Seven Miles of Wall!

If it were economical and practical a wall would be fine. But since almost half of illegals don't come through via unwalled spaces,

even a perfect wall could at best solve half the problem, and 'at best' almost never happens.

Better to go after employers if you're going to do anything.

That's quite a clever spin but nobody cares about illegals from New Zealand...were just trying to stop the third-world filth from our neighboring south....almost all of which crosses via "unwalled spaces" as these sub-humans can't afford to enter any other way.
Anyone who is for the eradication of illegals is also for aggressively hammering down on employers of illegals. Cracking down on employers may remove the incentive for Carlos to go to work....BUT what about the illegals presenting employers with fraudulent documents to gain employment? What about the incentive for Guadalupe to drop her five anchors here and collect welfare, EBT, housing assistance, health care, schooling etc etc? Will Carlos simply stay at home, not try to work...and leech on Guadalupe's taxpayer funded goodies?
In a feeble attempt to decriminalize illegals many have tried to sell that employers are the root cause....who's more the criminal the drug dealer or the drug manufacture? It's a retarded argument as both sides are pieces of shits. The bottom line is illegals still have plenty of motivation to come here and steal from American's even if employers aren't hiring.
The problem has to be dealt with at its source and point of origination....the border and Mexico.

I care much less about a Mexican sneaking over the border to mow lawns or pick fruit than I do about doctors for example coming here legally to take work that ought to be done by Americans already here.

Spin, spin, spin...haha. Libs hate higher end people.
You'd take 20 million low grade cockroaches who will commit crime and steal from REAL American's any day over a few educated doctors from India...Makes perfect sense...but only in that backward world you Liberals live in.
we'd have a wall if people didn't give up so easily. securing a border is a cakewalk. the benefits will return a thousandfold. and it will be good for mexico.

securing the border is far from a 'cakewalk', especially when its thousands of miles long and abuts private property almost it's entire length, and has already generated bigtime push-back by ranchers and farmers

it won't be good for Mexico and it's ridiculous to think you'd even care about that

face it, that 'magnificent wall' fantasy never had chance and was simply a campaign ruse to garner votes's the reality:

By The Associated Press

From tending the plants to harvesting the grapes, it takes skill and a strong work ethic to produce the winery's pinot noir and chardonnay, and native-born Americans just aren't willing to work that hard, Patricia Dudley said as a cold rain drenched the vineyard in the hills of Oregon.

"Who's going to come out here and do this work when they deport them all?" she asked.

President Donald Trump's hard line against immigrants in the U.S. illegally has sent a chill through the nation's agricultural industry, which fears a crackdown will deprive it of the labor it needs to plant, grow and pick the crops that feed the country.

so don't complain when your grocery bill goes through the roof, instead write Trump and maybe ask for a loan
aside from pinot noir crisis, you are conflating two issues. the wall isn't going to be there for nice people, but for the one's trying to cash in on ill gotten America.

think of the wall as the new space program, and a future source of national pride, we choose to go to the moon. if they can come here illegally and work hard then they can do so in there own country. it will be better for every country south of us.

space program huh ..

the empty space between the ears of all the suckers that elected Don Cheeto.

ya been PUNKED ya freakin' idgets.
in your language there must be something to be said, as far as you know.
That's how much wall the Trump administration can build with the money it has so far. I do hope they find the seven miles where everyone comes across!

Trump’s Wall: How Much Money Does the Government Have For It Now?

$20 million. That’s enough to cover the cost of seven miles of wall.

"During the campaign, President Donald Trump promised to build a wall across the southern border some 1,000 miles long. The number of miles the president currently has money for: seven.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials delivered the startling news this week at a conference in San Antonio for businesses eager to win contracts for beefing up security along the border.

Although estimates to build the wall soar past $20 billion, the agency has so far managed to scrape together only about $20 million, according to its top contracting official. The rest of the cash will have to come from Congress, which so far has proven reluctant to foot the bill.

That amount of cash would not go very far to build a real wall — existing fence along the border costs roughly $2.8 million per mile."


Trump’s Wall: How Much Money Does the Government Have For It Now?

We need to start a go fund page.

For Trump's wall
someone's done it.
That's how much wall the Trump administration can build with the money it has so far. I do hope they find the seven miles where everyone comes across!

Trump’s Wall: How Much Money Does the Government Have For It Now?

$20 million. That’s enough to cover the cost of seven miles of wall.

"During the campaign, President Donald Trump promised to build a wall across the southern border some 1,000 miles long. The number of miles the president currently has money for: seven.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials delivered the startling news this week at a conference in San Antonio for businesses eager to win contracts for beefing up security along the border.

Although estimates to build the wall soar past $20 billion, the agency has so far managed to scrape together only about $20 million, according to its top contracting official. The rest of the cash will have to come from Congress, which so far has proven reluctant to foot the bill.

That amount of cash would not go very far to build a real wall — existing fence along the border costs roughly $2.8 million per mile."


Trump’s Wall: How Much Money Does the Government Have For It Now?

We need to start a go fund page.

For Trump's wall

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