Shaming Democrats ..

I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
I have a slightly unfair advantage.

Both my wife and I are of mixed race, and therefore so are our beautiful daughters. None of us "look" like our Hispanic/Latino sides -- we all just have a kind of exotic appearance, I guess. When people find out about our ethnicity, they often say, "I always WONDERED what you were!" :laugh:

Anyway, this kind of "ethnic anonymity" means that we're OFTEN privy to conversations by whites who feel free to just let 'er rip on race. And we've all heard and seen some pretty horrific shit. More than a few times. And definitely by Trumpsters. Right there, right in front of us, clear as day.

So when these Trumpist liars and cowards claim that nothing like that exists, or when they try to downplay or dismiss or minimize it, I'm happy to expose them for what they are.

Liars and cowards.
You are a legend in your own mind..............More BS from you as America Burns..............Trying to say we are at fault for the Looting and Rioting..........LOL

Got news for don't know Jack Shit.............I've shared some stories here of what happened that I saw with my own eyes............With Black against white crime and White Flight.............from neighbors of my Mother N law who WERE BLACK begging her not to go and how they wished they could leave the neighborhood..........but couldn't afford it .......Black area ........Imagine that.

Now Mr. Tribal man..........tell me about Black on Black crime in this country..........You don't want to go there for a reason.
I've had many squabbles with the Regressive Lefties here regarding their habitual lowering of standards and the predictable outcomes.

As compared to cowards like you, who don't have the balls to hold their own side accountable.

Man up for a change.

Mac .. always the obvious hypocrite..
Always ready for you guys to man up and quote me for change. Back up your words, coward.

Looking forward to it. Thanks in advance.

I don't have to back up my words, all anyone has to do is read your monotonous posts to figure you out..
Well, it may not be as clear when it's not just one or the other. My focus is not on deciding who is "worse", but on both ends of this holding their own accountable so that we can improve race relations.

But there's the problem: It's becoming more and more clear to me that there are many who have no interest in seeing things improve.
Who are the "both sides" as you understand it?

BTW, how did you get a "worse side" from my response?
Come on. The same two sides that you see.

I didn't get "worse side" from you, it came from me.

Maybe make a point. This is going nowhere.
I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
I have a slightly unfair advantage.

Both my wife and I are of mixed race, and therefore so are our beautiful daughters. None of us "look" like our Hispanic/Latino sides -- we all just have a kind of exotic appearance, I guess. When people find out about our ethnicity, they often say, "I always WONDERED what you were!" :laugh:

Anyway, this kind of "ethnic anonymity" means that we're OFTEN privy to conversations by whites who feel free to just let 'er rip on race. And we've all heard and seen some pretty horrific shit. More than a few times. And definitely by Trumpsters. Right there, right in front of us, clear as day.

So when these Trumpist liars and cowards claim that nothing like that exists, or when they try to downplay or dismiss or minimize it, I'm happy to expose them for what they are.

Liars and cowards.
You are a legend in your own mind..............More BS from you as America Burns..............Trying to say we are at fault for the Looting and Rioting..........LOL

Got news for don't know Jack Shit.............I've shared some stories here of what happened that I saw with my own eyes............With Black against white crime and White Flight.............from neighbors of my Mother N law who WERE BLACK begging her not to go and how they wished they could leave the neighborhood..........but couldn't afford it .......Black area ........Imagine that.

Now Mr. Tribal man..........tell me about Black on Black crime in this country..........You don't want to go there for a reason.
I've had many squabbles with the Regressive Lefties here regarding their habitual lowering of standards and the predictable outcomes.

As compared to cowards like you, who don't have the balls to hold their own side accountable.

Man up for a change.

Mac .. always the obvious hypocrite..
Always ready for you guys to man up and quote me for change. Back up your words, coward.

Looking forward to it. Thanks in advance.

I don't have to back up my words, all anyone has to do is read your monotonous posts to figure you out..
Well, at least you admit it. Cool. That was easy.
Well, it may not be as clear when it's not just one or the other. My focus is not on deciding who is "worse", but on both ends of this holding their own accountable so that we can improve race relations.

But there's the problem: It's becoming more and more clear to me that there are many who have no interest in seeing things improve.
Who are the "both sides" as you understand it?

BTW, how did you get a "worse side" from my response?
Come on. The same two sides that you see.

I didn't get "worse side" from you, it came from me.

Maybe make a point. This is going nowhere.

.. Marc would very much like you to submit.. :laugh:
I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
I have a slightly unfair advantage.

Both my wife and I are of mixed race, and therefore so are our beautiful daughters. None of us "look" like our Hispanic/Latino sides -- we all just have a kind of exotic appearance, I guess. When people find out about our ethnicity, they often say, "I always WONDERED what you were!" :laugh:

Anyway, this kind of "ethnic anonymity" means that we're OFTEN privy to conversations by whites who feel free to just let 'er rip on race. And we've all heard and seen some pretty horrific shit. More than a few times. And definitely by Trumpsters. Right there, right in front of us, clear as day.

