was established, no one can tell me what that vid showed is in anyway acceptable.
Not good enough, the Israelis have been causing trouble in the region since it was established, no one can tell me what that vid showed is in anyway acceptable.
Not good enough?! Not good enough?!

The Israelis have been trying to simply live in their homeland under the same inherent right of self-determination as the other peoples in the region, except the Jewish people are under constant threat of attacks and brutality. If the very idea of Jewish self-determination in their own homeland is "justification" for "resistance" by the Palestinians, why would the horrors of October 7 be any less of a "justification" for "resistance" by the Israelis?

Make it make sense.
Not good enough?! Not good enough?!

The Israelis have been trying to simply live in their homeland under the same inherent right of self-determination as the other peoples in the region, except the Jewish people are under constant threat of attacks and brutality. If the very idea of Jewish self-determination in their own homeland is "justification" for "resistance" by the Palestinians, why would the horrors of October 7 be any less of a "justification" for "resistance" by the Israelis?

Make it make sense.
They took part in the attack on Egypt when the Suez invasion happened, and they have been attacking their neighbours ever since, and Israel isn't the homeland of some New York cab driver from Brooklyn or a London bus driver, are you mad?
They took part in the attack on Egypt when the Suez invasion happened, and they have been attacking their neighbours ever since, and Israel isn't the homeland of some New York cab driver from Brooklyn or a London bus driver, are you mad?
These are collective rights, not individual rights. The Arab Palestinian people as a whole have the right to self-determination. Exactly so, the Jewish people as a whole have a right to self-determination.
These are collective rights, not individual rights. The Arab Palestinian people as a whole have the right to self-determination. Exactly so, the Jewish people as a whole have a right to self-determination.
Self-determination is a vague and useless propaganda term which has no practical application as we can clearly see from the present conflict.
Self-determination is a vague and useless propaganda term which has no practical application as we can clearly see from the present conflict.
Yeah, except this has become the lawfare of norm. It's being used as a weapon against Israel as a formal legal term. So, do we adopt the terminology as well, and use it? Or do we reject it?
Not good enough?! Not good enough?!

The Israelis have been trying to simply live in their homeland under the same inherent right of self-determination as the other peoples in the region, except the Jewish people are under constant threat of attacks and brutality. If the very idea of Jewish self-determination in their own homeland is "justification" for "resistance" by the Palestinians, why would the horrors of October 7 be any less of a "justification" for "resistance" by the Israelis?

Make it make sense.

There was no such thing as an "Israeli" until the Nakba when Nazi trained and armed foreign Zionist terrorist gangs invaded Palestine and with the complicity of foreign, colonial powers seized over 1/2 of an already inhabited Palestine.

Because Jews and Arabs had shared Palestine for generations with relatively little hostility, a more peaceful situation may have still been possible except for the delusional, violent and greedy right wing Zionists who continue to commit genocide and torment their neighbors in quest of their "Greater Israel" (aka Lebensraum)

Palestine's native residents couldn't care less about "Jewish self determination".

What they are resisting is the world's most brutal, foreign funded genocide / occupation in modern history.

Finally, the Israeli intelligence knew well in advance about the long planned, tragic yet suspicious events of 7 October.

The murderous rampage and taking of hostages which has been welcome fodder fir Israeli propagandists is something that Palestine's native residents endure on a routine basis (i.e. "mowing the lawn" etc).

What is obvious to anyone following Levantine conflicts is that 7 October's long planned attack has been transparently exploited as propaganda cover for a grossly disproportionate and genocidal land grab.

Israel's genocidal right wing extremists have been looking for an excuse to destroy and seize Gaza after exterminating as many Palestinians as the world will sit by and tolerate.

Therefore, 7 October was as much a godsend to genocidal "Greater Israel" expansionists as it has been for Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara propagandists employed to demonize the victims of of the world's most brutal foreign funded occupation in modern history.

Please remember that the cyclical carnage began long before 7 October 2023 and Netanyahu will never murder his way to Israel's security with 2.7 Billion Muslims around the world.

