Should SCOTUS be increased to 13?

Be honest, the only and I mean the only reason you want to expand the court is not to make America stronger and better, you want the Democrats to control all three branches of government, your stance is pro party and anti-American.
As opposed to the current dynamic?
A more balanced court is preferable. It keeps the justices more honest when they’re all forced to follow the law and precedent rather than politics.
It’s not about that at all.
It’s about restoring the balance that had been in place for decades. Only one party has rat fucked the SCOTUS and it ain’t the Dems.
The dems lost the 2016 election which is why the court stands as it now does as someone once said elections have consequences. If the left had won in 2016 and the court was now a 6-3 liberal court neither you or any other lefties would have an issue with the court.
Except for that pesky Constitution….

Oh, so all of a sudden everybody cares about the Constitution? lol...

Congress actually does have extensive authority over a varying degree of the Supreme Court's structure and operations, though.

They should start with passing legislation dictating which issues the Supreme Court can no longer rule on.
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Oh, so all of a sudden everybody cares about the Constitution? lol...

Congress actually does have extensive authority over a varying degree of the Supreme Court's structure and operations, though.

They shoud start...

Sure if there is a legitimate reason to. One side not liking the make up of the court or disagreeing with some of their decisions doesn’t qualify.
Sure if there is a legitimate reason to. One side not liking the make up of the court or disagreeing with some of their decisions doesn’t qualify.

One of the biggest problems is that Congress tends to kick its responsibility over to the SC.

Congress has been derelict for quite some time in that regard.

They got comfortable doing that.
The dems lost the 2016 election which is why the court stands as it now does as someone once said elections have consequences. If the left had won in 2016 and the court was now a 6-3 liberal court neither you or any other lefties would have an issue with the court.
McConnell stole Obama’s appointment.
The court would still be 5-4 if he hadn’t.

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