So when these Trumpist liars and cowards claim that nothing like that exists, or when they try to downplay or dismiss or minimize it, I'm happy to expose them for what they are.

Liars and cowards.

Bad old white people. And of course it’s only whites who you suck in with your chameleon like ethnic superpowers?
I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
I have a slightly unfair advantage.

Both my wife and I are of mixed race, and therefore so are our beautiful daughters. None of us "look" like our Hispanic/Latino sides -- we all just have a kind of exotic appearance, I guess. When people find out about our ethnicity, they often say, "I always WONDERED what you were!" :laugh:

Anyway, this kind of "ethnic anonymity" means that we're OFTEN privy to conversations by whites who feel free to just let 'er rip on race. And we've all heard and seen some pretty horrific shit. More than a few times. And definitely by Trumpsters. Right there, right in front of us, clear as day.

So when these Trumpist liars and cowards claim that nothing like that exists, or when they try to downplay or dismiss or minimize it, I'm happy to expose them for what they are.

Liars and cowards.

Bad old white people. And of course it’s only whites who you suck in with your chameleon like ethnic superpowers?
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.

Is Mac projecting again?

2020 is a referendum on slavery according to his party, democrats want reparations.

Nope, still not listening to talk radio. Mac almost never gets anything correct.
2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

Moron, it is racist and it is unacceptable......I don't support racism of any kind from anyone regardless of their skin color...

But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

Oh good. You actually stepped up and called it racist. I'm proud of you. Now when is the last time you actually called out one of the posters around here for saying racist things?

Have you ever?

How about if Trump had an outreach program to encourage white voters to vote? Would that be racist?
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.

Is Mac projecting again?

2020 is a referendum on slavery according to his party, democrats want reparations.

Nope, still not listening to talk radio. Mac almost never gets anything correct.

Mac and his ilk believe in blood guilt. Blood libel. Maybe we can work with him in that.

It's clear we don't view things the same, so when I ask you a specific question, please keep that in mind.

I need to understand exactly where you're coming from in order to successfully communicate with you.

With that said, who are the "both sides" as you understand it?
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.

Is Mac projecting again?

2020 is a referendum on slavery according to his party, democrats want reparations.

Nope, still not listening to talk radio. Mac almost never gets anything correct.

Liberals ALWAYS project.
I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
I have a slightly unfair advantage.

Both my wife and I are of mixed race, and therefore so are our beautiful daughters. None of us "look" like our Hispanic/Latino sides -- we all just have a kind of exotic appearance, I guess. When people find out about our ethnicity, they often say, "I always WONDERED what you were!" :laugh:

Anyway, this kind of "ethnic anonymity" means that we're OFTEN privy to conversations by whites who feel free to just let 'er rip on race. And we've all heard and seen some pretty horrific shit. More than a few times. And definitely by Trumpsters. Right there, right in front of us, clear as day.

So when these Trumpist liars and cowards claim that nothing like that exists, or when they try to downplay or dismiss or minimize it, I'm happy to expose them for what they are.

Liars and cowards.

Bad old white people. And of course it’s only whites who you suck in with your chameleon like ethnic superpowers?

I believe having a conversation on the complexities of race with someone like yourself would be a waste of my time. In short, you have a persecution complex. I can also see from your avatar that you object to certain religion which indicates you have a giant chip on your shoulder. I'm going to guess you're white and Christian. Whoopee doo. I have zero interest in religion of any stripe, so I don't go there. You're a part of the largest majority in the country and think you're persecuted. I can't do anything with that flagrant lack of critical thinking.
I believe having a conversation on the complexities of race with someone like yourself would be a waste of my time. In short, you have a persecution complex. I can also see from your avatar that you object to certain religion which indicates you have a giant chip on your shoulder. I'm going to guess you're white and Christian. Whoopee doo. I have zero interest in religion of any stripe, so I don't go there. You're a part of the largest majority in the country and think you're persecuted. I can't do anything with that flagrant lack of critical thinking.
You see, when you're accustomed to 100% control and domination, 95% feels like persecution.
I believe having a conversation on the complexities of race with someone like yourself would be a waste of my time. In short, you have a persecution complex. I can also see from your avatar that you object to certain religion which indicates you have a giant chip on your shoulder. I'm going to guess you're white and Christian. Whoopee doo. I have zero interest in religion of any stripe, so I don't go there. You're a part of the largest majority in the country and think you're persecuted. I can't do anything with that flagrant lack of critical thinking.
You see, when you're accustomed to 100% control and domination, 95% feels like persecution.


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