Zone1 Should it be Illegal to Eat Food at The Grocery Store Before Buying it?

Should You Pay For Your Groceries Before Eating Them?

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I voted "no" ... I think it's up to the grocer ... throw the wrapper in the cart and pay for it is not stealing unless the sign says it is ... the business is allowed to set the rule, so it shouldn't be a law ... violators get thrown out of the store, but no jail time ... saves tax dollars ...
So I can break into your house, steal from your cabinets and fridge, eat my fill, and take more out with me, and since you don't have a "sign" posted saying I can't, it ain't a crime and tough shit on you. !!!

Can you be more of a stupid twat than you already are ???

What a waste of human flesh you are ... :rolleyes:
It seems like that it's stealing to me. After all, what if the person doesn't wind up paying for it?
I have been so dehydrated sometimes that I got a bottle of water out of the cooler and drank it while grocery shopping and paid for the empty bottle when I checked out. I have been guilty of sampling one grape or cherry to be sure I liked them before spending $10 on a bunch of them. I'm pretty sure any grocery store staff would even give permission for that. As long as the empty container is on the cart and in full view of the personnel and security cameras at the store and you do pay for it, I don't think it's so bad.

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