Palestine's native residents couldn't care less about "Jewish self determination".
Well aware, thanks. So, why should the Jewish people care about Arab Palestinian self-determination?
Yeah, except this has become the lawfare of norm. It's being used as a weapon against Israel as a formal legal term. So, do we adopt the terminology as well, and use it? Or do we reject it?
Because there are so many Muslim states and so many other states that want to maintain good relations with Muslim states, Israel will nearly always lose in hearings before international bodies, so Israel must concentrate on maintaining strong bilateral relations with some states to nullify the bigoted and cynical pronouncements of UN agencies, courts and other international bodies.

Also, many people don't realize the extent to which Palestinians are blatantly encroaching upon land while falsely claiming to have "been here all along", then having some European country come in and build a school, then throw a "poor me" party when Israel removes the school. It is a deliberate use of lawfare and public misinformation campaigns.

To be clear, my point is that Area C is a free-for-all in which everyone is trying to "hungry hippo" some pieces of land.

What is the solution?

It's very sad when Israel bulldozes a school......built in 2022.
There was no such thing as an "Israeli" until the Nakba when Nazi trained and armed foreign Zionist terrorist gangs invaded Palestine and with the complicity of foreign, colonial powers seized over 1/2 of an already inhabited Palestine.

Because Jews and Arabs had shared Palestine for generations with relatively little hostility, a more peaceful situation may have still been possible except for the delusional, violent and greedy right wing Zionists who continue to commit genocide and torment their neighbors in quest of their "Greater Israel" (aka Lebensraum)

Palestine's native residents couldn't care less about "Jewish self determination".

What they are resisting is the world's most brutal, foreign funded genocide / occupation in modern history.

Finally, the Israeli intelligence knew well in advance about the long planned, tragic yet suspicious events of 7 October.

The murderous rampage and taking of hostages which has been welcome fodder fir Israeli propagandists is something that Palestine's native residents endure on a routine basis (i.e. "mowing the lawn" etc).

What is obvious to anyone following Levantine conflicts is that 7 October's long planned attack has been transparently exploited as propaganda cover for a grossly disproportionate and genocidal land grab.

Israel's genocidal right wing extremists have been looking for an excuse to destroy and seize Gaza after exterminating as many Palestinians as the world will sit by and tolerate.

Therefore, 7 October was as much a godsend to genocidal "Greater Israel" expansionists as it has been for Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara propagandists employed to demonize the victims of of the world's most brutal foreign funded occupation in modern history.

Please remember that the cyclical carnage began long before 7 October 2023 and Netanyahu will never murder his way to Israel's security with 2.7 Billion Muslims around the world.


colonial powers seized over 1/2 of an already inhabited Palestine.

Seized the shit out of that Ottoman land.
Well aware, thanks. So, why should the Jewish people care about Arab Palestinian self-determination?

When I wrote that Palestine's native residents couldn't care less about Jewish self determination I meant that they are too preoccupied trying to survive foreign funded Zionist genocide to worry about how Israel's Jews form a government.

Even West Bank Palestinians who did nothing on 7 October are being murdered and have had their land stolen by violent and genocidal "Settler" expansionists. (1)

This confirms the fact that the tragic events of 7 October were just a long planned excuse to murder Palestine's native residents and steal their land no matter what they do.

(1). "Israel Must Loudly Arrest the Murderous West Bank Settlers"

EXCERPT "Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, settlers there have killed more than 120 Palestinians and injured at least 2,000. They have forcibly expelled more than 800 Palestinians from their homes, blown up their generators and solar panels, and burned down tents of Bedouin herders.

Again: This has been going on not in Gaza but in the West Bank—which is governed by the Palestinian Authority, not by Hamas." CONTINUED
colonial powers seized over 1/2 of an already inhabited Palestine.

Seized the shit out of that Ottoman land.

Wrong again.

It was the British and the Arabs that did the fighting while sleazy Zionist lobbies in London and international bankers schemed how to abrogate the McMahon Agreement (1) and replace it with the Balfour Declaration.

(1) "The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED

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